hyprpm []... ::= (--notify | -n) "Send a hyprland notification for important events (e.g. load fail)" | (--help | -h) "Show help menu" | (--verbose | -v) "Enable too much loggin" | (--force | -f) "Force an operation ignoring checks (e.g. update -f)" | (--no-shallow | -s) "Disable shallow cloning of Hyprland sources" ; ::= (add) "Install a new plugin repository from git" | (remove ) "Remove a plugin repository" | (update) "Check and update all plugins if needed" | (list) "List all installed plugins" | (enable ) "Load a plugin" | (disable ) "Unload a plugin" | (reload) "Reload plugins to match the enabled/disabled state. Use -f to force reload." ; ::= {{{ hyprpm list | awk '/Plugin/{print $4}' }}}; ::= {{{ hyprpm list | awk '/Repository/{print $4}' | sed 's/:$//' }}};