2024-06-19 08:20:49 +02:00
#compdef hyprctl
2024-08-18 22:25:23 +02:00
_hyprctl_cmd_1 ( ) {
2024-07-02 21:04:14 +02:00
hyprctl monitors | awk '/Monitor/{ print $2 }'
2024-04-04 09:21:20 +02:00
2024-06-09 21:16:29 +02:00
_hyprctl_cmd_3 ( ) {
2024-08-18 22:25:23 +02:00
hyprctl clients | awk '/class/{print $2}'
2024-04-04 09:21:20 +02:00
2024-08-18 22:25:23 +02:00
_hyprctl_cmd_2 ( ) {
hyprctl devices | sed -n '/Keyboard at/{n; s/^\s\+//; p}'
2024-04-04 09:21:20 +02:00
2024-08-18 22:25:23 +02:00
_hyprctl_cmd_0 ( ) {
hyprpm list | awk '/Plugin/{print $4}'
2024-04-04 09:21:20 +02:00
_hyprctl ( ) {
2024-08-18 22:25:23 +02:00
local -a literals = ( "resizeactive" "2" "changegroupactive" "-r" "moveintogroup" "forceallowsinput" "4" "::=" "systeminfo" "all" "layouts" "setprop" "animationstyle" "switchxkblayout" "create" "denywindowfromgroup" "headless" "activebordercolor" "exec" "setcursor" "wayland" "focusurgentorlast" "workspacerules" "movecurrentworkspacetomonitor" "movetoworkspacesilent" "hyprpaper" "alpha" "inactivebordercolor" "movegroupwindow" "movecursortocorner" "movewindowpixel" "prev" "movewindow" "globalshortcuts" "clients" "dimaround" "setignoregrouplock" "splash" "execr" "monitors" "0" "forcenoborder" "-q" "animations" "1" "nomaxsize" "splitratio" "moveactive" "pass" "swapnext" "devices" "layers" "rounding" "lockactivegroup" "5" "moveworkspacetomonitor" "-f" "-i" "--quiet" "forcenodim" "pin" "0" "1" "forceopaque" "forcenoshadow" "setfloating" "minsize" "alphaoverride" "sendshortcut" "workspaces" "cyclenext" "alterzorder" "togglegroup" "lockgroups" "bordersize" "dpms" "focuscurrentorlast" "-1" "--batch" "notify" "remove" "instances" "1" "3" "moveoutofgroup" "killactive" "2" "movetoworkspace" "movecursor" "configerrors" "closewindow" "swapwindow" "tagwindow" "forcerendererreload" "centerwindow" "auto" "focuswindow" "seterror" "nofocus" "alphafullscreen" "binds" "version" "-h" "togglespecialworkspace" "fullscreen" "windowdancecompat" "0" "keyword" "toggleopaque" "3" "--instance" "togglefloating" "renameworkspace" "alphafullscreenoverride" "activeworkspace" "x11" "kill" "forceopaqueoverriden" "output" "global" "dispatch" "reload" "forcenoblur" "-j" "event" "--help" "disable" "-1" "activewindow" "keepaspectratio" "dismissnotify" "focusmonitor" "movefocus" "plugin" "exit" "workspace" "fullscreenstate" "getoption" "alphainactiveoverride" "alphainactive" "decorations" "settiled" "config-only" "descriptions" "resizewindowpixel" "fakefullscreen" "rollinglog" "swapactiveworkspaces" "submap" "next" "movewindoworgroup" "cursorpos" "forcenoanims" "focusworkspaceoncurrentmonitor" "maxsize" )
2024-04-04 09:21:20 +02:00
local -A descriptions
2024-08-18 22:25:23 +02:00
descriptions[ 1] = "Resize the active window"
descriptions[ 2] = "Fullscreen"
descriptions[ 3] = "Switch to the next window in a group"
descriptions[ 4] = "Refresh state after issuing the command"
descriptions[ 5] = "Move the active window into a group"
descriptions[ 7] = "CONFUSED"
descriptions[ 9] = "Print system info"
descriptions[ 11] = "List all layouts available (including plugin ones)"
descriptions[ 12] = "Set a property of a window"
descriptions[ 14] = "Set the xkb layout index for a keyboard"
descriptions[ 16] = "Prohibit the active window from becoming or being inserted into group"
descriptions[ 19] = "Execute a shell command"
descriptions[ 20] = "Set the cursor theme and reloads the cursor manager"
descriptions[ 22] = "Focus the urgent window or the last window"
descriptions[ 23] = "Get the list of defined workspace rules"
descriptions[ 24] = "Move the active workspace to a monitor"
descriptions[ 25] = "Move window doesnt switch to the workspace"
descriptions[ 26] = "Interact with hyprpaper if present"
descriptions[ 29] = "Swap the active window with the next or previous in a group"
