#include "SeatManager.hpp" #include "../protocols/core/Seat.hpp" #include "../protocols/core/DataDevice.hpp" #include "../protocols/DataDeviceWlr.hpp" #include "../protocols/PrimarySelection.hpp" #include "../protocols/core/Compositor.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" #include "../devices/IKeyboard.hpp" #include #include CSeatManager::CSeatManager() { listeners.newSeatResource = PROTO::seat->events.newSeatResource.registerListener([this](std::any res) { onNewSeatResource(std::any_cast>(res)); }); } CSeatManager::SSeatResourceContainer::SSeatResourceContainer(SP res) { resource = res; listeners.destroy = res->events.destroy.registerListener( [this](std::any data) { std::erase_if(g_pSeatManager->seatResources, [this](const auto& e) { return e->resource.expired() || e->resource == resource; }); }); } void CSeatManager::onNewSeatResource(SP resource) { seatResources.emplace_back(makeShared(resource)); } SP CSeatManager::containerForResource(SP seatResource) { for (auto& c : seatResources) { if (c->resource == seatResource) return c; } return nullptr; } uint32_t CSeatManager::nextSerial(SP seatResource) { if (!seatResource) return 0; auto container = containerForResource(seatResource); ASSERT(container); auto serial = wl_display_next_serial(g_pCompositor->m_sWLDisplay); container->serials.emplace_back(serial); if (container->serials.size() > MAX_SERIAL_STORE_LEN) container->serials.erase(container->serials.begin()); return serial; } bool CSeatManager::serialValid(SP seatResource, uint32_t serial) { if (!seatResource) return false; auto container = containerForResource(seatResource); ASSERT(container); for (auto it = container->serials.begin(); it != container->serials.end(); ++it) { if (*it == serial) { container->serials.erase(it); return true; } } return false; } void CSeatManager::updateCapabilities(uint32_t capabilities) { PROTO::seat->updateCapabilities(capabilities); } void CSeatManager::setMouse(SP MAUZ) { if (mouse == MAUZ) return; mouse = MAUZ; } void CSeatManager::setKeyboard(SP KEEB) { if (keyboard == KEEB) return; if (keyboard) keyboard->active = false; keyboard = KEEB; if (KEEB) KEEB->active = true; updateActiveKeyboardData(); } void CSeatManager::updateActiveKeyboardData() { if (keyboard && keyboard->wlr()) PROTO::seat->updateRepeatInfo(keyboard->wlr()->repeat_info.rate, keyboard->wlr()->repeat_info.delay); PROTO::seat->updateKeymap(); } void CSeatManager::setKeyboardFocus(SP surf) { if (state.keyboardFocus == surf) return; if (!keyboard || !keyboard->wlr()) { Debug::log(ERR, "BUG THIS: setKeyboardFocus without a valid keyboard set"); return; } listeners.keyboardSurfaceDestroy.reset(); if (state.keyboardFocusResource) { auto client = state.keyboardFocusResource->client(); for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != client) continue; for (auto& k : s->resource->keyboards) { if (!k) continue; k->sendLeave(); } } } state.keyboardFocusResource.reset(); state.keyboardFocus = surf; if (!surf) { events.keyboardFocusChange.emit(); return; } auto client = surf->client(); for (auto& r : seatResources | std::views::reverse) { if (r->resource->client() != client) continue; state.keyboardFocusResource = r->resource; for (auto& k : r->resource->keyboards) { if (!k) continue; k->sendEnter(surf); k->sendMods(keyboard->wlr()->modifiers.depressed, keyboard->wlr()->modifiers.latched, keyboard->wlr()->modifiers.locked, keyboard->wlr()->modifiers.group); } } listeners.keyboardSurfaceDestroy = surf->events.destroy.registerListener([this](std::any d) { setKeyboardFocus(nullptr); }); events.keyboardFocusChange.emit(); } void CSeatManager::sendKeyboardKey(uint32_t timeMs, uint32_t key, wl_keyboard_key_state state_) { if (!state.keyboardFocusResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != state.keyboardFocusResource->client()) continue; for (auto& k : s->resource->keyboards) { if (!k) continue; k->sendKey(timeMs, key, state_); } } } void CSeatManager::sendKeyboardMods(uint32_t depressed, uint32_t latched, uint32_t locked, uint32_t group) { if (!state.keyboardFocusResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != state.keyboardFocusResource->client()) continue; for (auto& k : s->resource->keyboards) { if (!k) continue; k->sendMods(depressed, latched, locked, group); } } } void CSeatManager::setPointerFocus(SP surf, const Vector2D& local) { if (state.pointerFocus == surf) return; if (!mouse || !mouse->wlr()) { Debug::log(ERR, "BUG THIS: setPointerFocus without a valid mouse set"); return; } listeners.pointerSurfaceDestroy.reset(); if (state.pointerFocusResource) { auto client = state.pointerFocusResource->client(); for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != