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Hypr is a Linux tiling window manager for Xorg. It's written in XCB with modern C++ and aims to provide easily readable and expandable code.

Hypr needs testers! Check it out and report suggestions or bugs!

Key Features

  • True parabolic animations
  • Rounded corners and borders
  • Config reloaded instantly upon saving
  • A built-in status bar with modules
  • Easily expandable and readable codebase
  • Multiple tiling modes (dwindling and master)
  • Window rules
  • Intelligent transients
  • Support for EWMH-compatible bars (e.g. Polybar)
  • Keybinds config
  • Tiling windows
  • Floating windows
  • Workspaces
  • Moving / Fullscreening windows
  • Mostly EWMH and ICCCM compliant


See the Wiki Page for a detailed overview on the config, or refer to the example config in examples/hypr.conf.

You have to use a config, place it in ~/.config/hypr/hypr.conf

Screenshot Gallery

One Two Three


See the Wiki to see build instructions.

Known issues

  • RandR sometimes bugs at launch and starts spamming events, which will make the WM sluggish. Has never happened to me on a real machine though, only in a nested X11 session. (fix: restart X)
  • Picom's shadow and effects do not update for cheap animations while animating
  • Non-cheap animations are choppy (duh!)
  • The config is still pretty simple, although riceable!
  • Popups sometimes are created pretty small


Refer to CONTRIBUTING.md and the Wiki for contributing instructions and guidelines.