:title: hyprctl(1) :author: Vaxerski <*https://github.com/vaxerski*> NAME ==== hyprctl - Utility for controlling parts of Hyprland from a CLI or a script SYNOPSIS ======== **hyprctl** [*(opt)flags*] [**command**] [*(opt)args*] DESCRIPTION =========== **hyprctl** is a utility for controlling some parts of the compositor from a CLI or a script. CONTROL COMMANDS ================ **dispatch** Call a dispatcher with an argument. An argument must be present. For dispatchers without parameters it can be anything. Returns: *ok* on success, and an error message on failure. Examples: **hyprctl** *dispatch exec kitty* **hyprctl** *dispatch pseudo x* **keyword** Set a config keyword dynamically. Returns: *ok* on success, and an error message on failure. Examples: **hyprctl** *keyword bind SUPER,0,pseudo* **hyprctl** *keyword general:border_size 10* **reload** Force a reload of the config file. **kill** Enter kill mode, where you can kill an app by clicking on it. You can exit by pressing ESCAPE. INFO COMMANDS ============= **version** Prints the Hyprland version, flags, commit and branch of build. **monitors** Lists all the outputs with their properties. **workspaces** Lists all workspaces with their properties. **clients** Lists all windows with their properties. **devices** Lists all connected input devices. **activewindow** Returns the active window name. **layers** Lists all the layers. **splash** Returns the current random splash. OPTIONS ======= **--batch** Specify a batch of commands to execute. Example: **hyprctl** *--batch "keyword general:border_size 2 ; keyword general:gaps_out 20"* *;* separates the commands. **-j** Outputs information in JSON. BUGS ==== Submit bug reports and request features online at: <*https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/issues*> SEE ALSO ======== Sources at: <*https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland*> COPYRIGHT ========= Copyright (c) 2022, vaxerski