descriptions[ 30] = "Move the cursor to the corner of the active window"
descriptions[ 31] = "Move a selected window"
descriptions[ 33] = "Move the active window in a direction or to a monitor"
descriptions[ 34] = "Lists all global shortcuts"
descriptions[ 35] = "List all windows with their properties"
descriptions[ 37] = "Temporarily enable or disable binds:ignore_group_lock"
descriptions[ 38] = "Print the current random splash"
descriptions[ 39] = "Execute a raw shell command"
descriptions[ 40] = "List active outputs with their properties"
descriptions[ 43] = "Disable output"
descriptions[ 44] = "Gets the current config info about animations and beziers"
descriptions[ 47] = "Change the split ratio"
descriptions[ 48] = "Move the active window"
descriptions[ 49] = "Pass the key to a specified window"
descriptions[ 50] = "Swap the focused window with the next window"
descriptions[ 51] = "List all connected keyboards and mice"
descriptions[ 52] = "List the layers"
descriptions[ 54] = "Lock the focused group"
descriptions[ 55] = "OK"
descriptions[ 56] = "Move a workspace to a monitor"
descriptions[ 58] = "Specify the Hyprland instance"
descriptions[ 59] = "Disable output"
descriptions[ 61] = "Pin a window"
descriptions[ 62] = "WARNING"
descriptions[ 63] = "INFO"
descriptions[ 66] = "Set the current window's floating state to true"
descriptions[ 69] = "On shortcut X sends shortcut Y to a specified window"
descriptions[ 70] = "List all workspaces with their properties"
descriptions[ 71] = "Focus the next window on a workspace"
descriptions[ 72] = "Modify the window stack order of the active or specified window"
descriptions[ 73] = "Toggle the current active window into a group"
descriptions[ 74] = "Lock the groups"
descriptions[ 76] = "Set all monitors' DPMS status"
descriptions[ 77] = "Switch focus from current to previously focused window"
descriptions[ 78] = "No Icon"
descriptions[ 79] = "Execute a batch of commands separated by ;"
descriptions[ 80] = "Send a notification using the built-in Hyprland notification system"
descriptions[ 82] = "List all running Hyprland instances and their info"
descriptions[ 83] = "Maximize no fullscreen"
descriptions[ 84] = "Maximize and fullscreen"
descriptions[ 85] = "Move the active window out of a group"
descriptions[ 86] = "Close the active window"
descriptions[ 87] = "HINT"
descriptions[ 88] = "Move the focused window to a workspace"
descriptions[ 89] = "Move the cursor to a specified position"
descriptions[ 90] = "List all current config parsing errors"
descriptions[ 91] = "Close a specified window"
descriptions[ 92] = "Swap the active window with another window"
descriptions[ 93] = "Apply a tag to the window"
descriptions[ 94] = "Force the renderer to reload all resources and outputs"
descriptions[ 95] = "Center the active window"
descriptions[ 97] = "Focus the first window matching"
descriptions[ 98] = "Set the hyprctl error string"
descriptions[ 101] = "List all registered binds"
descriptions[ 102] = "Print the Hyprland version: flags, commit and branch of build"
descriptions[ 103] = "Prints the help message"
descriptions[ 104] = "Toggle a special workspace on/off"
descriptions[ 105] = "Toggle the focused window's fullscreen state"
descriptions[ 107] = "None"
descriptions[ 108] = "Issue a keyword to call a config keyword dynamically"
descriptions[ 109] = "Toggle the current window to always be opaque"
descriptions[ 110] = "ERROR"
descriptions[ 111] = "Specify the Hyprland instance"
descriptions[ 112] = "Toggle the current window's floating state"
descriptions[ 113] = "Rename a workspace"
descriptions[ 115] = "Get the active workspace name and its properties"
descriptions[ 117] = "Get into a kill mode, where you can kill an app by clicking on it"
descriptions[ 119] = "Allows adding/removing fake outputs to a specific backend"
