#include "HyprCtl.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include std::string monitorsRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { std::string result = ""; if (format == HyprCtl::FORMAT_JSON) { result += "["; for (auto& m : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) { if (!m->output) continue; result += getFormat( R"#({ "id": %i, "name": "%s", "description": "%s", "make": "%s", "model": "%s", "serial": "%s", "width": %i, "height": %i, "refreshRate": %f, "x": %i, "y": %i, "activeWorkspace": { "id": %i, "name": "%s" }, "reserved": [%i, %i, %i, %i], "scale": %.2f, "transform": %i, "focused": %s, "dpmsStatus": %s, "vrr": %s },)#", m->ID, escapeJSONStrings(m->szName).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(m->output->description ? m->output->description : "").c_str(), (m->output->make ? m->output->make : ""), (m->output->model ? m->output->model : ""), (m->output->serial ? m->output->serial : ""), (int)m->vecPixelSize.x, (int)m->vecPixelSize.y, m->refreshRate, (int)m->vecPosition.x, (int)m->vecPosition.y, m->activeWorkspace, escapeJSONStrings(g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(m->activeWorkspace)->m_szName).c_str(), (int)m->vecReservedTopLeft.x, (int)m->vecReservedTopLeft.y, (int)m->vecReservedBottomRight.x, (int)m->vecReservedBottomRight.y, m->scale, (int)m->transform, (m.get() == g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor ? "true" : "false"), (m->dpmsStatus ? "true" : "false"), (m->output->adaptive_sync_status == WLR_OUTPUT_ADAPTIVE_SYNC_ENABLED ? "true" : "false")); } // remove trailing comma result.pop_back(); result += "]"; } else { for (auto& m : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) { if (!m->output) continue; result += getFormat("Monitor %s (ID %i):\n\t%ix%i@%f at %ix%i\n\tdescription: %s\n\tmake: %s\n\tmodel: %s\n\tserial: %s\n\tactive workspace: %i (%s)\n\treserved: %i " "%i %i %i\n\tscale: %.2f\n\ttransform: " "%i\n\tfocused: %s\n\tdpmsStatus: %i\n\tvrr: %i\n\n", m->szName.c_str(), m->ID, (int)m->vecPixelSize.x, (int)m->vecPixelSize.y, m->refreshRate, (int)m->vecPosition.x, (int)m->vecPosition.y, (m->output->description ? m->output->description : ""), (m->output->make ? m->output->make : ""), (m->output->model ? m->output->model : ""), (m->output->serial ? m->output->serial : ""), m->activeWorkspace, g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(m->activeWorkspace)->m_szName.c_str(), (int)m->vecReservedTopLeft.x, (int)m->vecReservedTopLeft.y, (int)m->vecReservedBottomRight.x, (int)m->vecReservedBottomRight.y, m->scale, (int)m->transform, (m.get() == g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor ? "yes" : "no"), (int)m->dpmsStatus, (int)(m->output->adaptive_sync_status == WLR_OUTPUT_ADAPTIVE_SYNC_ENABLED)); } } return result; } static std::string getGroupedData(CWindow* w, HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { const bool isJson = format == HyprCtl::FORMAT_JSON; if (!w->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow) return isJson ? "" : "0"; std::vector groupMembers; CWindow* curr = w; do { groupMembers.push_back(curr); curr = curr->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow; } while (curr != w); const auto comma = isJson ? ", " : ","; const auto fmt = isJson ? "\"0x%x\"" : "%x"; std::ostringstream result; bool first = true; for (auto& gw : groupMembers) { if (first) first = false; else result << comma; result << getFormat(fmt, gw); } return result.str(); } static std::string getWindowData(CWindow* w, HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { if (format == HyprCtl::FORMAT_JSON) { return getFormat( R"#({ "address": "0x%x", "mapped": %s, "hidden": %s, "at": [%i, %i], "size": [%i, %i], "workspace": { "id": %i, "name": "%s" }, "floating": %s, "monitor": %i, "class": "%s", "title": "%s", "initialClass": "%s", "initialTitle": "%s", "pid": %i, "xwayland": %s, "pinned": %s, "fullscreen": %s, "fullscreenMode": %i, "fakeFullscreen": %s, "grouped": [%s], "swallowing": %s },)#", w, (w->m_bIsMapped ? "true" : "false"), (w->isHidden() ? "true" : "false"), (int)w->m_vRealPosition.goalv().x, (int)w->m_vRealPosition.goalv().y, (int)w->m_vRealSize.goalv().x, (int)w->m_vRealSize.goalv().y, w->m_iWorkspaceID, escapeJSONStrings(w->m_iWorkspaceID == -1 ? "" : g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(w->m_iWorkspaceID) ? g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(w->m_iWorkspaceID)->m_szName : std::string("Invalid workspace " + std::to_string(w->m_iWorkspaceID))) .c_str(), ((int)w->m_bIsFloating == 1 ? "true" : "false"), w->m_iMonitorID, escapeJSONStrings(g_pXWaylandManager->getAppIDClass(w)).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(g_pXWaylandManager->getTitle(w)).