#!/usr/bin/env -S nix shell nixpkgs#gawk nixpkgs#git nixpkgs#gnused nixpkgs#ripgrep -c bash # get wlroots revision from submodule SUB_REV=$(git submodule status | rg wlroots | awk '{ print substr($1,2) }') # and from lockfile CRT_REV=$(rg rev flake.nix | awk '{ print substr($3, 2, 40) }') if [ "$SUB_REV" != "$CRT_REV" ]; then echo "Updating wlroots..." # update wlroots to submodule revision sed -Ei "s/\w{40}/$SUB_REV/g" flake.nix nix flake lock echo "wlroots: $CRT_REV -> $SUB_REV" else echo "wlroots is up to date!" fi