#include "Compositor.hpp" #include "helpers/Splashes.hpp" #include "config/ConfigValue.hpp" #include "managers/CursorManager.hpp" #include "managers/TokenManager.hpp" #include "managers/PointerManager.hpp" #include "managers/SeatManager.hpp" #include "managers/eventLoop/EventLoopManager.hpp" #include #include #include #include "debug/HyprCtl.hpp" #include "debug/CrashReporter.hpp" #ifdef USES_SYSTEMD #include // for SdNotify #endif #include #include "helpers/varlist/VarList.hpp" #include "protocols/FractionalScale.hpp" #include "protocols/PointerConstraints.hpp" #include "protocols/LayerShell.hpp" #include "protocols/XDGShell.hpp" #include "protocols/core/Compositor.hpp" #include "protocols/core/Subcompositor.hpp" #include "desktop/LayerSurface.hpp" #include "xwayland/XWayland.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Hyprutils::String; using namespace Aquamarine; int handleCritSignal(int signo, void* data) { Debug::log(LOG, "Hyprland received signal {}", signo); if (signo == SIGTERM || signo == SIGINT || signo == SIGKILL) g_pCompositor->cleanup(); return 0; } void handleUnrecoverableSignal(int sig) { // remove our handlers signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL); if (g_pHookSystem && g_pHookSystem->m_bCurrentEventPlugin) { longjmp(g_pHookSystem->m_jbHookFaultJumpBuf, 1); return; } // Kill the program if the crash-reporter is caught in a deadlock. signal(SIGALRM, [](int _) { char const* msg = "\nCrashReporter exceeded timeout, forcefully exiting\n"; write(2, msg, strlen(msg)); abort(); }); alarm(15); CrashReporter::createAndSaveCrash(sig); abort(); } void handleUserSignal(int sig) { if (sig == SIGUSR1) { // means we have to unwind a timed out event throw std::exception(); } } static LogLevel aqLevelToHl(Aquamarine::eBackendLogLevel level) { switch (level) { case Aquamarine::eBackendLogLevel::AQ_LOG_TRACE: return TRACE; case Aquamarine::eBackendLogLevel::AQ_LOG_DEBUG: return LOG; case Aquamarine::eBackendLogLevel::AQ_LOG_ERROR: return ERR; case Aquamarine::eBackendLogLevel::AQ_LOG_WARNING: return WARN; case Aquamarine::eBackendLogLevel::AQ_LOG_CRITICAL: return CRIT; default: break; } return NONE; } void aqLog(Aquamarine::eBackendLogLevel level, std::string msg) { Debug::log(aqLevelToHl(level), "[AQ] {}", msg); } void CCompositor::bumpNofile() { if (!getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &m_sOriginalNofile)) Debug::log(LOG, "Old rlimit: soft -> {}, hard -> {}", m_sOriginalNofile.rlim_cur, m_sOriginalNofile.rlim_max); else { Debug::log(ERR, "Failed to get NOFILE rlimits"); m_sOriginalNofile.rlim_max = 0; return; } rlimit newLimit = m_sOriginalNofile; newLimit.rlim_cur = newLimit.rlim_max; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &newLimit) < 0) { Debug::log(ERR, "Failed bumping NOFILE limits higher"); m_sOriginalNofile.rlim_max = 0; return; } if (!getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &newLimit)) Debug::log(LOG, "New rlimit: soft -> {}, hard -> {}", newLimit.rlim_cur, newLimit.rlim_max); } void CCompositor::restoreNofile() { if (m_sOriginalNofile.rlim_max <= 0) return; if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &m_sOriginalNofile) < 0) Debug::log(ERR, "Failed restoring NOFILE limits"); } CCompositor::CCompositor() { m_iHyprlandPID = getpid(); m_szHyprTempDataRoot = std::string{getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")} + "/hypr"; if (m_szHyprTempDataRoot.starts_with("/hypr")) { std::cout << "Bailing out, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is invalid\n"; throw std::runtime_error("CCompositor() failed"); } if (!m_szHyprTempDataRoot.starts_with("/run/user")) std::cout << "[!!WARNING!!] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR looks non-standard. Proceeding anyways...\n"; std::random_device dev; std::mt19937 engine(dev()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(0, INT32_MAX); m_szInstanceSignature = GIT_COMMIT_HASH + std::string("_") + std::to_string(time(NULL)) + "_" + std::to_string(distribution(engine)); setenv("HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE", m_szInstanceSignature.c_str(), true); if (!std::filesystem::exists(m_szHyprTempDataRoot)) mkdir(m_szHyprTempDataRoot.c_str(), S_IRWXU); else if (!std::filesystem::is_directory(m_szHyprTempDataRoot)) { std::cout << "Bailing out, " << m_szHyprTempDataRoot << " is not a directory\n"; throw std::runtime_error("CCompositor() failed"); } m_szInstancePath = m_szHyprTempDataRoot + "/" + m_szInstanceSignature; if (std::filesystem::exists(m_szInstancePath)) { std::cout << "Bailing out, " << m_szInstancePath << " exists??\n"; throw std::runtime_error("CCompositor() failed"); } if (mkdir(m_szInstancePath.c_str(), S_IRWXU) < 0) { std::cout << "Bailing out, couldn't create " << m_szInstancePath << "\n"; throw std::runtime_error("CCompositor() failed"); } Debug::init(m_szInstancePath); Debug::log(LOG, "Instance Signature: {}", m_szInstanceSignature); Debug::log(LOG, "Runtime directory: {}", m_szInstancePath); Debug::log(LOG, "Hyprland PID: {}", m_iHyprlandPID); Debug::log(LOG, "===== SYSTEM INFO: ====="); logSystemInfo(); Debug::log(LOG, "========================"); Debug::log(NONE, "\n\n"); // pad Debug::log(INFO, "If you are crashing, or encounter any bugs, please consult https://wiki.hyprland.org/Crashes-and-Bugs/\n\n"); setRandomSplash(); Debug::log(LOG, "\nCurrent splash: {}\n\n", m_szCurrentSplash); bumpNofile(); } CCompositor::~CCompositor() { cleanup(); } void CCompositor::setRandomSplash() { std::random_device dev; std::mt19937 engine(dev()); std::uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(0, SPLASHES.size() - 1); m_szCurrentSplash = SPLASHES[distribution(engine)]; } static std::vector> pendingOutputs; // void CCompositor::initServer() { m_sWLDisplay = wl_display_create(); m_sWLEventLoop = wl_display_get_event_loop(m_sWLDisplay); // register crit signal handler m_critSigSource = wl_event_loop_add_signal(m_sWLEventLoop, SIGTERM, handleCritSignal, nullptr); if (!envEnabled("HYPRLAND_NO_CRASHREPORTER")) { signal(SIGSEGV, handleUnrecoverableSignal); signal(SIGABRT, handleUnrecoverableSignal); } signal(SIGUSR1, handleUserSignal); initManagers(STAGE_PRIORITY); if (envEnabled("HYPRLAND_TRACE")) Debug::trace = true; Aquamarine::SBackendOptions options; options.logFunction = aqLog; std::vector implementations; Aquamarine::SBackendImplementationOptions option; option.backendType = Aquamarine::eBackendType::AQ_BACKEND_HEADLESS; option.backendRequestMode = Aquamarine::eBackendRequestMode::AQ_BACKEND_REQUEST_MANDATORY; implementations.emplace_back(option); option.backendType = Aquamarine::eBackendType::AQ_BACKEND_DRM; option.backendRequestMode = Aquamarine::eBackendRequestMode::AQ_BACKEND_REQUEST_IF_AVAILABLE; implementations.emplace_back(option); option.backendType = Aquamarine::eBackendType::AQ_BACKEND_WAYLAND; option.backendRequestMode = Aquamarine::eBackendRequestMode::AQ_BACKEND_REQUEST_FALLBACK; implementations.emplace_back(option); m_pAqBackend = CBackend::create(implementations, options); if (!m_pAqBackend) { Debug::log(CRIT, "m_pAqBackend was null! This usually means aquamarine could not find a GPU or enountered some issues. Make sure you're running either on a tty or on a Wayland " "session, NOT an X11 one."); throwError("CBackend::create() failed!"); } // TODO: headless only initAllSignals(); if (!m_pAqBackend->start()) { Debug::log(CRIT, "m_pAqBackend couldn't start! This usually means aquamarine could not find a GPU or enountered some issues. Make sure you're running either on a tty or on a " "Wayland session, NOT an X11 one."); throwError("CBackend::create() failed!"); } m_bInitialized = true; m_iDRMFD = m_pAqBackend->drmFD(); Debug::log(LOG, "Running on DRMFD: {}", m_iDRMFD); // get socket, avoid using 0 for (int candidate = 1; candidate <= 32; candidate++) { const auto CANDIDATESTR = ("wayland-" + std::to_string(candidate)); const auto RETVAL = wl_display_add_socket(m_sWLDisplay, CANDIDATESTR.c_str()); if (RETVAL >= 0) { m_szWLDisplaySocket = CANDIDATESTR; Debug::log(LOG, "wl_display_add_socket for {} succeeded with {}", CANDIDATESTR, RETVAL); break; } else { Debug::log(WARN, "wl_display_add_socket for {} returned {}: skipping candidate {}", CANDIDATESTR, RETVAL, candidate); } } if (m_szWLDisplaySocket.empty()) { Debug::log(WARN, "All candidates failed, trying wl_display_add_socket_auto"); const auto SOCKETSTR = wl_display_add_socket_auto(m_sWLDisplay); if (SOCKETSTR) m_szWLDisplaySocket = SOCKETSTR; } if (m_szWLDisplaySocket.empty()) { Debug::log(CRIT, "m_szWLDisplaySocket NULL!"); throwError("m_szWLDisplaySocket was null! (wl_display_add_socket and wl_display_add_socket_auto failed)"); } Debug::log(LOG, "Setting WAYLAND_DISPLAY to {}", m_szWLDisplaySocket); setenv("WAYLAND_DISPLAY", m_szWLDisplaySocket.c_str(), 1); setenv("XDG_SESSION_TYPE", "wayland", 1); initManagers(STAGE_BASICINIT); initManagers(STAGE_LATE); for (auto& o : pendingOutputs) { onNewMonitor(o); } pendingOutputs.clear(); } void CCompositor::initAllSignals() { m_pAqBackend->events.newOutput.registerStaticListener( [this](void* p, std::any data) { auto output = std::any_cast>(data); Debug::log(LOG, "New aquamarine output with name {}", output->name); if (m_bInitialized) onNewMonitor(output); else pendingOutputs.emplace_back(output); }, nullptr); m_pAqBackend->events.newPointer.registerStaticListener( [](void* data, std::any d) { auto dev = std::any_cast>(d); Debug::log(LOG, "New aquamarine pointer with name {}", dev->getName()); g_pInputManager->newMouse(dev); g_pInputManager->updateCapabilities(); }, nullptr); m_pAqBackend->events.newKeyboard.registerStaticListener( [](void* data, std::any d) { auto dev = std::any_cast>(d); Debug::log(LOG, "New aquamarine keyboard with name {}", dev->getName()); g_pInputManager->newKeyboard(dev); g_pInputManager->updateCapabilities(); }, nullptr); m_pAqBackend->events.newTouch.registerStaticListener( [](void* data, std::any d) { auto dev = std::any_cast>(d); Debug::log(LOG, "New aquamarine touch with name {}", dev->getName()); g_pInputManager->newTouchDevice(dev); g_pInputManager->updateCapabilities(); }, nullptr); m_pAqBackend->events.newSwitch.registerStaticListener( [](void* data, std::any d) { auto dev = std::any_cast>(d); Debug::log(LOG, "New aquamarine switch with name {}", dev->getName()); g_pInputManager->newSwitch(dev); }, nullptr); m_pAqBackend->events.newTablet.registerStaticListener( [](void* data, std::any d) { auto dev = std::any_cast>(d); Debug::log(LOG, "New aquamarine tablet with name {}", dev->getName()); g_pInputManager->newTablet(dev); }, nullptr); m_pAqBackend->events.newTabletPad.registerStaticListener( [](void* data, std::any d) { auto dev = std::any_cast>(d); Debug::log(LOG, "New aquamarine tablet pad with name {}", dev->getName()); g_pInputManager->newTabletPad(dev); }, nullptr); if (m_pAqBackend->hasSession()) { m_pAqBackend->session->events.changeActive.registerStaticListener( [this](void*, std::any) { if (m_pAqBackend->session->active) { Debug::log(LOG, "Session got activated!"); m_bSessionActive = true; for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { