# Hypr example config file # # # =) gaps_in=5 border_size=1 gaps_out=20 rounding=0 max_fps=60 # max fps for updates of config & animations focus_when_hover=1 # 0 - do not switch the focus when hover (only for tiling) main_mod=SUPER # For moving, resizing intelligent_transients=1 # keeps transients always on top. no_unmap_saving=1 # disables saving unmapped windows (seems to break sometimes) scratchpad_mon=0 # self-explanatory # Execs # exec-once=/home/me/MyEpicShellScript # will exec the script only when the WM launches # exec=/home/me/MyEpicShellScript # will exec the script every time the config is reloaded # Layout layout=0 # 0 - dwindle (default), 1 - master layout { no_gaps_when_only=0 # disables gaps and borders when only window on screen } # Bar config Bar { height=20 monitor=0 enabled=1 mod_pad_in=8 no_tray_saving=1 # using this doesnt save the tray between reloads but fixes an issue with the bar disappearing. font.main=Noto Sans font.secondary=Noto Sans col.bg=0xff111111 col.high=0xffff3333 module=left,X,0xff8000ff,0xffffffff,1,workspaces module=pad,left,10 module=left,,0xff7000dd,0xff7000dd,1,tray module=right,X,0xffffffff,0xff00ff33,1000,$date +%a,\ %b\ %Y\ \ %I:%M\ %p$ } # colors col.active_border=0x77ff3333 col.inactive_border=0x77222222 # status command # deprecated # status_command=date +%a,\ %b\ %Y\ \ %I:%M\ %p # # animations Animations { enabled=1 # For windows window_resize_speed=5 # This is for windows resizing workspaces=1 # For workspace animations (fixed, enabling by default) speed=5 # This is for workspaces cheap=1 # highly recommended borders=0 } # example window rules, more in the wiki # windowrule=float,class:krunner # windowrule=float,role:pop-up # windowrule=float,role:task_dialog # windowrule=monitor 0,class:krunner # windowrule=size 500 50,class:krunner # windowrule=move 700 500,class:krunner # windowrule=pseudo,class:discord # keybinds bind=SUPER,R,exec,dmenu_run bind=SUPER,Q,exec,kitty bind=SUPER,RETURN,exec,xterm bind=SUPER,G,exec,google-chrome-stable bind=SUPER,C,killactive, bind=SUPER,LEFT,movewindow,l bind=SUPER,RIGHT,movewindow,r bind=SUPER,UP,movewindow,u bind=SUPER,DOWN,movewindow,d bind=SUPER,LEFT,movefocus,l bind=SUPER,RIGHT,movefocus,r bind=SUPER,UP,movefocus,u bind=SUPER,DOWN,movefocus,d bind=SUPER,F,fullscreen, bind=SUPER,1,workspace,1 bind=SUPER,2,workspace,2 bind=SUPER,3,workspace,3 bind=SUPER,4,workspace,4 bind=SUPER,5,workspace,5 bind=SUPER,6,workspace,6 bind=SUPER,7,workspace,7 bind=SUPER,8,workspace,8 bind=SUPER,9,workspace,9 bind=SUPERSHIFT,1,movetoworkspace,1 bind=SUPERSHIFT,2,movetoworkspace,2 bind=SUPERSHIFT,3,movetoworkspace,3 bind=SUPERSHIFT,4,movetoworkspace,4 bind=SUPERSHIFT,5,movetoworkspace,5 bind=SUPERSHIFT,6,movetoworkspace,6 bind=SUPERSHIFT,7,movetoworkspace,7 bind=SUPERSHIFT,8,movetoworkspace,8 bind=SUPERSHIFT,9,movetoworkspace,9 bind=SUPERSHIFT,S,movetoworkspace,scratchpad bind=SUPER,S,scratchpad, bind=SUPER,SPACE,togglefloating, bind=SUPER,equal,splitratio,+ bind=SUPER,minus,splitratio,-