#include "Compositor.hpp" #include "Output.hpp" #include "Seat.hpp" #include "../types/WLBuffer.hpp" #include #include #include "Subcompositor.hpp" #include "../Viewporter.hpp" #include "../../helpers/Monitor.hpp" #include "../PresentationTime.hpp" #include "../DRMSyncobj.hpp" #include "../../render/Renderer.hpp" #include #define LOGM PROTO::compositor->protoLog class CDefaultSurfaceRole : public ISurfaceRole { public: virtual eSurfaceRole role() { return SURFACE_ROLE_UNASSIGNED; } }; CWLCallbackResource::CWLCallbackResource(SP resource_) : resource(resource_) { ; } bool CWLCallbackResource::good() { return resource->resource(); } void CWLCallbackResource::send(timespec* now) { resource->sendDone(now->tv_sec * 1000 + now->tv_nsec / 1000000); } CWLRegionResource::CWLRegionResource(SP resource_) : resource(resource_) { if (!good()) return; resource->setData(this); resource->setDestroy([this](CWlRegion* r) { PROTO::compositor->destroyResource(this); }); resource->setOnDestroy([this](CWlRegion* r) { PROTO::compositor->destroyResource(this); }); resource->setAdd([this](CWlRegion* r, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h) { region.add(CBox{x, y, w, h}); }); resource->setSubtract([this](CWlRegion* r, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h) { region.subtract(CBox{x, y, w, h}); }); } bool CWLRegionResource::good() { return resource->resource(); } SP CWLRegionResource::fromResource(wl_resource* res) { auto data = (CWLRegionResource*)(((CWlRegion*)wl_resource_get_user_data(res))->data()); return data ? data->self.lock() : nullptr; } CWLSurfaceResource::CWLSurfaceResource(SP resource_) : resource(resource_) { if (!good()) return; pClient = resource->client(); resource->setData(this); role = makeShared(); resource->setDestroy([this](CWlSurface* r) { destroy(); }); resource->setOnDestroy([this](CWlSurface* r) { destroy(); }); resource->setAttach([this](CWlSurface* r, wl_resource* buffer, int32_t x, int32_t y) { pending.offset = {x, y}; if (!buffer) { pending.buffer.reset(); pending.texture.reset(); } else { auto res = CWLBufferResource::fromResource(buffer); pending.buffer = res && res->buffer ? makeShared(res->buffer.lock(), self.lock()) : nullptr; pending.size = res && res->buffer ? res->buffer->size : Vector2D{}; pending.texture = res && res->buffer ? res->buffer->texture : nullptr; pending.bufferSize = res && res->buffer ? res->buffer->size : Vector2D{}; } Vector2D oldBufSize = current.buffer ? current.bufferSize : Vector2D{}; Vector2D newBufSize = pending.buffer ? pending.bufferSize : Vector2D{}; if (oldBufSize != newBufSize || current.buffer != pending.buffer) pending.bufferDamage = CBox{{}, {INT32_MAX, INT32_MAX}}; }); resource->setCommit([this](CWlSurface* r) { if (pending.texture) pending.bufferDamage.intersect(CBox{{}, pending.bufferSize}); if (!pending.texture) pending.size = {}; else if (pending.viewport.hasDestination) pending.size = pending.viewport.destination; else if (pending.viewport.hasSource) pending.size = pending.viewport.source.size(); else { Vector2D tfs = pending.transform % 2 == 1 ? Vector2D{pending.bufferSize.y, pending.bufferSize.x} : pending.bufferSize; pending.size = tfs / pending.scale; } pending.damage.intersect(CBox{{}, pending.size}); events.precommit.emit(); if (pending.rejected) { dropPendingBuffer(); return; } if (stateLocks <= 0) commitPendingState(); }); resource->setDamage([this](CWlSurface* r, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h) { pending.damage.add(CBox{x, y, w, h}); }); resource->setDamageBuffer([this](CWlSurface* r, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h) { pending.bufferDamage.add(CBox{x, y, w, h}); }); resource->setSetBufferScale([this](CWlSurface* r, int32_t scale) { pending.scale = scale; }); resource->setSetBufferTransform([this](CWlSurface* r, uint32_t tr) { pending.transform = (wl_output_transform)tr; }); resource->setSetInputRegion([this](CWlSurface* r, wl_resource* region) { if (!region) { pending.input = CBox{{}, {INT32_MAX, INT32_MAX}}; return; } auto RG = CWLRegionResource::fromResource(region); pending.input = RG->region; }); resource->setSetOpaqueRegion([this](CWlSurface* r, wl_resource* region) { if (!region) { pending.opaque = CBox{{}, {}}; return; } auto RG = CWLRegionResource::fromResource(region); pending.opaque = RG->region; }); resource->setFrame([this](CWlSurface* r, uint32_t id) { callbacks.emplace_back(makeShared(makeShared(pClient, 1, id))); }); resource->setOffset([this](CWlSurface* r, int32_t x, int32_t y) { pending.offset = {x, y}; }); } CWLSurfaceResource::~CWLSurfaceResource() { events.destroy.emit(); } void CWLSurfaceResource::destroy() { if (mapped) { events.unmap.emit(); unmap(); } events.destroy.emit(); releaseBuffers(false); PROTO::compositor->destroyResource(this); } void CWLSurfaceResource::dropPendingBuffer() { pending.buffer.reset(); } void CWLSurfaceResource::dropCurrentBuffer() { current.buffer.reset(); } SP CWLSurfaceResource::fromResource(wl_resource* res) { auto data = (CWLSurfaceResource*)(((CWlSurface*)wl_resource_get_user_data(res))->data()); return data ? data->self.lock() : nullptr; } bool CWLSurfaceResource::good() { return resource->resource(); } wl_client* CWLSurfaceResource::client() { return pClient; } void CWLSurfaceResource::enter(SP monitor) { if (std::find(enteredOutputs.begin(), enteredOutputs.end(), monitor) != enteredOutputs.end()) return; if (!PROTO::outputs.contains(monitor->szName)) { // can happen on unplug/replug LOGM(ERR, "enter() called on a non-existent output global"); return; } if (PROTO::outputs.at(monitor->szName)->isDefunct()) { LOGM(ERR, "enter() called on a defunct output global"); return; } auto output = PROTO::outputs.at(monitor->szName)->outputResourceFrom(pClient); if (!output || !output->getResource() || !output->getResource()->resource()) { LOGM(ERR, "Cannot enter surface {:x} to {}, client hasn't bound the output", (uintptr_t)this, monitor->szName); return; } enteredOutputs.emplace_back(monitor); resource->sendEnter(output->getResource().get()); } void CWLSurfaceResource::leave(SP monitor) { if (std::find(enteredOutputs.begin(), enteredOutputs.end(), monitor) == enteredOutputs.end()) return; auto output = PROTO::outputs.at(monitor->szName)->outputResourceFrom(pClient); if (!output) { LOGM(ERR, "Cannot leave surface {:x} from {}, client hasn't bound the output", (uintptr_t)this, monitor->szName); return; } std::erase(enteredOutputs, monitor); resource->sendLeave(output->getResource().get()); } void CWLSurfaceResource::sendPreferredTransform(wl_output_transform t) { if (resource->version() < 6) return; resource->sendPreferredBufferTransform(t); } void CWLSurfaceResource::sendPreferredScale(int32_t scale) { if (resource->version() < 6) return; resource->sendPreferredBufferScale(scale); } void CWLSurfaceResource::frame(timespec* now) { if (callbacks.empty()) return; for (auto& c : callbacks) { c->send(now); } callbacks.clear(); } void CWLSurfaceResource::resetRole() { role = makeShared(); } void CWLSurfaceResource::bfHelper(std::vector> nodes, std::function, const Vector2D&, void*)> fn, void* data) { std::vector> nodes2; // first, gather all nodes below for (auto& n : nodes) { std::erase_if(n->subsurfaces, [](const auto& e) { return e.expired(); }); // subsurfaces is sorted lowest -> highest for (auto& c : n->subsurfaces) { if (c->zIndex >= 0) break; if (c->surface.expired()) continue; nodes2.push_back(c->surface.lock()); } } if (!nodes2.empty()) bfHelper(nodes2, fn, data); nodes2.clear(); for (auto& n : nodes) { Vector2D offset = {}; if (n->role->role() == SURFACE_ROLE_SUBSURFACE) { auto subsurface = (CWLSubsurfaceResource*)n->role.get(); offset = subsurface->posRelativeToParent(); } fn(n, offset, data); } for (auto& n : nodes) { for (auto& c : n->subsurfaces) { if (c->zIndex < 0) continue; if (c->surface.expired()) continue; nodes2.push_back(c->surface.lock()); } } if (!nodes2.empty()) bfHelper(nodes2, fn, data); } void CWLSurfaceResource::breadthfirst(std::function, const