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(w->m_szInitialClass).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(w->m_szInitialTitle).c_str(), w->getPID(), ((int)w->m_bIsX11 == 1 ? "true" : "false"), (w->m_bPinned ? "true" : "false"), (w->m_bIsFullscreen ? "true" : "false"), (w->m_bIsFullscreen ? (g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(w->m_iWorkspaceID) ? g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(w->m_iWorkspaceID)->m_efFullscreenMode : 0) : 0), w->m_bFakeFullscreenState ? "true" : "false", getGroupedData(w, format).c_str(), (w->m_pSwallowed ? getFormat("\"0x%x\"", w->m_pSwallowed).c_str() : "null")); } else { return getFormat( "Window %x -> %s:\n\tmapped: %i\n\thidden: %i\n\tat: %i,%i\n\tsize: %i,%i\n\tworkspace: %i (%s)\n\tfloating: %i\n\tmonitor: %i\n\tclass: %s\n\ttitle: " "%s\n\tinitialClass: %s\n\tinitialTitle: %s\n\tpid: " "%i\n\txwayland: %i\n\tpinned: " "%i\n\tfullscreen: %i\n\tfullscreenmode: %i\n\tfakefullscreen: %i\n\tgrouped: %s\n\tswallowing: %x\n\n", w, w->m_szTitle.c_str(), (int)w->m_bIsMapped, (int)w->isHidden(), (int)w->m_vRealPosition.goalv().x, (int)w->m_vRealPosition.goalv().y, (int)w->m_vRealSize.goalv().x, (int)w->m_vRealSize.goalv().y, w->m_iWorkspaceID, (w->m_iWorkspaceID == -1 ? "" : g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(w->m_iWorkspaceID) ? g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(w->m_iWorkspaceID)->m_szName.c_str() : std::string("Invalid workspace " + std::to_string(w->m_iWorkspaceID)).c_str()), (int)w->m_bIsFloating, w->m_iMonitorID, g_pXWaylandManager->getAppIDClass(w).c_str(), g_pXWaylandManager->getTitle(w).c_str(), w->m_szInitialClass.c_str(), w->m_szInitialTitle.c_str(), w->getPID(), (int)w->m_bIsX11, (int)w->m_bPinned, (int)w->m_bIsFullscreen, (w->m_bIsFullscreen ? (g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(w->m_iWorkspaceID) ? g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(w->m_iWorkspaceID)->m_efFullscreenMode : 0) : 0), (int)w->m_bFakeFullscreenState, getGroupedData(w, format).c_str(), w->m_pSwallowed); } } std::string clientsRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { std::string result = ""; if (format == HyprCtl::FORMAT_JSON) { result += "["; for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { result += getWindowData(w.get(), format); } // remove trailing comma if (result != "[") result.pop_back(); result += "]"; } else { for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { result += getWindowData(w.get(), format); } } return result; } std::string workspacesRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { std::string result = ""; if (format == HyprCtl::FORMAT_JSON) { result += "["; for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWorkspaces) { const auto PLASTW = w->getLastFocusedWindow(); const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(w->m_iMonitorID); result += getFormat( R"#({ "id": %i, "name": "%s", "monitor": "%s", "windows": %i, "hasfullscreen": %s, "lastwindow": "0x%x", "lastwindowtitle": "%s" },)#", w->m_iID, escapeJSONStrings(w->m_szName).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(PMONITOR ? PMONITOR->szName : "?").c_str(), g_pCompositor->getWindowsOnWorkspace(w->m_iID), ((int)w->m_bHasFullscreenWindow == 1 ? "true" : "false"), PLASTW, PLASTW ? escapeJSONStrings(PLASTW->m_szTitle).c_str() : ""); } // remove trailing comma result.pop_back(); result += "]"; } else { for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWorkspaces) { const auto PLASTW = w->getLastFocusedWindow(); const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(w->m_iMonitorID); result += getFormat("workspace ID %i (%s) on monitor %s:\n\twindows: %i\n\thasfullscreen: %i\n\tlastwindow: 0x%x\n\tlastwindowtitle: %s\n\n", w->m_iID, w->m_szName.c_str(), PMONITOR ? PMONITOR->szName.c_str() : "?", g_pCompositor->getWindowsOnWorkspace(w->m_iID), (int)w->m_bHasFullscreenWindow, PLASTW, PLASTW ? PLASTW->m_szTitle.c_str() : ""); } } return result; } std::string activeWindowRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { const auto PWINDOW = g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow; if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(PWINDOW)) return format == HyprCtl::FORMAT_JSON ? "{}" : "Invalid"; auto result = getWindowData(PWINDOW, format); if (format == HyprCtl::FORMAT_JSON) result.pop_back(); return result; } std::string layersRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { std::string result = ""; if (format == HyprCtl::FORMAT_JSON) { result += "{\n"; for (auto& mon : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) { result += getFormat( R"#("%s": { "levels": { )#", escapeJSONStrings(mon->szName).c_str()); int layerLevel = 0; for (auto& level : mon->m_aLayerSurfaceLayers) { result += getFormat( R"#( "%i": [ )#", layerLevel); for (auto& layer : level) { result += getFormat( R"#( { "address": "0x%x", "x": %i, "y": %i, "w": %i, "h": %i, "namespace": "%s" },)#", layer.get(), layer->geometry.x, layer->geometry.y, layer->geometry.width, layer->geometry.height, escapeJSONStrings(layer->szNamespace).c_str()); } // remove trailing comma result.pop_back(); if (level.size() > 0) result += "\n "; result += "],"; layerLevel++; } // remove trailing comma result.pop_back(); result += "\n }\n},"; } // remove trailing comma result.pop_back(); result += "\n}\n"; } else { for (auto& mon : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) { result += getFormat("Monitor %s:\n", mon->szName.c_str()); int layerLevel = 0; static const std::array levelNames = {"background", "bottom", "top", "overlay"}; for (auto& level : mon->m_aLayerSurfaceLayers) { result += getFormat("\tLayer level %i (%s):\n", layerLevel, levelNames[layerLevel].c_str()); for (auto& layer : level) { result += getFormat("\t\tLayer %x: xywh: %i %i %i %i, namespace: %s\n", layer.get(), layer->geometry.x, layer->geometry.y, layer->geometry.width, layer->geometry.height, layer->szNamespace.c_str()); } layerLevel++; } result += "\n\n"; } } return result; } std::string devicesRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { std::string result = ""; if (format == HyprCtl::FORMAT_JSON) { result += "{\n"; result += "\"mice\": [\n"; for (auto& m : g_pInputManager->m_lMice) { result += getFormat( R"#( { "address": "0x%x", "name": "%s", "defaultSpeed": %f },)#", &m, escapeJSONStrings(m.name).c_str(), wlr_input_device_is_libinput(m.mouse) ? libinput_device_config_accel_get_default_speed((libinput_device*)wlr_libinput_get_device_handle(m.mouse)) : 0.f); } // remove trailing comma result.pop_back(); result += "\n],\n"; result += "\"keyboards\": [\n"; for (auto& k : g_pInputManager->m_lKeyboards) { const auto KM = g_pInputManager->getActiveLayoutForKeyboard(&k); result += getFormat( R"#( { "address": "0x%x", "name": "%s", "rules": "%s", "model": "%s", "layout": "%s", "variant": "%s", "options": "%s", "active_keymap": "%s", "main": %s },)#", &k, escapeJSONStrings(k.name).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(k.currentRules.rules).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(k.currentRules.model).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(k.currentRules.layout).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(k.currentRules.variant).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(k.currentRules.options).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(KM).c_str(), (k.active ? "true" : "false")); } // remove trailing comma result.pop_back(); result += "\n],\n"; result += "\"tablets\": [\n"; for (auto& d : g_pInputManager->m_lTabletPads) { result += getFormat( R"#( { "address": "0x%x", "type": "tabletPad", "belongsTo": { "address": "0x%x", "name": "%s" } },)#", &d, d.pTabletParent, escapeJSONStrings(d.pTabletParent ? d.pTabletParent->name : "").c_str()); } for (auto& d : g_pInputManager->m_lTablets) { result += getFormat( R"#( { "address": "0x%x", "name": "%s" },)#", &d, escapeJSONStrings(d.name).c_str()); } for (auto& d : g_pInputManager->m_lTabletTools) { result += getFormat( R"#( { "address": "0x%x", "type": "tabletTool", "belongsTo": "0x%x" },)#", &d, d.wlrTabletTool ? d.wlrTabletTool->data : 0); } // remove trailing comma result.pop_back(); result += "\n],\n"; result += "\"touch\": [\n"; for (auto& d : g_pInputManager->m_lTouchDevices) { result += getFormat( R"#( { "address": "0x%x", "name": "%s" },)#", &d, d.name.c_str()); } // remove trailing comma if (result[result.size() - 1] == ',') result.pop_back(); result += "\n],\n"; result += "\"switches\": [\n"; for (auto& d : g_pInputManager->m_lSwitches) { result += getFormat( R"#( { "address": "0x%x", "name": "%s" },)#", &d, d.pWlrDevice ? d.pWlrDevice->name : ""); } // remove trailing comma if (result[result.size() - 1] == ',') result.pop_back(); result += "\n]\n"; result += "}\n"; } else { result += "mice:\n"; for (auto& m : g_pInputManager->m_lMice) { result += getFormat( "\tMouse at %x:\n\t\t%s\n\t\t\tdefault speed: %f\n", &m, m.name.c_str(), (wlr_input_device_is_libinput(m.mouse) ? libinput_device_config_accel_get_default_speed((libinput_device*)wlr_libinput_get_device_handle(m.mouse)) : 0.f)); } result += "\n\nKeyboards:\n"; for (auto& k : g_pInputManager->m_lKeyboards) { const auto KM = g_pInputManager->getActiveLayoutForKeyboard(&k); result += getFormat("\tKeyboard at %x:\n\t\t%s\n\t\t\trules: r \"%s\", m \"%s\", l \"%s\", v \"%s\", o \"%s\"\n\t\t\tactive keymap: %s\n\t\t\tmain: %s\n", &k, k.name.c_str(), k.currentRules.rules.c_str(), k.currentRules.model.c_str(), k.currentRules.layout.c_str(), k.currentRules.variant.c_str(), k.currentRules.options.c_str(), KM.c_str(), (k.active ? "yes" : "no")); } result += "\n\nTablets:\n"; for (auto& d : g_pInputManager->m_lTabletPads) { result += getFormat("\tTablet Pad at %x (belongs to %x -> %s)\n", &d, d.pTabletParent, d.pTabletParent ? d.pTabletParent->name.c_str() : ""); } for (auto& d : g_pInputManager->m_lTablets) { result += getFormat("\tTablet at %x:\n\t\t%s\n", &d, d.name.c_str()); } for (auto& d : g_pInputManager->m_lTabletTools) { result += getFormat("\tTablet Tool at %x (belongs to %x)\n", &d, d.wlrTabletTool ? d.wlrTabletTool->data : 0); } result += "\n\nTouch:\n"; for (auto& d : g_pInputManager->m_lTouchDevices) { result += getFormat("\tTouch Device at %x:\n\t\t%s\n", &d, d.name.c_str()); } result += "\n\nSwitches:\n"; for (auto& d : g_pInputManager->m_lSwitches) { result += getFormat("\tSwitch Device at %x:\n\t\t%s\n", &d, d.pWlrDevice ? d.pWlrDevice->name : ""); } } return result; } std::string animationsRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { std::string ret = ""; if (format == HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat::FORMAT_NORMAL) { ret += "animations:\n"; for (auto& ac : g_pConfigManager->getAnimationConfig()) { ret += getFormat("\n\tname: %s\n\t\toverriden: %i\n\t\tbezier: %s\n\t\tenabled: %i\n\t\tspeed: %.2f\n\t\tstyle: %s\n", ac.first.c_str(), (int)ac.second.overridden, ac.second.internalBezier.c_str(), ac.second.internalEnabled, ac.second.internalSpeed, ac.second.internalStyle.c_str()); } ret += "beziers:\n"; for (auto& bz : g_pAnimationManager->getAllBeziers()) { ret += getFormat("\n\tname: %s\n", bz.first.c_str()); } } else { // json ret += "[["; for (auto& ac : g_pConfigManager->getAnimationConfig()) { ret += getFormat(R"#( { "name": "%s", "overridden": %s, "bezier": "%s", "enabled": %s, "speed": %.2f, "style": "%s" },)#", ac.first.c_str(), ac.second.overridden ? "true" : "false", ac.second.internalBezier.c_str(), ac.second.internalEnabled ? "true" : "false", ac.second.internalSpeed, ac.second.internalStyle.c_str()); } ret[ret.length() - 1] = ']'; ret += ",\n["; for (auto& bz : g_pAnimationManager->getAllBeziers()) { ret += getFormat(R"#( { "name": "%s" },)#", bz.first.c_str()); } ret.pop_back(); ret += "]]"; } return ret; } std::string globalShortcutsRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { std::string ret = ""; const auto SHORTCUTS = g_pProtocolManager->m_pGlobalShortcutsProtocolManager->getAllShortcuts(); if (format == HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat::FORMAT_NORMAL) { for (auto& sh : SHORTCUTS) ret += getFormat("%s:%s -> %s\n", sh.appid.c_str(), sh.id.c_str(), sh.description.c_str()); } else { ret += "["; for (auto& sh : SHORTCUTS) { ret += getFormat(R"#( { "name": "%s", "description": "%s" },)#", escapeJSONStrings(sh.appid + ":" + sh.id).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(sh.description).c_str()); } ret.pop_back(); ret += "]\n"; } return ret; } std::string bindsRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { std::string ret = ""; if (format == HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat::FORMAT_NORMAL) { for (auto& kb : g_pKeybindManager->m_lKeybinds) { ret += "bind"; if (kb.locked) ret += "l"; if (kb.mouse) ret += "m"; if (kb.release) ret += "r"; if (kb.repeat) ret += "e"; ret += getFormat("\n\tmodmask: %u\n\tsubmap: %s\n\tkey: %s\n\tkeycode: %d\n\tdispatcher: %s\n\targ: %s\n\n", kb.modmask, kb.submap.c_str(), kb.key.c_str(), kb.keycode, kb.handler.c_str(), kb.arg.c_str()); } } else { // json ret += "["; for (auto& kb : g_pKeybindManager->m_lKeybinds) { ret += getFormat( R"#( { "locked": %s, "mouse": %s, "release": %s, "repeat": %s, "modmask": %u, "submap": "%s", "key": "%s", "keycode": %i, "dispatcher": "%s", "arg": "%s" },)#", kb.locked ? "true" : "false", kb.mouse ? "true" : "false", kb.release ? "true" : "false", kb.repeat ? "true" : "false", kb.modmask, escapeJSONStrings(kb.submap).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(kb.key).c_str(), kb.keycode, escapeJSONStrings(kb.handler).c_str(), escapeJSONStrings(kb.arg).c_str()); } ret.pop_back(); ret += "]"; } return ret; } std::string versionRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { if (format == HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat::FORMAT_NORMAL) { std::string result = "Hyprland, built from branch " + std::string(GIT_BRANCH) + " at commit " + GIT_COMMIT_HASH + GIT_DIRTY + " (" + removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE).c_str() + ").