#include "MasterLayout.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" #include "../render/decorations/CHyprGroupBarDecoration.hpp" #include SMasterNodeData* CHyprMasterLayout::getNodeFromWindow(CWindow* pWindow) { for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.pWindow == pWindow) return &nd; } return nullptr; } int CHyprMasterLayout::getNodesOnWorkspace(const int& ws) { int no = 0; for (auto& n : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (n.workspaceID == ws) no++; } return no; } int CHyprMasterLayout::getMastersOnWorkspace(const int& ws) { int no = 0; for (auto& n : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (n.workspaceID == ws && n.isMaster) no++; } return no; } SMasterWorkspaceData* CHyprMasterLayout::getMasterWorkspaceData(const int& ws) { for (auto& n : m_lMasterWorkspacesData) { if (n.workspaceID == ws) return &n; } //create on the fly if it doesn't exist yet const auto PWORKSPACEDATA = &m_lMasterWorkspacesData.emplace_back(); PWORKSPACEDATA->workspaceID = ws; const auto orientation = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:orientation")->strValue; if (*orientation == "top") { PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = ORIENTATION_TOP; } else if (*orientation == "right") { PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = ORIENTATION_RIGHT; } else if (*orientation == "bottom") { PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = ORIENTATION_BOTTOM; } else if (*orientation == "left") { PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = ORIENTATION_LEFT; } else { PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = ORIENTATION_CENTER; } return PWORKSPACEDATA; } std::string CHyprMasterLayout::getLayoutName() { return "Master"; } SMasterNodeData* CHyprMasterLayout::getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(const int& ws) { for (auto& n : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (n.isMaster && n.workspaceID == ws) return &n; } return nullptr; } void CHyprMasterLayout::onWindowCreatedTiling(CWindow* pWindow, eDirection direction) { if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) return; static auto* const PNEWTOP = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:new_on_top")->intValue; const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); const auto PNODE = *PNEWTOP ? &m_lMasterNodesData.emplace_front() : &m_lMasterNodesData.emplace_back(); PNODE->workspaceID = pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID; PNODE->pWindow = pWindow; static auto* const PNEWISMASTER = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:new_is_master")->intValue; const auto WINDOWSONWORKSPACE = getNodesOnWorkspace(PNODE->workspaceID); static auto* const PMFACT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:mfact")->floatValue; float lastSplitPercent = *PMFACT; auto OPENINGON = isWindowTiled(g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow) && g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow->m_iWorkspaceID == pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID ? getNodeFromWindow(g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow) : getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); const auto MOUSECOORDS = g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal(); if (g_pInputManager->m_bWasDraggingWindow && OPENINGON) { for (auto& wd : OPENINGON->pWindow->m_dWindowDecorations) { if (!wd->allowsInput()) continue; if (wd->getWindowDecorationRegion().containsPoint(MOUSECOORDS)) { if (!wd->onEndWindowDragOnDeco(pWindow, MOUSECOORDS)) return; break; } } } // if it's a group, add the window if (OPENINGON && OPENINGON != PNODE && OPENINGON->pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow // target is group && pWindow->canBeGroupedInto(OPENINGON->pWindow)) { if (!pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow) pWindow->m_dWindowDecorations.emplace_back(std::make_unique(pWindow)); m_lMasterNodesData.remove(*PNODE); static const auto* USECURRPOS = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("group:insert_after_current")->intValue; (*USECURRPOS ? OPENINGON->pWindow : OPENINGON->pWindow->getGroupTail())->insertWindowToGroup(pWindow); OPENINGON->pWindow->setGroupCurrent(pWindow); pWindow->applyGroupRules(); pWindow->updateWindowDecos(); recalculateWindow(pWindow); return; } pWindow->applyGroupRules(); static auto* const PDROPATCURSOR = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:drop_at_cursor")->intValue; const auto PWORKSPACEDATA = getMasterWorkspaceData(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); eOrientation orientation = PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation; const auto NODEIT = std::find(m_lMasterNodesData.begin(), m_lMasterNodesData.end(), *PNODE); if (*PDROPATCURSOR && g_pInputManager->dragMode == MBIND_MOVE) { // if dragging window to move, drop it at the cursor position instead of bottom/top of stack for (auto it = m_lMasterNodesData.begin(); it != m_lMasterNodesData.end(); ++it) { if (it->workspaceID != pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID) continue; const wlr_box box = it->pWindow->getWindowIdealBoundingBoxIgnoreReserved(); if (wlr_box_contains_point(&box, MOUSECOORDS.x, MOUSECOORDS.y)) { // TODO: Deny when not using mouse switch (orientation) { case ORIENTATION_LEFT: case ORIENTATION_RIGHT: if (MOUSECOORDS.y > it->pWindow->middle().y) ++it; break; case ORIENTATION_TOP: case ORIENTATION_BOTTOM: if (MOUSECOORDS.x > it->pWindow->middle().x) ++it; break; case ORIENTATION_CENTER: break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } m_lMasterNodesData.splice(it, m_lMasterNodesData, NODEIT); break; } } } if (*PNEWISMASTER || WINDOWSONWORKSPACE == 1 || (!pWindow->m_bFirstMap && OPENINGON->isMaster)) { for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.isMaster && nd.workspaceID == PNODE->workspaceID) { nd.isMaster = false; lastSplitPercent = nd.percMaster; break; } } PNODE->isMaster = true; PNODE->percMaster = lastSplitPercent; // first, check if it isn't too big. if (const auto MAXSIZE = g_pXWaylandManager->getMaxSizeForWindow(pWindow); MAXSIZE.x < PMONITOR->vecSize.x * lastSplitPercent || MAXSIZE.y < PMONITOR->vecSize.y) { // we can't continue. make it floating. pWindow->m_bIsFloating = true; m_lMasterNodesData.remove(*PNODE); g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->onWindowCreatedFloating(pWindow); return; } } else { PNODE->isMaster = false; PNODE->percMaster = lastSplitPercent; // first, check if it isn't too big. if (const auto MAXSIZE = g_pXWaylandManager->getMaxSizeForWindow(pWindow); MAXSIZE.x < PMONITOR->vecSize.x * (1 - lastSplitPercent) || MAXSIZE.y < PMONITOR->vecSize.y * (1.f / (WINDOWSONWORKSPACE - 1))) { // we can't continue. make it floating. pWindow->m_bIsFloating = true; m_lMasterNodesData.remove(*PNODE); g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->onWindowCreatedFloating(pWindow); return; } } // recalc recalculateMonitor(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); } void CHyprMasterLayout::onWindowRemovedTiling(CWindow* pWindow) { const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (!PNODE) return; const auto WORKSPACEID = PNODE->workspaceID; const auto MASTERSLEFT = getMastersOnWorkspace(WORKSPACEID); static const auto* SMALLSPLIT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:allow_small_split")->intValue; pWindow->updateSpecialRenderData(); if (pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen) g_pCompositor->setWindowFullscreen(pWindow, false, FULLSCREEN_FULL); if (PNODE->isMaster && (MASTERSLEFT <= 1 || *SMALLSPLIT == 1)) { // find a new master from top of the list for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (!nd.isMaster && nd.workspaceID == WORKSPACEID) { nd.isMaster = true; nd.percMaster = PNODE->percMaster; break; } } } m_lMasterNodesData.remove(*PNODE); if (getMastersOnWorkspace(WORKSPACEID) == getNodesOnWorkspace(WORKSPACEID) && MASTERSLEFT > 1) { for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData | std::views::reverse) { if (nd.workspaceID == WORKSPACEID) { nd.isMaster = false; break; } } } // BUGFIX: correct bug where closing one master in a stack of 2 would leave // the screen half bare, and make it difficult to select remaining window if (getNodesOnWorkspace(WORKSPACEID) == 1) { for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.workspaceID == WORKSPACEID && nd.isMaster == false) { nd.isMaster = true; break; } } } recalculateMonitor(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); } void CHyprMasterLayout::recalculateMonitor(const int& monid) { const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(monid); if (!PMONITOR) return; const auto PWORKSPACE = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(PMONITOR->activeWorkspace); if (!PWORKSPACE) return; g_pHyprRenderer->damageMonitor(PMONITOR); if (PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceID) { calculateWorkspace(PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceID); } if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow) { // massive hack from the fullscreen func const auto PFULLWINDOW = g_pCompositor->getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID); if (PWORKSPACE->m_efFullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_FULL) { PFULLWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = PMONITOR->vecPosition; PFULLWINDOW->m_vRealSize = PMONITOR->vecSize; } else if (PWORKSPACE->m_efFullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_MAXIMIZED) { SMasterNodeData fakeNode; fakeNode.pWindow = PFULLWINDOW; fakeNode.position = PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft; fakeNode.size = PMONITOR->vecSize - PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight; fakeNode.workspaceID = PWORKSPACE->m_iID; PFULLWINDOW->m_vPosition = fakeNode.position; PFULLWINDOW->m_vSize = fakeNode.size; applyNodeDataToWindow(&fakeNode); } return; } // calc the WS calculateWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID); } void CHyprMasterLayout::calculateWorkspace(const int& ws) { const auto PWORKSPACE = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(ws); if (!PWORKSPACE) return; const auto PWORKSPACEDATA = getMasterWorkspaceData(ws); const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(PWORKSPACE->m_iMonitorID); const auto PMASTERNODE = getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID); if (!PMASTERNODE) return; eOrientation orientation = PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation; bool centerMasterWindow = false; static auto* const ALWAYSCENTER = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:always_center_master")->intValue; static auto* const PSMARTRESIZING = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:smart_resizing")->intValue; const auto MASTERS = getMastersOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID); const auto WINDOWS = getNodesOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID); const auto STACKWINDOWS = WINDOWS - MASTERS; const auto WSSIZE = PMONITOR->vecSize - PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight; const auto WSPOS = PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft; if (orientation == ORIENTATION_CENTER) { if (STACKWINDOWS >= 2 || (*ALWAYSCENTER == 1)) { centerMasterWindow = true; } else { orientation = ORIENTATION_LEFT; } } const float totalSize = (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOP || orientation == ORIENTATION_BOTTOM) ? WSSIZE.x : WSSIZE.y; const float masterAverageSize = totalSize / MASTERS; const float slaveAverageSize = totalSize / STACKWINDOWS; float