#pragma once #include "ConfigManager.hpp" inline static const std::vector CONFIG_OPTIONS = { /* * general: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:border_size", .description = "size of the border around windows", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{1, 0, 20}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:no_border_on_floating", .description = "disable borders for floating windows", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:gaps_in", .description = "gaps between windows\n\nsupports css style gaps (top, right, bottom, left -> 5 10 15 20)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{"5"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:gaps_out", .description = "gaps between windows and monitor edges\n\nsupports css style gaps (top, right, bottom, left -> 5 10 15 20)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{"20"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:gaps_workspaces", .description = "gaps between workspaces. Stacks with gaps_out.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 100}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:col.inactive_border", .description = "border color for inactive windows", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_GRADIENT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SGradientData{"0xff444444"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:col.active_border", .description = "border color for the active window", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_GRADIENT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SGradientData{"0xffffffff"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:col.nogroup_border", .description = "inactive border color for window that cannot be added to a group (see denywindowfromgroup dispatcher)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_GRADIENT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SGradientData{"0xffffaaff"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:col.nogroup_border_active", .description = "active border color for window that cannot be added to a group", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_GRADIENT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SGradientData{"0xffff00ff"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:layout", .description = "which layout to use. [dwindle/master]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{"dwindle"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:no_focus_fallback", .description = "if true, will not fall back to the next available window when moving focus in a direction where no window was found", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:resize_on_border", .description = "enables resizing windows by clicking and dragging on borders and gaps", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:extend_border_grab_area", .description = "extends the area around the border where you can click and drag on, only used when general:resize_on_border is on.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{15, 0, 100}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:hover_icon_on_border", .description = "show a cursor icon when hovering over borders, only used when general:resize_on_border is on.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:allow_tearing", .description = "master switch for allowing tearing to occur. See the Tearing page.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:resize_corner", .description = "force floating windows to use a specific corner when being resized (1-4 going clockwise from top left, 0 to disable)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 4}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:snap:enabled", .description = "enable snapping for floating windows", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:snap:window_gap", .description = "minimum gap in pixels between windows before snapping", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{10, 0, 100}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:snap:monitor_gap", .description = "minimum gap in pixels between window and monitor edges before snapping", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{10, 0, 100}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:snap:border_overlap", .description = "if true, windows snap such that only one border's worth of space is between them", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, /* * decoration: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:rounding", .description = "rounded corners' radius (in layout px)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 20}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:active_opacity", .description = "opacity of active windows. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:inactive_opacity", .description = "opacity of inactive windows. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:fullscreen_opacity", .description = "opacity of fullscreen windows. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:shadow:enabled", .description = "enable drop shadows on windows", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:shadow:range", .description = "Shadow range (size) in layout px", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{4, 0, 100}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:shadow:render_power", .description = "in what power to render the falloff (more power, the faster the falloff) [1 - 4]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{3, 1, 4}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:shadow:sharp", .description = "whether the shadow should be sharp or not. Akin to an infinitely high render power.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:shadow:ignore_window", .description = "if true, the shadow will not be rendered behind the window itself, only around it.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:shadow:color", .description = "shadow's color. Alpha dictates shadow's opacity.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SColorData{0xee1a1a1a}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:shadow:color_inactive", .description = "inactive shadow color. (if not set, will fall back to col.shadow)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SColorData{}, //TODO: UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:shadow:offset", .description = "shadow's rendering offset.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_VECTOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SVectorData{{}, {-250, -250}, {250, 250}}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:shadow:scale", .description = "shadow's scale. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:dim_inactive", .description = "enables dimming of inactive windows", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:dim_strength", .description = "how much inactive windows should be dimmed [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.5, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:dim_special", .description = "how much to dim the rest of the screen by when a special workspace is open. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.2, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:dim_around", .description = "how much the dimaround window rule should dim by. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.4, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "decoration:screen_shader", .description = "screen_shader a path to a custom shader to be applied at the end of rendering. See examples/screenShader.frag for an example.