scheduleFrameForMonitor(m.get()); g_pHyprRenderer->applyMonitorRule(m.get(), &m->activeMonitorRule, true); } g_pConfigManager->m_bWantsMonitorReload = true; } else { Debug::log(LOG, "Session got deactivated!"); m_bSessionActive = false; for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { m->noFrameSchedule = true; m->framesToSkip = 1; } } }, nullptr); } } void CCompositor::removeAllSignals() { ; } void CCompositor::cleanEnvironment() { // in compositor constructor unsetenv("WAYLAND_DISPLAY"); // in startCompositor unsetenv("HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE"); // in main unsetenv("HYPRLAND_CMD"); unsetenv("XDG_BACKEND"); unsetenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP"); if (m_pAqBackend->hasSession()) { const auto CMD = #ifdef USES_SYSTEMD "systemctl --user unset-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS && hash " "dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && " #endif "dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS"; g_pKeybindManager->spawn(CMD); } } void CCompositor::cleanup() { if (!m_sWLDisplay || m_bIsShuttingDown) return; signal(SIGABRT, SIG_DFL); signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL); removeLockFile(); m_bIsShuttingDown = true; Debug::shuttingDown = true; #ifdef USES_SYSTEMD if (Systemd::SdBooted() > 0 && !envEnabled("HYPRLAND_NO_SD_NOTIFY")) Systemd::SdNotify(0, "STOPPING=1"); #endif cleanEnvironment(); // unload all remaining plugins while the compositor is // still in a normal working state. g_pPluginSystem->unloadAllPlugins(); m_pLastFocus.reset(); m_pLastWindow.reset(); m_vWorkspaces.clear(); m_vWindows.clear(); for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { g_pHyprOpenGL->destroyMonitorResources(m.get()); m->output->state->setEnabled(false); m->state.commit(); } g_pXWayland.reset(); m_vMonitors.clear(); wl_display_destroy_clients(g_pCompositor->m_sWLDisplay); removeAllSignals(); g_pInputManager.reset(); g_pDecorationPositioner.reset(); g_pCursorManager.reset(); g_pPluginSystem.reset(); g_pHyprNotificationOverlay.reset(); g_pDebugOverlay.reset(); g_pEventManager.reset(); g_pSessionLockManager.reset(); g_pProtocolManager.reset(); g_pHyprRenderer.reset(); g_pHyprOpenGL.reset(); g_pThreadManager.reset(); g_pConfigManager.reset(); g_pLayoutManager.reset(); g_pHyprError.reset(); g_pConfigManager.reset(); g_pAnimationManager.reset(); g_pKeybindManager.reset(); g_pHookSystem.reset(); g_pWatchdog.reset(); g_pXWaylandManager.reset(); g_pPointerManager.reset(); g_pSeatManager.reset(); g_pHyprCtl.reset(); g_pEventLoopManager.reset(); if (m_pAqBackend) m_pAqBackend.reset(); if (m_critSigSource) wl_event_source_remove(m_critSigSource); wl_event_loop_destroy(m_sWLEventLoop); wl_display_terminate(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLDisplay = nullptr; std::string waylandSocket = std::string{getenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")} + "/" + m_szWLDisplaySocket; std::filesystem::remove(waylandSocket); std::filesystem::remove(waylandSocket + ".lock"); } void CCompositor::initManagers(eManagersInitStage stage) { switch (stage) { case STAGE_PRIORITY: { Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the EventLoopManager!"); g_pEventLoopManager = std::make_unique(m_sWLDisplay, m_sWLEventLoop); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the HookSystem!"); g_pHookSystem = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the KeybindManager!"); g_pKeybindManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the AnimationManager!"); g_pAnimationManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the ConfigManager!"); g_pConfigManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the CHyprError!"); g_pHyprError = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the LayoutManager!"); g_pLayoutManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the TokenManager!"); g_pTokenManager = std::make_unique(); g_pConfigManager->init(); g_pWatchdog = std::make_unique(); // requires config Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the PointerManager!"); g_pPointerManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the EventManager!"); g_pEventManager = std::make_unique(); } break; case STAGE_BASICINIT: { Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the CHyprOpenGLImpl!"); g_pHyprOpenGL = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the ProtocolManager!"); g_pProtocolManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the SeatManager!"); g_pSeatManager = std::make_unique(); } break; case STAGE_LATE: { Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the ThreadManager!"); g_pThreadManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating CHyprCtl"); g_pHyprCtl = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the InputManager!"); g_pInputManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the HyprRenderer!"); g_pHyprRenderer = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the XWaylandManager!"); g_pXWaylandManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the SessionLockManager!"); g_pSessionLockManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the HyprDebugOverlay!"); g_pDebugOverlay = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the HyprNotificationOverlay!"); g_pHyprNotificationOverlay = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the PluginSystem!"); g_pPluginSystem = std::make_unique(); g_pConfigManager->handlePluginLoads(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the DecorationPositioner!"); g_pDecorationPositioner = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the CursorManager!"); g_pCursorManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Starting XWayland"); g_pXWayland = std::make_unique(); } break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } void CCompositor::createLockFile() { const auto PATH = m_szInstancePath + "/hyprland.lock"; std::ofstream ofs(PATH, std::ios::trunc); ofs << m_iHyprlandPID << "\n" << m_szWLDisplaySocket << "\n"; ofs.close(); } void CCompositor::removeLockFile() { const auto PATH = m_szInstancePath + "/hyprland.lock"; if (std::filesystem::exists(PATH)) std::filesystem::remove(PATH); } void CCompositor::prepareFallbackOutput() { // create a backup monitor SP headless; for (auto& impl : m_pAqBackend->getImplementations()) { if (impl->type() == Aquamarine::AQ_BACKEND_HEADLESS) { headless = impl; break; } } if (!headless) { Debug::log(WARN, "No headless in prepareFallbackOutput?!"); return; } headless->createOutput(); } void CCompositor::startCompositor() { signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); if (m_pAqBackend->hasSession() /* Session-less Hyprland usually means a nest, don't update the env in that case */) { const auto CMD = #ifdef USES_SYSTEMD "systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS && hash " "dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && " #endif "dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME PATH XDG_DATA_DIRS"; g_pKeybindManager->spawn(CMD); } Debug::log(LOG, "Running on WAYLAND_DISPLAY: {}", m_szWLDisplaySocket); prepareFallbackOutput(); g_pHyprRenderer->setCursorFromName("left_ptr"); #ifdef USES_SYSTEMD if (Systemd::SdBooted() > 0) { // tell systemd that we are ready so it can start other bond, following, related units if (!envEnabled("HYPRLAND_NO_SD_NOTIFY")) Systemd::SdNotify(0, "READY=1"); } else Debug::log(LOG, "systemd integration is baked in but system itself is not booted à la systemd!"); #endif createLockFile(); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("ready", nullptr); // This blocks until we are done. Debug::log(LOG, "Hyprland is ready, running the event loop!"); g_pEventLoopManager->enterLoop(); } CMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromID(const int& id) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (m->ID == (uint64_t)id) { return m.get(); } } return nullptr; } CMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromName(const std::string& name) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (m->szName == name) { return m.get(); } } return nullptr; } CMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromDesc(const std::string& desc) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (m->szDescription.starts_with(desc)) return m.get(); } return nullptr; } CMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromCursor() { return getMonitorFromVector(g_pPointerManager->position()); } CMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromVector(const Vector2D& point) { SP mon; for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (CBox{m->vecPosition, m->vecSize}.containsPoint(point)) { mon = m; break; } } if (!mon) { float bestDistance = 0.f; SP pBestMon; for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { float dist = vecToRectDistanceSquared(point, m->vecPosition, m->vecPosition + m->vecSize); if (dist < bestDistance || !pBestMon) { bestDistance = dist; pBestMon = m; } } if (!pBestMon) { // ????? Debug::log(WARN, "getMonitorFromVector no close mon???"); return m_vMonitors.front().get(); } return pBestMon.get(); } return mon.get(); } void CCompositor::removeWindowFromVectorSafe(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { if (!pWindow->m_bFadingOut) { EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("destroyWindow", pWindow); std::erase_if(m_vWindows, [&](SP& el) { return el == pWindow; }); std::erase_if(m_vWindowsFadingOut, [&](PHLWINDOWREF el) { return el.lock() == pWindow; }); } } bool CCompositor::monitorExists(CMonitor* pMonitor) { for (auto& m : m_vRealMonitors) { if (m.get() == pMonitor) return true; } return false; } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::vectorToWindowUnified(const Vector2D& pos, uint8_t properties, PHLWINDOW pIgnoreWindow) { const auto PMONITOR = getMonitorFromVector(pos); static auto PRESIZEONBORDER = CConfigValue("general:resize_on_border"); static auto PBORDERSIZE = CConfigValue("general:border_size"); static auto PBORDERGRABEXTEND = CConfigValue("general:extend_border_grab_area"); static auto PSPECIALFALLTHRU = CConfigValue("input:special_fallthrough"); const auto BORDER_GRAB_AREA = *PRESIZEONBORDER ? *PBORDERSIZE + *PBORDERGRABEXTEND : 0; // pinned windows on top of floating regardless if (properties & ALLOW_FLOATING) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows | std::views::reverse) { const auto BB = w->getWindowBoxUnified(properties); CBox box = BB.copy().expand(w->m_iX11Type == 2 ? BORDER_GRAB_AREA : 0); if (w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && !w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && w->m_bPinned && !w->m_sAdditionalConfigData.noFocus && w != pIgnoreWindow) { if (box.containsPoint(g_pPointerManager->position())) return w; if (!w->m_bIsX11) { if (w->hasPopupAt(pos)) return w; } } } } auto windowForWorkspace = [&](bool special) -> PHLWINDOW { auto floating = [&](bool aboveFullscreen) -> PHLWINDOW { for (auto& w : m_vWindows | std::views::reverse) { if (special && !w->onSpecialWorkspace()) // because special floating may creep up into regular continue; const auto BB = w->getWindowBoxUnified(properties); const auto PWINDOWMONITOR = getMonitorFromID(w->m_iMonitorID); // to avoid focusing windows behind special workspaces from other monitors if (!