#include "Bar.hpp" #include #include #include "../config/ConfigManager.hpp" #include "../windowManager.hpp" bool isParentDead() { const auto PPID = getppid(); return PPID == 1; } int64_t barMainThread() { // Main already created all the pipes Debug::log(LOG, "Child says Hello World!"); // Well now this is the init // it's pretty tricky because we only need to init the stuff we need g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection = xcb_connect(NULL, NULL); if (const auto RET = xcb_connection_has_error(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection); RET != 0) { Debug::log(CRIT, "Connection Failed! Return: " + std::to_string(RET)); return RET; } // Screen g_pWindowManager->Screen = xcb_setup_roots_iterator(xcb_get_setup(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection)).data; if (!g_pWindowManager->Screen) { Debug::log(CRIT, "Screen was null!"); return 1; } Debug::log(LOG, "Bar init Phase 1 done."); // Init atoms // get atoms for (auto& ATOM : HYPRATOMS) { xcb_intern_atom_cookie_t cookie = xcb_intern_atom(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, 0, ATOM.first.length(), ATOM.first.c_str()); xcb_intern_atom_reply_t* reply = xcb_intern_atom_reply(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, cookie, NULL); if (!reply) { Debug::log(ERR, "Atom failed: " + ATOM.first); continue; } ATOM.second = reply->atom; } Debug::log(LOG, "Atoms done."); g_pWindowManager->EWMHConnection = (xcb_ewmh_connection_t*)malloc(sizeof(xcb_ewmh_connection_t)); xcb_ewmh_init_atoms_replies(g_pWindowManager->EWMHConnection, xcb_ewmh_init_atoms(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, g_pWindowManager->EWMHConnection), nullptr); Debug::log(LOG, "Bar init EWMH done."); // Init randr for monitors. g_pWindowManager->setupRandrMonitors(); // Init depth g_pWindowManager->setupColormapAndStuff(); // Setup our bar CStatusBar STATUSBAR; // Tell everyone we are in the child process. g_pWindowManager->statusBar = &STATUSBAR; Debug::log(LOG, "Bar init Phase 2 done."); // Init config manager ConfigManager::init(); STATUSBAR.setup(0); Debug::log(LOG, "Bar setup finished!"); int lazyUpdateCounter = 0; while (1) { // Don't spam these if (lazyUpdateCounter > 10) { ConfigManager::tick(); lazyUpdateCounter = 0; } ++lazyUpdateCounter; // Recieve the message and send our reply IPCRecieveMessageB(g_pWindowManager->m_sIPCBarPipeIn.szPipeName); SIPCMessageBarToMain message; message.windowID = STATUSBAR.getWindowID(); IPCSendMessage(g_pWindowManager->m_sIPCBarPipeOut.szPipeName, message); // // draw the bar STATUSBAR.draw(); if (isParentDead()) { // Just for debugging SIPCMessageBarToMain message; message.windowID = 0; IPCSendMessage(g_pWindowManager->m_sIPCBarPipeOut.szPipeName, message); Debug::log(LOG, "Bar parent died!"); return 0; // If the parent died, kill the bar too. } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1000 / ConfigManager::getInt("max_fps"))); } return 0; } void CStatusBar::setupModule(SBarModule* module) { uint32_t values[2]; module->bgcontext = xcb_generate_id(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection); values[0] = module->bgcolor; values[1] = module->bgcolor; xcb_create_gc(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, module->bgcontext, m_iPixmap, XCB_GC_BACKGROUND | XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, values); } void CStatusBar::destroyModule(SBarModule* module) { if (module->bgcontext) xcb_free_gc(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, module->bgcontext); } void CStatusBar::setup(int MonitorID) { Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the bar!"); if (MonitorID > g_pWindowManager->monitors.size()) { MonitorID = 0; Debug::log(ERR, "Incorrect value in MonitorID for the