masterAccumulatedSize = 0; float slaveAccumulatedSize = 0; if (*PSMARTRESIZING) { // check the total width and height so that later // if larger/smaller than screen size them down/up for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.workspaceID == PWORKSPACE->m_iID) { if (nd.isMaster) masterAccumulatedSize += totalSize / MASTERS * nd.percSize; else slaveAccumulatedSize += totalSize / STACKWINDOWS * nd.percSize; } } } // compute placement of master window(s) if (WINDOWS == 1 && !centerMasterWindow) { PMASTERNODE->size = WSSIZE; PMASTERNODE->position = WSPOS; applyNodeDataToWindow(PMASTERNODE); return; } else if (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOP || orientation == ORIENTATION_BOTTOM) { const float HEIGHT = WSSIZE.y * PMASTERNODE->percMaster; float widthLeft = WSSIZE.x; int mastersLeft = MASTERS; float nextX = 0; float nextY = 0; if (orientation == ORIENTATION_BOTTOM) nextY = WSSIZE.y - HEIGHT; for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.workspaceID != PWORKSPACE->m_iID || !nd.isMaster) continue; float WIDTH = mastersLeft > 1 ? widthLeft / mastersLeft * nd.percSize : widthLeft; if (WIDTH > widthLeft * 0.9f && mastersLeft > 1) WIDTH = widthLeft * 0.9f; if (*PSMARTRESIZING) { nd.percSize *= WSSIZE.x / masterAccumulatedSize; WIDTH = masterAverageSize * nd.percSize; } nd.size = Vector2D(WIDTH, HEIGHT); nd.position = WSPOS + Vector2D(nextX, nextY); applyNodeDataToWindow(&nd); mastersLeft--; widthLeft -= WIDTH; nextX += WIDTH; } } else { // orientation left, right or center float WIDTH = WSSIZE.x; float heightLeft = WSSIZE.y; int mastersLeft = MASTERS; float nextX = 0; float nextY = 0; if (STACKWINDOWS > 0 || centerMasterWindow) WIDTH *= PMASTERNODE->percMaster; if (orientation == ORIENTATION_RIGHT) { nextX = WSSIZE.x - WIDTH; } else if (centerMasterWindow) { nextX = (WSSIZE.x - WIDTH) / 2; } for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.workspaceID != PWORKSPACE->m_iID || !nd.isMaster) continue; float HEIGHT = mastersLeft > 1 ? heightLeft / mastersLeft * nd.percSize : heightLeft; if (HEIGHT > heightLeft * 0.9f && mastersLeft > 1) HEIGHT = heightLeft * 0.9f; if (*PSMARTRESIZING) { nd.percSize *= WSSIZE.y / masterAccumulatedSize; HEIGHT = masterAverageSize * nd.percSize; } nd.size = Vector2D(WIDTH, HEIGHT); nd.position = WSPOS + Vector2D(nextX, nextY); applyNodeDataToWindow(&nd); mastersLeft--; heightLeft -= HEIGHT; nextY += HEIGHT; } } if (STACKWINDOWS == 0) return; // compute placement of slave window(s) int slavesLeft = STACKWINDOWS; if (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOP || orientation == ORIENTATION_BOTTOM) { const float HEIGHT = WSSIZE.y - PMASTERNODE->size.y; float widthLeft = WSSIZE.x; float nextX = 0; float nextY = 0; if (orientation == ORIENTATION_TOP) nextY = PMASTERNODE->size.y; for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.workspaceID != PWORKSPACE->m_iID || nd.isMaster) continue; float WIDTH = slavesLeft > 1 ? widthLeft / slavesLeft * nd.percSize : widthLeft; if (WIDTH > widthLeft * 0.9f && slavesLeft > 1) WIDTH = widthLeft * 0.9f; if (*PSMARTRESIZING) { nd.percSize *= WSSIZE.x / slaveAccumulatedSize; WIDTH = slaveAverageSize * nd.percSize; } nd.size = Vector2D(WIDTH, HEIGHT); nd.position = WSPOS + Vector2D(nextX, nextY); applyNodeDataToWindow(&nd); slavesLeft--; widthLeft -= WIDTH; nextX += WIDTH; } } else if (orientation == ORIENTATION_LEFT || orientation == ORIENTATION_RIGHT) { const float WIDTH = WSSIZE.x - PMASTERNODE->size.x; float heightLeft = WSSIZE.y; float nextY = 0; float nextX = 0; if (orientation == ORIENTATION_LEFT) nextX = PMASTERNODE->size.x; for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.workspaceID != PWORKSPACE->m_iID || nd.isMaster) continue; float HEIGHT = slavesLeft > 1 ? heightLeft / slavesLeft * nd.percSize : heightLeft; if (HEIGHT > heightLeft * 0.9f && slavesLeft > 1) HEIGHT = heightLeft * 0.9f; if (*PSMARTRESIZING) { nd.percSize *= WSSIZE.y / slaveAccumulatedSize; HEIGHT = slaveAverageSize * nd.percSize; } nd.size = Vector2D(WIDTH, HEIGHT); nd.position = WSPOS + Vector2D(nextX, nextY); applyNodeDataToWindow(&nd); slavesLeft--; heightLeft -= HEIGHT; nextY += HEIGHT; } } else { // slaves for centered master window(s) const float WIDTH = (WSSIZE.x - PMASTERNODE->size.x) / 2.0; float heightLeft = 0; float heightLeftL = WSSIZE.y; float heightLeftR = WSSIZE.y; float nextX = 0; float nextY = 0; float nextYL = 0; float nextYR = 0; bool onRight = true; int slavesLeftR = 1 + (slavesLeft - 1) / 2; int slavesLeftL = slavesLeft - slavesLeftR; const float slaveAverageHeightL = WSSIZE.y / slavesLeftL; const float slaveAverageHeightR = WSSIZE.y / slavesLeftR; float slaveAccumulatedHeightL = 0; float slaveAccumulatedHeightR = 0; if (*PSMARTRESIZING) { for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.workspaceID != PWORKSPACE->m_iID || nd.isMaster) continue; if (onRight) { slaveAccumulatedHeightR += slaveAverageHeightR * nd.percSize; } else { slaveAccumulatedHeightL += slaveAverageHeightL * nd.percSize; } onRight = !onRight; } onRight = true; } for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.workspaceID != PWORKSPACE->m_iID || nd.isMaster) continue; if (onRight) { nextX = WIDTH + PMASTERNODE->size.x; nextY = nextYR; heightLeft = heightLeftR; slavesLeft = slavesLeftR; } else { nextX = 0; nextY = nextYL; heightLeft = heightLeftL; slavesLeft = slavesLeftL; } float HEIGHT = slavesLeft > 1 ? heightLeft / slavesLeft * nd.percSize : heightLeft; if (HEIGHT > heightLeft * 0.9f && slavesLeft > 1) HEIGHT = heightLeft * 0.9f; if (*PSMARTRESIZING) { if (onRight) { nd.percSize *= WSSIZE.y / slaveAccumulatedHeightR; HEIGHT = slaveAverageHeightR * nd.percSize; } else { nd.percSize *= WSSIZE.y / slaveAccumulatedHeightL; HEIGHT = slaveAverageHeightL * nd.percSize; } } nd.size = Vector2D(WIDTH, HEIGHT); nd.position = WSPOS + Vector2D(nextX, nextY); applyNodeDataToWindow(&nd); if (onRight) { heightLeftR -= HEIGHT; nextYR += HEIGHT; slavesLeftR--; } else { heightLeftL -= HEIGHT; nextYL += HEIGHT; slavesLeftL--; } onRight = !onRight; } } } void CHyprMasterLayout::applyNodeDataToWindow(SMasterNodeData* pNode, bool force) { CMonitor* PMONITOR = nullptr; if (g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(pNode->workspaceID)) { for (auto& m : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) { if (m->specialWorkspaceID == pNode->workspaceID) { PMONITOR = m.get(); break; } } } else { PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(pNode->workspaceID)->m_iMonitorID); } if (!PMONITOR) { Debug::log(ERR, "Orphaned Node {}!!", pNode); return; } // for gaps outer const bool DISPLAYLEFT = STICKS(pNode->position.x, PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft.x); const bool DISPLAYRIGHT = STICKS(pNode->position.x + pNode->size.x, PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PMONITOR->vecSize.x - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight.x); const bool DISPLAYTOP = STICKS(pNode->position.y, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft.y); const bool DISPLAYBOTTOM = STICKS(pNode->position.y + pNode->size.y, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PMONITOR->vecSize.y - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight.y); const auto PWINDOW = pNode->pWindow; // get specific gaps and rules for this workspace, // if user specified them in config const auto WORKSPACERULE = g_pConfigManager->getWorkspaceRuleFor(g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID)); if (PWINDOW->m_bIsFullscreen && !force) return; PWINDOW->updateSpecialRenderData(); static auto* const PGAPSIN = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:gaps_in")->intValue; static auto* const PGAPSOUT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:gaps_out")->intValue; static auto* const PNOGAPSWHENONLY = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:no_gaps_when_only")->intValue; static auto* const PANIMATE = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("misc:animate_manual_resizes")->intValue; auto gapsIn = WORKSPACERULE.gapsIn.value_or(*PGAPSIN); auto gapsOut = WORKSPACERULE.gapsOut.value_or(*PGAPSOUT); if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(PWINDOW)) { Debug::log(ERR, "Node {} holding invalid {}!!", pNode, PWINDOW); return; } PWINDOW->m_vSize = pNode->size; PWINDOW->m_vPosition = pNode->position; if (*PNOGAPSWHENONLY && !g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID) && (getNodesOnWorkspace(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID) == 1 || (PWINDOW->m_bIsFullscreen && g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID)->m_efFullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_MAXIMIZED))) { PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.border = WORKSPACERULE.border.value_or(*PNOGAPSWHENONLY == 2); PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.decorate = WORKSPACERULE.decorate.value_or(true); PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.rounding = false; PWINDOW->m_sSpecialRenderData.shadow = false; const auto RESERVED = PWINDOW->getFullWindowReservedArea(); const int BORDERSIZE = PWINDOW->getRealBorderSize(); PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = PWINDOW->m_vPosition + Vector2D(BORDERSIZE, BORDERSIZE) + RESERVED.topLeft; PWINDOW->m_vRealSize = PWINDOW->m_vSize - Vector2D(2 * BORDERSIZE, 2 * BORDERSIZE) - (RESERVED.topLeft + RESERVED.bottomRight); PWINDOW->updateWindowDecos(); return; } const int BORDERSIZE = PWINDOW->getRealBorderSize(); auto calcPos = PWINDOW->m_vPosition + Vector2D(BORDERSIZE, BORDERSIZE); auto calcSize = PWINDOW->m_vSize - Vector2D(2 * BORDERSIZE, 2 * BORDERSIZE); const auto OFFSETTOPLEFT = Vector2D(DISPLAYLEFT ? gapsOut : gapsIn, DISPLAYTOP ? gapsOut : gapsIn); const auto OFFSETBOTTOMRIGHT = Vector2D(DISPLAYRIGHT ? gapsOut : gapsIn, DISPLAYBOTTOM ? gapsOut : gapsIn); calcPos = calcPos + OFFSETTOPLEFT; calcSize = calcSize - OFFSETTOPLEFT - OFFSETBOTTOMRIGHT; const auto RESERVED = PWINDOW->getFullWindowReservedArea(); calcPos = calcPos + RESERVED.topLeft; calcSize = calcSize - (RESERVED.topLeft + RESERVED.bottomRight); if (g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID)) { static auto* const PSCALEFACTOR = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:special_scale_factor")->floatValue; PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = calcPos + (calcSize - calcSize * *PSCALEFACTOR) / 2.f; PWINDOW->m_vRealSize = calcSize * *PSCALEFACTOR; g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(PWINDOW, calcSize * *PSCALEFACTOR); } else { PWINDOW->m_vRealSize = calcSize; PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = calcPos; g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(PWINDOW, calcSize); } if (m_bForceWarps && !