#include "IHyprLayout.hpp" #include "../defines.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" void IHyprLayout::onWindowCreated(CWindow* pWindow) { if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { onWindowCreatedFloating(pWindow); } else { wlr_box desiredGeometry = {0}; g_pXWaylandManager->getGeometryForWindow(pWindow, &desiredGeometry); if (desiredGeometry.width <= 5 || desiredGeometry.height <= 5) { const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize = PMONITOR->vecSize / 2.f; } else { pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize = Vector2D(desiredGeometry.width, desiredGeometry.height); } onWindowCreatedTiling(pWindow); } } void IHyprLayout::onWindowRemoved(CWindow* pWindow) { if (pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen) g_pCompositor->setWindowFullscreen(pWindow, false, FULLSCREEN_FULL); if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { onWindowRemovedFloating(pWindow); } else { onWindowRemovedTiling(pWindow); } if (pWindow == m_pLastTiledWindow) m_pLastTiledWindow = nullptr; } void IHyprLayout::onWindowRemovedFloating(CWindow* pWindow) { return; // no-op } void IHyprLayout::onWindowCreatedFloating(CWindow* pWindow) { wlr_box desiredGeometry = {0}; g_pXWaylandManager->getGeometryForWindow(pWindow, &desiredGeometry); const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); if (!PMONITOR) { Debug::log(ERR, "Window %x (%s) has an invalid monitor in onWindowCreatedFloating!!!", pWindow, pWindow->m_szTitle.c_str()); return; } if (desiredGeometry.width <= 5 || desiredGeometry.height <= 5) { const auto PWINDOWSURFACE = g_pXWaylandManager->getWindowSurface(pWindow); pWindow->m_vRealSize = Vector2D(PWINDOWSURFACE->current.width, PWINDOWSURFACE->current.height); if ((desiredGeometry.width <= 1 || desiredGeometry.height <= 1) && pWindow->m_bIsX11 && pWindow->m_iX11Type == 2) { // XDG windows should be fine. TODO: check for weird atoms? pWindow->setHidden(true); return; } // reject any windows with size <= 5x5 if (pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv().x <= 5 || pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv().y <= 5) { pWindow->m_vRealSize = PMONITOR->vecSize / 2.f; } pWindow->m_vRealPosition = Vector2D(PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + (PMONITOR->vecSize.x - pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv().x) / 2.f, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + (PMONITOR->vecSize.y - pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv().y) / 2.f); } else { // we respect the size. pWindow->m_vRealSize = Vector2D(desiredGeometry.width, desiredGeometry.height); // check if it's on the correct monitor! Vector2D middlePoint = Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y) + Vector2D(desiredGeometry.width, desiredGeometry.height) / 2.f; // check if it's visible on any monitor (only for XDG) bool visible = pWindow->m_bIsX11; if (!pWindow->m_bIsX11) { for (auto& m : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) { if (VECINRECT(Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y), m->vecPosition.x, m->vecPosition.y, m->vecPosition.x + m->vecSize.x, m->vecPosition.y + m->vecPosition.y) || VECINRECT(Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x + desiredGeometry.width, desiredGeometry.y), m->vecPosition.x, m->vecPosition.y, m->vecPosition.x + m->vecSize.x, m->vecPosition.y + m->vecPosition.y) || VECINRECT(Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y + desiredGeometry.height), m->vecPosition.x, m->vecPosition.y, m->vecPosition.x + m->vecSize.x, m->vecPosition.y + m->vecPosition.y) || VECINRECT(Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x + desiredGeometry.width, desiredGeometry.y + desiredGeometry.height), m->vecPosition.x, m->vecPosition.y, m->vecPosition.x + m->vecSize.x, m->vecPosition.y + m->vecPosition.y)) { visible = true; break; } } } // TODO: detect a popup in a more consistent way. if ((desiredGeometry.x == 0 && desiredGeometry.y == 0) || !visible) { // if it's not, fall back to the center placement pWindow->m_vRealPosition = PMONITOR->vecPosition + Vector2D((PMONITOR->vecSize.x - desiredGeometry.width) / 2.f, (PMONITOR->vecSize.y - desiredGeometry.height) / 2.f); } else { // if it is, we respect where it wants to put itself, but apply monitor offset if outside // most of these are popups if (const auto POPENMON = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromVector(middlePoint); POPENMON->ID != PMONITOR->ID) { pWindow->m_vRealPosition = Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y) - POPENMON->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecPosition; } else { pWindow->m_vRealPosition = Vector2D(desiredGeometry.x, desiredGeometry.y); } } } if (pWindow->m_bX11DoesntWantBorders) { pWindow->m_vRealPosition.setValue(pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv()); pWindow->m_vRealSize.setValue(pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv()); } if (pWindow->m_iX11Type != 2) { g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(pWindow, pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv()); g_pCompositor->moveWindowToTop(pWindow); } } void IHyprLayout::onBeginDragWindow() { const auto DRAGGINGWINDOW = g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow; m_vBeginDragSizeXY = Vector2D(); // Window will be floating. Let's check if it's valid. It should be, but I don't like crashing. if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(DRAGGINGWINDOW)) { Debug::log(ERR, "Dragging attempted on an invalid window!"); return; } if (DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFullscreen) { Debug::log(LOG, "Rejecting