*PSPECIALFALLTHRU && PWINDOWMONITOR && PWINDOWMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace && w->m_pWorkspace != PWINDOWMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace && BB.x >= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.x && BB.y >= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.y && BB.x + BB.width <= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.x + PWINDOWMONITOR->vecSize.x && BB.y + BB.height <= PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition.y + PWINDOWMONITOR->vecSize.y) continue; CBox box = BB.copy().expand(w->m_iX11Type == 2 ? BORDER_GRAB_AREA : 0); if (w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_bIsMapped && isWorkspaceVisible(w->m_pWorkspace) && !w->isHidden() && !w->m_bPinned && !w->m_sAdditionalConfigData.noFocus && w != pIgnoreWindow && (!aboveFullscreen || w->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen)) { // OR windows should add focus to parent if (w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && w->m_iX11Type != 2) continue; if (box.containsPoint(g_pPointerManager->position())) { if (w->m_bIsX11 && w->m_iX11Type == 2 && !w->m_pXWaylandSurface->wantsFocus()) { // Override Redirect return g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow.lock(); // we kinda trick everything here. // TODO: this is wrong, we should focus the parent, but idk how to get it considering it's nullptr in most cases. } return w; } if (!w->m_bIsX11) { if (w->hasPopupAt(pos)) return w; } } } return nullptr; }; if (properties & ALLOW_FLOATING) { // first loop over floating cuz they're above, m_lWindows should be sorted bottom->top, for tiled it doesn't matter. auto found = floating(true); if (found) return found; } if (properties & FLOATING_ONLY) return floating(false); const int64_t WORKSPACEID = special ? PMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspaceID() : PMONITOR->activeWorkspaceID(); const auto PWORKSPACE = getWorkspaceByID(WORKSPACEID); if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow) return getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID); auto found = floating(false); if (found) return found; // for windows, we need to check their extensions too, first. for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (special != w->onSpecialWorkspace()) continue; if (!w->m_bIsX11 && !w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_bIsMapped && w->workspaceID() == WORKSPACEID && !w->isHidden() && !w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && !w->m_sAdditionalConfigData.noFocus && w != pIgnoreWindow) { if (w->hasPopupAt(pos)) return w; } } for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (special != w->onSpecialWorkspace()) continue; CBox box = (properties & USE_PROP_TILED) ? w->getWindowBoxUnified(properties) : CBox{w->m_vPosition, w->m_vSize}; if (!w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_bIsMapped && box.containsPoint(pos) && w->workspaceID() == WORKSPACEID && !w->isHidden() && !w->m_bX11ShouldntFocus && !w->m_sAdditionalConfigData.noFocus && w != pIgnoreWindow) return w; } return nullptr; }; // special workspace if (PMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace && !*PSPECIALFALLTHRU) return windowForWorkspace(true); if (PMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace) { const auto PWINDOW = windowForWorkspace(true); if (PWINDOW) return PWINDOW; } return windowForWorkspace(false); } SP CCompositor::vectorWindowToSurface(const Vector2D& pos, PHLWINDOW pWindow, Vector2D& sl) { if (!validMapped(pWindow)) return nullptr; RASSERT(!pWindow->m_bIsX11, "Cannot call vectorWindowToSurface on an X11 window!"); // try popups first const auto PPOPUP = pWindow->m_pPopupHead->at(pos); if (PPOPUP) { const auto OFF = PPOPUP->coordsRelativeToParent(); sl = pos - pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goal() - OFF; return PPOPUP->m_pWLSurface->resource(); } auto [surf, local] = pWindow->m_pWLSurface->resource()->at(pos - pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goal(), true); if (surf) { sl = local; return surf; } return nullptr; } Vector2D CCompositor::vectorToSurfaceLocal(const Vector2D& vec, PHLWINDOW pWindow, SP pSurface) { if (!validMapped(pWindow)) return {}; if (pWindow->m_bIsX11) return vec - pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goal(); const auto PPOPUP = pWindow->m_pPopupHead->at(vec); if (PPOPUP) return vec - PPOPUP->coordsGlobal(); std::tuple, Vector2D> iterData = {pSurface, {-1337, -1337}}; pWindow->m_pWLSurface->resource()->breadthfirst( [](SP surf, const Vector2D& offset, void* data) { const auto PDATA = (std::tuple, Vector2D>*)data; if (surf == std::get<0>(*PDATA)) std::get<1>(*PDATA) = offset; }, &iterData); CBox geom = pWindow->m_pXDGSurface->current.geometry; if (std::get<1>(iterData) == Vector2D{-1337, -1337}) return vec - pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goal(); return vec - pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goal() - std::get<1>(iterData) + Vector2D{geom.x, geom.y}; } CMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromOutput(SP out) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (m->output == out) { return m.get(); } } return nullptr; } CMonitor* CCompositor::getRealMonitorFromOutput(SP out) { for (auto& m : m_vRealMonitors) { if (m->output == out) { return m.get(); } } return nullptr; } void CCompositor::focusWindow(PHLWINDOW pWindow, SP pSurface) { static auto PFOLLOWMOUSE = CConfigValue("input:follow_mouse"); static auto PSPECIALFALLTHROUGH = CConfigValue("input:special_fallthrough"); if (g_pSessionLockManager->isSessionLocked()) { Debug::log(LOG, "Refusing a keyboard focus to a window because of a sessionlock"); return; } if (!g_pInputManager->m_dExclusiveLSes.empty()) { Debug::log(LOG, "Refusing a keyboard focus to a window because of an exclusive ls"); return; } if (pWindow && pWindow->m_bIsX11 && pWindow->m_iX11Type == 2 && !pWindow->m_pXWaylandSurface->wantsFocus()) return; g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->bringWindowToTop(pWindow); if (!pWindow || !validMapped(pWindow)) { if (m_pLastWindow.expired() && !pWindow) return; const auto PLASTWINDOW = m_pLastWindow.lock(); m_pLastWindow.reset(); if (PLASTWINDOW && PLASTWINDOW->m_bIsMapped) { updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(PLASTWINDOW); g_pXWaylandManager->activateWindow(PLASTWINDOW, false); } g_pSeatManager->setKeyboardFocus(nullptr); g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"activewindow", ","}); g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"activewindowv2", ""}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("activeWindow", (PHLWINDOW) nullptr); g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->onWindowFocusChange(nullptr); m_pLastFocus.reset(); g_pInputManager->recheckIdleInhibitorStatus(); return; } if (pWindow->m_sAdditionalConfigData.noFocus) { Debug::log(LOG, "Ignoring focus to nofocus window!"); return; } if (m_pLastWindow.lock() == pWindow && g_pSeatManager->state.keyboardFocus == pSurface) return; if (pWindow->m_bPinned) pWindow->m_pWorkspace = m_pLastMonitor->activeWorkspace; const auto PMONITOR = getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); if (!isWorkspaceVisible(pWindow->m_pWorkspace)) { const auto PWORKSPACE = pWindow->m_pWorkspace; // This is to fix incorrect feedback on the focus history. PWORKSPACE->m_pLastFocusedWindow = pWindow; PWORKSPACE->rememberPrevWorkspace(m_pLastMonitor->activeWorkspace); if (PWORKSPACE->m_bIsSpecialWorkspace) m_pLastMonitor->changeWorkspace(PWORKSPACE, false, true); // if special ws, open on current monitor else PMONITOR->changeWorkspace(PWORKSPACE, false, true); // changeworkspace already calls focusWindow return; } const auto PLASTWINDOW = m_pLastWindow.lock(); m_pLastWindow = pWindow; /* If special fallthrough is enabled, this behavior will be disabled, as I have no better idea of nicely tracking which window focuses are "via keybinds" and which ones aren't. */ if (PMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace && PMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace != pWindow->m_pWorkspace && !pWindow->m_bPinned && !*PSPECIALFALLTHROUGH) PMONITOR->setSpecialWorkspace(nullptr); // we need to make the PLASTWINDOW not equal to m_pLastWindow so that RENDERDATA is correct for an unfocused window if (PLASTWINDOW && PLASTWINDOW->m_bIsMapped) { PLASTWINDOW->updateDynamicRules(); updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(PLASTWINDOW); if (!pWindow->m_bIsX11 || pWindow->m_iX11Type == 1) g_pXWaylandManager->activateWindow(PLASTWINDOW, false); } m_pLastWindow = PLASTWINDOW; const auto PWINDOWSURFACE = pSurface ? pSurface : pWindow->m_pWLSurface->resource(); focusSurface(PWINDOWSURFACE, pWindow); g_pXWaylandManager->activateWindow(pWindow, true); // sets the m_pLastWindow pWindow->updateDynamicRules(); updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(pWindow); if (pWindow->m_bIsUrgent) pWindow->m_bIsUrgent = false; // Send an event g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"activewindow", pWindow->m_szClass + "," + pWindow->m_szTitle}); g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"activewindowv2", std::format("{:x}", (uintptr_t)pWindow.get())}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("activeWindow", pWindow); g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->onWindowFocusChange(pWindow); g_pInputManager->recheckIdleInhibitorStatus(); // move to front of the window history const auto HISTORYPIVOT = std::find_if(m_vWindowFocusHistory.begin(), m_vWindowFocusHistory.end(), [&](const auto& other) { return other.lock() == pWindow; }); if (HISTORYPIVOT == m_vWindowFocusHistory.end()) { Debug::log(ERR, "BUG THIS: {} has no pivot in history", pWindow); } else { std::rotate(m_vWindowFocusHistory.begin(), HISTORYPIVOT, HISTORYPIVOT + 1); } if (*PFOLLOWMOUSE == 0) g_pInputManager->sendMotionEventsToFocused(); } void CCompositor::focusSurface(SP pSurface, PHLWINDOW pWindowOwner) { if (g_pSeatManager->state.keyboardFocus == pSurface || (pWindowOwner && g_pSeatManager->state.keyboardFocus == pWindowOwner->m_pWLSurface->resource())) return; // Don't focus when already focused on this. if (g_pSessionLockManager->isSessionLocked() && !g_pSessionLockManager->isSurfaceSessionLock(pSurface)) return; if (g_pSeatManager->seatGrab && !g_pSeatManager->seatGrab->accepts(pSurface)) { Debug::log(LOG, "surface {:x} won't receive kb focus becuase grab rejected it", (uintptr_t)pSurface); return; } const auto PLASTSURF = m_pLastFocus.lock(); // Unfocus last surface if should if (m_pLastFocus && !pWindowOwner) g_pXWaylandManager->activateSurface(m_pLastFocus.lock(), false); if (!pSurface) { g_pSeatManager->setKeyboardFocus(nullptr); g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"activewindow", ","}); // unfocused g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"activewindowv2", ""}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("keyboardFocus", (SP)nullptr); m_pLastFocus.reset(); return; } if (g_pSeatManager->keyboard) g_pSeatManager->setKeyboardFocus(pSurface); if (pWindowOwner) Debug::log(LOG, "Set keyboard focus to surface {:x}, with {}", (uintptr_t)pSurface, pWindowOwner); else Debug::log(LOG, "Set keyboard focus to surface {:x}", (uintptr_t)pSurface); g_pXWaylandManager->activateSurface(pSurface, true); m_pLastFocus = pSurface; EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("keyboardFocus", pSurface); const auto SURF = CWLSurface::fromResource(pSurface); const auto OLDSURF = CWLSurface::fromResource(PLASTSURF); if (OLDSURF && OLDSURF->constraint()) OLDSURF->constraint()->deactivate(); if (SURF && SURF->constraint()) SURF->constraint()->activate(); } SP CCompositor::vectorToLayerPopupSurface(const Vector2D& pos, CMonitor* monitor, Vector2D* sCoords, PHLLS* ppLayerSurfaceFound) { for (auto& lsl : monitor->m_aLayerSurfaceLayers | std::views::reverse) { for (auto& ls : lsl | std::views::reverse) { if (ls->fadingOut || !ls->layerSurface || (ls->layerSurface && !ls->layerSurface->mapped) || ls->alpha.value() == 0.f) continue; auto SURFACEAT = ls->popupHead->at(pos, true); if (SURFACEAT) { *ppLayerSurfaceFound = ls.lock(); *sCoords = pos - SURFACEAT->coordsGlobal(); return SURFACEAT->m_pWLSurface->resource(); } } } return nullptr; } SP CCompositor::vectorToLayerSurface(const Vector2D& pos, std::vector* layerSurfaces, Vector2D* sCoords, PHLLS* ppLayerSurfaceFound) { for (auto& ls : *layerSurfaces | std::views::reverse) { if (ls->fadingOut || !ls->layerSurface || (ls->layerSurface && !ls->layerSurface->surface->mapped) || ls->alpha.value() == 0.f) continue; auto [surf, local] = ls->layerSurface->surface->at(pos - ls->geometry.pos(), true); if (surf) { if (surf->current.input.empty()) continue; *ppLayerSurfaceFound = ls.lock(); *sCoords = local; return surf; } } return nullptr; } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getWindowFromSurface(SP pSurface) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsMapped || w->m_bFadingOut) continue; if (w->m_pWLSurface->resource() == pSurface) return w; } return nullptr; } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getWindowFromHandle(uint32_t handle) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if ((uint32_t)(((uint64_t)w.get()) & 0xFFFFFFFF) == handle) { return w; } } return nullptr; } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(const int& ID) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->workspaceID() == ID && w->m_bIsFullscreen) return w; } return nullptr; } bool CCompositor::isWorkspaceVisible(PHLWORKSPACE w) { return valid(w) && w->m_bVisible; } bool CCompositor::isWorkspaceVisibleNotCovered(PHLWORKSPACE w) { if (!valid(w)) return false; const auto PMONITOR = getMonitorFromID(w->m_iMonitorID); if (PMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace) return PMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspace->m_iID == w->m_iID; return PMONITOR->activeWorkspace->m_iID == w->m_iID; } PHLWORKSPACE CCompositor::getWorkspaceByID(const int& id) { for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_iID == id && !w->inert()) return w; } return nullptr; } void CCompositor::sanityCheckWorkspaces() { auto it = m_vWorkspaces.begin(); while (it != m_vWorkspaces.end()) { const auto& WORKSPACE = *it; // If ref == 1, only the compositor holds a ref, which means it's inactive and has no mapped windows. if (!WORKSPACE->m_bPersistent && WORKSPACE.strongRef() == 1) { it = m_vWorkspaces.erase(it); continue; } ++it; } } int CCompositor::getWindowsOnWorkspace(const int& id, std::optional onlyTiled, std::optional onlyVisible) { int no = 0; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->workspaceID() != id || !w->m_bIsMapped) continue; if (onlyTiled.has_value() && w->m_bIsFloating == onlyTiled.value()) continue; if (onlyVisible.has_value() && w->isHidden() == onlyVisible.value()) continue; no++; } return no; } int CCompositor::getGroupsOnWorkspace(const int& id, std::optional onlyTiled, std::optional onlyVisible) { int no = 0; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->workspaceID() != id || !w->m_bIsMapped) continue; if (!w->m_sGroupData.head) continue; if (onlyTiled.has_value() && w->m_bIsFloating == onlyTiled.value()) continue; if (onlyVisible.has_value() && w->isHidden() == onlyVisible.value()) continue; no++; } return no; } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getUrgentWindow() { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_bIsMapped && w->m_bIsUrgent) return w; } return nullptr; } bool CCompositor::hasUrgentWindowOnWorkspace(const int& id) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->workspaceID() == id && w->m_bIsMapped && w->m_bIsUrgent) return true; } return false; } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getFirstWindowOnWorkspace(const int& id) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->workspaceID() == id && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden()) return w; } return nullptr; } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getTopLeftWindowOnWorkspace(const int& id) { const auto PWORKSPACE = getWorkspaceByID(id); if (!PWORKSPACE) return nullptr; const auto PMONITOR = getMonitorFromID(PWORKSPACE->m_iMonitorID); for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->workspaceID() != id || !w->m_bIsMapped || w->isHidden()) continue; const auto WINDOWIDEALBB = w->getWindowIdealBoundingBoxIgnoreReserved(); if (WINDOWIDEALBB.x <= PMONITOR->vecPosition.x + 1 && WINDOWIDEALBB.y <= PMONITOR->vecPosition.y + 1) return w; } return nullptr; } bool CCompositor::isWindowActive(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { if (m_pLastWindow.expired() && !m_pLastFocus) return false; if (!pWindow->m_bIsMapped) return false; const auto PSURFACE = pWindow->m_pWLSurface->resource(); return PSURFACE == m_pLastFocus || pWindow == m_pLastWindow.lock(); } void CCompositor::changeWindowZOrder(PHLWINDOW pWindow, bool top) { if (!validMapped(pWindow)) return; auto moveToZ = [&](PHLWINDOW pw, bool top) -> void { if (top) { for (auto it = m_vWindows.begin(); it != m_vWindows.end(); ++it) { if (*it == pw) { std::rotate(it, it + 1, m_vWindows.end()); break; } } } else { for (auto it = m_vWindows.rbegin(); it != m_vWindows.rend(); ++it) { if (*it == pw) { std::rotate(it, it + 1, m_vWindows.rend()); break; } } } if (pw->m_bIsMapped) g_pHyprRenderer->damageMonitor(getMonitorFromID(pw->m_iMonitorID)); }; if (top) pWindow->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen = true; if (!pWindow->m_bIsX11) moveToZ(pWindow, top); else { // move X11 window stack std::deque toMove; auto x11Stack = [&](PHLWINDOW pw, bool top, auto&& x11Stack) -> void { if (top) toMove.emplace_back(pw); else toMove.emplace_front(pw); for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && w->m_bIsX11 && w->X11TransientFor() == pw && w != pw && std::find(toMove.begin(), toMove.end(), w) == toMove.end()) { x11Stack(w, top, x11Stack); } } }; x11Stack(pWindow, top, x11Stack); for (auto it : toMove) { moveToZ(it, top); } } } void CCompositor::cleanupFadingOut(const int& monid) { for (auto& ww : m_vWindowsFadingOut) { auto w = ww.lock(); if (w->m_iMonitorID != (long unsigned int)monid) continue; if (!w->m_bFadingOut || w->m_fAlpha.value() == 0.f) { w->m_bFadingOut = false; if (!w->m_bReadyToDelete) continue; removeWindowFromVectorSafe(w); w.reset(); Debug::log(LOG, "Cleanup: destroyed a window"); return; } } for (auto& lsr : m_vSurfacesFadingOut) { auto ls = lsr.lock(); if (!ls) continue; if (ls->monitorID != monid) continue; // mark blur for recalc if (ls->layer == ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_BACKGROUND || ls->layer == ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_BOTTOM) g_pHyprOpenGL->markBlurDirtyForMonitor(getMonitorFromID(monid)); if (ls->fadingOut && ls->readyToDelete && ls->isFadedOut()) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { for (auto& lsl : m->m_aLayerSurfaceLayers) { if (!lsl.empty() && std::find_if(lsl.begin(), lsl.end(), [&](auto& other) { return other == ls; }) != lsl.end()) { std::erase_if(lsl, [&](auto& other) { return other == ls; }); } } } std::erase_if(m_vSurfacesFadingOut, [ls](const auto& el) { return el.lock() == ls; }); std::erase_if(m_vLayers, [ls](const auto& el) { return el == ls; }); ls.reset(); Debug::log(LOG, "Cleanup: destroyed a layersurface"); glFlush(); // to free mem NOW. return; } } } void CCompositor::addToFadingOutSafe(PHLLS pLS) { const auto FOUND = std::find_if(m_vSurfacesFadingOut.begin(), m_vSurfacesFadingOut.end(), [&](auto& other) { return other.lock() == pLS; }); if (FOUND != m_vSurfacesFadingOut.end()) return; // if it's already added, don't add it. m_vSurfacesFadingOut.emplace_back(pLS); } void CCompositor::removeFromFadingOutSafe(PHLLS ls) { std::erase(m_vSurfacesFadingOut, ls); } void CCompositor::addToFadingOutSafe(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { const auto FOUND = std::find_if(m_vWindowsFadingOut.begin(), m_vWindowsFadingOut.end(), [&](PHLWINDOWREF& other) { return other.lock() == pWindow; }); if (FOUND != m_vWindowsFadingOut.end()) return; // if it's already added, don't add it. m_vWindowsFadingOut.emplace_back(pWindow); } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getWindowInDirection(PHLWINDOW pWindow, char dir) { if (!isDirection(dir)) return nullptr; // 0 -> history, 1 -> shared length static auto PMETHOD = CConfigValue("binds:focus_preferred_method"); static auto PMONITORFALLBACK = CConfigValue("binds:window_direction_monitor_fallback"); const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); if (!PMONITOR) return nullptr; // ?? const auto WINDOWIDEALBB = pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen ? CBox{PMONITOR->vecPosition, PMONITOR->vecSize} : pWindow->getWindowIdealBoundingBoxIgnoreReserved(); const auto POSA = Vector2D(WINDOWIDEALBB.x, WINDOWIDEALBB.y); const auto SIZEA = Vector2D(WINDOWIDEALBB.width, WINDOWIDEALBB.height); const auto PWORKSPACE = pWindow->m_pWorkspace; auto leaderValue = -1; PHLWINDOW leaderWindow = nullptr; if (!pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { // for tiled windows, we calc edges for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w == pWindow || !w->m_bIsMapped || w->isHidden() || (!w->m_bIsFullscreen && w->m_bIsFloating) || !isWorkspaceVisible(w->m_pWorkspace)) continue; if (pWindow->m_iMonitorID == w->m_iMonitorID && pWindow->m_pWorkspace != w->m_pWorkspace) continue; if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow && !w->m_bIsFullscreen && !w->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen) continue; if (!