*PANIMATE) { g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(PWINDOW); PWINDOW->m_vRealPosition.warp(); PWINDOW->m_vRealSize.warp(); g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(PWINDOW); } PWINDOW->updateWindowDecos(); } bool CHyprMasterLayout::isWindowTiled(CWindow* pWindow) { return getNodeFromWindow(pWindow) != nullptr; } void CHyprMasterLayout::resizeActiveWindow(const Vector2D& pixResize, eRectCorner corner, CWindow* pWindow) { const auto PWINDOW = pWindow ? pWindow : g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow; if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(PWINDOW)) return; const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(PWINDOW); if (!PNODE) { PWINDOW->m_vRealSize = Vector2D(std::max((PWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goalv() + pixResize).x, 20.0), std::max((PWINDOW->m_vRealSize.goalv() + pixResize).y, 20.0)); PWINDOW->updateWindowDecos(); return; } const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(PWINDOW->m_iMonitorID); const auto PWORKSPACEDATA = getMasterWorkspaceData(PMONITOR->activeWorkspace); static auto* const ALWAYSCENTER = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:always_center_master")->intValue; static auto* const PSMARTRESIZING = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:smart_resizing")->intValue; eOrientation orientation = PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation; bool centered = orientation == ORIENTATION_CENTER && (*ALWAYSCENTER == 1); double delta = 0; const bool DISPLAYBOTTOM = STICKS(PWINDOW->m_vPosition.y + PWINDOW->m_vSize.y, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PMONITOR->vecSize.y - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight.y); const bool DISPLAYRIGHT = STICKS(PWINDOW->m_vPosition.x + PWINDOW->m_vSize.x, PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PMONITOR->vecSize.x - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight.x); const bool DISPLAYTOP = STICKS(PWINDOW->m_vPosition.y, PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft.y); const bool DISPLAYLEFT = STICKS(PWINDOW->m_vPosition.x, PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft.x); const bool LEFT = corner == CORNER_TOPLEFT || corner == CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT; const bool TOP = corner == CORNER_TOPLEFT || corner == CORNER_TOPRIGHT; const bool NONE = corner == CORNER_NONE; const auto MASTERS = getMastersOnWorkspace(PNODE->workspaceID); const auto WINDOWS = getNodesOnWorkspace(PNODE->workspaceID); const auto STACKWINDOWS = WINDOWS - MASTERS; if (getNodesOnWorkspace(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID) == 1 && !centered) return; m_bForceWarps = true; switch (orientation) { case ORIENTATION_LEFT: delta = pixResize.x / PMONITOR->vecSize.x; break; case ORIENTATION_RIGHT: delta = -pixResize.x / PMONITOR->vecSize.x; break; case ORIENTATION_BOTTOM: delta = -pixResize.y / PMONITOR->vecSize.y; break; case ORIENTATION_TOP: delta = pixResize.y / PMONITOR->vecSize.y; break; case ORIENTATION_CENTER: delta = pixResize.x / PMONITOR->vecSize.x; if (WINDOWS > 2) { if (!NONE || !PNODE->isMaster) delta *= 2; if ((!PNODE->isMaster && DISPLAYLEFT) || (PNODE->isMaster && LEFT && *PSMARTRESIZING)) delta = -delta; } break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } const auto workspaceIdForResizing = PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceID == 0 ? PMONITOR->activeWorkspace : PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceID; for (auto& n : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (n.isMaster && n.workspaceID == workspaceIdForResizing) n.percMaster = std::clamp(n.percMaster + delta, 0.05, 0.95); } // check the up/down resize const bool isStackVertical = orientation == ORIENTATION_LEFT || orientation == ORIENTATION_RIGHT || orientation == ORIENTATION_CENTER; const auto RESIZEDELTA = isStackVertical ? pixResize.y : pixResize.x; const auto WSSIZE = PMONITOR->vecSize - PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight; auto nodesInSameColumn = PNODE->isMaster ? MASTERS : STACKWINDOWS; if (orientation == ORIENTATION_CENTER && !PNODE->isMaster) nodesInSameColumn = DISPLAYRIGHT ? (nodesInSameColumn + 1) / 2 : nodesInSameColumn / 2; const auto SIZE = isStackVertical ? WSSIZE.y / nodesInSameColumn : WSSIZE.x / nodesInSameColumn; if (RESIZEDELTA != 0 && nodesInSameColumn > 1) { if (!*PSMARTRESIZING) { PNODE->percSize = std::clamp(PNODE->percSize + RESIZEDELTA / SIZE, 0.05, 1.95); } else { const auto NODEIT = std::find(m_lMasterNodesData.begin(), m_lMasterNodesData.end(), *PNODE); const auto REVNODEIT = std::find(m_lMasterNodesData.rbegin(), m_lMasterNodesData.rend(), *PNODE); const float totalSize = isStackVertical ? WSSIZE.y : WSSIZE.x; const float minSize = totalSize / nodesInSameColumn * 0.2; const bool resizePrevNodes = isStackVertical ? (TOP || DISPLAYBOTTOM) && !DISPLAYTOP : (LEFT || DISPLAYRIGHT) && !DISPLAYLEFT; int nodesLeft = 0; float sizeLeft = 0; int nodeCount = 0; // check the sizes of all the nodes to be resized for later calculation auto checkNodesLeft = [&sizeLeft, &nodesLeft, orientation, isStackVertical, &nodeCount, PNODE](auto it) { if (it.isMaster != PNODE->isMaster || it.workspaceID != PNODE->workspaceID) return; nodeCount++; if (!it.isMaster && orientation == ORIENTATION_CENTER && nodeCount % 2 == 1) return; sizeLeft += isStackVertical ? it.size.y : it.size.x; nodesLeft++; }; float resizeDiff; if (resizePrevNodes) { std::for_each(std::next(REVNODEIT), m_lMasterNodesData.rend(), checkNodesLeft); resizeDiff = -RESIZEDELTA; } else { std::for_each(std::next(NODEIT), m_lMasterNodesData.end(), checkNodesLeft); resizeDiff = RESIZEDELTA; } const float nodeSize = isStackVertical ? PNODE->size.y : PNODE->size.x; const float maxSizeIncrease = sizeLeft - nodesLeft * minSize; const float maxSizeDecrease = minSize - nodeSize; // leaves enough room for the other nodes resizeDiff = std::clamp(resizeDiff, maxSizeDecrease, maxSizeIncrease); PNODE->percSize += resizeDiff / SIZE; // resize the other nodes nodeCount = 0; auto resizeNodesLeft = [maxSizeIncrease, resizeDiff, minSize, orientation, isStackVertical, SIZE, &nodeCount, nodesLeft, PNODE](auto& it) { if (it.isMaster != PNODE->isMaster || it.workspaceID != PNODE->workspaceID) return; nodeCount++; // if center orientation, only resize when on the same side if (!it.isMaster && orientation == ORIENTATION_CENTER && nodeCount % 2 == 1) return; const float size = isStackVertical ? it.size.y : it.size.x; const float resizeDeltaForEach = maxSizeIncrease != 0 ? resizeDiff * (size - minSize) / maxSizeIncrease : resizeDiff / nodesLeft; it.percSize -= resizeDeltaForEach / SIZE; }; if (resizePrevNodes) { std::for_each(std::next(REVNODEIT), m_lMasterNodesData.rend(), resizeNodesLeft); } else { std::for_each(std::next(NODEIT), m_lMasterNodesData.end(), resizeNodesLeft); } } } recalculateMonitor(PMONITOR->ID); m_bForceWarps = false; } void CHyprMasterLayout::fullscreenRequestForWindow(CWindow* pWindow, eFullscreenMode fullscreenMode, bool on) { if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(pWindow)) return; if (on == pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen || g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceSpecial(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID)) return; // ignore const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); const auto PWORKSPACE = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow && on) { // if the window wants to be fullscreen but there already is one, // ignore the request. return; } // otherwise, accept it. pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen = on; PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow = !PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow; g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"fullscreen", std::to_string((int)on)}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("fullscreen", pWindow); if (!pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen) { // if it got its fullscreen disabled, set back its node if it had one const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (PNODE) applyNodeDataToWindow(PNODE); else { // get back its' dimensions from position and size pWindow->m_vRealPosition = pWindow->m_vLastFloatingPosition; pWindow->m_vRealSize = pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize; pWindow->updateSpecialRenderData(); } } else { // if it now got fullscreen, make it fullscreen PWORKSPACE->m_efFullscreenMode = fullscreenMode; // save position and size if floating if (pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { pWindow->m_vLastFloatingSize = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv(); pWindow->m_vLastFloatingPosition = pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv(); pWindow->m_vPosition = pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv(); pWindow->m_vSize = pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv(); } // apply new pos and size being monitors' box if (fullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_FULL) { pWindow->m_vRealPosition = PMONITOR->vecPosition; pWindow->m_vRealSize = PMONITOR->vecSize; } else { // This is a massive hack. // We make a fake "only" node and apply // To keep consistent with the settings without C+P code SMasterNodeData fakeNode; fakeNode.pWindow = pWindow; fakeNode.position = PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft; fakeNode.size = PMONITOR->vecSize - PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight; fakeNode.workspaceID = pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID; pWindow->m_vPosition = fakeNode.position; pWindow->m_vSize = fakeNode.size; applyNodeDataToWindow(&fakeNode, true); } } g_pCompositor->updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(pWindow); g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(pWindow, pWindow->m_vRealSize.goalv()); g_pCompositor->changeWindowZOrder(pWindow, true); recalculateMonitor(PMONITOR->ID); } void CHyprMasterLayout::recalculateWindow(CWindow* pWindow) { const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (!PNODE) return; recalculateMonitor(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); } SWindowRenderLayoutHints CHyprMasterLayout::requestRenderHints(CWindow* pWindow) { // window should be valid, insallah SWindowRenderLayoutHints hints; return hints; // master doesnt have any hints } void CHyprMasterLayout::moveWindowTo(CWindow* pWindow, const std::string& dir) { if (!isDirection(dir)) return; const auto PWINDOW2 = g_pCompositor->getWindowInDirection(pWindow, dir[0]); if (pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID != PWINDOW2->m_iWorkspaceID) { // if different monitors, send to monitor onWindowRemovedTiling(pWindow); pWindow->moveToWorkspace(PWINDOW2->m_iWorkspaceID); pWindow->m_iMonitorID = PWINDOW2->m_iMonitorID; onWindowCreatedTiling(pWindow); } else { // if same monitor, switch windows switchWindows(pWindow, PWINDOW2); } } void CHyprMasterLayout::switchWindows(CWindow* pWindow, CWindow* pWindow2) { // windows should be valid, insallah const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); const auto PNODE2 = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow2); if (!PNODE2 || !PNODE) return; const auto inheritFullscreen = prepareLoseFocus(pWindow); if (PNODE->workspaceID != PNODE2->workspaceID) { std::swap(pWindow2->m_iMonitorID, pWindow->m_iMonitorID); std::swap(pWindow2->m_iWorkspaceID, pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); } // massive hack: just swap window pointers, lol PNODE->pWindow = pWindow2; PNODE2->pWindow = pWindow; recalculateMonitor(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); if (PNODE2->workspaceID != PNODE->workspaceID) recalculateMonitor(pWindow2->m_iMonitorID); g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(pWindow); g_pHyprRenderer->damageWindow(pWindow2); prepareNewFocus(pWindow2, inheritFullscreen); } void CHyprMasterLayout::alterSplitRatio(CWindow* pWindow, float ratio, bool exact) { // window should be valid, insallah const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); if (!PNODE) return; const auto PMASTER = getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); float newRatio = exact ? ratio : PMASTER->percMaster + ratio; PMASTER->percMaster = std::clamp(newRatio, 0.05f, 0.95f); recalculateMonitor(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); } CWindow* CHyprMasterLayout::getNextWindow(CWindow* pWindow, bool