drag on a fullscreen window."); return; } const auto PWORKSPACE = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID); if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow && (!DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen || !DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating)) { Debug::log(LOG, "Rejecting drag on a fullscreen workspace. (window under fullscreen)"); return; } g_pInputManager->setCursorImageUntilUnset("hand1"); DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bDraggingTiled = false; if (!DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating) { if (g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_MOVE) { changeWindowFloatingMode(DRAGGINGWINDOW); DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating = true; DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bDraggingTiled = true; DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal() - DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goalv() / 2.f; } } m_vBeginDragXY = g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal(); m_vBeginDragPositionXY = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.goalv(); m_vBeginDragSizeXY = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goalv(); m_vLastDragXY = m_vBeginDragXY; // get the grab corner if (m_vBeginDragXY.x < m_vBeginDragPositionXY.x + m_vBeginDragSizeXY.x / 2.0) { // left if (m_vBeginDragXY.y < m_vBeginDragPositionXY.y + m_vBeginDragSizeXY.y / 2.0) m_iGrabbedCorner = 0; else m_iGrabbedCorner = 4; } else { // right if (m_vBeginDragXY.y < m_vBeginDragPositionXY.y + m_vBeginDragSizeXY.y / 2.0) m_iGrabbedCorner = 1; else m_iGrabbedCorner = 3; } g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); // shadow to ignore any bound to MAIN_MOD g_pKeybindManager->shadowKeybinds(); } void IHyprLayout::onEndDragWindow() { const auto DRAGGINGWINDOW = g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow; g_pInputManager->unsetCursorImage(); if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(DRAGGINGWINDOW)) return; if (DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bDraggingTiled) { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating = false; g_pInputManager->refocus(); changeWindowFloatingMode(DRAGGINGWINDOW); } g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); g_pCompositor->focusWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); } void IHyprLayout::onMouseMove(const Vector2D& mousePos) { const auto DRAGGINGWINDOW = g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow; // Window invalid or drag begin size 0,0 meaning we rejected it. if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(DRAGGINGWINDOW) || m_vBeginDragSizeXY == Vector2D()) { onEndDragWindow(); g_pInputManager->currentlyDraggedWindow = nullptr; return; } const auto SPECIAL = g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID); const auto DELTA = Vector2D(mousePos.x - m_vBeginDragXY.x, mousePos.y - m_vBeginDragXY.y); const auto TICKDELTA = Vector2D(mousePos.x - m_vLastDragXY.x, mousePos.y - m_vLastDragXY.y); const auto PANIMATE = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("misc:animate_manual_resizes")->intValue; if (abs(TICKDELTA.x) < 1.f && abs(TICKDELTA.y) < 1.f) return; m_vLastDragXY = mousePos; g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); if (g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_MOVE) { if (*PANIMATE) { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = m_vBeginDragPositionXY + DELTA; } else { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.setValueAndWarp(m_vBeginDragPositionXY + DELTA); } g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(DRAGGINGWINDOW, DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goalv()); } else if (g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_RESIZE) { if (DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_bIsFloating) { const auto MAXSIZE = g_pXWaylandManager->getMaxSizeForWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); // calc the new size and pos Vector2D newSize = m_vBeginDragSizeXY; Vector2D newPos = m_vBeginDragPositionXY; if (m_iGrabbedCorner == 3) { newSize = newSize + DELTA; } else if (m_iGrabbedCorner == 0) { newSize = newSize - DELTA; newPos = newPos + DELTA; } else if (m_iGrabbedCorner == 1) { newSize = newSize + Vector2D(DELTA.x, -DELTA.y); newPos = newPos + Vector2D(0, DELTA.y); } else if (m_iGrabbedCorner == 4) { newSize = newSize + Vector2D(-DELTA.x, DELTA.y); newPos = newPos + Vector2D(DELTA.x, 0); } newSize = newSize.clamp(Vector2D(20,20), MAXSIZE); if (*PANIMATE) { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize = newSize; DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = newPos; } else { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.setValueAndWarp(newSize); DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.setValueAndWarp(newPos); } g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(DRAGGINGWINDOW, DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goalv()); } else { resizeActiveWindow(TICKDELTA, DRAGGINGWINDOW); } } // get middle point Vector2D middle = DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.vec() + DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_vRealSize.vec() / 2.f; // and check its monitor const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromVector(middle); if (PMONITOR && !SPECIAL) { DRAGGINGWINDOW->m_iMonitorID = PMONITOR->ID; DRAGGINGWINDOW->moveToWorkspace(PMONITOR->activeWorkspace); DRAGGINGWINDOW->updateToplevel(); } DRAGGINGWINDOW->updateWindowDecos(); g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(DRAGGINGWINDOW); } void