\nflags: (if any)\n"; #ifdef LEGACY_RENDERER result += "legacyrenderer\n"; #endif #ifndef NDEBUG result += "debug\n"; #endif #ifdef HYPRLAND_DEBUG result += "debug\n"; #endif #ifdef NO_XWAYLAND result += "no xwayland\n"; #endif return result; } else { std::string result = getFormat( R"#({ "branch": "%s", "commit": "%s", "dirty": %s, "commit_message": "%s", "flags": [)#", GIT_BRANCH, GIT_COMMIT_HASH, (strcmp(GIT_DIRTY, "dirty") == 0 ? "true" : "false"), removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(GIT_COMMIT_MESSAGE).c_str()); #ifdef LEGACY_RENDERER result += "\"legacyrenderer\","; #endif #ifndef NDEBUG result += "\"debug\","; #endif #ifdef HYPRLAND_DEBUG result += "\"debug\","; #endif #ifdef NO_XWAYLAND result += "\"no xwayland\","; #endif if (result[result.length() - 1] == ',') result.pop_back(); result += "]\n}"; return result; } return ""; // make the compiler happy } std::string dispatchRequest(std::string in) { // get rid of the dispatch keyword in = in.substr(in.find_first_of(' ') + 1); const auto DISPATCHSTR = in.substr(0, in.find_first_of(' ')); const auto DISPATCHARG = in.substr(in.find_first_of(' ') + 1); const auto DISPATCHER = g_pKeybindManager->m_mDispatchers.find(DISPATCHSTR); if (DISPATCHER == g_pKeybindManager->m_mDispatchers.end()) return "Invalid dispatcher"; DISPATCHER->second(DISPATCHARG); Debug::log(LOG, "Hyprctl: dispatcher %s : %s", DISPATCHSTR.c_str(), DISPATCHARG.c_str()); return "ok"; } std::string dispatchKeyword(std::string in) { // get rid of the keyword keyword in = in.substr(in.find_first_of(' ') + 1); const auto COMMAND = in.substr(0, in.find_first_of(' ')); const auto VALUE = in.substr(in.find_first_of(' ') + 1); std::string retval = g_pConfigManager->parseKeyword(COMMAND, VALUE, true); if (COMMAND == "monitor") g_pConfigManager->m_bWantsMonitorReload = true; // for monitor keywords if (COMMAND.contains("input") || COMMAND.contains("device:")) { g_pInputManager->setKeyboardLayout(); // update kb layout g_pInputManager->setPointerConfigs(); // update mouse cfgs g_pInputManager->setTouchDeviceConfigs(); // update touch device cfgs g_pInputManager->setTabletConfigs(); // update tablets } if (COMMAND.contains("general:layout")) g_pLayoutManager->switchToLayout(g_pConfigManager->getString("general:layout")); // update layout if (COMMAND.contains("decoration:screen_shader")) g_pHyprOpenGL->m_bReloadScreenShader = true; if (COMMAND.contains("blur")) { for (auto& [m, rd] : g_pHyprOpenGL->m_mMonitorRenderResources) { rd.blurFBDirty = true; } } // decorations will probably need a repaint if (COMMAND.contains("decoration:") || COMMAND.contains("border")) { for (auto& m : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) { g_pHyprRenderer->damageMonitor(m.get()); g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->recalculateMonitor(m->ID); } } Debug::log(LOG, "Hyprctl: keyword %s : %s", COMMAND.c_str(), VALUE.c_str()); if (retval == "") return "ok"; return retval; } std::string reloadRequest(const std::string& request) { const auto REQMODE = request.substr(request.find_last_of(' ') + 1); g_pConfigManager->m_bForceReload = true; if (REQMODE == "config-only") { g_pConfigManager->m_bNoMonitorReload = true; } g_pConfigManager->tick(); return "ok"; } std::string killRequest() { g_pInputManager->setClickMode(CLICKMODE_KILL); return "ok"; } std::string splashRequest() { return g_pCompositor->m_szCurrentSplash; } std::string cursorPosRequest(HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { const auto CURSORPOS = g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal().floor(); if (format == HyprCtl::FORMAT_NORMAL) { return getFormat("%i, %i", (int)CURSORPOS.x, (int)CURSORPOS.y); } else { return getFormat(R"#( { "x": %i, "y": %i } )#", (int)CURSORPOS.x, (int)CURSORPOS.y); } return "error"; } std::string getReply(std::string); std::string dispatchBatch(std::string request) { // split by ; request = request.substr(9); std::string curitem = ""; std::string reply = ""; auto nextItem = [&]() { auto idx = request.find_first_of(';'); if (idx != std::string::npos) { curitem = request.substr(0, idx); request = request.substr(idx + 1); } else { curitem = request; request = ""; } curitem = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(curitem); }; nextItem(); while (curitem != "") { reply += getReply(curitem); nextItem(); } return reply; } std::string dispatchSetCursor(std::string request) { std::string curitem = ""; auto nextItem = [&]() { auto idx = request.find_first_of(' '); if (idx != std::string::npos) { curitem = request.substr(0, idx); request = request.substr(idx + 1); } else { curitem = request; request = ""; } curitem = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(curitem); }; nextItem(); nextItem(); const auto THEME = curitem; nextItem(); const auto SIZE = curitem; if (!isNumber(SIZE)) { return "size not int"; } const auto SIZEINT = std::stoi(SIZE); if (SIZEINT < 1) { return "size must be