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_LONG, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, /* * blur: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:enabled", .description = "enable kawase window background blur", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:size", .description = "blur size (distance)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{8, 0, 100}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:passes", .description = "the amount of passes to perform", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{1, 0, 10}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:ignore_opacity", .description = "make the blur layer ignore the opacity of the window", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:new_optimizations", .description = "whether to enable further optimizations to the blur. Recommended to leave on, as it will massively improve performance.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:xray", .description = "if enabled, floating windows will ignore tiled windows in their blur. Only available if blur_new_optimizations is true. Will reduce overhead on floating " "blur significantly.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:noise", .description = "how much noise to apply. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.0117, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:contrast", .description = "contrast modulation for blur. [0.0 - 2.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.8916, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:brightness", .description = "brightness modulation for blur. [0.0 - 2.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.8172, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:vibrancy", .description = "Increase saturation of blurred colors. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.1696, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:vibrancy_darkness", .description = "How strong the effect of vibrancy is on dark areas . [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:special", .description = "whether to blur behind the special workspace (note: expensive)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:popups", .description = "whether to blur popups (e.g. right-click menus)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:popups_ignorealpha", .description = "works like ignorealpha in layer rules. If pixel opacity is below set value, will not blur. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.2, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:input_methods", .description = "whether to blur input methods (e.g. fcitx5)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "blur:input_methods_ignorealpha", .description = "works like ignorealpha in layer rules. If pixel opacity is below set value, will not blur. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.2, 0, 1}, }, /* * animations: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "animations:enabled", .description = "enable animations", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "animations:first_launch_animation", .description = "enable first launch animation", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, /* * input: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:kb_model", .description = "Appropriate XKB keymap parameter. See the note below.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{STRVAL_EMPTY}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:kb_layout", .description = "Appropriate XKB keymap parameter", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{"us"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:kb_variant", .description = "Appropriate XKB keymap parameter", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:kb_options", .description = "Appropriate XKB keymap parameter", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:kb_rules", .description = "Appropriate XKB keymap parameter", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:kb_file", .description = "Appropriate XKB keymap parameter", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_LONG, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:numlock_by_default", .description = "Engage numlock by default.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:resolve_binds_by_sym", .description = "Determines how keybinds act when multiple layouts are used. If false, keybinds will always act as if the first specified layout is active. If true, " "keybinds specified by symbols are activated when you type the respective symbol with the current layout.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:repeat_rate", .description = "The repeat rate for held-down keys, in repeats per second.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{25, 0, 200}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:repeat_delay", .description = "Delay before a held-down key is repeated, in milliseconds.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{600, 0, 2000}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:sensitivity", .description = "Sets the mouse input sensitivity. Value is clamped to the range -1.0 to 1.0.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0, -1, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:accel_profile", .description = "Sets the cursor acceleration profile. Can be one of adaptive, flat. Can also be custom, see below. Leave empty to use libinput's default mode for your " "input device. [adaptive/flat/custom]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:force_no_accel", .description = "Force no cursor acceleration. This bypasses most of your pointer settings to get as raw of a signal as possible. Enabling this is not recommended due to " "potential cursor desynchronization.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:left_handed", .description = "Switches RMB and LMB", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:scroll_points", .description = "Sets the scroll acceleration profile, when accel_profile is set to custom. Has to be in the form . Leave empty to have a flat scroll curve.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:scroll_method", .description = "Sets the scroll method. Can be one of 2fg (2 fingers), edge, on_button_down, no_scroll. [2fg/edge/on_button_down/no_scroll]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:scroll_button", .description = "Sets the scroll button. Has to be an int, cannot be a string. Check wev if you have any doubts regarding the ID. 0 means default.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 300}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:scroll_button_lock", .description = "If the scroll button lock is enabled, the button does not need to be held down. Pressing and releasing the button toggles the button lock, which logically " "holds the button down or releases it. While the button is logically held down, motion events are converted to scroll events.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:scroll_factor", .description = "Multiplier added to scroll movement for external mice. Note that there is a separate setting for touchpad scroll_factor.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:natural_scroll", .description = "Inverts scrolling direction. When enabled, scrolling moves content directly, rather than manipulating a scrollbar.