descriptions[ 120] = "Execute a Global Shortcut using the GlobalShortcuts portal"
descriptions[ 121] = "Issue a dispatch to call a keybind dispatcher with an arg"
descriptions[ 122] = "Force reload the config"
descriptions[ 124] = "Output in JSON format"
descriptions[ 125] = "Emits a custom event to socket2"
descriptions[ 126] = "Prints the help message"
descriptions[ 128] = "Current"
descriptions[ 129] = "Get the active window name and its properties"
descriptions[ 131] = "Dismiss all or up to amount of notifications"
descriptions[ 132] = "Focus a monitor"
descriptions[ 133] = "Move the focus in a direction"
descriptions[ 134] = "Interact with a plugin"
descriptions[ 135] = "Exit the compositor with no questions asked"
descriptions[ 136] = "Change the workspace"
descriptions[ 137] = "Sets the focused window’ s fullscreen mode and the one sent to the client"
descriptions[ 138] = "Get the config option status (values)"
descriptions[ 141] = "List all decorations and their info"
descriptions[ 142] = "Set the current window's floating state to false"
descriptions[ 144] = "Return a parsable JSON with all the config options, descriptions, value types and ranges"
descriptions[ 145] = "Resize a selected window"
descriptions[ 146] = "Toggle the focused window's internal fullscreen state"
descriptions[ 147] = "Print tail of the log"
descriptions[ 148] = "Swap the active workspaces between two monitors"
descriptions[ 149] = "Change the current mapping group"
descriptions[ 151] = "Behave as moveintogroup"
descriptions[ 152] = "Get the current cursor pos in global layout coordinates"
descriptions[ 154] = "Focus the requested workspace"
2024-04-04 09:21:20 +02:00
local -A literal_transitions
2024-08-18 22:25:23 +02:00
literal_transitions[ 1] = "([121]=15 [44]=3 [126]=22 [82]=3 [4]=22 [52]=3 [51]=3 [129]=3 [90]=3 [59]=22 [9]=3 [11]=3 [12]=4 [131]=5 [14]=6 [98]=7 [102]=3 [103]=22 [134]=8 [101]=3 [138]=3 [23]=3 [20]=3 [141]=9 [26]=3 [144]=3 [108]=10 [147]=11 [70]=3 [34]=3 [35]=3 [79]=22 [115]=3 [38]=3 [152]=3 [117]=3 [122]=14 [124]=22 [40]=12 [43]=22 [80]=16 [119]=13)"
literal_transitions[ 2] = "([82]=3 [52]=3 [51]=3 [129]=3 [9]=3 [90]=3 [11]=3 [12]=4 [131]=5 [14]=6 [98]=7 [102]=3 [134]=8 [101]=3 [23]=3 [20]=3 [138]=3 [141]=9 [26]=3 [144]=3 [108]=10 [147]=11 [70]=3 [34]=3 [35]=3 [115]=3 [38]=3 [152]=3 [117]=3 [40]=12 [119]=13 [122]=14 [121]=15 [80]=16 [44]=3)"
literal_transitions[ 4] = "([140]=3 [64]=17 [65]=17 [46]=17 [106]=17 [28]=3 [27]=3 [53]=5 [6]=17 [67]=3 [68]=17 [130]=17 [114]=17 [13]=3 [75]=5 [100]=3 [36]=17 [153]=17 [99]=17 [60]=17 [118]=17 [42]=17 [18]=3 [139]=17 [155]=3 [123]=17)"
literal_transitions[ 7] = "([127]=3)"
literal_transitions[ 11] = "([57]=3)"
literal_transitions[ 12] = "([10]=3)"
literal_transitions[ 13] = "([15]=20 [81]=23)"
literal_transitions[ 14] = "([143]=3)"
literal_transitions[ 15] = "([1]=3 [85]=3 [3]=3 [86]=3 [5]=3 [88]=3 [89]=3 [91]=3 [92]=3 [93]=3 [94]=3 [95]=3 [97]=3 [16]=3 [19]=3 [104]=3 [22]=3 [105]=3 [24]=3 [25]=3 [29]=3 [30]=3 [31]=3 [109]=3 [112]=3 [33]=3 [113]=3 [37]=3 [39]=3 [120]=3 [125]=3 [47]=3 [48]=3 [49]=3 [50]=3 [54]=3 [56]=3 [132]=3 [133]=3 [135]=3 [136]=3 [61]=3 [137]=21 [142]=3 [66]=3 [145]=3 [146]=3 [69]=3 [148]=3 [71]=3 [72]=3 [73]=3 [74]=3 [149]=3 [76]=3 [77]=3 [151]=3 [154]=3)"
literal_transitions[ 16] = "([87]=5 [7]=5 [110]=5 [62]=5 [78]=5 [55]=5 [63]=5)"
literal_transitions[ 17] = "([41]=3 [45]=3)"
literal_transitions[ 18] = "([8]=24)"
literal_transitions[ 19] = "([32]=3 [150]=3)"
literal_transitions[ 20] = "([96]=3 [17]=3 [116]=3 [21]=3)"
literal_transitions[ 21] = "([107]=3 [83]=3 [128]=3 [2]=3 [84]=3)"
literal_transitions[ 24] = "([58]=22 [111]=22)"
2024-04-04 09:21:20 +02:00
local -A match_anything_transitions
2024-08-18 22:25:23 +02:00
