#include "KeybindManager.hpp" void CKeybindManager::addKeybind(SKeybind kb) { m_dKeybinds.push_back(kb); } uint32_t CKeybindManager::stringToModMask(std::string mods) { uint32_t modMask = 0; if (mods.find("SHIFT") != std::string::npos) modMask |= WLR_MODIFIER_SHIFT; if (mods.find("CAPS") != std::string::npos) modMask |= WLR_MODIFIER_CAPS; if (mods.find("CTRL") != std::string::npos || mods.find("CONTROL") != std::string::npos) modMask |= WLR_MODIFIER_CTRL; if (mods.find("ALT") != std::string::npos) modMask |= WLR_MODIFIER_ALT; if (mods.find("MOD2") != std::string::npos) modMask |= WLR_MODIFIER_MOD2; if (mods.find("MOD3") != std::string::npos) modMask |= WLR_MODIFIER_MOD3; if (mods.find("SUPER") != std::string::npos || mods.find("WIN") != std::string::npos || mods.find("LOGO") != std::string::npos || mods.find("MOD4") != std::string::npos) modMask |= WLR_MODIFIER_LOGO; if (mods.find("MOD5") != std::string::npos) modMask |= WLR_MODIFIER_MOD5; return modMask; } bool CKeybindManager::handleKeybinds(const uint32_t& modmask, const xkb_keysym_t& key) { bool found = false; for (auto& k : m_dKeybinds) { if (modmask != k.modmask) continue; // oMg such performance hit!!11! // this little maneouver is gonna cost us 4µs const auto KBKEY = xkb_keysym_from_name(k.key.c_str(), XKB_KEYSYM_CASE_INSENSITIVE); if (key != KBKEY) continue; // yes. if (k.handler == "exec") { spawn(k.arg); } else if (k.handler == "killactive") { killActive(k.arg); } else if (k.handler == "togglefloating") { toggleActiveFloating(k.arg); } else if (k.handler == "workspace") { changeworkspace(k.arg); } found = true; } return found; } // Dispatchers void CKeybindManager::spawn(std::string args) { args = "WAYLAND_DISPLAY=" + std::string(g_pCompositor->m_szWLDisplaySocket) + " DISPLAY=" + std::string(g_pXWaylandManager->m_sWLRXWayland->display_name) + " " + args; Debug::log(LOG, "Executing %s", args.c_str()); if (fork() == 0) { execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", args.c_str(), nullptr); _exit(0); } } void CKeybindManager::killActive(std::string args) { if (g_pCompositor->m_pLastFocus && g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(g_pCompositor->getWindowFromSurface(g_pCompositor->m_pLastFocus))) g_pXWaylandManager->sendCloseWindow(g_pCompositor->getWindowFromSurface(g_pCompositor->m_pLastFocus)); g_pCompositor->focusWindow(g_pCompositor->windowFromCursor()); } void CKeybindManager::clearKeybinds() { m_dKeybinds.clear(); } void CKeybindManager::toggleActiveFloating(std::string args) { const auto ACTIVEWINDOW = g_pCompositor->getWindowFromSurface(g_pCompositor->m_pLastFocus); if (g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(ACTIVEWINDOW)) { ACTIVEWINDOW->m_bIsFloating = !ACTIVEWINDOW->m_bIsFloating; ACTIVEWINDOW->m_vRealPosition = ACTIVEWINDOW->m_vRealPosition + Vector2D(5, 5); ACTIVEWINDOW->m_vSize = ACTIVEWINDOW->m_vRealPosition - Vector2D(10, 10); g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->changeWindowFloatingMode(ACTIVEWINDOW); } } void CKeybindManager::changeworkspace(std::string args) { int workspaceToChangeTo = 0; try { workspaceToChangeTo = stoi(args); } catch (...) { Debug::log(ERR, "Invalid arg \"%s\" in changeWorkspace!", args.c_str()); } // if it exists, we warp to it if (g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(workspaceToChangeTo)) { const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(workspaceToChangeTo)->monitorID); // if it's not visible, make it visible. if (!g_pCompositor->isWorkspaceVisible(workspaceToChangeTo)) { const auto OLDWORKSPACEID = PMONITOR->activeWorkspace; // change it PMONITOR->activeWorkspace = workspaceToChangeTo; // we need to move XWayland windows to narnia or otherwise they will still process our cursor and shit // and that'd be annoying as hell g_pCompositor->fixXWaylandWindowsOnWorkspace(OLDWORKSPACEID); // and fix on the new workspace g_pCompositor->fixXWaylandWindowsOnWorkspace(PMONITOR->activeWorkspace); } // If the monitor is not the one our cursor's at, warp to it. if (PMONITOR != g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromCursor()) { Vector2D middle = PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecSize / 2.f; wlr_cursor_warp(g_pCompositor->m_sWLRCursor, nullptr, middle.x, middle.y); } // focus the first window g_pCompositor->focusWindow(g_pCompositor->getFirstWindowOnWorkspace(workspaceToChangeTo)); return; } // Workspace doesn't exist, create and switch const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromCursor(); const auto OLDWORKSPACE = PMONITOR->activeWorkspace; g_pCompositor->m_lWorkspaces.push_back(SWorkspace()); const auto PWORKSPACE = &g_pCompositor->m_lWorkspaces.back(); PWORKSPACE->ID = workspaceToChangeTo; PWORKSPACE->monitorID = PMONITOR->ID; PMONITOR->activeWorkspace = workspaceToChangeTo; // we need to move XWayland windows to narnia or otherwise they will still process our cursor and shit // and that'd be annoying as hell g_pCompositor->fixXWaylandWindowsOnWorkspace(workspaceToChangeTo); }