next) { if (!isWindowTiled(pWindow)) return nullptr; const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(pWindow); auto nodes = m_lMasterNodesData; if (!next) std::reverse(nodes.begin(), nodes.end()); const auto NODEIT = std::find(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), *PNODE); const bool ISMASTER = PNODE->isMaster; auto CANDIDATE = std::find_if(NODEIT, nodes.end(), [&](const auto& other) { return other != *PNODE && ISMASTER == other.isMaster && other.workspaceID == PNODE->workspaceID; }); if (CANDIDATE == nodes.end()) CANDIDATE = std::find_if(nodes.begin(), nodes.end(), [&](const auto& other) { return other != *PNODE && ISMASTER != other.isMaster && other.workspaceID == PNODE->workspaceID; }); return CANDIDATE == nodes.end() ? nullptr : CANDIDATE->pWindow; } bool CHyprMasterLayout::prepareLoseFocus(CWindow* pWindow) { if (!pWindow) return false; //if the current window is fullscreen, make it normal again if we are about to lose focus if (pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen) { g_pCompositor->setWindowFullscreen(pWindow, false, FULLSCREEN_FULL); static auto* const INHERIT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:inherit_fullscreen")->intValue; return *INHERIT == 1; } return false; } void CHyprMasterLayout::prepareNewFocus(CWindow* pWindow, bool inheritFullscreen) { if (!pWindow) return; if (inheritFullscreen) g_pCompositor->setWindowFullscreen(pWindow, true, g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID)->m_efFullscreenMode); } std::any CHyprMasterLayout::layoutMessage(SLayoutMessageHeader header, std::string message) { auto switchToWindow = [&](CWindow* PWINDOWTOCHANGETO) { if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(PWINDOWTOCHANGETO)) return; g_pCompositor->focusWindow(PWINDOWTOCHANGETO); g_pCompositor->warpCursorTo(PWINDOWTOCHANGETO->middle()); }; CVarList vars(message, 0, ' '); if (vars.size() < 1 || vars[0].empty()) { Debug::log(ERR, "layoutmsg called without params"); return 0; } auto command = vars[0]; // swapwithmaster // first message argument can have the following values: // * master - keep the focus at the new master // * child - keep the focus at the new child // * auto (default) - swap the focus (keep the focus of the previously selected window) if (command == "swapwithmaster") { const auto PWINDOW = header.pWindow; if (!PWINDOW) return 0; if (!isWindowTiled(PWINDOW)) return 0; const auto PMASTER = getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID); if (!PMASTER) return 0; const auto NEWCHILD = PMASTER->pWindow; if (PMASTER->pWindow != PWINDOW) { const auto NEWMASTER = PWINDOW; const bool newFocusToChild = vars.size() >= 2 && vars[1] == "child"; const bool inheritFullscreen = prepareLoseFocus(NEWMASTER); switchWindows(NEWMASTER, NEWCHILD); const auto NEWFOCUS = newFocusToChild ? NEWCHILD : NEWMASTER; switchToWindow(NEWFOCUS); prepareNewFocus(NEWFOCUS, inheritFullscreen); } else { for (auto& n : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (n.workspaceID == PMASTER->workspaceID && !n.isMaster) { const auto NEWMASTER = n.pWindow; const bool inheritFullscreen = prepareLoseFocus(NEWCHILD); switchWindows(NEWMASTER, NEWCHILD); const bool newFocusToMaster = vars.size() >= 2 && vars[1] == "master"; const auto NEWFOCUS = newFocusToMaster ? NEWMASTER : NEWCHILD; switchToWindow(NEWFOCUS); prepareNewFocus(NEWFOCUS, inheritFullscreen); break; } } } return 0; } // focusmaster // first message argument can have the following values: // * master - keep the focus at the new master, even if it was focused before // * auto (default) - swap the focus with the first child, if the current focus was master, otherwise focus master else if (command == "focusmaster") { const auto PWINDOW = header.pWindow; if (!PWINDOW) return 0; const bool inheritFullscreen = prepareLoseFocus(PWINDOW); const auto PMASTER = getMasterNodeOnWorkspace(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID); if (!PMASTER) return 0; if (PMASTER->pWindow != PWINDOW) { switchToWindow(PMASTER->pWindow); prepareNewFocus(PMASTER->pWindow, inheritFullscreen); } else if (vars.size() >= 2 && vars[1] == "master") { return 0; } else { // if master is focused keep master focused (don't do anything) for (auto& n : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (n.workspaceID == PMASTER->workspaceID && !n.isMaster) { switchToWindow(n.pWindow); prepareNewFocus(n.pWindow, inheritFullscreen); break; } } } return 0; } else if (command == "cyclenext") { const auto PWINDOW = header.pWindow; if (!PWINDOW) return 0; const bool inheritFullscreen = prepareLoseFocus(PWINDOW); const auto PNEXTWINDOW = getNextWindow(PWINDOW, true); switchToWindow(PNEXTWINDOW); prepareNewFocus(PNEXTWINDOW, inheritFullscreen); } else if (command == "cycleprev") { const auto PWINDOW = header.pWindow; if (!PWINDOW) return 0; const bool inheritFullscreen = prepareLoseFocus(PWINDOW); const auto PPREVWINDOW = getNextWindow(PWINDOW, false); switchToWindow(PPREVWINDOW); prepareNewFocus(PPREVWINDOW, inheritFullscreen); } else if (command == "swapnext") { if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(header.pWindow)) return 0; if (header.pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { g_pKeybindManager->m_mDispatchers["swapnext"](""); return 0; } const auto PWINDOWTOSWAPWITH = getNextWindow(header.pWindow, true); if (PWINDOWTOSWAPWITH) { prepareLoseFocus(header.pWindow); switchWindows(header.pWindow, PWINDOWTOSWAPWITH); g_pCompositor->focusWindow(header.pWindow); } } else if (command == "swapprev") { if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(header.pWindow)) return 0; if (header.pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { g_pKeybindManager->m_mDispatchers["swapnext"]("prev"); return 0; } const