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:follow_mouse", .description = "Specify if and how cursor movement should affect window focus. See the note below. [0/1/2/3]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{1, 0, 3}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:focus_on_close", .description = "Controls the window focus behavior when a window is closed. When set to 0, focus will shift to the next window candidate. When set to 1, focus will shift " "to the window under the cursor.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_CHOICE, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SChoiceData{0, "next,cursor"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:mouse_refocus", .description = "if disabled, mouse focus won't switch to the hovered window unless the mouse crosses a window boundary when follow_mouse=1.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:float_switch_override_focus", .description = "If enabled (1 or 2), focus will change to the window under the cursor when changing from tiled-to-floating and vice versa. If 2, focus will also follow " "mouse on float-to-float switches.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{1, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:special_fallthrough", .description = "if enabled, having only floating windows in the special workspace will not block focusing windows in the regular workspace.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:off_window_axis_events", .description = "Handles axis events around (gaps/border for tiled, dragarea/border for floated) a focused window. 0 ignores axis events 1 sends out-of-bound coordinates 2 " "fakes pointer coordinates to the closest point inside the window 3 warps the cursor to the closest point inside the window", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{1, 0, 3}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:emulate_discrete_scroll", .description = "Emulates discrete scrolling from high resolution scrolling events. 0 disables it, 1 enables handling of non-standard events only, and 2 force enables all " "scroll wheel events to be handled", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{1, 0, 2}, }, /* * input:touchpad: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchpad:disable_while_typing", .description = "Disable the touchpad while typing.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchpad:natural_scroll", .description = "Inverts scrolling direction. When enabled, scrolling moves content directly, rather than manipulating a scrollbar.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchpad:scroll_factor", .description = "Multiplier applied to the amount of scroll movement.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchpad:middle_button_emulation", .description = "Sending LMB and RMB simultaneously will be interpreted as a middle click. This disables any touchpad area that would normally send a middle click based on location.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchpad:tap_button_map", .description = "Sets the tap button mapping for touchpad button emulation. Can be one of lrm (default) or lmr (Left, Middle, Right Buttons). [lrm/lmr]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchpad:clickfinger_behavior", .description = "Button presses with 1, 2, or 3 fingers will be mapped to LMB, RMB, and MMB respectively. This disables interpretation of clicks based on location on the touchpad.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchpad:tap-to-click", .description = "Tapping on the touchpad with 1, 2, or 3 fingers will send LMB, RMB, and MMB respectively.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchpad:drag_lock", .description = "When enabled, lifting the finger off for a short time while dragging will not drop the dragged item.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchpad:tap-and-drag", .description = "Sets the tap and drag mode for the touchpad", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, /* * input:touchdevice: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchdevice:transform", .description = "Transform the input from touchdevices. The possible transformations are the same as those of the monitors", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 6}, // ##TODO RANGE? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchdevice:output", .description = "The monitor to bind touch devices. The default is auto-detection. To stop auto-detection, use an empty string or the [[Empty]] value.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:touchdevice:enabled", .description = "Whether input is enabled for touch devices.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, /* * input:tablet: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:tablet:transform", .description = "transform the input from tablets. The possible transformations are the same as those of the monitors", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 6}, // ##TODO RANGE? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:tablet:output", .description = "the monitor to bind tablets. Can be current or a monitor name. Leave empty to map across all monitors.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:tablet:region_position", .description = "position of the mapped region in monitor layout relative to the top left corner of the bound monitor or all monitors.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_VECTOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SVectorData{{}, {-20000, -20000}, {20000, 20000}}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:tablet:absolute_region_position", .description = "whether to treat the region_position as an absolute position in monitor layout. Only applies when output is empty.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:tablet:region_size", .description = "size of the mapped region. When this variable is set, tablet input will be mapped to the region. [0, 0] or invalid size means unset.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_VECTOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SVectorData{{}, {-100, -100}, {4000, 4000}}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:tablet:relative_input", .description = "whether the input should be relative", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:tablet:left_handed", .description = "if enabled, the tablet will be rotated 180 degrees", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:tablet:active_area_size", .description = "size of tablet's active area in mm", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_VECTOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SVectorData{{}, {}, {500, 500}}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "input:tablet:active_area_position", .description = "position of the active area in mm", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_VECTOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SVectorData{{}, {}, {500, 500}}, }, /* ##TODO * * PER DEVICE SETTINGS? * * */ /* * gestures: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe", .description = "enable workspace swipe gesture on touchpad", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_fingers", .description = "how many fingers for the touchpad gesture", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{3, 0, 5}, //##TODO RANGE? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_min_fingers", .description = "if enabled, workspace_swipe_fingers is considered the minimum number of fingers to swipe", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_distance", .description = "in px, the distance of the touchpad gesture", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{300, 0, 2000}, //##TODO RANGE? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_touch", .description = "enable workspace swiping from the edge of a touchscreen", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_invert", .description = "invert the direction (touchpad only)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_touch_invert", .description = "invert the direction (touchscreen only)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_min_speed_to_force", .description = "minimum speed in px per timepoint to force the change ignoring cancel_ratio. Setting to 0 will disable this mechanic.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{30, 0, 200}, //##TODO RANGE? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_cancel_ratio", .description = "how much the swipe has to proceed in order to commence it. (0.7 -> if > 0.7 * distance, switch, if less, revert) [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.5, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_create_new", .description = "whether a swipe right on the last workspace should create a new one.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_direction_lock", .description = "if enabled, switching direction will be locked when you swipe past the direction_lock_threshold (touchpad only).", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_direction_lock_threshold", .description = "in px, the distance to swipe before direction lock activates (touchpad only).", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{10, 0, 200}, //##TODO RANGE? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_forever", .description = "if enabled, swiping will not clamp at the neighboring workspaces but continue to the further ones.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "gestures:workspace_swipe_use_r", .description = "if enabled, swiping will use the r prefix instead of the m prefix for finding workspaces.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, /* * group: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:insert_after_current", .description = "whether new windows in a group spawn after current or at group tail", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:focus_removed_window", .description = "whether Hyprland should focus on the window that has just been moved out of the group", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:merge_groups_on_drag", .description = "whether window groups can be dragged into other groups", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:merge_groups_on_groupbar", .description = "whether one group will be merged with another when dragged into its groupbar", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:col.border_active", .description = "border color for inactive windows", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_GRADIENT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SGradientData{"0x66ffff00"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:col.border_inactive", .description = "border color for the active window", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_GRADIENT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SGradientData{"0x66777700"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:col.border_locked_active", .description = "inactive border color for window that cannot be added to a group (see denywindowfromgroup dispatcher)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_GRADIENT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SGradientData{"0x66ff5500"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "general:col.border_locked_inactive", .description = "active border color for window that cannot be added to a group", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_GRADIENT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SGradientData{"0x66775500"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:auto_group", .description = "automatically group new windows", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:drag_into_group", .description = "whether dragging a window into a unlocked group will merge them. Options: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled), 2 (only when dragging into the groupbar)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_CHOICE, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SChoiceData{0, "disabled,enabled,only when dragging into the groupbar"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:merge_floated_into_tiled_on_groupbar", .description = "whether dragging a floating window into a tiled window groupbar will merge them", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:group_on_movetoworkspace", .description = "whether using movetoworkspace[silent] will merge the window into the workspace's solitary unlocked group", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, /* * group:groupbar: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:enabled", .description = "enables groupbars", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:font_family", .description = "font used to display groupbar titles, use misc:font_family if not specified", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{STRVAL_EMPTY}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:font_size", .description = "font size of groupbar title", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{8, 2, 64}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:gradients", .description = "enables gradients", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:height", .description = "height of the groupbar", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{14, 1, 64}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:stacked", .description = "render the groupbar as a vertical stack", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:priority", .description = "sets the decoration priority for groupbars", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{3, 0, 6}, //##TODO RANGE? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:render_titles", .description = "whether to render titles in the group bar decoration", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:scrolling", .description = "whether scrolling in the groupbar changes group active window", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:text_color", .description = "controls the group bar text color", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SColorData{0xffffffff}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:col.active", .description = "active group border color", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SColorData{0x66ffff00}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:col.inactive", .description = "inactive (out of focus) group border color", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SColorData{0x66777700}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:col.locked_active", .description = "active locked group border color", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SColorData{0x66ff5500}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "group:groupbar:col.locked_inactive", .description = "controls the group bar text color", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SColorData{0x66775500}, }, /* * misc: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:disable_hyprland_logo", .description = "disables the random Hyprland logo / anime girl background. :(", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:disable_splash_rendering", .description = "disables the Hyprland splash rendering. (requires a monitor reload to take effect)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:col.splash", .description = "Changes the color of the splash text (requires a monitor reload to take effect).", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SColorData{0xffffffff}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:font_family", .description = "Set the global default font to render the text including debug fps/notification, config error messages and etc., selected from system fonts.