#include "HyprCtl.hpp" #include #include #include std::string getFormat(const char* fmt, ...) { char buf[2048] = ""; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); vsprintf(buf, fmt , args); va_end(args); return std::string(buf); } std::string monitorsRequest() { std::string result = ""; for (auto& m : g_pCompositor->m_lMonitors) { result += getFormat("Monitor %s (ID %i):\n\t%ix%i@%f at %ix%i\n\tactive workspace: %i\n\treserved: %i %i %i %i\n\n", m.szName.c_str(), m.ID, (int)m.vecSize.x, (int)m.vecSize.y, m.refreshRate, (int)m.vecPosition.x, (int)m.vecPosition.y, m.activeWorkspace, (int)m.vecReservedTopLeft.x, (int)m.vecReservedTopLeft.y, (int)m.vecReservedBottomRight.x, (int)m.vecReservedBottomRight.y); } return result; } std::string clientsRequest() { std::string result = ""; for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_lWindows) { result += getFormat("Window %x -> %s:\n\tat: %i,%i\n\tsize: %i, %i\n\tworkspace: %i\n\tfloating: %i\n\n", &w, w.m_szTitle.c_str(), (int)w.m_vRealPosition.x, (int)w.m_vRealPosition.y, (int)w.m_vRealSize.x, (int)w.m_vRealSize.y, w.m_iWorkspaceID, (int)w.m_bIsFloating); } return result; } std::string workspacesRequest() { std::string result = ""; for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_lWorkspaces) { result += getFormat("workspace ID %i on monitor %s:\n\twindows: %i\n\thasfullscreen: %i\n\n", w.ID, g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(w.monitorID)->szName.c_str(), g_pCompositor->getWindowsOnWorkspace(w.ID), (int)w.hasFullscreenWindow); } return result; } void HyprCtl::tickHyprCtl() { struct stat buf; if (stat("/tmp/hypr/.hyprlandrq", &buf) == 0) { // file exists, let's open it requestStream.open("/tmp/hypr/.hyprlandrq"); std::string request = ""; std::getline(requestStream, request); requestStream.close(); std::string reply = ""; if (request == "R>monitors") reply = monitorsRequest(); if (request == "R>workspaces") reply = workspacesRequest(); if (request == "R>clients") reply = clientsRequest(); if (reply != "") { std::ofstream ofs; ofs.open("/tmp/hypr/.hyprlandrq", std::ios::trunc); ofs << "RPLY:\n" << reply; ofs.close(); } // the hyprctl app deletes the file when done. } }