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Hypr is a Linux tiling window manager for Xorg. It's written in XCB with modern C++ and aims to provide easily readable and expandable code. !WARNING: Hypr is still in early development. Please report all bugs in Github issues, or open a PR!
# Features - True parabolic animations - Config reloaded instantly upon saving - A built-in status bar - Keybinds - Tiling windows - Floating windows - Workspaces - Moving / Fullscreening windows ## Roadmap v2 (not in order) - [x] Upgrade the status bar rendering to Cairo ~ WARNING: only 99% stable (rarely crashes on wm startup) - [ ] Better status bar configability - [ ] Rounded corners - [x] Replace default X11 cursor with the pointer - [x] Fix ghost windows once and for all - [ ] Fix windows minimizing themselves to tray not being able to come back without pkill - [x] Moving windows between workspaces without floating - [x] EWMH ~ Basic, idk if i'll add more. - [ ] Docks / Fullscreen Apps etc. auto-detection - [ ] Fix animation flicker (if possible) - [ ] Config expansion (rules, default workspaces, etc.)
# Contributions Welcome. I actually read PRs. Please see CONTRIBUTING.md