Vector2D&, void*)> fn, void* data) { std::vector> surfs; surfs.push_back(self.lock()); bfHelper(surfs, fn, data); } std::pair, Vector2D> CWLSurfaceResource::at(const Vector2D& localCoords, bool allowsInput) { std::vector, Vector2D>> surfs; breadthfirst([](SP surf, const Vector2D& offset, void* data) { ((std::vector, Vector2D>>*)data)->emplace_back(std::make_pair<>(surf, offset)); }, &surfs); for (auto& [surf, pos] : surfs | std::views::reverse) { if (!allowsInput) { const auto BOX = CBox{pos, surf->current.size}; if (BOX.containsPoint(localCoords)) return {surf, localCoords - pos}; } else { const auto REGION = surf->current.input.copy().intersect(CBox{{}, surf->current.size}).translate(pos); if (REGION.containsPoint(localCoords)) return {surf, localCoords - pos}; } } return {nullptr, {}}; } uint32_t CWLSurfaceResource::id() { return wl_resource_get_id(resource->resource()); } void CWLSurfaceResource::map() { if (mapped) return; mapped = true; timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); frame(&now); current.bufferDamage = CBox{{}, {INT32_MAX, INT32_MAX}}; pending.bufferDamage = CBox{{}, {INT32_MAX, INT32_MAX}}; } void CWLSurfaceResource::unmap() { if (!mapped) return; mapped = false; // release the buffers. // this is necessary for XWayland to function correctly, // as it does not unmap via the traditional commit(null buffer) method, but via the X11 protocol. releaseBuffers(); } void CWLSurfaceResource::releaseBuffers(bool onlyCurrent) { if (!onlyCurrent) dropPendingBuffer(); dropCurrentBuffer(); } void CWLSurfaceResource::error(int code, const std::string& str) { resource->error(code, str); } SP CWLSurfaceResource::getResource() { return resource; } CBox CWLSurfaceResource::extends() { CRegion full = CBox{{}, current.size}; breadthfirst( [](SP surf, const Vector2D& offset, void* d) { if (surf->role->role() != SURFACE_ROLE_SUBSURFACE) return; ((CRegion*)d)->add(CBox{offset, surf->current.size}); }, &full); return full.getExtents(); } Vector2D CWLSurfaceResource::sourceSize() { if (!current.texture) return {}; if (current.viewport.hasSource) return current.viewport.source.size(); Vector2D trc = current.transform % 2 == 1 ? Vector2D{current.bufferSize.y, current.bufferSize.x} : current.bufferSize; return trc / current.scale; } CRegion CWLSurfaceResource::accumulateCurrentBufferDamage() { if (!current.texture) return {}; CRegion surfaceDamage = current.damage; if (current.viewport.hasDestination) { Vector2D scale = sourceSize() / current.viewport.destination; surfaceDamage.scale(scale); } if (current.viewport.hasSource) surfaceDamage.translate(current.viewport.source.pos()); Vector2D trc = current.transform % 2 == 1 ? Vector2D{current.bufferSize.y, current.bufferSize.x} : current.bufferSize; return surfaceDamage.scale(current.scale).transform(wlTransformToHyprutils(invertTransform(current.transform)), trc.x, trc.y).add(current.bufferDamage); } void CWLSurfaceResource::lockPendingState() { stateLocks++; } void CWLSurfaceResource::unlockPendingState() { stateLocks--; if (stateLocks <= 0) commitPendingState(); } void CWLSurfaceResource::commitPendingState() { auto previousBuffer = current.buffer; CRegion previousBufferDamage = accumulateCurrentBufferDamage(); current = pending; pending.damage.clear(); pending.bufferDamage.clear(); if (current.texture) current.texture->m_eTransform = wlTransformToHyprutils(current.transform); if (current.buffer && current.buffer->buffer) { current.buffer->buffer->update(accumulateCurrentBufferDamage()); // if the surface is a cursor, update the shm buffer // TODO: don't update the entire texture if (role->role() == SURFACE_ROLE_CURSOR) updateCursorShm(); // release the buffer if it's synchronous as update() has done everything thats needed // so we can let the app know we're done. if (current.buffer->buffer->isSynchronous()) dropCurrentBuffer(); } // TODO: we should _accumulate_ and not replace above if sync if (role->role() == SURFACE_ROLE_SUBSURFACE) { auto subsurface = (CWLSubsurfaceResource*)role.get(); if (subsurface->sync) return; events.commit.emit(); } else { // send commit to all synced