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{"Sans"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:splash_font_family", .description = "Changes the font used to render the splash text, selected from system fonts (requires a monitor reload to take effect).", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{STRVAL_EMPTY}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:force_default_wallpaper", .description = "Enforce any of the 3 default wallpapers. Setting this to 0 or 1 disables the anime background. -1 means “random”. [-1/0/1/2]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{-1, -1, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:vfr", .description = "controls the VFR status of Hyprland. Heavily recommended to leave enabled to conserve resources.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:vrr", .description = " controls the VRR (Adaptive Sync) of your monitors. 0 - off, 1 - on, 2 - fullscreen only [0/1/2]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:mouse_move_enables_dpms", .description = "If DPMS is set to off, wake up the monitors if the mouse move", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:key_press_enables_dpms", .description = "If DPMS is set to off, wake up the monitors if a key is pressed.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:always_follow_on_dnd", .description = "Will make mouse focus follow the mouse when drag and dropping. Recommended to leave it enabled, especially for people using focus follows mouse at 0.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:layers_hog_keyboard_focus", .description = "If true, will make keyboard-interactive layers keep their focus on mouse move (e.g. wofi, bemenu)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:animate_manual_resizes", .description = "If true, will animate manual window resizes/moves", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:animate_mouse_windowdragging", .description = "If true, will animate windows being dragged by mouse, note that this can cause weird behavior on some curves", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:disable_autoreload", .description = "If true, the config will not reload automatically on save, and instead needs to be reloaded with hyprctl reload. Might save on battery.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:enable_swallow", .description = "Enable window swallowing", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:swallow_regex", .description = "The class regex to be used for windows that should be swallowed (usually, a terminal). To know more about the list of regex which can be used use this cheatsheet.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:swallow_exception_regex", .description = "The title regex to be used for windows that should not be swallowed by the windows specified in swallow_regex (e.g. wev). The regex is matched against the " "parent (e.g. Kitty) window’s title on the assumption that it changes to whatever process it’s running.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:focus_on_activate", .description = "Whether Hyprland should focus an app that requests to be focused (an activate request)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:mouse_move_focuses_monitor", .description = "Whether mouse moving into a different monitor should focus it", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:render_ahead_of_time", .description = "[Warning: buggy] starts rendering before your monitor displays a frame in order to lower latency", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:render_ahead_safezone", .description = "how many ms of safezone to add to rendering ahead of time. Recommended 1-2.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{1, 1, 10}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:allow_session_lock_restore", .description = "if true, will allow you to restart a lockscreen app in case it crashes (red screen of death)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:background_color", .description = "change the background color. (requires enabled disable_hyprland_logo)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_COLOR, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SColorData{0x111111}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:close_special_on_empty", .description = "close the special workspace if the last window is removed", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:new_window_takes_over_fullscreen", .description = "if there is a fullscreen or maximized window, decide whether a new tiled window opened should replace it, stay behind or disable the fullscreen/maximized " "state. 0 - behind, 1 - takes over, 2 - unfullscreen/unmaxize [0/1/2]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:exit_window_retains_fullscreen", .description = "if true, closing a fullscreen window makes the next focused window fullscreen", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:initial_workspace_tracking", .description = "if enabled, windows will open on the workspace they were invoked on. 0 - disabled, 1 - single-shot, 2 - persistent (all children too)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{1, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:middle_click_paste", .description = "whether to enable middle-click-paste (aka primary selection)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:render_unfocused_fps", .description = "the maximum limit for renderunfocused windows' fps in the background", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{15, 1, 120}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:disable_xdg_env_checks", .description = "disable the warning if XDG environment is externally managed", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "misc:lockdead_screen_delay", .description = "the delay in ms after the lockdead screen appears if the lock screen did not appear after a lock event occurred.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{1000, 0, 5000}, }, /* * binds: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "binds:pass_mouse_when_bound", .description = "if disabled, will not pass the mouse events to apps / dragging windows around if a keybind has been triggered.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "binds:scroll_event_delay", .description = "in ms, how many ms to wait after a scroll event to allow passing another one for the binds.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{300, 0, 2000}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "binds:workspace_back_and_forth", .description = "If enabled, an attempt to switch to the currently focused workspace will instead switch to the previous workspace. Akin to i3’s auto_back_and_forth.