bar. Setting to 0."); } const auto MONITOR = g_pWindowManager->monitors[MonitorID]; m_iMonitorID = MonitorID; m_vecPosition = MONITOR.vecPosition; m_vecSize = Vector2D(MONITOR.vecSize.x, ConfigManager::getInt("bar:height")); uint32_t values[4]; // window m_iWindowID = (xcb_generate_id(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection)); // send the message IMMEDIATELY so that the main thread has time to update our WID. SIPCMessageBarToMain message; message.windowID = m_iWindowID; IPCSendMessage(g_pWindowManager->m_sIPCBarPipeOut.szPipeName, message); values[0] = ConfigManager::getInt("bar:col.bg"); values[1] = ConfigManager::getInt("bar:col.bg"); values[2] = XCB_EVENT_MASK_EXPOSURE | XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_REDIRECT | XCB_EVENT_MASK_SUBSTRUCTURE_NOTIFY | XCB_EVENT_MASK_PROPERTY_CHANGE; values[3] = g_pWindowManager->Colormap; xcb_create_window(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, g_pWindowManager->Depth, m_iWindowID, g_pWindowManager->Screen->root, m_vecPosition.x, m_vecPosition.y, m_vecSize.x, m_vecSize.y, 0, XCB_WINDOW_CLASS_INPUT_OUTPUT, g_pWindowManager->VisualType->visual_id, XCB_CW_BACK_PIXEL | XCB_CW_BORDER_PIXEL | XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK | XCB_CW_COLORMAP, values); // Set the state to dock to avoid some issues xcb_atom_t dockAtom[] = { HYPRATOMS["_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK"] }; xcb_ewmh_set_wm_window_type(g_pWindowManager->EWMHConnection, m_iWindowID, 1, dockAtom); // map xcb_map_window(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, m_iWindowID); // Create a pixmap for writing to. m_iPixmap = xcb_generate_id(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection); xcb_create_pixmap(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, g_pWindowManager->Depth, m_iPixmap, m_iWindowID, m_vecSize.x, m_vecSize.y); // setup contexts auto contextBG = &m_mContexts["BG"]; contextBG->GContext = xcb_generate_id(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection); values[0] = ConfigManager::getInt("bar:col.bg"); values[1] = ConfigManager::getInt("bar:col.bg"); xcb_create_gc(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, contextBG->GContext, m_iPixmap, XCB_GC_BACKGROUND | XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, values); // // m_pCairoSurface = cairo_xcb_surface_create(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, m_iPixmap, g_pWindowManager->VisualType, m_vecSize.x, m_vecSize.y); m_pCairo = cairo_create(m_pCairoSurface); cairo_surface_destroy(m_pCairoSurface); } void CStatusBar::destroy() { Debug::log(LOG, "Destroying the bar!"); xcb_close_font(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, m_mContexts["HITEXT"].Font); xcb_destroy_window(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, m_iWindowID); xcb_destroy_window(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, m_iPixmap); xcb_free_gc(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, m_mContexts["BG"].GContext); xcb_free_gc(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, m_mContexts["MEDBG"].GContext); xcb_free_gc(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, m_mContexts["TEXT"].GContext); xcb_free_gc(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, m_mContexts["HITEXT"].GContext); // Free cairo cairo_destroy(m_pCairo); m_pCairo = nullptr; } int CStatusBar::getTextWidth(std::string text) { cairo_select_font_face(m_pCairo, "Noto Sans", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size(m_pCairo, 12); cairo_text_extents_t textextents; cairo_text_extents(m_pCairo, text.c_str(), &textextents); return textextents.width + 1 /* pad */; } void CStatusBar::drawText(Vector2D pos, std::string text, uint32_t color) { cairo_select_font_face(m_pCairo, "Noto