#include "HyprError.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" CHyprError::CHyprError() { m_fFadeOpacity.create(AVARTYPE_FLOAT, g_pConfigManager->getAnimationPropertyConfig("fadeIn"), nullptr, AVARDAMAGE_NONE); m_fFadeOpacity.registerVar(); } CHyprError::~CHyprError() { m_fFadeOpacity.unregister(); } void CHyprError::queueCreate(std::string message, const CColor& color) { m_szQueued = message; m_cQueued = color; } void CHyprError::createQueued() { if (m_bIsCreated) { m_bQueuedDestroy = false; m_tTexture.destroyTexture(); } m_fFadeOpacity.setValueAndWarp(0.f); m_fFadeOpacity = 1.f; const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors.front().get(); const auto SCALE = PMONITOR->scale; const auto FONTSIZE = std::clamp((int)(10.f * ((PMONITOR->vecPixelSize.x * SCALE) / 1920.f)), 8, 40); const auto CAIROSURFACE = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, PMONITOR->vecPixelSize.x, PMONITOR->vecPixelSize.y); const auto CAIRO = cairo_create(CAIROSURFACE); // clear the pixmap cairo_save(CAIRO); cairo_set_operator(CAIRO, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint(CAIRO); cairo_restore(CAIRO); const auto LINECOUNT = 1 + std::count(m_szQueued.begin(), m_szQueued.end(), '\n'); const double DEGREES = M_PI / 180.0; const double PAD = 10 * SCALE; const double X = PAD; const double Y = PAD; const double RADIUS = PAD; const double WIDTH = PMONITOR->vecPixelSize.x - PAD * 2; const double HEIGHT = (FONTSIZE + 2 * (FONTSIZE / 10.0)) * LINECOUNT + 3; m_bDamageBox = {(int)PMONITOR->vecPosition.x, (int)PMONITOR->vecPosition.y, (int)PMONITOR->vecPixelSize.x, (int)HEIGHT + (int)PAD * 2}; cairo_new_sub_path(CAIRO); cairo_arc(CAIRO, X + WIDTH - RADIUS, Y + RADIUS, RADIUS, -90 * DEGREES, 0 * DEGREES); cairo_arc(CAIRO, X + WIDTH - RADIUS, Y + HEIGHT - RADIUS, RADIUS, 0 * DEGREES, 90 * DEGREES); cairo_arc(CAIRO, X + RADIUS, Y + HEIGHT - RADIUS, RADIUS, 90 * DEGREES, 180 * DEGREES); cairo_arc(CAIRO, X + RADIUS, Y + RADIUS, RADIUS, 180 * DEGREES, 270 * DEGREES); cairo_close_path(CAIRO); cairo_set_source_rgba(CAIRO, m_cQueued.r, m_cQueued.g, m_cQueued.g, m_cQueued.a); cairo_fill_preserve(CAIRO); cairo_set_source_rgba(CAIRO, 0, 0, 0, 1); cairo_set_line_width(CAIRO, 2); cairo_stroke(CAIRO); // draw the text with a common font const CColor textColor = m_cQueued.r + m_cQueued.g + m_cQueued.b < 0.2f ? CColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0) : CColor(0, 0, 0, 1.0); cairo_select_font_face(CAIRO, "Noto Sans", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size(CAIRO, FONTSIZE); cairo_set_source_rgba(CAIRO, textColor.r, textColor.g, textColor.b, textColor.a); float yoffset = FONTSIZE; while (m_szQueued != "") { std::string current = m_szQueued.substr(0, m_szQueued.find('\n')); if (const auto NEWLPOS = m_szQueued.find('\n'); NEWLPOS != std::string::npos) m_szQueued = m_szQueued.substr(NEWLPOS + 1); else m_szQueued = ""; cairo_move_to(CAIRO, PAD + 1 + RADIUS, yoffset + PAD + 1); cairo_show_text(CAIRO, current.c_str()); yoffset += FONTSIZE + (FONTSIZE / 10.f); } cairo_surface_flush(CAIROSURFACE); // copy the data to an OpenGL texture we have const auto DATA = cairo_image_surface_get_data(CAIROSURFACE); m_tTexture.allocate(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_tTexture.m_iTexID); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); #ifndef GLES2 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, GL_BLUE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, GL_RED); #endif glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, PMONITOR->vecPixelSize.x, PMONITOR->vecPixelSize.y, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, DATA); // delete cairo cairo_destroy(CAIRO); cairo_surface_destroy(CAIROSURFACE); m_bIsCreated = true; m_szQueued = ""; m_cQueued = CColor(); g_pHyprRenderer->damageMonitor(PMONITOR); } void CHyprError::draw() { if (!m_bIsCreated || m_szQueued != "") { if (m_szQueued != "") createQueued(); return; } if (m_bQueuedDestroy) { if (!m_fFadeOpacity.isBeingAnimated()) { if (m_fFadeOpacity.fl() == 0.f) { m_bQueuedDestroy = false; m_tTexture.destroyTexture(); m_bIsCreated = false; m_szQueued = ""; return; } else { m_fFadeOpacity = 0.f; } } } const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors.front().get(); if (g_pHyprOpenGL->m_RenderData.pMonitor != PMONITOR) return; // wrong mon wlr_box monbox = {0, 0, PMONITOR->vecPixelSize.x, PMONITOR->vecPixelSize.y}; if (m_fFadeOpacity.isBeingAnimated()) g_pHyprRenderer->damageBox(&m_bDamageBox); g_pHyprOpenGL->renderTexture(m_tTexture, &monbox, m_fFadeOpacity.fl(), 0); } void CHyprError::destroy() { if (m_bIsCreated) m_bQueuedDestroy = true; }