*PMONITORFALLBACK && pWindow->m_iMonitorID != w->m_iMonitorID) continue; const auto BWINDOWIDEALBB = w->getWindowIdealBoundingBoxIgnoreReserved(); const auto POSB = Vector2D(BWINDOWIDEALBB.x, BWINDOWIDEALBB.y); const auto SIZEB = Vector2D(BWINDOWIDEALBB.width, BWINDOWIDEALBB.height); double intersectLength = -1; switch (dir) { case 'l': if (STICKS(POSA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x)) { intersectLength = std::max(0.0, std::min(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y) - std::max(POSA.y, POSB.y)); } break; case 'r': if (STICKS(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x)) { intersectLength = std::max(0.0, std::min(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y) - std::max(POSA.y, POSB.y)); } break; case 't': case 'u': if (STICKS(POSA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y)) { intersectLength = std::max(0.0, std::min(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x) - std::max(POSA.x, POSB.x)); } break; case 'b': case 'd': if (STICKS(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y)) { intersectLength = std::max(0.0, std::min(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x) - std::max(POSA.x, POSB.x)); } break; } if (*PMETHOD == 0 /* history */) { if (intersectLength > 0) { // get idx int windowIDX = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < g_pCompositor->m_vWindowFocusHistory.size(); ++i) { if (g_pCompositor->m_vWindowFocusHistory[i].lock() == w) { windowIDX = i; break; } } windowIDX = g_pCompositor->m_vWindowFocusHistory.size() - windowIDX; if (windowIDX > leaderValue) { leaderValue = windowIDX; leaderWindow = w; } } } else /* length */ { if (intersectLength > leaderValue) { leaderValue = intersectLength; leaderWindow = w; } } } } else { // for floating windows, we calculate best distance and angle. // if there is a window with angle better than THRESHOLD, only distance counts if (dir == 'u') dir = 't'; if (dir == 'd') dir = 'b'; static const std::unordered_map VECTORS = {{'r', {1, 0}}, {'t', {0, -1}}, {'b', {0, 1}}, {'l', {-1, 0}}}; // auto vectorAngles = [](Vector2D a, Vector2D b) -> double { double dot = a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y; double ang = std::acos(dot / (a.size() * b.size())); return ang; }; float bestAngleAbs = 2.0 * M_PI; constexpr float THRESHOLD = 0.3 * M_PI; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w == pWindow || !w->m_bIsMapped || w->isHidden() || (!w->m_bIsFullscreen && !w->m_bIsFloating) || !isWorkspaceVisible(w->m_pWorkspace)) continue; if (pWindow->m_iMonitorID == w->m_iMonitorID && pWindow->m_pWorkspace != w->m_pWorkspace) continue; if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow && !w->m_bIsFullscreen && !w->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen) continue; if (!*PMONITORFALLBACK && pWindow->m_iMonitorID != w->m_iMonitorID) continue; const auto DIST = w->middle().distance(pWindow->middle()); const auto ANGLE = vectorAngles(Vector2D{w->middle() - pWindow->middle()}, VECTORS.at(dir)); if (ANGLE > M_PI_2) continue; // if the angle is over 90 degrees, ignore. Wrong direction entirely. if ((bestAngleAbs < THRESHOLD && DIST < leaderValue && ANGLE < THRESHOLD) || (ANGLE < bestAngleAbs && bestAngleAbs > THRESHOLD) || leaderValue == -1) { leaderValue = DIST; bestAngleAbs = ANGLE; leaderWindow = w; } } if (!leaderWindow && PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow) leaderWindow = g_pCompositor->getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE->m_iID); } if (leaderValue != -1) return leaderWindow; return nullptr; } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getNextWindowOnWorkspace(PHLWINDOW pWindow, bool focusableOnly, std::optional floating) { bool gotToWindow = false; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w != pWindow && !gotToWindow) continue; if (w == pWindow) { gotToWindow = true; continue; } if (floating.has_value() && w->m_bIsFloating != floating.value()) continue; if (w->m_pWorkspace == pWindow->m_pWorkspace && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && (!focusableOnly || !w->m_sAdditionalConfigData.noFocus)) return w; } for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (floating.has_value() && w->m_bIsFloating != floating.value()) continue; if (w != pWindow && w->m_pWorkspace == pWindow->m_pWorkspace && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && (!focusableOnly || !w->m_sAdditionalConfigData.noFocus)) return w; } return nullptr; } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getPrevWindowOnWorkspace(PHLWINDOW pWindow, bool focusableOnly, std::optional floating) { bool gotToWindow = false; for (auto& w : m_vWindows | std::views::reverse) { if (w != pWindow && !gotToWindow) continue; if (w == pWindow) { gotToWindow = true; continue; } if (floating.has_value() && w->m_bIsFloating != floating.value()) continue; if (w->m_pWorkspace == pWindow->m_pWorkspace && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && (!focusableOnly || !w->m_sAdditionalConfigData.noFocus)) return w; } for (auto& w : m_vWindows | std::views::reverse) { if (floating.has_value() && w->m_bIsFloating != floating.value()) continue; if (w != pWindow && w->m_pWorkspace == pWindow->m_pWorkspace && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden() && (!focusableOnly || !w->m_sAdditionalConfigData.noFocus)) return w; } return nullptr; } int CCompositor::getNextAvailableNamedWorkspace() { int lowest = -1337 + 1; for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_iID < -1 && w->m_iID < lowest) lowest = w->m_iID; } return lowest - 1; } PHLWORKSPACE CCompositor::getWorkspaceByName(const std::string& name) { for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_szName == name && !w->inert()) return w; } return nullptr; } PHLWORKSPACE CCompositor::getWorkspaceByString(const std::string& str) { if (str.starts_with("name:")) { return getWorkspaceByName(str.substr(str.find_first_of(':') + 1)); } try { return getWorkspaceByID(getWorkspaceIDNameFromString(str).id); } catch (std::exception& e) { Debug::log(ERR, "Error in getWorkspaceByString, invalid id"); } return nullptr; } bool CCompositor::isPointOnAnyMonitor(const Vector2D& point) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (VECINRECT(point, m->vecPosition.x, m->vecPosition.y, m->vecSize.x + m->vecPosition.x, m->vecSize.y + m->vecPosition.y)) return true; } return false; } bool CCompositor::isPointOnReservedArea(const Vector2D& point, const CMonitor* pMonitor) { const auto PMONITOR = pMonitor ? pMonitor : getMonitorFromVector(point); const auto XY1 = PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecReservedTopLeft; const auto XY2 = PMONITOR->vecPosition + PMONITOR->vecSize - PMONITOR->vecReservedBottomRight; return !VECINRECT(point, XY1.x, XY1.y, XY2.x, XY2.y); } CMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorInDirection(const char& dir) { return this->getMonitorInDirection(m_pLastMonitor.get(), dir); } CMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorInDirection(CMonitor* pSourceMonitor, const char& dir) { if (!pSourceMonitor) return nullptr; const auto POSA = pSourceMonitor->vecPosition; const auto SIZEA = pSourceMonitor->vecSize; auto longestIntersect = -1; CMonitor* longestIntersectMonitor = nullptr; for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (m == m_pLastMonitor) continue; const auto POSB = m->vecPosition; const auto SIZEB = m->vecSize; switch (dir) { case 'l': if (STICKS(POSA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max(0.0, std::min(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y) - std::max(POSA.y, POSB.y)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectMonitor = m.get(); } } break; case 'r': if (STICKS(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max(0.0, std::min(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y) - std::max(POSA.y, POSB.y)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectMonitor = m.get(); } } break; case 't': case 'u': if (STICKS(POSA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max(0.0, std::min(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x) - std::max(POSA.x, POSB.x)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectMonitor = m.get(); } } break; case 'b': case 'd': if (STICKS(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max(0.0, std::min(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x) - std::max(POSA.x, POSB.x)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectMonitor = m.get(); } } break; } } if (longestIntersect != -1) return longestIntersectMonitor; return nullptr; } void CCompositor::updateAllWindowsAnimatedDecorationValues() { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsMapped) continue; updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(w); } } void CCompositor::updateWorkspaceWindows(const int64_t& id) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsMapped || w->workspaceID() != id) continue; w->updateDynamicRules(); } } void CCompositor::updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { // optimization static auto PACTIVECOL = CConfigValue("general:col.active_border"); static auto PINACTIVECOL = CConfigValue("general:col.inactive_border"); static auto PNOGROUPACTIVECOL = CConfigValue("general:col.nogroup_border_active"); static auto PNOGROUPINACTIVECOL = CConfigValue("general:col.nogroup_border"); static auto PGROUPACTIVECOL = CConfigValue("group:col.border_active"); static auto PGROUPINACTIVECOL = CConfigValue("group:col.border_inactive"); static auto PGROUPACTIVELOCKEDCOL = CConfigValue("group:col.border_locked_active"); static auto PGROUPINACTIVELOCKEDCOL = CConfigValue("group:col.border_locked_inactive"); static auto PINACTIVEALPHA = CConfigValue("decoration:inactive_opacity"); static auto PACTIVEALPHA = CConfigValue("decoration:active_opacity"); static auto PFULLSCREENALPHA = CConfigValue("decoration:fullscreen_opacity"); static auto PSHADOWCOL = CConfigValue("decoration:col.shadow"); static auto PSHADOWCOLINACTIVE = CConfigValue("decoration:col.shadow_inactive"); static auto PDIMSTRENGTH = CConfigValue("decoration:dim_strength"); static auto PDIMENABLED = CConfigValue("decoration:dim_inactive"); auto* const ACTIVECOL = (CGradientValueData*)(PACTIVECOL.ptr())->getData(); auto* const INACTIVECOL = (CGradientValueData*)(PINACTIVECOL.ptr())->getData(); auto* const NOGROUPACTIVECOL = (CGradientValueData*)(PNOGROUPACTIVECOL.ptr())->getData(); auto* const NOGROUPINACTIVECOL = (CGradientValueData*)(PNOGROUPINACTIVECOL.ptr())->getData(); auto* const GROUPACTIVECOL = (CGradientValueData*)(PGROUPACTIVECOL.ptr())->getData(); auto* const GROUPINACTIVECOL = (CGradientValueData*)(PGROUPINACTIVECOL.ptr())->getData(); auto* const GROUPACTIVELOCKEDCOL = (CGradientValueData*)(PGROUPACTIVELOCKEDCOL.ptr())->getData(); auto* const GROUPINACTIVELOCKEDCOL = (CGradientValueData*)(PGROUPINACTIVELOCKEDCOL.ptr())->getData(); auto setBorderColor = [&](CGradientValueData grad) -> void { if (grad == pWindow->m_cRealBorderColor) return; pWindow->m_cRealBorderColorPrevious = pWindow->m_cRealBorderColor; pWindow->m_cRealBorderColor = grad; pWindow->m_fBorderFadeAnimationProgress.setValueAndWarp(0.f); pWindow->m_fBorderFadeAnimationProgress = 1.f; }; // border const auto RENDERDATA = g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->requestRenderHints(pWindow); if (RENDERDATA.isBorderGradient) setBorderColor(*RENDERDATA.borderGradient); else { const bool GROUPLOCKED = pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock() ? pWindow->getGroupHead()->m_sGroupData.locked : false; if (pWindow == m_pLastWindow) { const auto* const ACTIVECOLOR = !pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock() ? (!pWindow->m_sGroupData.deny ? ACTIVECOL : NOGROUPACTIVECOL) : (GROUPLOCKED ? GROUPACTIVELOCKEDCOL : GROUPACTIVECOL); setBorderColor(pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor.toUnderlying().m_vColors.empty() ? *ACTIVECOLOR : pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.activeBorderColor.toUnderlying()); } else { const auto* const INACTIVECOLOR = !pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock() ? (!pWindow->m_sGroupData.deny ? INACTIVECOL : NOGROUPINACTIVECOL) : (GROUPLOCKED ? GROUPINACTIVELOCKEDCOL : GROUPINACTIVECOL); setBorderColor(pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor.toUnderlying().m_vColors.empty() ? *INACTIVECOLOR : pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.inactiveBorderColor.toUnderlying()); } } // tick angle if it's not running (aka dead) if (!pWindow->m_fBorderAngleAnimationProgress.isBeingAnimated()) pWindow->m_fBorderAngleAnimationProgress.setValueAndWarp(0.f); // opacity const auto PWORKSPACE = pWindow->m_pWorkspace; if (pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen && PWORKSPACE->m_efFullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_FULL) { pWindow->m_fActiveInactiveAlpha = pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaFullscreen.toUnderlying() != -1 ? (pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaFullscreenOverride.toUnderlying() ? pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaFullscreen.toUnderlying() : pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaFullscreen.toUnderlying() * *PFULLSCREENALPHA) : *PFULLSCREENALPHA; } else { if (pWindow == m_pLastWindow) pWindow->m_fActiveInactiveAlpha = pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaOverride.toUnderlying() ? pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alpha.toUnderlying() : pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alpha.toUnderlying() * *PACTIVEALPHA; else pWindow->m_fActiveInactiveAlpha = pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaInactive.toUnderlying() != -1 ? (pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaInactiveOverride.toUnderlying() ? pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaInactive.toUnderlying() : pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.alphaInactive.toUnderlying() * *PINACTIVEALPHA) : *PINACTIVEALPHA; } // dim if (pWindow == m_pLastWindow.lock() || pWindow->m_sAdditionalConfigData.forceNoDim || !*PDIMENABLED) { pWindow->m_fDimPercent = 0; } else { pWindow->m_fDimPercent = *PDIMSTRENGTH; } // shadow if (pWindow->m_iX11Type != 2 && !pWindow->m_bX11DoesntWantBorders) { if (pWindow == m_pLastWindow) { pWindow->m_cRealShadowColor = CColor(*PSHADOWCOL); } else { pWindow->m_cRealShadowColor = CColor(*PSHADOWCOLINACTIVE != INT_MAX ? *PSHADOWCOLINACTIVE : *PSHADOWCOL); } } else { pWindow->m_cRealShadowColor.setValueAndWarp(CColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); // no shadow } pWindow->updateWindowDecos(); } int CCompositor::getNextAvailableMonitorID(std::string const& name) { // reuse ID if it's already in the map, and the monitor with that ID is not being used by another monitor if (m_mMonitorIDMap.contains(name) && !std::any_of(m_vRealMonitors.begin(), m_vRealMonitors.end(), [&](auto m) { return m->ID == m_mMonitorIDMap[name]; })) return m_mMonitorIDMap[name]; // otherwise, find minimum available ID that is not in the map std::unordered_set usedIDs; for (auto const& monitor : m_vRealMonitors) { usedIDs.insert(monitor->ID); } uint64_t nextID = 0; while (usedIDs.count(nextID) > 0) { nextID++; } m_mMonitorIDMap[name] = nextID; return nextID; } void CCompositor::swapActiveWorkspaces(CMonitor* pMonitorA, CMonitor* pMonitorB) { const auto PWORKSPACEA = pMonitorA->activeWorkspace; const auto PWORKSPACEB = pMonitorB->activeWorkspace; PWORKSPACEA->m_iMonitorID = pMonitorB->ID; PWORKSPACEA->moveToMonitor(pMonitorB->ID); for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_pWorkspace == PWORKSPACEA) { if (w->m_bPinned) { w->m_pWorkspace = PWORKSPACEB; continue; } w->m_iMonitorID = pMonitorB->ID; // additionally, move floating and fs windows manually if (w->m_bIsFloating) w->m_vRealPosition = w->m_vRealPosition.goal() - pMonitorA->vecPosition + pMonitorB->vecPosition; if (w->m_bIsFullscreen) { w->m_vRealPosition = pMonitorB->vecPosition; w->m_vRealSize = pMonitorB->vecSize; } w->updateToplevel(); } } PWORKSPACEB->m_iMonitorID = pMonitorA->ID; PWORKSPACEB->moveToMonitor(pMonitorA->ID); for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_pWorkspace == PWORKSPACEB) { if (w->m_bPinned) { w->m_pWorkspace = PWORKSPACEA; continue; } w->m_iMonitorID = pMonitorA->ID; // additionally, move floating and fs windows manually if (w->m_bIsFloating) w->m_vRealPosition = w->m_vRealPosition.goal() - pMonitorB->vecPosition + pMonitorA->vecPosition; if (w->m_bIsFullscreen) { w->m_vRealPosition = pMonitorA->vecPosition; w->m_vRealSize = pMonitorA->vecSize; } w->updateToplevel(); } } pMonitorA->activeWorkspace = PWORKSPACEB; pMonitorB->activeWorkspace = PWORKSPACEA; PWORKSPACEA->rememberPrevWorkspace(PWORKSPACEB); PWORKSPACEB->rememberPrevWorkspace(PWORKSPACEA); g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->recalculateMonitor(pMonitorA->ID); g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->recalculateMonitor(pMonitorB->ID); updateFullscreenFadeOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACEB); updateFullscreenFadeOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACEA); if (pMonitorA->ID == g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor->ID || pMonitorB->ID == g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor->ID) { const auto LASTWIN = pMonitorA->ID == g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor->ID ? PWORKSPACEB->getLastFocusedWindow() : PWORKSPACEA->getLastFocusedWindow(); g_pCompositor->focusWindow(LASTWIN ? LASTWIN : (g_pCompositor->vectorToWindowUnified(g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal(), RESERVED_EXTENTS | INPUT_EXTENTS | ALLOW_FLOATING))); const auto PNEWWORKSPACE = pMonitorA->ID == g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor->ID ? PWORKSPACEB : PWORKSPACEA; g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"workspace", PNEWWORKSPACE->m_szName}); g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"workspacev2", std::format("{},{}", PNEWWORKSPACE->m_iID, PNEWWORKSPACE->m_szName)}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("workspace", PNEWWORKSPACE); } // event g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"moveworkspace", PWORKSPACEA->m_szName + "," + pMonitorB->szName}); g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"moveworkspacev2", std::format("{},{},{}", PWORKSPACEA->m_iID, PWORKSPACEA->m_szName, pMonitorB->szName)}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("moveWorkspace", (std::vector{PWORKSPACEA, pMonitorB})); g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"moveworkspace", PWORKSPACEB->m_szName + "," + pMonitorA->szName}); g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"moveworkspacev2", std::format("{},{},{}", PWORKSPACEB->m_iID, PWORKSPACEB->m_szName, pMonitorA->szName)}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("moveWorkspace", (std::vector{PWORKSPACEB, pMonitorA})); } CMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromString(const std::string& name) { if (name == "current") return g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor.get(); else if (isDirection(name)) return getMonitorInDirection(name[0]); else if (name[0] == '+' || name[0] == '-') { // relative if (m_vMonitors.size() == 1) return m_vMonitors.begin()->get(); const auto OFFSET = name[0] == '-' ? name : name.substr(1); if (!isNumber(OFFSET)) { Debug::log(ERR, "Error in getMonitorFromString: Not a number in relative."); return nullptr; } int offsetLeft = std::stoi(OFFSET); offsetLeft = offsetLeft < 0 ? -((-offsetLeft) % m_vMonitors.size()) : offsetLeft % m_vMonitors.size(); int currentPlace = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_vMonitors.size(); i++) { if (m_vMonitors[i] == m_pLastMonitor) { currentPlace = i; break; } } currentPlace += offsetLeft; if (currentPlace < 0) { currentPlace = m_vMonitors.size() + currentPlace; } else { currentPlace = currentPlace % m_vMonitors.size(); } if (currentPlace != std::clamp(currentPlace, 0, (int)m_vMonitors.size() - 1)) { Debug::log(WARN, "Error in getMonitorFromString: Vaxry's code sucks."); currentPlace = std::clamp(currentPlace, 0, (int)m_vMonitors.size() - 1); } return m_vMonitors[currentPlace].get(); } else if (isNumber(name)) { // change by ID int monID = -1; try { monID = std::stoi(name); } catch (std::exception& e) { // shouldn't happen but jic Debug::log(ERR, "Error in getMonitorFromString: invalid num"); return nullptr; } if (monID > -1 && monID < (int)m_vMonitors.size()) { return getMonitorFromID(monID); } else { Debug::log(ERR, "Error in getMonitorFromString: invalid arg 1"); return nullptr; } } else { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (!m->output) continue; if (m->matchesStaticSelector(name)) { return m.get(); } } } return nullptr; } void CCompositor::moveWorkspaceToMonitor(PHLWORKSPACE pWorkspace, CMonitor* pMonitor, bool noWarpCursor) { // We trust the monitor to be correct. if (pWorkspace->m_iMonitorID == pMonitor->ID) return; Debug::log(LOG, "moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Moving {} to monitor {}", pWorkspace->m_iID, pMonitor->ID); const auto POLDMON = getMonitorFromID(pWorkspace->m_iMonitorID); const bool SWITCHINGISACTIVE = POLDMON ? POLDMON->activeWorkspace == pWorkspace : false; // fix old mon int nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID = -1; if (!SWITCHINGISACTIVE) nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID = pWorkspace->m_iID; else { for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_iMonitorID == POLDMON->ID && w->m_iID != pWorkspace->m_iID && !w->m_bIsSpecialWorkspace) { nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID = w->m_iID; break; } } if (nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID == -1) { nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID = 1; while (getWorkspaceByID(nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID) || [&]() -> bool { const auto B = g_pConfigManager->getBoundMonitorForWS(std::to_string(nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID)); return B && B != POLDMON; }()) nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID++; Debug::log(LOG, "moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Plugging gap with new {}", nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID); g_pCompositor->createNewWorkspace(nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID, POLDMON->ID); } Debug::log(LOG, "moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Plugging gap with existing {}", nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID); POLDMON->changeWorkspace(nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID, false, true, true); } // move the workspace pWorkspace->m_iMonitorID = pMonitor->ID; pWorkspace->moveToMonitor(pMonitor->ID); for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_pWorkspace == pWorkspace) { if (w->m_bPinned) { w->m_pWorkspace = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID); continue; } w->m_iMonitorID = pMonitor->ID; // additionally, move floating and fs windows manually if (w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden()) { if (POLDMON) { if (w->m_bIsFloating) w->m_vRealPosition = w->m_vRealPosition.goal() - POLDMON->vecPosition + pMonitor->vecPosition; if (w->m_bIsFullscreen) { w->m_vRealPosition = pMonitor->vecPosition; w->m_vRealSize = pMonitor->vecSize; } } else { w->m_vRealPosition = Vector2D{(int)w->m_vRealPosition.goal().x % (int)pMonitor->vecSize.x, (int)w->m_vRealPosition.goal().y % (int)pMonitor->vecSize.y}; } } w->updateToplevel(); } } if (SWITCHINGISACTIVE && POLDMON == g_pCompositor->m_pLastMonitor.get()) { // if it was active, preserve its' status. If it wasn't, don't. Debug::log(LOG, "moveWorkspaceToMonitor: SWITCHINGISACTIVE, active {} -> {}", pMonitor->activeWorkspaceID(), pWorkspace->m_iID); if (valid(pMonitor->activeWorkspace)) { pMonitor->activeWorkspace->m_bVisible = false; pMonitor->activeWorkspace->startAnim(false, false); } setActiveMonitor(pMonitor); pMonitor->activeWorkspace = pWorkspace; g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->recalculateMonitor(pMonitor->ID); pWorkspace->startAnim(true, true, true); pWorkspace->m_bVisible = true; if (!noWarpCursor) g_pPointerManager->warpTo(pMonitor->vecPosition + pMonitor->vecTransformedSize / 2.F); g_pInputManager->sendMotionEventsToFocused(); } // finalize if (POLDMON) { g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->recalculateMonitor(POLDMON->ID); updateFullscreenFadeOnWorkspace(POLDMON->activeWorkspace); updateSuspendedStates(); } updateFullscreenFadeOnWorkspace(pWorkspace); updateSuspendedStates(); // event g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"moveworkspace", pWorkspace->m_szName + "," + pMonitor->szName}); g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"moveworkspacev2", std::format("{},{},{}", pWorkspace->m_iID, pWorkspace->m_szName, pMonitor->szName)}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("moveWorkspace", (std::vector{pWorkspace, pMonitor})); } bool CCompositor::workspaceIDOutOfBounds(const int64_t& id) { int64_t lowestID = INT64_MAX; int64_t highestID = INT64_MIN; for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_bIsSpecialWorkspace) continue; if (w->m_iID < lowestID) lowestID = w->m_iID; if (w->m_iID > highestID) highestID = w->m_iID; } return std::clamp(id, lowestID, highestID) != id; } void CCompositor::updateFullscreenFadeOnWorkspace(PHLWORKSPACE pWorkspace) { const auto FULLSCREEN = pWorkspace->m_bHasFullscreenWindow; for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (w->m_pWorkspace == pWorkspace) { if (w->m_bFadingOut || w->m_bPinned || w->m_bIsFullscreen) continue; if (!FULLSCREEN) w->m_fAlpha = 1.f; else if (!w->m_bIsFullscreen) w->m_fAlpha = !w->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen ? 0.f : 1.f; } } const auto PMONITOR = getMonitorFromID(pWorkspace->m_iMonitorID); if (pWorkspace->m_iID == PMONITOR->activeWorkspaceID() || pWorkspace->m_iID == PMONITOR->activeSpecialWorkspaceID()) { for (auto& ls : PMONITOR->m_aLayerSurfaceLayers[ZWLR_LAYER_SHELL_V1_LAYER_TOP]) { if (!ls->fadingOut) ls->alpha = FULLSCREEN && pWorkspace->m_efFullscreenMode == FULLSCREEN_FULL ? 0.f : 1.f; } } } void CCompositor::setWindowFullscreen(PHLWINDOW pWindow, bool on, eFullscreenMode mode) { if (!validMapped(pWindow) || g_pCompositor->m_bUnsafeState) return; if (pWindow->m_bPinned) { Debug::log(LOG, "Pinned windows cannot be fullscreen'd"); return; } if (pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen == on) { Debug::log(LOG, "Window is already in the required fullscreen state"); return; } const auto PMONITOR = getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); const auto PWORKSPACE = pWindow->m_pWorkspace; const auto MODE = mode == FULLSCREEN_INVALID ? PWORKSPACE->m_efFullscreenMode : mode; if (PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow && on) { Debug::log(LOG, "Rejecting fullscreen ON on a fullscreen workspace"); return; } g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->fullscreenRequestForWindow(pWindow, MODE, on); g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowFullscreen(pWindow, pWindow->shouldSendFullscreenState()); updateWindowAnimatedDecorationValues(pWindow); // make all windows on the same workspace under the fullscreen window for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_pWorkspace == PWORKSPACE && !w->m_bIsFullscreen && !w->m_bFadingOut && !w->m_bPinned) w->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen = false; } updateFullscreenFadeOnWorkspace(PWORKSPACE); g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(pWindow, pWindow->m_vRealSize.goal(), true); forceReportSizesToWindowsOnWorkspace(pWindow->workspaceID()); g_pInputManager->recheckIdleInhibitorStatus(); // DMAbuf stuff for direct scanout g_pHyprRenderer->setWindowScanoutMode(pWindow); g_pConfigManager->ensureVRR(PMONITOR); } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getX11Parent(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { if (!pWindow->m_bIsX11) return nullptr; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsX11) continue; if (w->m_pXWaylandSurface == pWindow->m_pXWaylandSurface->parent) return w; } return nullptr; } void CCompositor::updateWorkspaceWindowDecos(const int& id) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->workspaceID() != id) continue; w->updateWindowDecos(); } } void CCompositor::updateWorkspaceSpecialRenderData(const int& id) { const auto PWORKSPACE = getWorkspaceByID(id); const auto WORKSPACERULE = PWORKSPACE ? g_pConfigManager->getWorkspaceRuleFor(PWORKSPACE) : SWorkspaceRule{}; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->workspaceID() != id) continue; w->updateSpecialRenderData(WORKSPACERULE); } } void CCompositor::scheduleFrameForMonitor(CMonitor* pMonitor) { if ((m_pAqBackend->hasSession() && !m_pAqBackend->session->active) || !m_bSessionActive) return; if (!pMonitor->m_bEnabled) return; if (pMonitor->renderingActive) pMonitor->pendingFrame = true; pMonitor->output->scheduleFrame(); } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getWindowByRegex(const std::string& regexp) { if (regexp.starts_with("active")) return m_pLastWindow.lock(); eFocusWindowMode mode = MODE_CLASS_REGEX; std::regex regexCheck(regexp); std::string matchCheck; if (regexp.starts_with("class:")) { regexCheck = std::regex(regexp.substr(6)); } else if (regexp.starts_with("initialclass:")) { mode = MODE_INITIAL_CLASS_REGEX; regexCheck = std::regex(regexp.substr(13)); } else if (regexp.starts_with("title:")) { mode = MODE_TITLE_REGEX; regexCheck = std::regex(regexp.substr(6)); } else if (regexp.starts_with("initialtitle:")) { mode = MODE_INITIAL_TITLE_REGEX; regexCheck = std::regex(regexp.substr(13)); } else if (regexp.starts_with("address:")) { mode = MODE_ADDRESS; matchCheck = regexp.substr(8); } else if (regexp.starts_with("pid:")) { mode = MODE_PID; matchCheck = regexp.substr(4); } else if (regexp.starts_with("floating") || regexp.starts_with("tiled")) { // first floating on the current ws if (!valid(m_pLastWindow)) return nullptr; const bool FLOAT = regexp.starts_with("floating"); for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsMapped || w->m_bIsFloating != FLOAT || w->m_pWorkspace != m_pLastWindow->m_pWorkspace || w->isHidden()) continue; return w; } return nullptr; } for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsMapped || (w->isHidden() && !g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->isWindowReachable(w))) continue; switch (mode) { case MODE_CLASS_REGEX: { const auto windowClass = w->m_szClass; if (!std::regex_search(windowClass, regexCheck)) continue; break; } case MODE_INITIAL_CLASS_REGEX: { const auto initialWindowClass = w->m_szInitialClass; if (!std::regex_search(initialWindowClass, regexCheck)) continue; break; } case MODE_TITLE_REGEX: { const auto windowTitle = w->m_szTitle; if (!std::regex_search(windowTitle, regexCheck)) continue; break; } case MODE_INITIAL_TITLE_REGEX: { const auto initialWindowTitle = w->m_szInitialTitle; if (!std::regex_search(initialWindowTitle, regexCheck)) continue; break; } case MODE_ADDRESS: { std::string addr = std::format("0x{:x}", (uintptr_t)w.get()); if (matchCheck != addr) continue; break; } case MODE_PID: { std::string pid = std::format("{}", w->getPID()); if (matchCheck != pid) continue; break; } default: break; } return w; } return nullptr; } void CCompositor::warpCursorTo(const Vector2D& pos, bool force) { // warpCursorTo should only be used for warps that // should be disabled with no_warps static auto PNOWARPS = CConfigValue("cursor:no_warps"); if (*PNOWARPS && !force) { const auto PMONITORNEW = getMonitorFromVector(pos); if (PMONITORNEW != m_pLastMonitor.get()) setActiveMonitor(PMONITORNEW); return; } g_pPointerManager->warpTo(pos); const auto PMONITORNEW = getMonitorFromVector(pos); if (PMONITORNEW != m_pLastMonitor.get()) setActiveMonitor(PMONITORNEW); } void CCompositor::closeWindow(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { if (pWindow && validMapped(pWindow)) { g_pXWaylandManager->sendCloseWindow(pWindow); } } PHLLS CCompositor::getLayerSurfaceFromSurface(SP pSurface) { std::pair, bool> result = {pSurface, false}; for (auto& ls : m_vLayers) { if (ls->layerSurface && ls->layerSurface->surface == pSurface) return ls; if (!ls->layerSurface || !ls->mapped) continue; ls->layerSurface->surface->breadthfirst( [](SP surf, const Vector2D& offset, void* data) { if (surf == ((std::pair, bool>*)data)->first) { *(bool*)data = true; return; } }, &result); if (result.second) return ls; } return nullptr; } // returns a delta Vector2D CCompositor::parseWindowVectorArgsRelative(const std::string& args, const Vector2D& relativeTo) { if (!args.contains(' ') && !args.contains('\t')) return relativeTo; const auto PMONITOR = m_pLastMonitor; bool xIsPercent = false; bool yIsPercent = false; bool isExact = false; CVarList varList(args, 0, 's', true); std::string x = varList[0]; std::string y = varList[1]; if (x == "exact") { x = varList[1]; y = varList[2]; isExact = true; } if (x.contains('%')) { xIsPercent = true; x = x.substr(0, x.length() - 1); } if (y.contains('%')) { yIsPercent = true; y = y.substr(0, y.length() - 1); } if (!isNumber(x) || !isNumber(y)) { Debug::log(ERR, "parseWindowVectorArgsRelative: args not numbers"); return relativeTo; } int X = 0; int Y = 0; if (isExact) { X = xIsPercent ? std::stof(x) * 0.01 * PMONITOR->vecSize.x : std::stoi(x); Y = yIsPercent ? std::stof(y) * 0.01 * PMONITOR->vecSize.y : std::stoi(y); } else { X = xIsPercent ? std::stof(x) * 0.01 * relativeTo.x + relativeTo.x : std::stoi(x) + relativeTo.x; Y = yIsPercent ? std::stof(y) * 0.01 * relativeTo.y + relativeTo.y : std::stoi(y) + relativeTo.y; } return Vector2D(X, Y); } void CCompositor::forceReportSizesToWindowsOnWorkspace(const int& wid) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->workspaceID() == wid && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->isHidden()) { g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(w, w->m_vRealSize.value(), true); } } } PHLWORKSPACE CCompositor::createNewWorkspace(const int& id, const int& monid, const std::string& name, bool isEmtpy) { const auto NAME = name == "" ? std::to_string(id) : name; auto monID = monid; // check if bound if (const auto PMONITOR = g_pConfigManager->getBoundMonitorForWS(NAME); PMONITOR) { monID = PMONITOR->ID; } const bool SPECIAL = id >= SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_START && id <= -2; const auto PWORKSPACE = m_vWorkspaces.emplace_back(CWorkspace::create(id, monID, NAME, SPECIAL, isEmtpy)); PWORKSPACE->m_fAlpha.setValueAndWarp(0); return PWORKSPACE; } void CCompositor::renameWorkspace(const int& id, const std::string& name) { const auto PWORKSPACE = getWorkspaceByID(id); if (!PWORKSPACE) return; if (isWorkspaceSpecial(id)) return; Debug::log(LOG, "renameWorkspace: Renaming workspace {} to '{}'", id, name); PWORKSPACE->m_szName = name; g_pEventManager->postEvent({"renameworkspace", std::to_string(PWORKSPACE->m_iID) + "," + PWORKSPACE->m_szName}); } void CCompositor::setActiveMonitor(CMonitor* pMonitor) { if (m_pLastMonitor.get() == pMonitor) return; if (!pMonitor) { m_pLastMonitor.reset(); return; } const auto PWORKSPACE = pMonitor->activeWorkspace; g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent{"focusedmon", pMonitor->szName + "," + (PWORKSPACE ? PWORKSPACE->m_szName : "?")}); EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("focusedMon", pMonitor); m_pLastMonitor = pMonitor->self; } bool CCompositor::isWorkspaceSpecial(const int& id) { return id >= SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_START && id <= -2; } int CCompositor::getNewSpecialID() { int highest = SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_START; for (auto& ws : m_vWorkspaces) { if (ws->m_bIsSpecialWorkspace && ws->m_iID > highest) { highest = ws->m_iID; } } return highest + 1; } void CCompositor::performUserChecks() { ; // intentional } void CCompositor::moveWindowToWorkspaceSafe(PHLWINDOW pWindow, PHLWORKSPACE pWorkspace) { if (!pWindow || !pWorkspace) return; if (pWindow->m_bPinned && pWorkspace->m_bIsSpecialWorkspace) return; const bool FULLSCREEN = pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen; const auto FULLSCREENMODE = pWindow->m_pWorkspace->m_efFullscreenMode; if (FULLSCREEN) setWindowFullscreen(pWindow, false, FULLSCREEN_FULL); if (!pWindow->m_bIsFloating) { g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->onWindowRemovedTiling(pWindow); pWindow->moveToWorkspace(pWorkspace); pWindow->m_iMonitorID = pWorkspace->m_iMonitorID; g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->onWindowCreatedTiling(pWindow); } else { const auto PWINDOWMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); const auto POSTOMON = pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goal() - PWINDOWMONITOR->vecPosition; const auto PWORKSPACEMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWorkspace->m_iMonitorID); pWindow->moveToWorkspace(pWorkspace); pWindow->m_iMonitorID = pWorkspace->m_iMonitorID; pWindow->m_vRealPosition = POSTOMON + PWORKSPACEMONITOR->vecPosition; } pWindow->updateToplevel(); pWindow->updateDynamicRules(); pWindow->uncacheWindowDecos(); if (!pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.expired()) { PHLWINDOW next = pWindow->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock(); while (next != pWindow) { next->moveToWorkspace(pWorkspace); next->updateToplevel(); next = next->m_sGroupData.pNextWindow.lock(); } } if (FULLSCREEN) setWindowFullscreen(pWindow, true, FULLSCREENMODE); g_pCompositor->updateWorkspaceWindows(pWorkspace->m_iID); g_pCompositor->updateWorkspaceWindows(pWindow->workspaceID()); } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::getForceFocus() { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsMapped || w->isHidden() || !isWorkspaceVisible(w->m_pWorkspace)) continue; if (!w->m_bStayFocused) continue; return w; } return nullptr; } void CCompositor::arrangeMonitors() { static auto* const PXWLFORCESCALEZERO = (Hyprlang::INT* const*)g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("xwayland:force_zero_scaling"); std::vector toArrange; std::vector arranged; for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) toArrange.push_back(m.get()); Debug::log(LOG, "arrangeMonitors: {} to arrange", toArrange.size()); for (auto it = toArrange.begin(); it != toArrange.end();) { auto m = *it; if (m->activeMonitorRule.offset != Vector2D{-INT32_MAX, -INT32_MAX}) { // explicit. Debug::log(LOG, "arrangeMonitors: {} explicit {:j}", m->szName, m->activeMonitorRule.offset); m->moveTo(m->activeMonitorRule.offset); arranged.push_back(m); it = toArrange.erase(it); if (it == toArrange.end()) break; continue; } ++it; } // Variables to store the max and min values of monitors on each axis. int maxXOffsetRight = 0; int maxXOffsetLeft = 0; int maxYOffsetUp = 0; int maxYOffsetDown = 0; // Finds the max and min values of explicitely placed monitors. for (auto& m : arranged) { if (m->vecPosition.x + m->vecSize.x > maxXOffsetRight) maxXOffsetRight = m->vecPosition.x + m->vecSize.x; if (m->vecPosition.x < maxXOffsetLeft) maxXOffsetLeft = m->vecPosition.x; if (m->vecPosition.y + m->vecSize.y > maxYOffsetDown) maxYOffsetDown = m->vecPosition.y + m->vecSize.y; if (m->vecPosition.y < maxYOffsetUp) maxYOffsetUp = m->vecPosition.y; } // Iterates through all non-explicitly placed monitors. for (auto& m : toArrange) { // Moves the monitor to their appropriate position on the x/y axis and // increments/decrements the corresponding max offset. Vector2D newPosition = {0, 0}; switch (m->activeMonitorRule.autoDir) { case eAutoDirs::DIR_AUTO_UP: newPosition.y = maxYOffsetUp - m->vecSize.y; maxYOffsetUp = newPosition.y; break; case eAutoDirs::DIR_AUTO_DOWN: newPosition.y = maxYOffsetDown; maxYOffsetDown += m->vecSize.y; break; case eAutoDirs::DIR_AUTO_LEFT: newPosition.x = maxXOffsetLeft - m->vecSize.x; maxXOffsetLeft = newPosition.x; break; case eAutoDirs::DIR_AUTO_RIGHT: case eAutoDirs::DIR_AUTO_NONE: newPosition.x = maxXOffsetRight; maxXOffsetRight += m->vecSize.x; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } Debug::log(LOG, "arrangeMonitors: {} auto {:j}", m->szName, m->vecPosition); m->moveTo(newPosition); } // reset maxXOffsetRight (reuse) // and set xwayland positions aka auto for all maxXOffsetRight = 0; for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { Debug::log(LOG, "arrangeMonitors: {} xwayland [{}, {}]", m->szName, maxXOffsetRight, 0); m->vecXWaylandPosition = {maxXOffsetRight, 0}; maxXOffsetRight += (*PXWLFORCESCALEZERO ? m->vecTransformedSize.x : m->vecSize.x); if (*PXWLFORCESCALEZERO) m->xwaylandScale = m->scale; else m->xwaylandScale = 1.f; } } void CCompositor::enterUnsafeState() { if (m_bUnsafeState) return; Debug::log(LOG, "Entering unsafe state"); if (!m_pUnsafeOutput->m_bEnabled) m_pUnsafeOutput->onConnect(false); m_bUnsafeState = true; setActiveMonitor(m_pUnsafeOutput); } void CCompositor::leaveUnsafeState() { if (!m_bUnsafeState) return; Debug::log(LOG, "Leaving unsafe state"); m_bUnsafeState = false; CMonitor* pNewMonitor = nullptr; for (auto& pMonitor : m_vMonitors) { if (pMonitor->output != m_pUnsafeOutput->output) { pNewMonitor = pMonitor.get(); break; } } RASSERT(pNewMonitor, "Tried to leave unsafe without a monitor"); if (m_pUnsafeOutput->m_bEnabled) m_pUnsafeOutput->onDisconnect(); for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { scheduleFrameForMonitor(m.get()); } } void CCompositor::setPreferredScaleForSurface(SP pSurface, double scale) { PROTO::fractional->sendScale(pSurface, scale); pSurface->sendPreferredScale(std::ceil(scale)); const auto PSURFACE = CWLSurface::fromResource(pSurface); if (!PSURFACE) { Debug::log(WARN, "Orphaned CWLSurfaceResource {:x} in setPreferredScaleForSurface", (uintptr_t)pSurface); return; } PSURFACE->m_fLastScale = scale; PSURFACE->m_iLastScale = static_cast(std::ceil(scale)); } void CCompositor::setPreferredTransformForSurface(SP pSurface, wl_output_transform transform) { pSurface->sendPreferredTransform(transform); const auto PSURFACE = CWLSurface::fromResource(pSurface); if (!PSURFACE) { Debug::log(WARN, "Orphaned CWLSurfaceResource {:x} in setPreferredTransformForSurface", (uintptr_t)pSurface); return; } PSURFACE->m_eLastTransform = transform; } void CCompositor::updateSuspendedStates() { for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsMapped) continue; w->setSuspended(w->isHidden() || !isWorkspaceVisible(w->m_pWorkspace)); } } PHLWINDOW CCompositor::windowForCPointer(CWindow* pWindow) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w.get() != pWindow) continue; return w; } return {}; } static void checkDefaultCursorWarp(SP PNEWMONITOR, std::string monitorName) { static auto PCURSORMONITOR = CConfigValue("cursor:default_monitor"); static auto firstMonitorAdded = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); static bool cursorDefaultDone = false; static bool firstLaunch = true; const auto POS = PNEWMONITOR->middle(); // by default, cursor should be set to first monitor detected // this is needed as a default if the monitor given in config above doesn't exist if (firstLaunch) { firstLaunch = false; g_pCompositor->warpCursorTo(POS, true); g_pInputManager->refocus(); } if (cursorDefaultDone || *PCURSORMONITOR == STRVAL_EMPTY) return; // after 10s, don't set cursor to default monitor auto timePassedSec = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now() - firstMonitorAdded); if (timePassedSec.count() > 10) { cursorDefaultDone = true; return; } if (*PCURSORMONITOR == monitorName) { cursorDefaultDone = true; g_pCompositor->warpCursorTo(POS, true); g_pInputManager->refocus(); } } void CCompositor::onNewMonitor(SP output) { // add it to real auto PNEWMONITOR = g_pCompositor->m_vRealMonitors.emplace_back(makeShared()); if (std::string("HEADLESS-1") == output->name) { g_pCompositor->m_pUnsafeOutput = PNEWMONITOR.get(); output->name = "FALLBACK"; // we are allowed to do this :) } Debug::log(LOG, "New output with name {}", output->name); PNEWMONITOR->szName = output->name; PNEWMONITOR->output = output; PNEWMONITOR->self = PNEWMONITOR; const bool FALLBACK = g_pCompositor->m_pUnsafeOutput ? output == g_pCompositor->m_pUnsafeOutput->output : false; PNEWMONITOR->ID = FALLBACK ? -1 : g_pCompositor->getNextAvailableMonitorID(output->name); PNEWMONITOR->isUnsafeFallback = FALLBACK; EMIT_HOOK_EVENT("newMonitor", PNEWMONITOR); if (!FALLBACK) PNEWMONITOR->onConnect(false); if (!PNEWMONITOR->m_bEnabled || FALLBACK) return; // ready to process if we have a real monitor if ((!g_pHyprRenderer->m_pMostHzMonitor || PNEWMONITOR->refreshRate > g_pHyprRenderer->m_pMostHzMonitor->refreshRate) && PNEWMONITOR->m_bEnabled) g_pHyprRenderer->m_pMostHzMonitor = PNEWMONITOR.get(); g_pCompositor->m_bReadyToProcess = true; g_pConfigManager->m_bWantsMonitorReload = true; g_pCompositor->scheduleFrameForMonitor(PNEWMONITOR.get()); checkDefaultCursorWarp(PNEWMONITOR, output->name); for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (w->m_iMonitorID == PNEWMONITOR->ID) { w->m_iLastSurfaceMonitorID = -1; w->updateSurfaceScaleTransformDetails(); } } g_pHyprRenderer->damageMonitor(PNEWMONITOR.get()); Events::listener_monitorFrame(PNEWMONITOR.get(), nullptr); }