IHyprLayout::changeWindowFloatingMode(CWindow* pWindow) { if (pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen) { Debug::log(LOG, "Rejecting a change float order because window is fullscreen."); // restore its' floating mode pWindow->m_bIsFloating = !pWindow->m_bIsFloating; return; } pWindow->m_bPinned = false; const auto TILED = isWindowTiled(pWindow); // event g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{ "changefloatingmode", getFormat("%x,%d", pWindow, (int)TILED) }); if (!TILED) { const auto PNEWMON = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromVector(pWindow->m_vRealPosition.vec() + pWindow->m_vRealSize.vec() / 2.f); pWindow->m_iMonitorID = PNEWMON->ID; pWindow->moveToWorkspace(PNEWMON->activeWorkspace); // save real pos cuz the func applies the default 5,5 mid const auto PSAVEDPOS = pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv(); const auto PSAVEDSIZE = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv(); // if the window is pseudo, update its size pWindow->m_vPseudoSize = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv(); pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize = PSAVEDSIZE; // move to narnia because we don't wanna find our own node. onWindowCreatedTiling should apply the coords back. pWindow->m_vPosition = Vector2D(-999999, -999999); onWindowCreatedTiling(pWindow); pWindow->m_vRealPosition.setValue(PSAVEDPOS); pWindow->m_vRealSize.setValue(PSAVEDSIZE); // fix pseudo leaving artifacts g_pHyprRenderer->damageMonitor(g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID)); if (pWindow == g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow) m_pLastTiledWindow = pWindow; } else { onWindowRemovedTiling(pWindow); g_pCompositor->moveWindowToTop(pWindow); pWindow->m_vRealPosition = pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv() + (pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv() - pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize) / 2.f; pWindow->m_vRealSize = pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize; pWindow->m_vSize = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv(); pWindow->m_vPosition = pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv(); g_pHyprRenderer->damageMonitor(g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID)); pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.rounding = true; if (pWindow == m_pLastTiledWindow) m_pLastTiledWindow = nullptr; } g_pCompositor->updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(pWindow); pWindow->updateToplevel(); } void IHyprLayout::moveActiveWindow(const Vector2D& delta, CWindow* pWindow) { const auto PWINDOW = pWindow ? pWindow : g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow; if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(PWINDOW)) return; if (!PWINDOW->m_bIsFloating) { Debug::log(LOG, "Dwindle cannot move a tiled window in moveActiveWindow!"); return; } PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.goalv() + delta; g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(PWINDOW); } void IHyprLayout::onWindowFocusChange(CWindow* pNewFocus) { m_pLastTiledWindow = pNewFocus && !pNewFocus->m_bIsFloating ? pNewFocus : m_pLastTiledWindow; } CWindow* IHyprLayout::getNextWindowCandidate(CWindow* pWindow) { // although we don't expect nullptrs here, let's verify jic if (!pWindow) return nullptr; const auto PWORKSPACE = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); // first of all, if this is a fullscreen workspace, if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow) return g_pCompositor->getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { // find whether there is a floating window below this one for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_iX11Type != 2 && w->m_iWorkspaceID == pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID && !w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && !w->m_bNoFocus) { if (VECINRECT((pWindow->m_vSize / 2.f + pWindow->m_vPosition), w->m_vPosition.x, w->m_vPosition.y, w->m_vPosition.x + w->m_vSize.x, w->m_vPosition.y + w->m_vSize.y)) { return w.get(); } } } // let's try the last tiled window. if (m_pLastTiledWindow && m_pLastTiledWindow->m_iWorkspaceID == pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID) return m_pLastTiledWindow; // if we don't, let's try to find any window that is in the middle if (const auto PWINDOWCANDIDATE = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowIdeal(pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv() + pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv() / 2.f); PWINDOWCANDIDATE) return PWINDOWCANDIDATE; // if not, floating window for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_iX11Type != 2 && w->m_iWorkspaceID == pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID && !w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && !w->m_bNoFocus) return w.get(); } // if there is no candidate, too bad return nullptr; } // if it was a tiled window, we first try to find the window that will replace it. const auto PWINDOWCANDIDATE = g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowIdeal(pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv() + pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv() / 2.f); if (!PWINDOWCANDIDATE || pWindow == PWINDOWCANDIDATE || !PWINDOWCANDIDATE->m_bIsMapped || PWINDOWCANDIDATE->isHidden() || PWINDOWCANDIDATE->m_bX11ShouldntFocus || PWINDOWCANDIDATE->m_iX11Type == 2 || PWINDOWCANDIDATE->m_iMonitorID != g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor->ID) return nullptr; return PWINDOWCANDIDATE; } IHyprLayout::~IHyprLayout() { }