auto PWINDOWTOSWAPWITH = getNextWindow(header.pWindow, false); if (PWINDOWTOSWAPWITH) { prepareLoseFocus(header.pWindow); switchWindows(header.pWindow, PWINDOWTOSWAPWITH); g_pCompositor->focusWindow(header.pWindow); } } else if (command == "addmaster") { if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(header.pWindow)) return 0; if (header.pWindow->m_bIsFloating) return 0; const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(header.pWindow); const auto WINDOWS = getNodesOnWorkspace(header.pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); const auto MASTERS = getMastersOnWorkspace(header.pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); static const auto* SMALLSPLIT = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("master:allow_small_split")->intValue; if (MASTERS + 2 > WINDOWS && *SMALLSPLIT == 0) return 0; prepareLoseFocus(header.pWindow); if (!PNODE || PNODE->isMaster) { // first non-master node for (auto& n : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (n.workspaceID == header.pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID && !n.isMaster) { n.isMaster = true; break; } } } else { PNODE->isMaster = true; } recalculateMonitor(header.pWindow->m_iMonitorID); } else if (command == "removemaster") { if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(header.pWindow)) return 0; if (header.pWindow->m_bIsFloating) return 0; const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(header.pWindow); const auto WINDOWS = getNodesOnWorkspace(header.pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); const auto MASTERS = getMastersOnWorkspace(header.pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); if (WINDOWS < 2 || MASTERS < 2) return 0; prepareLoseFocus(header.pWindow); if (!PNODE || !PNODE->isMaster) { // first non-master node for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData | std::views::reverse) { if (nd.workspaceID == header.pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID && nd.isMaster) { nd.isMaster = false; break; } } } else { PNODE->isMaster = false; } recalculateMonitor(header.pWindow->m_iMonitorID); } else if (command == "orientationleft" || command == "orientationright" || command == "orientationtop" || command == "orientationbottom" || command == "orientationcenter") { const auto PWINDOW = header.pWindow; if (!PWINDOW) return 0; prepareLoseFocus(PWINDOW); const auto PWORKSPACEDATA = getMasterWorkspaceData(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID); if (command == "orientationleft") PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = ORIENTATION_LEFT; else if (command == "orientationright") PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = ORIENTATION_RIGHT; else if (command == "orientationtop") PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = ORIENTATION_TOP; else if (command == "orientationbottom") PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = ORIENTATION_BOTTOM; else if (command == "orientationcenter") PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = ORIENTATION_CENTER; recalculateMonitor(header.pWindow->m_iMonitorID); } else if (command == "orientationnext") { runOrientationCycle(header, nullptr, 1); } else if (command == "orientationprev") { runOrientationCycle(header, nullptr, -1); } else if (command == "orientationcycle") { runOrientationCycle(header, &vars, 1); } else if (command == "mfact") { if (vars.size() >= 2) { float newMfact = 0; try { newMfact = std::stof(vars[1]); } catch (std::exception& e) { Debug::log(ERR, "Argument is invalid: {}", e.what()); return 0; } for (auto& nd : m_lMasterNodesData) { if (nd.isMaster) nd.percMaster = std::clamp(newMfact, 0.05f, 0.95f); } } } return 0; } // If vars is null, we use the default list void CHyprMasterLayout::runOrientationCycle(SLayoutMessageHeader& header, CVarList* vars, int direction) { std::vector cycle; if (vars != nullptr) buildOrientationCycleVectorFromVars(cycle, *vars); if (cycle.size() == 0) buildOrientationCycleVectorFromEOperation(cycle); const auto PWINDOW = header.pWindow; if (!PWINDOW) return; prepareLoseFocus(PWINDOW); const auto PWORKSPACEDATA = getMasterWorkspaceData(PWINDOW->m_iWorkspaceID); int nextOrPrev = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < cycle.size(); ++i) { if (PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation == cycle.at(i)) { nextOrPrev = i + direction; break; } } if (nextOrPrev >= (int)cycle.size()) nextOrPrev = nextOrPrev % (int)cycle.size(); else if (nextOrPrev < 0) nextOrPrev = cycle.size() + (nextOrPrev % (int)cycle.size()); PWORKSPACEDATA->orientation = cycle.at(nextOrPrev); recalculateMonitor(header.pWindow->m_iMonitorID); } void CHyprMasterLayout::buildOrientationCycleVectorFromEOperation(std::vector& cycle) { for (int i = 0; i <= ORIENTATION_CENTER; ++i) { cycle.push_back((eOrientation)i); } } void CHyprMasterLayout::buildOrientationCycleVectorFromVars(std::vector& cycle, CVarList& vars) { for (size_t i = 1; i < vars.size(); ++i) { if (vars[i] == "top") { cycle.push_back(ORIENTATION_TOP); } else if (vars[i] == "right") { cycle.push_back(ORIENTATION_RIGHT); } else if (vars[i] == "bottom") { cycle.push_back(ORIENTATION_BOTTOM); } else if (vars[i] == "left") { cycle.push_back(ORIENTATION_LEFT); } else if (vars[i] == "center") { cycle.push_back(ORIENTATION_CENTER); } } } void CHyprMasterLayout::replaceWindowDataWith(CWindow* from, CWindow* to) { const auto PNODE = getNodeFromWindow(from); if (!PNODE) return; PNODE->pWindow = to; applyNodeDataToWindow(PNODE); } void CHyprMasterLayout::onEnable() { for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (w->m_bIsFloating || !w->m_bMappedX11 || !w->m_bIsMapped || w->isHidden()) continue; onWindowCreatedTiling(w.get()); } } void CHyprMasterLayout::onDisable() { m_lMasterNodesData.clear(); }