#include "ConfigManager.hpp" #include "../windowManager.hpp" #include "../KeybindManager.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include void ConfigManager::init() { configValues["border_size"].intValue = 1; configValues["gaps_in"].intValue = 5; configValues["gaps_out"].intValue = 20; configValues["max_fps"].intValue = 60; configValues["bar_monitor"].intValue = 0; configValues["bar_enabled"].intValue = 1; configValues["bar_height"].intValue = 15; configValues["status_command"].strValue = "date +%I:%M\\ %p"; // Time // Set Colors ARGB configValues["col.active_border"].intValue = 0x77FF3333; configValues["col.inactive_border"].intValue = 0x77222222; // animations configValues["anim.speed"].floatValue = 1; configValues["anim.enabled"].intValue = 1; loadConfigLoadVars(); applyKeybindsToX(); } void handleBind(const std::string& command, const std::string& value) { // example: // bind=SUPER,G,exec,dmenu_run auto valueCopy = value; const auto MOD = valueCopy.substr(0, valueCopy.find_first_of(",")); valueCopy = valueCopy.substr(valueCopy.find_first_of(",") + 1); const auto KEY = KeybindManager::getKeyCodeFromName(valueCopy.substr(0, valueCopy.find_first_of(","))); valueCopy = valueCopy.substr(valueCopy.find_first_of(",") + 1); const auto HANDLER = valueCopy.substr(0, valueCopy.find_first_of(",")); valueCopy = valueCopy.substr(valueCopy.find_first_of(",") + 1); const auto COMMAND = valueCopy; MODS mod = MOD_NONE; if (MOD == "SUPER") mod = MOD_SUPER; else if (MOD == "SHIFT") mod = MOD_SHIFT; else if (MOD == "SUPERSHIFT" || MOD == "SHIFTSUPER") mod = MOD_SHIFTSUPER; else if (MOD == "SUPERCTRL" || MOD == "CTRLSUPER") mod = MOD_CTRLSUPER; else if (MOD == "CTRL") mod = MOD_CTRL; else if (MOD == "CTRLSHIFT" || MOD == "SHIFTCTRL") mod = MOD_SHIFTCTRL; Dispatcher dispatcher = nullptr; if (HANDLER == "exec") dispatcher = KeybindManager::call; if (HANDLER == "killactive") dispatcher = KeybindManager::killactive; if (HANDLER == "fullscreen") dispatcher = KeybindManager::toggleActiveWindowFullscreen; if (HANDLER == "movewindow") dispatcher = KeybindManager::movewindow; if (HANDLER == "movetoworkspace") dispatcher = KeybindManager::movetoworkspace; if (HANDLER == "workspace") dispatcher = KeybindManager::changeworkspace; if (HANDLER == "togglefloating") dispatcher = KeybindManager::toggleActiveWindowFloating; if (dispatcher) KeybindManager::keybinds.push_back(Keybind(mod, KEY, COMMAND, dispatcher)); } void handleRawExec(const std::string& command, const std::string& args) { exec(args.c_str()); } void handleStatusCommand(const std::string& command, const std::string& args) { if (g_pWindowManager->statusBar) g_pWindowManager->statusBar->setStatusCommand(args); } void parseLine(std::string& line) { // first check if its not a comment const auto COMMENTSTART = line.find_first_of('#'); if (COMMENTSTART == 0) return; // now, cut the comment off if (COMMENTSTART != std::string::npos) line = line.substr(COMMENTSTART); // And parse // check if command const auto EQUALSPLACE = line.find_first_of('='); if (EQUALSPLACE == std::string::npos) return; const auto COMMAND = line.substr(0, EQUALSPLACE); const auto VALUE = line.substr(EQUALSPLACE + 1); if (COMMAND == "bind") { handleBind(COMMAND, VALUE); return; } else if (COMMAND == "exec") { handleRawExec(COMMAND, VALUE); return; } else if (COMMAND == "status_command") { handleStatusCommand(COMMAND, VALUE); return; } if (ConfigManager::configValues.find(COMMAND) == ConfigManager::configValues.end()) return; auto& CONFIGENTRY = ConfigManager::configValues.at(COMMAND); if (CONFIGENTRY.intValue != -1) { try { if (VALUE.find("0x") == 0) { // Values with 0x are hex const auto VALUEWITHOUTHEX = VALUE.substr(2); CONFIGENTRY.intValue = stoi(VALUEWITHOUTHEX, nullptr, 