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "binds:allow_workspace_cycles", .description = "If enabled, workspaces don’t forget their previous workspace, so cycles can be created by switching to the first workspace in a sequence, then endlessly " "going to the previous workspace.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "binds:workspace_center_on", .description = "Whether switching workspaces should center the cursor on the workspace (0) or on the last active window for that workspace (1)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "binds:focus_preferred_method", .description = "sets the preferred focus finding method when using focuswindow/movewindow/etc with a direction. 0 - history (recent have priority), 1 - length (longer " "shared edges have priority)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "binds:ignore_group_lock", .description = "If enabled, dispatchers like moveintogroup, moveoutofgroup and movewindoworgroup will ignore lock per group.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "binds:movefocus_cycles_fullscreen", .description = "If enabled, when on a fullscreen window, movefocus will cycle fullscreen, if not, it will move the focus in a direction.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "binds:disable_keybind_grabbing", .description = "If enabled, apps that request keybinds to be disabled (e.g. VMs) will not be able to do so.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "binds:window_direction_monitor_fallback", .description = "If enabled, moving a window or focus over the edge of a monitor with a direction will move it to the next monitor in that direction.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, /* * xwayland: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "xwayland:enabled", .description = "allow running applications using X11", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "xwayland:use_nearest_neighbor", .description = "uses the nearest neighbor filtering for xwayland apps, making them pixelated rather than blurry", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "xwayland:force_zero_scaling", .description = "forces a scale of 1 on xwayland windows on scaled displays.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, /* * opengl: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "opengl:nvidia_anti_flicker", .description = "reduces flickering on nvidia at the cost of possible frame drops on lower-end GPUs. On non-nvidia, this is ignored.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "opengl:force_introspection", .description = "forces introspection at all times. Introspection is aimed at reducing GPU usage in certain cases, but might cause graphical glitches on nvidia. 0 - " "nothing, 1 - force always on, 2 - force always on if nvidia", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{2, 0, 2}, }, /* * render: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "render:explicit_sync", .description = "Whether to enable explicit sync support. Requires a hyprland restart. 0 - no, 1 - yes, 2 - auto based on the gpu driver", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{2, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "render:explicit_sync_kms", .description = "Whether to enable explicit sync support for the KMS layer. Requires explicit_sync to be enabled. 0 - no, 1 - yes, 2 - auto based on the gpu driver", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{2, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "render:direct_scanout", .description = "Enables direct scanout. Direct scanout attempts to reduce lag when there is only one fullscreen application on a screen (e.g. game). It is also " "recommended to set this to false if the fullscreen application shows graphical glitches.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, /* * cursor: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:use_nearest_neighbor", .description = "sync xcursor theme with gsettings, it applies cursor-theme and cursor-size on theme load to gsettings making most CSD gtk based clients use same xcursor " "theme and size.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:no_hardware_cursors", .description = "disables hardware cursors", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_CHOICE, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SChoiceData{0, "Disabled,Enabled,Auto"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:no_break_fs_vrr", .description = "disables scheduling new frames on cursor movement for fullscreen apps with VRR enabled to avoid framerate spikes (requires no_hardware_cursors = true)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:min_refresh_rate", .description = "minimum refresh rate for cursor movement when no_break_fs_vrr is active. Set to minimum supported refresh rate or higher", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{24, 10, 500}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:hotspot_padding", .description = "the padding, in logical px, between screen edges and the cursor", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{1, 0, 20}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:inactive_timeout", .description = "in seconds, after how many seconds of cursor’s inactivity to hide it. Set to 0 for never.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 20}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:no_warps", .description = "if true, will not warp the cursor in many cases (focusing, keybinds, etc)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:persistent_warps", .description = "When a window is refocused, the cursor returns to its last position relative to that window, rather than to the centre.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:warp_on_change_workspace", .description = "If true, move the cursor to the last focused window after changing the workspace.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:default_monitor", .description = "the name of a default monitor for the cursor to be set to on startup (see hyprctl monitors for names)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{""}, //##TODO UNSET? }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:zoom_factor", .description = "the factor to zoom by around the cursor. Like a magnifying glass. Minimum 1.0 (meaning no zoom)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 1, 10}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:zoom_rigid", .description = "whether the zoom should follow the cursor rigidly (cursor is always centered if it can be) or loosely", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:enable_hyprcursor", .description = "whether to enable hyprcursor support", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:hide_on_key_press", .description = "Hides the cursor when you press any key until the mouse is moved.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:hide_on_touch", .description = "Hides the cursor when the last input was a touch input until a mouse input is done.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "cursor:use_cpu_buffer", .description = "Makes HW cursors use a CPU buffer. Required on Nvidia to have HW cursors. Experimental", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, /* * debug: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:overlay", .description = "print the debug performance overlay. Disable VFR for accurate results.