#include "Dnd.hpp" #ifndef NO_XWAYLAND #include "XWM.hpp" #include "XWayland.hpp" #include "Server.hpp" #endif #include "../managers/XWaylandManager.hpp" #include "../desktop/WLSurface.hpp" static xcb_atom_t dndActionToAtom(uint32_t actions) { if (actions & WL_DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER_DND_ACTION_COPY) return HYPRATOMS["XdndActionCopy"]; else if (actions & WL_DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER_DND_ACTION_MOVE) return HYPRATOMS["XdndActionMove"]; else if (actions & WL_DATA_DEVICE_MANAGER_DND_ACTION_ASK) return HYPRATOMS["XdndActionAsk"]; return XCB_ATOM_NONE; } eDataSourceType CX11DataOffer::type() { return DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_X11; } SP CX11DataOffer::getWayland() { return nullptr; } SP CX11DataOffer::getX11() { return self.lock(); } SP CX11DataOffer::getSource() { return source.lock(); } void CX11DataOffer::markDead() { #ifndef NO_XWAYLAND std::erase(g_pXWayland->pWM->dndDataOffers, self); #endif } void CX11DataDevice::sendDataOffer(SP offer) { ; // no-op, I don't think this has an X equiv } void CX11DataDevice::sendEnter(uint32_t serial, SP surf, const Vector2D& local, SP offer) { #ifndef NO_XWAYLAND auto XSURF = g_pXWayland->pWM->windowForWayland(surf); if (offer == lastOffer) return; if (!XSURF) { Debug::log(ERR, "CX11DataDevice::sendEnter: No xwayland surface for destination"); return; } auto SOURCE = offer->getSource(); if (!SOURCE) { Debug::log(ERR, "CX11DataDevice::sendEnter: No source"); return; } xcb_set_selection_owner(g_pXWayland->pWM->connection, g_pXWayland->pWM->dndSelection.window, HYPRATOMS["XdndSelection"], XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME); xcb_client_message_data_t data = {0}; data.data32[0] = g_pXWayland->pWM->dndSelection.window; data.data32[1] = XDND_VERSION << 24; // let the client know it needs to check for DND_TYPE_LIST data.data32[1] |= 1; std::vector targets; for (auto& mime : SOURCE->mimes()) { targets.emplace_back(g_pXWayland->pWM->mimeToAtom(mime)); } xcb_change_property(g_pXWayland->pWM->connection, XCB_PROP_MODE_REPLACE, g_pXWayland->pWM->dndSelection.window, HYPRATOMS["XdndTypeList"], XCB_ATOM_ATOM, 32, targets.size(), targets.data()); g_pXWayland->pWM->sendDndEvent(surf, HYPRATOMS["XdndEnter"], data); lastSurface = XSURF; lastOffer = offer; auto hlSurface = CWLSurface::fromResource(surf); if (!hlSurface) { Debug::log(ERR, "CX11DataDevice::sendEnter: Non desktop x surface?!"); lastSurfaceCoords = {}; return; } lastSurfaceCoords = hlSurface->getSurfaceBoxGlobal().value_or(CBox{}).pos(); #endif } void CX11DataDevice::sendLeave() { #ifndef NO_XWAYLAND if (!lastSurface) return; xcb_client_message_data_t data = {0}; data.data32[0] = g_pXWayland->pWM->dndSelection.window; g_pXWayland->pWM->sendDndEvent(lastSurface->surface.lock(), HYPRATOMS["XdndLeave"], data); lastSurface.reset(); lastOffer.reset(); xcb_set_selection_owner(g_pXWayland->pWM->connection, g_pXWayland->pWM->dndSelection.window, XCB_ATOM_NONE, XCB_TIME_CURRENT_TIME); #endif } void CX11DataDevice::sendMotion(uint32_t timeMs, const Vector2D& local) { #ifndef NO_XWAYLAND if (!lastSurface || !lastOffer || !lastOffer->getSource()) return; const auto XCOORDS = g_pXWaylandManager->waylandToXWaylandCoords(lastSurfaceCoords + local); xcb_client_message_data_t data = {0}; data.data32[0] = g_pXWayland->pWM->dndSelection.window; data.data32[2] = (((int32_t)XCOORDS.x) << 16) | (int32_t)XCOORDS.y; data.data32[3] = timeMs; data.data32[4] = dndActionToAtom(lastOffer->getSource()->actions()); g_pXWayland->pWM->sendDndEvent(lastSurface->surface.lock(), HYPRATOMS["XdndPosition"], data); lastTime = timeMs; #endif } void CX11DataDevice::sendDrop() { #ifndef NO_XWAYLAND if (!lastSurface || !lastOffer) return; // we don't have timeMs here, just send last time + 1 xcb_client_message_data_t data = {0}; data.data32[0] = g_pXWayland->pWM->dndSelection.window; data.data32[2] = lastTime + 1; g_pXWayland->pWM->sendDndEvent(lastSurface->surface.lock(), HYPRATOMS["XdndDrop"], data); sendLeave(); #endif } void CX11DataDevice::sendSelection(SP offer) { ; // no-op. Selection is done separately. } eDataSourceType CX11DataDevice::type() { return DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_X11; } SP CX11DataDevice::getWayland() { return nullptr; } SP CX11DataDevice::getX11() { return self.lock(); } std::vector CX11DataSource::mimes() { return mimeTypes; } void CX11DataSource::send(const std::string& mime, uint32_t fd) { ; } void CX11DataSource::accepted(const std::string& mime) { ; } void CX11DataSource::cancelled() { ; } bool CX11DataSource::hasDnd() { return dnd; } bool CX11DataSource::dndDone() { return dropped; } void CX11DataSource::error(uint32_t code, const std::string& msg) { Debug::log(ERR, "CX11DataSource::error: this fn is a stub: code {} msg {}", code, msg); } void CX11DataSource::sendDndFinished() { ; } uint32_t CX11DataSource::actions() { return supportedActions; } eDataSourceType CX11DataSource::type() { return DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_X11; } void CX11DataSource::sendDndDropPerformed() { ; } void CX11DataSource::sendDndAction(wl_data_device_manager_dnd_action a) { ; }