surfaces in this tree. breadthfirst( [](SP surf, const Vector2D& offset, void* data) { if (surf->role->role() == SURFACE_ROLE_SUBSURFACE) { auto subsurface = (CWLSubsurfaceResource*)surf->role.get(); if (!subsurface->sync) return; } surf->events.commit.emit(); }, nullptr); } // for async buffers, we can only release the buffer once we are unrefing it from current. // if the backend took it, ref it with the lambda. Otherwise, the end of this scope will release it. if (previousBuffer && previousBuffer->buffer && !previousBuffer->buffer->isSynchronous()) { if (previousBuffer->buffer->lockedByBackend && !previousBuffer->buffer->hlEvents.backendRelease) { previousBuffer->buffer->lock(); previousBuffer->buffer->unlockOnBufferRelease(self); } } lastBuffer = current.buffer ? current.buffer->buffer : WP{}; } void CWLSurfaceResource::updateCursorShm() { auto buf = current.buffer ? current.buffer : lastBuffer; if (!buf) return; // TODO: actually use damage auto& shmData = CCursorSurfaceRole::cursorPixelData(self.lock()); auto shmAttrs = current.buffer->buffer->shm(); if (!shmAttrs.success) { LOGM(TRACE, "updateCursorShm: ignoring, not a shm buffer"); return; } // no need to end, shm. auto [pixelData, fmt, bufLen] = current.buffer->buffer->beginDataPtr(0); shmData.resize(bufLen); memcpy(shmData.data(), pixelData, bufLen); } void CWLSurfaceResource::presentFeedback(timespec* when, CMonitor* pMonitor, bool needsExplicitSync) { frame(when); auto FEEDBACK = makeShared(self.lock()); FEEDBACK->attachMonitor(pMonitor); FEEDBACK->presented(); PROTO::presentation->queueData(FEEDBACK); if (!pMonitor || !pMonitor->outTimeline || !syncobj || !needsExplicitSync) return; // attach explicit sync g_pHyprRenderer->explicitPresented.emplace_back(self.lock()); if (syncobj->acquirePoint > pMonitor->lastWaitPoint) { Debug::log(TRACE, "presentFeedback lastWaitPoint {} -> {}", pMonitor->lastWaitPoint, syncobj->acquirePoint); pMonitor->lastWaitPoint = syncobj->acquirePoint; } } CWLCompositorResource::CWLCompositorResource(SP resource_) : resource(resource_) { if (!good()) return; resource->setOnDestroy([this](CWlCompositor* r) { PROTO::compositor->destroyResource(this); }); resource->setCreateSurface([](CWlCompositor* r, uint32_t id) { const auto RESOURCE = PROTO::compositor->m_vSurfaces.emplace_back(makeShared(makeShared(r->client(), r->version(), id))); if (!RESOURCE->good()) { r->noMemory(); PROTO::compositor->m_vSurfaces.pop_back(); return; } RESOURCE->self = RESOURCE; LOGM(LOG, "New wl_surface with id {} at {:x}", id, (uintptr_t)RESOURCE.get()); PROTO::compositor->events.newSurface.emit(RESOURCE); }); resource->setCreateRegion([](CWlCompositor* r, uint32_t id) { const auto RESOURCE = PROTO::compositor->m_vRegions.emplace_back(makeShared(makeShared(r->client(), r->version(), id))); if (!RESOURCE->good()) { r->noMemory(); PROTO::compositor->m_vRegions.pop_back(); return; } RESOURCE->self = RESOURCE; LOGM(LOG, "New wl_region with id {} at {:x}", id, (uintptr_t)RESOURCE.get()); }); } bool CWLCompositorResource::good() { return resource->resource(); } CWLCompositorProtocol::CWLCompositorProtocol(const wl_interface* iface, const int& ver, const std::string& name) : IWaylandProtocol(iface, ver, name) { ; } void CWLCompositorProtocol::bindManager(wl_client* client, void* data, uint32_t ver, uint32_t id) { const auto RESOURCE = m_vManagers.emplace_back(makeShared(makeShared(client, ver, id))); if (!RESOURCE->good()) { wl_client_post_no_memory(client); m_vManagers.pop_back(); return; } } void CWLCompositorProtocol::destroyResource(CWLCompositorResource* resource) { std::erase_if(m_vManagers, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == resource; }); } void CWLCompositorProtocol::destroyResource(CWLSurfaceResource* resource) { std::erase_if(m_vSurfaces, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == resource; }); } void CWLCompositorProtocol::destroyResource(CWLRegionResource* resource) { std::erase_if(m_vRegions, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == resource; }); }