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:damage_blink", .description = "disable logging to a file", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:disable_logs", .description = "disable logging to a file", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:disable_time", .description = "disables time logging", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:damage_tracking", .description = "redraw only the needed bits of the display. Do not change. (default: full - 2) monitor - 1, none - 0", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{2, 0, 2}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:enable_stdout_logs", .description = "enables logging to stdout", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:manual_crash", .description = "set to 1 and then back to 0 to crash Hyprland.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:suppress_errors", .description = "if true, do not display config file parsing errors.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:watchdog_timeout", .description = "sets the timeout in seconds for watchdog to abort processing of a signal of the main thread. Set to 0 to disable.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{5, 0, 20}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:disable_scale_checks", .description = "disables verification of the scale factors. Will result in pixel alignment and rounding errors.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:error_limit", .description = "limits the number of displayed config file parsing errors.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{5, 0, 20}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:error_position", .description = "sets the position of the error bar. top - 0, bottom - 1", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_INT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SRangeData{0, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "debug:colored_stdout_logs", .description = "enables colors in the stdout logs.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, /* * dwindle: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:pseudotile", .description = "enable pseudotiling. Pseudotiled windows retain their floating size when tiled.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:force_split", .description = "0 -> split follows mouse, 1 -> always split to the left (new = left or top) 2 -> always split to the right (new = right or bottom)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_CHOICE, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SChoiceData{0, "follow mouse,left or top,right or bottom"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:preserve_split", .description = "if enabled, the split (side/top) will not change regardless of what happens to the container.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:smart_split", .description = "if enabled, allows a more precise control over the window split direction based on the cursor's position. The window is conceptually divided into four " "triangles, and cursor's triangle determines the split direction. This feature also turns on preserve_split.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:smart_resizing", .description = "if enabled, resizing direction will be determined by the mouse's position on the window (nearest to which corner). Else, it is based on the window's tiling position.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:permanent_direction_override", .description = "if enabled, makes the preselect direction persist until either this mode is turned off, another direction is specified, or a non-direction is specified " "(anything other than l,r,u/t,d/b)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:special_scale_factor", .description = "specifies the scale factor of windows on the special workspace [0 - 1]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:split_width_multiplier", .description = "specifies the auto-split width multiplier", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 0.1, 3}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:use_active_for_splits", .description = "whether to prefer the active window or the mouse position for splits", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:default_split_ratio", .description = "the default split ratio on window open. 1 means even 50/50 split. [0.1 - 1.9]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 0.1, 1.9}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "dwindle:split_bias", .description = "specifies which window will receive the larger half of a split. positional - 0, current window - 1, opening window - 2 [0/1/2]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_CHOICE, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SChoiceData{0, "positional,current,opening"}, }, /* * master: */ SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:allow_small_split", .description = "enable adding additional master windows in a horizontal split style", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:special_scale_factor", .description = "the scale of the special workspace windows. [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{1, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:mfact", .description = "the size as a percentage of the master window, for example `mfact = 0.70` would mean 70% of the screen will be the master window, and 30% the slave [0.0 - 1.0]", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_FLOAT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SFloatData{0.55, 0, 1}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:new_status", .description = "`master`: new window becomes master; `slave`: new windows are added to slave stack; `inherit`: inherit from focused window", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{"slave"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:new_on_top", .description = "whether a newly open window should be on the top of the stack", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:new_on_active", .description = "`before`, `after`: place new window relative to the focused window; `none`: place new window according to the value of `new_on_top`. ", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{"none"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:orientation", .description = "default placement of the master area, can be left, right, top, bottom or center", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_STRING_SHORT, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SStringData{"left"}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:inherit_fullscreen", .description = "inherit fullscreen status when cycling/swapping to another window (e.g. monocle layout)", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:always_center_master", .description = "when using orientation=center, keep the master window centered, even when it is the only window in the workspace.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{false}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:smart_resizing", .description = "if enabled, resizing direction will be determined by the mouse's position on the window (nearest to which corner). Else, it is based on the window's tiling position.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, SConfigOptionDescription{ .value = "master:drop_at_cursor", .description = "when enabled, dragging and dropping windows will put them at the cursor position. Otherwise, when dropped at the stack side, they will go to the " "top/bottom of the stack depending on new_on_top.", .type = CONFIG_OPTION_BOOL, .data = SConfigOptionDescription::SBoolData{true}, }, };