16); } else CONFIGENTRY.intValue = stoi(VALUE); } catch (...) { Debug::log(WARN, "Error reading value of " + COMMAND); } } else if (CONFIGENTRY.floatValue != -1) { try { CONFIGENTRY.floatValue = stof(VALUE); } catch (...) { Debug::log(WARN, "Error reading value of " + COMMAND); } } else if (CONFIGENTRY.strValue != "") { try { CONFIGENTRY.strValue = VALUE; } catch (...) { Debug::log(WARN, "Error reading value of " + COMMAND); } } } void ConfigManager::loadConfigLoadVars() { Debug::log(LOG, "Reloading the config!"); KeybindManager::keybinds.clear(); const char* const ENVHOME = getenv("HOME"); const std::string CONFIGPATH = ENVHOME + (std::string) "/.config/hypr/hypr.conf"; std::ifstream ifs; ifs.open(CONFIGPATH.c_str()); if (!ifs.good()) { Debug::log(WARN, "Config reading error. (No file?)"); return; } std::string line = ""; if (ifs.is_open()) { while (std::getline(ifs, line)) { // Read line by line. try { parseLine(line); } catch(...) { Debug::log(ERR, "Error reading line from config. Line:"); Debug::log(NONE, line); } } ifs.close(); } g_pWindowManager->setAllWindowsDirty(); // Reload the bar as well, don't load it before the default is loaded. if (loadBar && g_pWindowManager->statusBar) { g_pWindowManager->statusBar->destroy(); g_pWindowManager->statusBar->setup(configValues["bar_monitor"].intValue); } loadBar = true; } void ConfigManager::applyKeybindsToX() { if (g_pWindowManager->statusBar) { Debug::log(LOG, "Not applying the keybinds because status bar not null"); return; // If we are in the status bar don't do this. } xcb_ungrab_key(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, XCB_GRAB_ANY, g_pWindowManager->Screen->root, XCB_MOD_MASK_ANY); for (auto& keybind : KeybindManager::keybinds) { xcb_grab_key(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, 1, g_pWindowManager->Screen->root, KeybindManager::modToMask(keybind.getMod()), KeybindManager::getKeycodeFromKeysym(keybind.getKeysym()), XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC); } xcb_flush(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection); // MOD + mouse xcb_grab_button(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, 0, g_pWindowManager->Screen->root, XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS | XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_RELEASE, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, g_pWindowManager->Screen->root, XCB_NONE, 1, KeybindManager::modToMask(MOD_SUPER)); xcb_grab_button(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection, 0, g_pWindowManager->Screen->root, XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_PRESS | XCB_EVENT_MASK_BUTTON_RELEASE, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, XCB_GRAB_MODE_ASYNC, g_pWindowManager->Screen->root, XCB_NONE, 3, KeybindManager::modToMask(MOD_SUPER)); xcb_flush(g_pWindowManager->DisplayConnection); } void ConfigManager::tick() { const char* const ENVHOME = getenv("HOME"); const std::string CONFIGPATH = ENVHOME + (std::string)"/.config/hypr/hypr.conf"; struct stat fileStat; int err = stat(CONFIGPATH.c_str(), &fileStat); if (err != 0) { Debug::log(WARN, "Error at ticking config, error" + std::to_string(errno)); } // check if we need to reload cfg if(fileStat.st_mtime > lastModifyTime) { lastModifyTime = fileStat.st_mtime; ConfigManager::loadConfigLoadVars(); // So that X updates our grabbed keys. ConfigManager::applyKeybindsToX(); // so that the WM reloads the windows. emptyEvent(); } } int ConfigManager::getInt(std::string_view v) { return configValues[v].intValue; } float ConfigManager::getFloat(std::string_view v) { return configValues[v].floatValue; } std::string ConfigManager::getString(std::string_view v) { return configValues[v].strValue; }