match_anything_transitions = ( [ 7] = 18 [ 8] = 3 [ 1] = 2 [ 23] = 3 [ 6] = 19 [ 5] = 3 [ 3] = 18 [ 19] = 3 [ 12] = 18 [ 9] = 3 [ 10] = 3 [ 14] = 18 [ 11] = 18 [ 2] = 2)
2024-04-04 09:21:20 +02:00
declare -A subword_transitions
local state = 1
local word_index = 2
while [ [ $word_index -lt $CURRENT ] ] ; do
if [ [ -v " literal_transitions[ $state ] " ] ] ; then
local -A state_transitions
eval " state_transitions= ${ literal_transitions [ $state ] } "
local word = ${ words [ $word_index ] }
local word_matched = 0
for ( ( literal_id = 1; literal_id <= $# literals; literal_id++) ) ; do
if [ [ ${ literals [ $literal_id ] } = " $word " ] ] ; then
if [ [ -v " state_transitions[ $literal_id ] " ] ] ; then
state = ${ state_transitions [ $literal_id ] }
word_index = $(( word_index + 1 ))
word_matched = 1
if [ [ $word_matched -ne 0 ] ] ; then
if [ [ -v " match_anything_transitions[ $state ] " ] ] ; then
state = ${ match_anything_transitions [ $state ] }
word_index = $(( word_index + 1 ))
return 1
completions_no_description_trailing_space = ( )
completions_no_description_no_trailing_space = ( )
completions_trailing_space = ( )
suffixes_trailing_space = ( )
descriptions_trailing_space = ( )
completions_no_trailing_space = ( )
suffixes_no_trailing_space = ( )
descriptions_no_trailing_space = ( )
if [ [ -v " literal_transitions[ $state ] " ] ] ; then
local -A state_transitions
eval " state_transitions= ${ literal_transitions [ $state ] } "
for literal_id in ${ (k)state_transitions } ; do
if [ [ -v " descriptions[ $literal_id ] " ] ] ; then
completions_trailing_space += ( " ${ literals [ $literal_id ] } " )
suffixes_trailing_space += ( " ${ literals [ $literal_id ] } " )
descriptions_trailing_space += ( " ${ descriptions [ $literal_id ] } " )
completions_no_description_trailing_space += ( " ${ literals [ $literal_id ] } " )
2024-08-18 22:25:23 +02:00
local -A commands = ( [ 8] = 0 [ 23] = 1 [ 9] = 3 [ 6] = 2)
2024-04-04 09:21:20 +02:00
if [ [ -v " commands[ $state ] " ] ] ; then
local command_id = ${ commands [ $state ] }
local output = $( _hyprctl_cmd_${ command_id } " ${ words [ $CURRENT ] } " )
local -a command_completions = ( " ${ (@f)output } " )
for line in ${ command_completions [@] } ; do
local parts = ( ${ (@s : : )line } )
if [ [ -v "parts[2]" ] ] ; then
completions_trailing_space += ( " ${ parts [1] } " )
suffixes_trailing_space += ( " ${ parts [1] } " )
descriptions_trailing_space += ( " ${ parts [2] } " )
completions_no_description_trailing_space += ( " ${ parts [1] } " )
local maxlen = 0
for suffix in ${ suffixes_trailing_space [@] } ; do
if [ [ ${# suffix } -gt $maxlen ] ] ; then
maxlen = ${# suffix }
for suffix in ${ suffixes_no_trailing_space [@] } ; do
if [ [ ${# suffix } -gt $maxlen ] ] ; then
maxlen = ${# suffix }
for ( ( i = 1; i <= $# suffixes_trailing_space; i++) ) ; do
if [ [ -z ${ descriptions_trailing_space [ $i ] } ] ] ; then
descriptions_trailing_space[ $i ] = " ${ (r( $maxlen )( )) ${ suffixes_trailing_space [ $i ] } } "
descriptions_trailing_space[ $i ] = " ${ (r( $maxlen )( )) ${ suffixes_trailing_space [ $i ] } } -- ${ descriptions_trailing_space [ $i ] } "
for ( ( i = 1; i <= $# suffixes_no_trailing_space; i++) ) ; do
if [ [ -z ${ descriptions_no_trailing_space [ $i ] } ] ] ; then
descriptions_no_trailing_space[ $i ] = " ${ (r( $maxlen )( )) ${ suffixes_no_trailing_space [ $i ] } } "
descriptions_no_trailing_space[ $i ] = " ${ (r( $maxlen )( )) ${ suffixes_no_trailing_space [ $i ] } } -- ${ descriptions_no_trailing_space [ $i ] } "
compadd -Q -a completions_no_description_trailing_space
compadd -Q -S ' ' -a completions_no_description_no_trailing_space
compadd -l -Q -a -d descriptions_trailing_space completions_trailing_space
compadd -l -Q -S '' -a -d descriptions_no_trailing_space completions_no_trailing_space
return 0
2024-08-18 22:25:23 +02:00
if [ [ $ZSH_EVAL_CONTEXT = ~ :file$ ] ] ; then
compdef _hyprctl hyprctl