#include "WLSurface.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" #include "../protocols/core/Compositor.hpp" #include "../protocols/LayerShell.hpp" void CWLSurface::assign(SP pSurface) { m_pResource = pSurface; init(); m_bInert = false; } void CWLSurface::assign(SP pSurface, PHLWINDOW pOwner) { m_pWindowOwner = pOwner; m_pResource = pSurface; init(); m_bInert = false; } void CWLSurface::assign(SP pSurface, PHLLS pOwner) { m_pLayerOwner = pOwner; m_pResource = pSurface; init(); m_bInert = false; } void CWLSurface::assign(SP pSurface, CSubsurface* pOwner) { m_pSubsurfaceOwner = pOwner; m_pResource = pSurface; init(); m_bInert = false; } void CWLSurface::assign(SP pSurface, CPopup* pOwner) { m_pPopupOwner = pOwner; m_pResource = pSurface; init(); m_bInert = false; } void CWLSurface::unassign() { destroy(); } CWLSurface::~CWLSurface() { destroy(); } bool CWLSurface::exists() const { return m_pResource; } SP CWLSurface::resource() const { return m_pResource.lock(); } bool CWLSurface::small() const { if (!validMapped(m_pWindowOwner) || !exists()) return false; if (!m_pResource->current.texture) return false; const auto O = m_pWindowOwner.lock(); return O->m_vReportedSize.x > m_pResource->current.size.x + 1 || O->m_vReportedSize.y > m_pResource->current.size.y + 1; } Vector2D CWLSurface::correctSmallVec() const { if (!validMapped(m_pWindowOwner) || !exists() || !small() || m_bFillIgnoreSmall) return {}; const auto SIZE = getViewporterCorrectedSize(); const auto O = m_pWindowOwner.lock(); return Vector2D{(O->m_vReportedSize.x - SIZE.x) / 2, (O->m_vReportedSize.y - SIZE.y) / 2}.clamp({}, {INFINITY, INFINITY}) * (O->m_vRealSize.value() / O->m_vReportedSize); } Vector2D CWLSurface::correctSmallVecBuf() const { if (!exists() || !small() || m_bFillIgnoreSmall || !m_pResource->current.texture) return {}; const auto SIZE = getViewporterCorrectedSize(); const auto BS = m_pResource->current.bufferSize; return Vector2D{(BS.x - SIZE.x) / 2, (BS.y - SIZE.y) / 2}.clamp({}, {INFINITY, INFINITY}); } Vector2D CWLSurface::getViewporterCorrectedSize() const { if (!exists() || !m_pResource->current.texture) return {}; return m_pResource->current.viewport.hasDestination ? m_pResource->current.viewport.destination : m_pResource->current.bufferSize; } CRegion CWLSurface::computeDamage() const { if (!m_pResource->current.texture) return {}; CRegion damage = m_pResource->accumulateCurrentBufferDamage(); damage.transform(wlTransformToHyprutils(m_pResource->current.transform), m_pResource->current.bufferSize.x, m_pResource->current.bufferSize.y); const auto BUFSIZE = m_pResource->current.bufferSize; const auto CORRECTVEC = correctSmallVecBuf(); if (m_pResource->current.viewport.hasSource) damage.intersect(m_pResource->current.viewport.source); const auto SCALEDSRCSIZE = m_pResource->current.viewport.hasSource ? m_pResource->current.viewport.source.size() * m_pResource->current.scale : m_pResource->current.bufferSize; damage.scale({BUFSIZE.x / SCALEDSRCSIZE.x, BUFSIZE.y / SCALEDSRCSIZE.y}); damage.translate(CORRECTVEC); // go from buffer coords in the damage to hl logical const auto BOX = getSurfaceBoxGlobal(); const Vector2D SCALE = BOX.has_value() ? BOX->size() / m_pResource->current.bufferSize : Vector2D{1.0 / m_pResource->current.scale, 1.0 / m_pResource->current.scale /* Wrong... but we can't really do better */}; damage.scale(SCALE); if (m_pWindowOwner) damage.scale(m_pWindowOwner->m_fX11SurfaceScaledBy); // fix xwayland:force_zero_scaling stuff that will be fucked by the above a bit return damage; } void CWLSurface::destroy() { if (!m_pResource) return; events.destroy.emit(); m_pConstraint.reset(); listeners.destroy.reset(); m_pResource->hlSurface.reset(); m_pWindowOwner.reset(); m_pLayerOwner.reset(); m_pPopupOwner = nullptr; m_pSubsurfaceOwner = nullptr; m_bInert = true; if (g_pHyprRenderer && g_pHyprRenderer->m_sLastCursorData.surf && g_pHyprRenderer->m_sLastCursorData.surf->get() == this) g_pHyprRenderer->m_sLastCursorData.surf.reset(); m_pResource.reset(); Debug::log(LOG, "CWLSurface {:x} called destroy()", (uintptr_t)this); } void CWLSurface::init() { if (!m_pResource) return; RASSERT(!m_pResource->hlSurface, "Attempted to duplicate CWLSurface ownership!"); m_pResource->hlSurface = self.lock(); listeners.destroy = m_pResource->events.destroy.registerListener([this](std::any d) { destroy(); }); Debug::log(LOG, "CWLSurface {:x} called init()", (uintptr_t)this); } PHLWINDOW CWLSurface::getWindow() const { return m_pWindowOwner.lock(); } PHLLS CWLSurface::getLayer() const { return m_pLayerOwner.lock(); } CPopup* CWLSurface::getPopup() const { return m_pPopupOwner; } CSubsurface* CWLSurface::getSubsurface() const { return m_pSubsurfaceOwner; } bool CWLSurface::desktopComponent() const { return !m_pLayerOwner.expired() || !m_pWindowOwner.expired() || m_pSubsurfaceOwner || m_pPopupOwner; } std::optional CWLSurface::getSurfaceBoxGlobal() const { if (!desktopComponent()) return {}; if (!m_pWindowOwner.expired()) return m_pWindowOwner->getWindowMainSurfaceBox(); if (!m_pLayerOwner.expired()) return m_pLayerOwner->geometry; if (m_pPopupOwner) return CBox{m_pPopupOwner->coordsGlobal(), m_pPopupOwner->size()}; if (m_pSubsurfaceOwner) return CBox{m_pSubsurfaceOwner->coordsGlobal(), m_pSubsurfaceOwner->size()}; return {}; } void CWLSurface::appendConstraint(WP constraint) { m_pConstraint = constraint; } SP CWLSurface::constraint() const { return m_pConstraint.lock(); } bool CWLSurface::visible() { if (!m_pWindowOwner.expired()) return g_pHyprRenderer->shouldRenderWindow(m_pWindowOwner.lock()); if (!m_pLayerOwner.expired()) return true; if (m_pPopupOwner) return m_pPopupOwner->visible(); if (m_pSubsurfaceOwner) return m_pSubsurfaceOwner->visible(); return true; // non-desktop, we don't know much. } SP CWLSurface::fromResource(SP pSurface) { if (!pSurface) return nullptr; return pSurface->hlSurface.lock(); } bool CWLSurface::keyboardFocusable() const { if (m_pWindowOwner || m_pPopupOwner || m_pSubsurfaceOwner) return true; if (m_pLayerOwner && m_pLayerOwner->layerSurface) return m_pLayerOwner->layerSurface->current.interactivity != ZWLR_LAYER_SURFACE_V1_KEYBOARD_INTERACTIVITY_NONE; return false; }