client) continue; for (auto& p : s->resource->pointers) { if (!p) continue; p->sendLeave(); } } } auto lastPointerFocusResource = state.pointerFocusResource; state.pointerFocusResource.reset(); state.pointerFocus = surf; if (!surf) { sendPointerFrame(lastPointerFocusResource); events.pointerFocusChange.emit(); return; } auto client = surf->client(); for (auto& r : seatResources | std::views::reverse) { if (r->resource->client() != client) continue; state.pointerFocusResource = r->resource; for (auto& p : r->resource->pointers) { if (!p) continue; p->sendEnter(surf, local); } } if (state.pointerFocusResource != lastPointerFocusResource) sendPointerFrame(lastPointerFocusResource); sendPointerFrame(); listeners.pointerSurfaceDestroy = surf->events.destroy.registerListener([this](std::any d) { setPointerFocus(nullptr, {}); }); events.pointerFocusChange.emit(); } void CSeatManager::sendPointerMotion(uint32_t timeMs, const Vector2D& local) { if (!state.pointerFocusResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != state.pointerFocusResource->client()) continue; for (auto& p : s->resource->pointers) { if (!p) continue; p->sendMotion(timeMs, local); } } lastLocalCoords = local; } void CSeatManager::sendPointerButton(uint32_t timeMs, uint32_t key, wl_pointer_button_state state_) { if (!state.pointerFocusResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != state.pointerFocusResource->client()) continue; for (auto& p : s->resource->pointers) { if (!p) continue; p->sendButton(timeMs, key, state_); } } } void CSeatManager::sendPointerFrame() { if (!state.pointerFocusResource) return; sendPointerFrame(state.pointerFocusResource); } void CSeatManager::sendPointerFrame(WP pResource) { if (!pResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != pResource->client()) continue; for (auto& p : s->resource->pointers) { if (!p) continue; p->sendFrame(); } } } void CSeatManager::sendPointerAxis(uint32_t timeMs, wl_pointer_axis axis, double value, int32_t discrete, int32_t value120, wl_pointer_axis_source source, wl_pointer_axis_relative_direction relative) { if (!state.pointerFocusResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != state.pointerFocusResource->client()) continue; for (auto& p : s->resource->pointers) { if (!p) continue; p->sendAxis(timeMs, axis, value); p->sendAxisSource(source); p->sendAxisRelativeDirection(axis, relative); if (source == 0) { p->sendAxisValue120(axis, value120); p->sendAxisDiscrete(axis, discrete); } if (value == 0) p->sendAxisStop(timeMs, axis); } } } void CSeatManager::sendTouchDown(SP surf, uint32_t timeMs, int32_t id, const Vector2D& local) { listeners.touchSurfaceDestroy.reset(); state.touchFocusResource.reset(); state.touchFocus = surf; auto client = surf->client(); for (auto& r : seatResources | std::views::reverse) { if (r->resource->client() != client) continue; state.touchFocusResource = r->resource; for (auto& t : r->resource->touches) { if (!t) continue; t->sendDown(surf, timeMs, id, local); } } listeners.touchSurfaceDestroy = surf->events.destroy.registerListener([this, timeMs, id](std::any d) { sendTouchUp(timeMs + 10, id); }); touchLocks++; if (touchLocks <= 1) events.touchFocusChange.emit(); } void CSeatManager::sendTouchUp(uint32_t timeMs, int32_t id) { if (!state.touchFocusResource || touchLocks <= 0) return; auto client = state.touchFocusResource->client(); for (auto& r : seatResources | std::views::reverse) { if (r->resource->client() != client) continue; state.touchFocusResource = r->resource; for (auto& t : r->resource->touches) { if (!t) continue; t->sendUp(timeMs, id); } } touchLocks--; if (touchLocks <= 0) events.touchFocusChange.emit(); } void CSeatManager::sendTouchMotion(uint32_t timeMs, int32_t id, const Vector2D& local) { if (!state.touchFocusResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != state.touchFocusResource->client()) continue; for (auto& t : s->resource->touches) { if (!t) continue; t->sendMotion(timeMs, id, local); } } } void CSeatManager::sendTouchFrame() { if (!state.touchFocusResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != state.touchFocusResource->client()) continue; for (auto& t : s->resource->touches) { if (!t) continue; t->sendFrame(); } } } void CSeatManager::sendTouchCancel() { if (!state.touchFocusResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != state.touchFocusResource->client()) continue; for (auto& t : s->resource->touches) { if (!t) continue; t->sendCancel(); } } } void CSeatManager::sendTouchShape(int32_t id, const Vector2D& shape) { if (!state.touchFocusResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != state.touchFocusResource->client()) continue; for (auto& t : s->resource->touches) { if (!t) continue; t->sendShape(id, shape); } } } void CSeatManager::sendTouchOrientation(int32_t id, double angle) { if (!state.touchFocusResource) return; for (auto& s : seatResources) { if (s->resource->client() != state.touchFocusResource->client()) continue; for (auto& t : s->resource->touches) { if (!t) continue; t->sendOrientation(id, angle); } } } void CSeatManager::refocusGrab() { if (!seatGrab) return; if (seatGrab->surfs.size() > 0) { // try to find a surf in focus first const auto MOUSE = g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal(); for (auto& s : seatGrab->surfs) { auto hlSurf = CWLSurface::fromResource(s.lock()); if (!hlSurf) continue; auto b = hlSurf->getSurfaceBoxGlobal(); if (!b.has_value()) continue; if (!b->containsPoint(MOUSE)) continue; if (seatGrab->keyboard) setKeyboardFocus(s.lock()); if (seatGrab->pointer) setPointerFocus(s.lock(), MOUSE - b->pos()); return; } SP surf = seatGrab->surfs.at(0).lock(); if (seatGrab->keyboard) setKeyboardFocus(surf); if (seatGrab->pointer) setPointerFocus(surf, {}); } } void CSeatManager::onSetCursor(SP seatResource, uint32_t serial, SP surf, const Vector2D& hotspot) { if (!state.pointerFocusResource || !seatResource || seatResource->client() != state.pointerFocusResource->client()) { Debug::log(LOG, "[seatmgr] Rejecting a setCursor because the client ain't in focus"); return; } // TODO: fix this. Probably should be done in the CWlPointer as the serial could be lost by us. // if (!serialValid(seatResource, serial)) { // Debug::log(LOG, "[seatmgr] Rejecting a setCursor because the serial is invalid"); // return; // } events.setCursor.emit(SSetCursorEvent{surf, hotspot}); } SP CSeatManager::seatResourceForClient(wl_client* client) { return PROTO::seat->seatResourceForClient(client); } void CSeatManager::setCurrentSelection(SP source) { if (source == selection.currentSelection) { Debug::log(WARN, "[seat] duplicated setCurrentSelection?"); return; } selection.destroySelection.reset(); if (selection.currentSelection) selection.currentSelection->cancelled(); if (!source) PROTO::data->setSelection(nullptr); selection.currentSelection = source; if (source) { selection.destroySelection = source->events.destroy.registerListener([this](std::any d) { setCurrentSelection(nullptr); }); PROTO::data->setSelection(source); PROTO::dataWlr->setSelection(source, false); } events.setSelection.emit(); } void CSeatManager::setCurrentPrimarySelection(SP source) { if (source == selection.currentPrimarySelection) { Debug::log(WARN, "[seat] duplicated setCurrentPrimarySelection?"); return; } selection.destroyPrimarySelection.reset(); if (selection.currentPrimarySelection) selection.currentPrimarySelection->cancelled(); if (!source) PROTO::primarySelection->setSelection(nullptr); selection.currentPrimarySelection = source; if (source) { selection.destroyPrimarySelection = source->events.destroy.registerListener([this](std::any d) { setCurrentPrimarySelection(nullptr); }); PROTO::primarySelection->setSelection(source); PROTO::dataWlr->setSelection(source, true); } events.setPrimarySelection.emit(); } void CSeatManager::setGrab(SP grab) { if (seatGrab) { auto oldGrab = seatGrab; seatGrab.reset(); g_pInputManager->refocus(); if (oldGrab->onEnd) oldGrab->onEnd(); } if (!grab) return; seatGrab = grab; refocusGrab(); } void CSeatManager::resendEnterEvents() { SP kb = state.keyboardFocus.lock(); SP pt = state.pointerFocus.lock(); auto last = lastLocalCoords; setKeyboardFocus(nullptr); setPointerFocus(nullptr, {}); setKeyboardFocus(kb); setPointerFocus(pt, last); } bool CSeatGrab::accepts(SP surf) { return std::find(surfs.begin(), surfs.end(), surf) != surfs.end(); } void CSeatGrab::add(SP surf) { surfs.push_back(surf); } void CSeatGrab::remove(SP surf) { std::erase(surfs, surf); if ((keyboard && g_pSeatManager->state.keyboardFocus == surf) || (pointer && g_pSeatManager->state.pointerFocus == surf)) g_pSeatManager->refocusGrab(); } void CSeatGrab::setCallback(std::function onEnd_) { onEnd = onEnd_; } void CSeatGrab::clear() { surfs.clear(); }