Sans", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size(m_pCairo, 12); cairo_set_source_rgba(m_pCairo, RED(color), GREEN(color), BLUE(color), ALPHA(color)); cairo_move_to(m_pCairo, pos.x, pos.y); cairo_show_text(m_pCairo, text.c_str()); } void CStatusBar::drawCairoRectangle(Vector2D pos, Vector2D size, uint32_t color) { cairo_set_source_rgba(m_pCairo, RED(color), GREEN(color), BLUE(color), ALPHA(color)); cairo_rectangle(m_pCairo, pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y); cairo_fill(m_pCairo); } int CStatusBar::getTextHalfY() { return m_vecSize.y - (m_vecSize.y - 9) / 2.f; } void CStatusBar::draw() { if (m_bIsCovered) return; // Do not draw a bar on a fullscreen window. if (!m_pCairo) { Debug::log(ERR, "Cairo is null but attempted to draw!"); return; } // Clear the entire pixmap cairo_save(m_pCairo); cairo_set_operator(m_pCairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint(m_pCairo); cairo_restore(m_pCairo); // drawCairoRectangle(Vector2D(0, 0), m_vecSize, ConfigManager::getInt("bar:col.bg")); // // // DRAW ALL MODULES int offLeft = 0; int offRight = 0; for (auto& module : modules) { if (!module.bgcontext && !module.isPad) setupModule(&module); if (module.value == "workspaces") { offLeft += drawWorkspacesModule(&module, offLeft); } else { if (module.alignment == LEFT) { offLeft += drawModule(&module, offLeft); } else if (module.alignment == RIGHT) { offRight += drawModule(&module, offRight); } else { drawModule(&module, 0); } } } // // // cairo_surface_flush(m_pCairoSurface); xcb_copy_area(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, m_iPixmap, m_iWindowID, m_mContexts["BG"].GContext, 0, 0, 0, 0, m_vecSize.x, m_vecSize.y); xcb_flush(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection); } // Returns the width int CStatusBar::drawWorkspacesModule(SBarModule* mod, int off) { // Draw workspaces int drawnWorkspaces = 0; for (long unsigned int i = 0; i < openWorkspaces.size(); ++i) { const auto WORKSPACE = openWorkspaces[i]; // The LastWindow may be on a different one. This is where the mouse is. const auto MOUSEWORKSPACEID = m_iCurrentWorkspace; if (!WORKSPACE) continue; std::string workspaceName = std::to_string(openWorkspaces[i]); drawCairoRectangle(Vector2D(off + m_vecSize.y * drawnWorkspaces, 0), Vector2D(m_vecSize.y, m_vecSize.y), WORKSPACE == MOUSEWORKSPACEID ? ConfigManager::getInt("bar:col.high") : ConfigManager::getInt("bar:col.bg")); drawText(Vector2D(off + m_vecSize.y * drawnWorkspaces + m_vecSize.y / 2.f - getTextWidth(workspaceName) / 2.f, getTextHalfY()), workspaceName, WORKSPACE == MOUSEWORKSPACEID ? 0xFF111111 : 0xFFFFFFFF); drawnWorkspaces++; } return drawnWorkspaces * m_vecSize.y; } int CStatusBar::drawModule(SBarModule* mod, int off) { if (mod->isPad) return mod->pad; const int PAD = 4; // check if we need to update if (std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - mod->updateLast).count() > mod->updateEveryMs) { // Yes. Set the new last and do it. mod->updateLast = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); mod->valueCalculated = BarCommands::parseCommand(mod->value); } // We have the value, draw the module! const auto MODULEWIDTH = getTextWidth(mod->valueCalculated) + PAD; if (!MODULEWIDTH || mod->valueCalculated == "") return 0; // empty module Vector2D position; switch (mod->alignment) { case LEFT: position = Vector2D(off, 0); break; case RIGHT: position = Vector2D(m_vecSize.x - off - MODULEWIDTH, 0); break; case CENTER: position = Vector2D(m_vecSize.x / 2.f - MODULEWIDTH / 2.f, 0); break; } drawCairoRectangle(position, Vector2D(MODULEWIDTH, m_vecSize.y), mod->bgcolor); drawText(position + Vector2D(PAD / 2, getTextHalfY()), mod->valueCalculated, mod->color); return MODULEWIDTH; }