#include "AnimationManager.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" void CAnimationManager::tick() { bool animationsDisabled = false; if (!g_pConfigManager->getInt("animations:enabled")) animationsDisabled = true; const bool WINDOWSENABLED = g_pConfigManager->getInt("animations:windows") && !animationsDisabled; const bool BORDERSENABLED = g_pConfigManager->getInt("animations:borders") && !animationsDisabled; const bool FADEENABLED = g_pConfigManager->getInt("animations:fadein") && !animationsDisabled; const float ANIMSPEED = g_pConfigManager->getFloat("animations:speed"); // Process speeds const float WINDOWSPEED = g_pConfigManager->getFloat("animations:windows_speed") == 0 ? ANIMSPEED : g_pConfigManager->getFloat("animations:windows_speed"); const float BORDERSPEED = g_pConfigManager->getFloat("animations:borders_speed") == 0 ? ANIMSPEED : g_pConfigManager->getFloat("animations:borders_speed"); const float FADESPEED = g_pConfigManager->getFloat("animations:fadein_speed") == 0 ? ANIMSPEED : g_pConfigManager->getFloat("animations:fadein_speed"); const auto BORDERACTIVECOL = CColor(g_pConfigManager->getInt("general:col.active_border")); const auto BORDERINACTIVECOL = CColor(g_pConfigManager->getInt("general:col.inactive_border")); for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_lWindows) { // process fadeinout if (FADEENABLED) { const auto GOALALPHA = w.m_bIsMapped ? 255.f : 0.f; w.m_bFadingOut = false; if (!deltazero(w.m_fAlpha, GOALALPHA)) { if (deltaSmallToFlip(w.m_fAlpha, GOALALPHA)) { w.m_fAlpha = GOALALPHA; } else { if (w.m_fAlpha > GOALALPHA) w.m_bFadingOut = true; w.m_fAlpha = parabolic(w.m_fAlpha, GOALALPHA, FADESPEED); } } } else { if (w.m_bIsMapped) w.m_fAlpha = 255.f; else { w.m_fAlpha = 0.f; w.m_bFadingOut = false; } } // process fadein/out for unmapped windows, but nothing else. // we can't use windowValidMapped because we want to animate hidden windows too. if (!g_pCompositor->windowExists(&w) || !w.m_bIsMapped || !g_pXWaylandManager->getWindowSurface(&w)) continue; // process the borders const auto RENDERHINTS = g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->requestRenderHints(&w); const auto& COLOR = RENDERHINTS.isBorderColor ? RENDERHINTS.borderColor : g_pCompositor->isWindowActive(&w) ? BORDERACTIVECOL : BORDERINACTIVECOL; if (BORDERSENABLED) { if (!deltazero(COLOR, w.m_cRealBorderColor)) { if (deltaSmallToFlip(COLOR, w.m_cRealBorderColor)) { w.m_cRealBorderColor = COLOR; } else { w.m_cRealBorderColor = parabolic(BORDERSPEED, w.m_cRealBorderColor, COLOR); } } } else { w.m_cRealBorderColor = COLOR; } // process the window if (WINDOWSENABLED) { if (!deltazero(w.m_vRealPosition, w.m_vEffectivePosition) || !deltazero(w.m_vRealSize, w.m_vEffectiveSize)) { if (deltaSmallToFlip(w.m_vRealPosition, w.m_vEffectivePosition) && deltaSmallToFlip(w.m_vRealSize, w.m_vEffectiveSize)) { w.m_vRealPosition = w.m_vEffectivePosition; w.m_vRealSize = w.m_vEffectiveSize; g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(&w, w.m_vRealSize); } else { // if it is to be animated, animate it. w.m_vRealPosition = Vector2D(parabolic(w.m_vRealPosition.x, w.m_vEffectivePosition.x, WINDOWSPEED), parabolic(w.m_vRealPosition.y, w.m_vEffectivePosition.y, WINDOWSPEED)); w.m_vRealSize = Vector2D(parabolic(w.m_vRealSize.x, w.m_vEffectiveSize.x, WINDOWSPEED), parabolic(w.m_vRealSize.y, w.m_vEffectiveSize.y, WINDOWSPEED)); } } } else { w.m_vRealPosition = w.m_vEffectivePosition; w.m_vRealSize = w.m_vEffectiveSize; } } } bool CAnimationManager::deltaSmallToFlip(const Vector2D& a, const Vector2D& b) { return std::abs(a.x - b.x) < 0.5f && std::abs(a.y - b.y) < 0.5f; } bool CAnimationManager::deltaSmallToFlip(const CColor& a, const CColor& b) { return std::abs(a.r - b.r) < 0.5f && std::abs(a.g - b.g) < 0.5f && std::abs(a.b - b.b) < 0.5f && std::abs(a.a - b.a) < 0.5f; } bool CAnimationManager::deltazero(const Vector2D& a, const Vector2D& b) { return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y; } bool CAnimationManager::deltazero(const CColor& a, const CColor& b) { return a.r == b.r && a.g == b.g && a.b == b.b && a.a == b.a; } double CAnimationManager::parabolic(const double from, const double to, const double incline) { return from + ((to - from) / incline); } CColor CAnimationManager::parabolic(const double incline, const CColor& from, const CColor& to) { CColor newColor; newColor.r = parabolic(from.r, to.r, incline); newColor.g = parabolic(from.g, to.g, incline); newColor.b = parabolic(from.b, to.b, incline); newColor.a = parabolic(from.a, to.a, incline); return newColor; }