positive"; } wlr_xcursor_manager_destroy(g_pCompositor->m_sWLRXCursorMgr); g_pCompositor->m_sWLRXCursorMgr = wlr_xcursor_manager_create(THEME.c_str(), SIZEINT); setenv("XCURSOR_SIZE", SIZE.c_str(), true); setenv("XCURSOR_THEME", THEME.c_str(), true); for (auto& m : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) { wlr_xcursor_manager_load(g_pCompositor->m_sWLRXCursorMgr, m->scale); } return "ok"; } std::string switchXKBLayoutRequest(const std::string& request) { CVarList vars(request, 0, ' '); const auto KB = vars[1]; const auto CMD = vars[2]; // get kb const auto PKEYBOARD = std::find_if(g_pInputManager->m_lKeyboards.begin(), g_pInputManager->m_lKeyboards.end(), [&](const SKeyboard& other) { return other.name == g_pInputManager->deviceNameToInternalString(KB); }); if (PKEYBOARD == g_pInputManager->m_lKeyboards.end()) return "device not found"; const auto PWLRKEYBOARD = wlr_keyboard_from_input_device(PKEYBOARD->keyboard); const auto LAYOUTS = xkb_keymap_num_layouts(PWLRKEYBOARD->keymap); xkb_layout_index_t activeLayout = 0; while (activeLayout < LAYOUTS) { if (xkb_state_layout_index_is_active(PWLRKEYBOARD->xkb_state, activeLayout, XKB_STATE_LAYOUT_EFFECTIVE)) break; activeLayout++; } if (CMD == "next") { wlr_keyboard_notify_modifiers(PWLRKEYBOARD, PWLRKEYBOARD->modifiers.depressed, PWLRKEYBOARD->modifiers.latched, PWLRKEYBOARD->modifiers.locked, activeLayout > LAYOUTS ? 0 : activeLayout + 1); } else if (CMD == "prev") { wlr_keyboard_notify_modifiers(PWLRKEYBOARD, PWLRKEYBOARD->modifiers.depressed, PWLRKEYBOARD->modifiers.latched, PWLRKEYBOARD->modifiers.locked, activeLayout == 0 ? LAYOUTS - 1 : activeLayout - 1); } else { int requestedLayout = 0; try { requestedLayout = std::stoi(CMD); } catch (std::exception& e) { return "invalid arg 2"; } if (requestedLayout < 0 || (uint64_t)requestedLayout > LAYOUTS - 1) { return "layout idx out of range of " + std::to_string(LAYOUTS); } wlr_keyboard_notify_modifiers(PWLRKEYBOARD, PWLRKEYBOARD->modifiers.depressed, PWLRKEYBOARD->modifiers.latched, PWLRKEYBOARD->modifiers.locked, requestedLayout); } return "ok"; } std::string dispatchSeterror(std::string request) { CVarList vars(request, 0, ' '); std::string errorMessage = ""; if (vars.size() < 3) { g_pHyprError->destroy(); if (vars.size() == 2 && !vars[1].find("dis")) return "var 1 not color or disable"; return "ok"; } const CColor COLOR = configStringToInt(vars[1]); for (size_t i = 2; i < vars.size(); ++i) errorMessage += vars[i] + ' '; if (errorMessage.empty()) { g_pHyprError->destroy(); } else { errorMessage.pop_back(); // pop last space g_pHyprError->queueCreate(errorMessage, COLOR); } return "ok"; } std::string dispatchSetProp(std::string request) { CVarList vars(request, 0, ' '); if (vars.size() < 4) return "not enough args"; const auto PWINDOW = g_pCompositor->getWindowByRegex(vars[1]); if (!PWINDOW) return "window not found"; const auto PROP = vars[2]; const auto VAL = vars[3]; bool lock = false; if (vars.size() > 4) { if (vars[4].find("lock") == 0) { lock = true; } } try { if (PROP == "animationstyle") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.animationStyle = VAL; } else if (PROP == "rounding") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.rounding.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "forcenoblur") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceNoBlur.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "forceopaque") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceOpaque.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "forceopaqueoverriden") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceOpaqueOverridden.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "forceallowsinput") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceAllowsInput.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "forcenoanims") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceNoAnims.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "forcenoborder") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceNoBorder.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "forcenoshadow") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceNoShadow.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "windowdancecompat") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.windowDanceCompat.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "nomaxsize") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.noMaxSize.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "dimaround") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.dimAround.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "alphaoverride") { PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaOverride.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "alpha") { PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.alpha.forceSetIgnoreLocked(std::stof(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "alphainactiveoverride") { PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaInactiveOverride.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "alphainactive") { PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaInactive.forceSetIgnoreLocked(std::stof(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "activebordercolor") { PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "inactivebordercolor") { PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else if (PROP == "forcergbx") { PWINDOW->m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceRGBX.forceSetIgnoreLocked(configStringToInt(VAL), lock); } else { return "prop not found"; } } catch (std::exception& e) { return "error in parsing prop value: " + std::string(e.what()); } g_pCompositor->updateAllWindowsAnimatedDecorationValues(); return "ok"; } std::string dispatchGetOption(std::string request, HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat format) { std::string curitem = ""; auto nextItem = [&]() { auto idx = request.find_first_of(' '); if (idx != std::string::npos) { curitem = request.substr(0, idx); request = request.substr(idx + 1); } else { curitem = request; request = ""; } curitem = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(curitem); }; nextItem(); nextItem(); const auto PCFGOPT = g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtrSafe(curitem); if (!PCFGOPT) return "no such option"; if (format == HyprCtl::eHyprCtlOutputFormat::FORMAT_NORMAL) return getFormat("option %s\n\tint: %lld\n\tfloat: %f\n\tstr: \"%s\"\n\tdata: %x", curitem.c_str(), PCFGOPT->intValue, PCFGOPT->floatValue, PCFGOPT->strValue.c_str(), PCFGOPT->data.get()); else { return getFormat( R"#( { "option": "%s", "int": %lld, "float": %f, "str": "%s", "data": "0x%x" } )#", curitem.c_str(), PCFGOPT->intValue, PCFGOPT->floatValue, PCFGOPT->strValue.c_str(), PCFGOPT->data.get()); } } void createOutputIter(wlr_backend* backend, void* data) { const auto DATA = (std::pair*)data; if (DATA->second) return; if (DATA->first.empty() || DATA->first == "auto") { if (wlr_backend_is_wl(backend)) { wlr_wl_output_create(backend); DATA->second = true; } else if (wlr_backend_is_x11(backend)) { wlr_x11_output_create(backend); DATA->second = true; } else if (wlr_backend_is_headless(backend)) { wlr_headless_add_output(backend, 1920, 1080); DATA->second = true; } } else { if (wlr_backend_is_wl(backend) && DATA->first == "wayland") { wlr_wl_output_create(backend); DATA->second = true; } else if (wlr_backend_is_x11(backend) && DATA->first == "x11") { wlr_x11_output_create(backend); DATA->second = true; } else if (wlr_backend_is_headless(backend) && DATA->first == "headless") { wlr_headless_add_output(backend, 1920, 1080); DATA->second = true; } } } std::string dispatchOutput(std::string request) { std::string curitem = ""; auto nextItem = [&]() { auto idx = request.find_first_of(' '); if (idx != std::string::npos) { curitem = request.substr(0, idx); request = request.substr(idx + 1); } else { curitem = request; request = ""; } curitem = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(curitem); }; nextItem(); nextItem(); const auto MODE = curitem; nextItem(); const auto NAME = curitem; if (MODE == "create" || MODE == "add") { std::pair result = {NAME, false}; wlr_multi_for_each_backend(g_pCompositor->m_sWLRBackend, createOutputIter, &result); if (!result.second) return "no backend replied to the request"; } else if (MODE == "destroy" || MODE == "remove") { const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromName(NAME); if (!PMONITOR) return "output not found"; if (!PMONITOR->createdByUser) return "cannot remove a real display. Use the monitor keyword."; wlr_output_destroy(PMONITOR->output); } return "ok"; } std::string dispatchPlugin(std::string request) { CVarList vars(request, 0, ' '); if (vars.size() < 2) return "not enough args"; const auto OPERATION = vars[1]; const auto PATH = vars[2]; if (OPERATION == "load") { if (vars.size() < 3) return "not enough args"; const auto PLUGIN = g_pPluginSystem->loadPlugin(PATH); if (!PLUGIN) return "error in loading plugin"; } else if (OPERATION == "unload") { if (vars.size() < 3) return "not enough args"; const auto PLUGIN = g_pPluginSystem->getPluginByPath(PATH); if (!PLUGIN) return "plugin not loaded"; g_pPluginSystem->unloadPlugin(PLUGIN); } else if (OPERATION == "list") { const auto PLUGINS = g_pPluginSystem->getAllPlugins(); std::string list = ""; for (auto& p : PLUGINS) { list += getFormat("\nPlugin %s by %s:\n\tHandle: %lx\n\tVersion: %s\n\tDescription: %s\n", p->name.c_str(), p->author.c_str(), p->m_pHandle, p->version.c_str(), p->description.c_str()); } return list; } else { return "unknown opt"; } return "ok"; } std::string dispatchNotify(std::string request) { CVarList vars(request, 0, ' '); if (vars.size() < 5) return "not enough args"; const auto ICON = vars[1]; if (!isNumber(ICON)) return "invalid arg 1"; int icon = -1; try { icon = std::stoi(ICON); } catch (std::exception& e) { return "invalid arg 1"; } if (icon > ICON_NONE || icon < 0) { icon = ICON_NONE; } const auto TIME = vars[2]; int time = 0; try { time = std::stoi(TIME); } catch (std::exception& e) { return "invalid arg 2"; } CColor color = configStringToInt(vars[3]); std::string message = ""; for (size_t i = 4; i < vars.size(); ++i) { message += vars[i] + " "; } message.pop_back(); g_pHyprNotificationOverlay->addNotification(message, color, time, (eIcons)icon); return "ok"; } std::string getReply(std::string request) { auto format = HyprCtl::FORMAT_NORMAL; // process flags for non-batch requests if (!request.contains("[[BATCH]]") && request.contains("/")) { long unsigned int sepIndex = 0; for (const auto& c : request) { if (c == '/') { // stop at separator break; } sepIndex++; if (c == 'j') format = HyprCtl::FORMAT_JSON; } if (sepIndex < request.size()) request = request.substr(sepIndex + 1); // remove flags and separator so we can compare the rest of the string } if (request == "monitors") return monitorsRequest(format); else if (request == "workspaces") return workspacesRequest(format); else if (request == "clients") return clientsRequest(format); else if (request == "kill") return killRequest(); else if (request == "activewindow") return activeWindowRequest(format); else if (request == "layers") return layersRequest(format); else if (request == "version") return versionRequest(format); else if (request.find("reload") == 0) return reloadRequest(request); else if (request == "devices") return devicesRequest(format); else if (request == "splash") return splashRequest(); else if (request == "cursorpos") return cursorPosRequest(format); else if (request == "binds") return bindsRequest(format); else if (request == "globalshortcuts") return globalShortcutsRequest(format); else if (request == "animations") return animationsRequest(format); else if (request.find("plugin") == 0) return dispatchPlugin(request); else if (request.find("notify") == 0) return dispatchNotify(request); else if (request.find("setprop") == 0) return dispatchSetProp(request); else if (request.find("seterror") == 0) return dispatchSeterror(request); else if (request.find("switchxkblayout") == 0) return switchXKBLayoutRequest(request); else if (request.find("output") == 0) return dispatchOutput(request); else if (request.find("dispatch") == 0) return dispatchRequest(request); else if (request.find("keyword") == 0) return dispatchKeyword(request); else if (request.find("setcursor") == 0) return dispatchSetCursor(request); else if (request.find("getoption") == 0) return dispatchGetOption(request, format); else if (request.find("[[BATCH]]") == 0) return dispatchBatch(request); return "unknown request"; } std::string HyprCtl::makeDynamicCall(const std::string& input) { return getReply(input); } int hyprCtlFDTick(int fd, uint32_t mask, void* data) { if (mask & WL_EVENT_ERROR || mask & WL_EVENT_HANGUP) return 0; sockaddr_in clientAddress; socklen_t clientSize = sizeof(clientAddress); const auto ACCEPTEDCONNECTION = accept(HyprCtl::iSocketFD, (sockaddr*)&clientAddress, &clientSize); char readBuffer[1024]; auto messageSize = read(ACCEPTEDCONNECTION, readBuffer, 1024); readBuffer[messageSize == 1024 ? 1023 : messageSize] = '\0'; std::string request(readBuffer); std::string reply = ""; try { reply = getReply(request); } catch (std::exception& e) { Debug::log(ERR, "Error in request: %s", e.what()); reply = "Err: " + std::string(e.what()); } write(ACCEPTEDCONNECTION, reply.c_str(), reply.length()); close(ACCEPTEDCONNECTION); if (g_pConfigManager->m_bWantsMonitorReload) { g_pConfigManager->ensureMonitorStatus(); } return 0; } void HyprCtl::startHyprCtlSocket() { iSocketFD = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (iSocketFD < 0) { Debug::log(ERR, "Couldn't start the Hyprland Socket. (1) IPC will not work."); return; } sockaddr_un SERVERADDRESS = {.sun_family = AF_UNIX}; std::string socketPath = "/tmp/hypr/" + g_pCompositor->m_szInstanceSignature + "/.socket.sock"; strcpy(SERVERADDRESS.sun_path, socketPath.c_str()); if (bind(iSocketFD, (sockaddr*)&SERVERADDRESS, SUN_LEN(&SERVERADDRESS)) < 0) { Debug::log(ERR, "Couldn't start the Hyprland Socket. (2) IPC will not work."); return; } // 10 max queued. listen(iSocketFD, 10); Debug::log(LOG, "Hypr socket started at %s", socketPath.c_str()); wl_event_loop_add_fd(g_pCompositor->m_sWLEventLoop, iSocketFD, WL_EVENT_READABLE, hyprCtlFDTick, nullptr); }