#include "LinuxDMABUF.hpp" #include #include #include #include "../helpers/MiscFunctions.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "core/Compositor.hpp" #include "types/DMABuffer.hpp" #include "types/WLBuffer.hpp" #include "../managers/HookSystemManager.hpp" #include "../render/OpenGL.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" static std::optional devIDFromFD(int fd) { struct stat stat; if (fstat(fd, &stat) != 0) return {}; return stat.st_rdev; } CDMABUFFormatTable::CDMABUFFormatTable(SDMABUFTranche _rendererTranche, std::vector, SDMABUFTranche>> tranches_) : rendererTranche(_rendererTranche), monitorTranches(tranches_) { std::vector formatsVec; std::set> formats; // insert formats into vec if they got inserted into set, meaning they're unique size_t i = 0; rendererTranche.indicies.clear(); for (auto const& fmt : rendererTranche.formats) { for (auto const& mod : fmt.modifiers) { auto format = std::make_pair<>(fmt.drmFormat, mod); auto [_, inserted] = formats.insert(format); if (inserted) { // if it was inserted into set, then its unique and will have a new index in vec rendererTranche.indicies.push_back(i++); formatsVec.push_back(SDMABUFFormatTableEntry{ .fmt = fmt.drmFormat, .modifier = mod, }); } else { // if it wasn't inserted then find its index in vec auto it = std::find_if(formatsVec.begin(), formatsVec.end(), [fmt, mod](const SDMABUFFormatTableEntry& oth) { return oth.fmt == fmt.drmFormat && oth.modifier == mod; }); rendererTranche.indicies.push_back(it - formatsVec.begin()); } } } for (auto& [monitor, tranche] : monitorTranches) { tranche.indicies.clear(); for (auto const& fmt : tranche.formats) { for (auto const& mod : fmt.modifiers) { // apparently these can implode on planes, so dont use them if (mod == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID || mod == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR) continue; auto format = std::make_pair<>(fmt.drmFormat, mod); auto [_, inserted] = formats.insert(format); if (inserted) { tranche.indicies.push_back(i++); formatsVec.push_back(SDMABUFFormatTableEntry{ .fmt = fmt.drmFormat, .modifier = mod, }); } else { auto it = std::find_if(formatsVec.begin(), formatsVec.end(), [fmt, mod](const SDMABUFFormatTableEntry& oth) { return oth.fmt == fmt.drmFormat && oth.modifier == mod; }); tranche.indicies.push_back(it - formatsVec.begin()); } } } } tableSize = formatsVec.size() * sizeof(SDMABUFFormatTableEntry); int fds[2] = {0}; allocateSHMFilePair(tableSize, &fds[0], &fds[1]); auto arr = (SDMABUFFormatTableEntry*)mmap(nullptr, tableSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fds[0], 0); if (arr == MAP_FAILED) { LOGM(ERR, "mmap failed"); close(fds[0]); close(fds[1]); return; } close(fds[0]); std::copy(formatsVec.begin(), formatsVec.end(), arr); munmap(arr, tableSize); tableFD = fds[1]; } CDMABUFFormatTable::~CDMABUFFormatTable() { close(tableFD); } CLinuxDMABuffer::CLinuxDMABuffer(uint32_t id, wl_client* client, Aquamarine::SDMABUFAttrs attrs) { buffer = makeShared(id, client, attrs); buffer->resource->buffer = buffer; listeners.bufferResourceDestroy = buffer->events.destroy.registerListener([this](std::any d) { listeners.bufferResourceDestroy.reset(); PROTO::linuxDma->destroyResource(this); }); if (!buffer->success) LOGM(ERR, "Possibly compositor bug: buffer failed to create"); } CLinuxDMABuffer::~CLinuxDMABuffer() { buffer.reset(); listeners.bufferResourceDestroy.reset(); } bool CLinuxDMABuffer::good() { return buffer && buffer->good(); } CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource::CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource(SP resource_) : resource(resource_) { if (!good()) return; resource->setOnDestroy([this](CZwpLinuxBufferParamsV1* r) { PROTO::linuxDma->destroyResource(this); }); resource->setDestroy([this](CZwpLinuxBufferParamsV1* r) { PROTO::linuxDma->destroyResource(this); }); attrs = makeShared(); attrs->success = true; resource->setAdd([this](CZwpLinuxBufferParamsV1* r, int32_t fd, uint32_t plane, uint32_t offset, uint32_t stride, uint32_t modHi, uint32_t modLo) { if (used) { r->error(ZWP_LINUX_BUFFER_PARAMS_V1_ERROR_ALREADY_USED, "Already used"); return; } if (plane > 3) { r->error(ZWP_LINUX_BUFFER_PARAMS_V1_ERROR_PLANE_IDX, "plane > 3"); return; } if (attrs->fds.at(plane) != -1) { r->error(ZWP_LINUX_BUFFER_PARAMS_V1_ERROR_PLANE_IDX, "plane used"); return; } attrs->fds[plane] = fd; attrs->strides[plane] = stride; attrs->offsets[plane] = offset; attrs->modifier = ((uint64_t)modHi << 32) | modLo; }); resource->setCreate([this](CZwpLinuxBufferParamsV1* r, int32_t w, int32_t h, uint32_t fmt, zwpLinuxBufferParamsV1Flags flags) { if (used) { r->error(ZWP_LINUX_BUFFER_PARAMS_V1_ERROR_ALREADY_USED, "Already used"); return; } if (flags > 0) { r->sendFailed(); LOGM(ERR, "DMABUF flags are not supported"); return; } attrs->size = {w, h}; attrs->format = fmt; attrs->planes = 4 - std::count(attrs->fds.begin(), attrs->fds.end(), -1); create(0); }); resource->setCreateImmed([this](CZwpLinuxBufferParamsV1* r, uint32_t id, int32_t w, int32_t h, uint32_t fmt, zwpLinuxBufferParamsV1Flags flags) { if (used) { r->error(ZWP_LINUX_BUFFER_PARAMS_V1_ERROR_ALREADY_USED, "Already used"); return; } if (flags > 0) { r->sendFailed(); LOGM(ERR, "DMABUF flags are not supported"); return; } attrs->size = {w, h}; attrs->format = fmt; attrs->planes = 4 - std::count(attrs->fds.begin(), attrs->fds.end(), -1); create(id); }); } CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource::~CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource() { ; } bool CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource::good() { return resource->resource(); } void CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource::create(uint32_t id) { used = true; if (!verify()) { LOGM(ERR, "Failed creating a dmabuf: verify() said no"); return; // if verify failed, we errored the resource. } if (!commence()) { LOGM(ERR, "Failed creating a dmabuf: commence() said no"); resource->sendFailed(); return; } LOGM(LOG, "Creating a dmabuf, with id {}: size {}, fmt {}, planes {}", id, attrs->size, FormatUtils::drmFormatName(attrs->format), attrs->planes); for (int i = 0; i < attrs->planes; ++i) { LOGM(LOG, " | plane {}: mod {} fd {} stride {} offset {}", i, attrs->modifier, attrs->fds[i], attrs->strides[i], attrs->offsets[i]); } auto buf = PROTO::linuxDma->m_vBuffers.emplace_back(makeShared(id, resource->client(), *attrs)); if (!buf->good() || !buf->buffer->success) { resource->sendFailed(); return; } if (!id) resource->sendCreated(PROTO::linuxDma->m_vBuffers.back()->buffer->resource->getResource()); createdBuffer = buf; } bool CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource::commence() { if (PROTO::linuxDma->mainDeviceFD < 0) return true; for (int i = 0; i < attrs->planes; i++) { uint32_t handle = 0; if (drmPrimeFDToHandle(PROTO::linuxDma->mainDeviceFD, attrs->fds.at(i), &handle)) { LOGM(ERR, "Failed to import dmabuf fd"); return false; } if (drmCloseBufferHandle(PROTO::linuxDma->mainDeviceFD, handle)) { LOGM(ERR, "Failed to close dmabuf handle"); return false; } } return true; } bool CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource::verify() { if (attrs->planes <= 0) { resource->error(ZWP_LINUX_BUFFER_PARAMS_V1_ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "No planes added"); return false; } if (attrs->fds.at(0) < 0) { resource->error(ZWP_LINUX_BUFFER_PARAMS_V1_ERROR_INCOMPLETE, "No plane 0"); return false; } bool empty = false; for (auto const& plane : attrs->fds) { if (empty && plane != -1) { resource->error(ZWP_LINUX_BUFFER_PARAMS_V1_ERROR_INVALID_FORMAT, "Gap in planes"); return false; } if (plane == -1) { empty = true; continue; } } if (attrs->size.x < 1 || attrs->size.y < 1) { resource->error(ZWP_LINUX_BUFFER_PARAMS_V1_ERROR_INVALID_DIMENSIONS, "x/y < 1"); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)attrs->planes; ++i) { if ((uint64_t)attrs->offsets.at(i) + (uint64_t)attrs->strides.at(i) * attrs->size.y > UINT32_MAX) { resource->error(ZWP_LINUX_BUFFER_PARAMS_V1_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, std::format("size overflow on plane {}: offset {} + stride {} * height {} = {}, overflows UINT32_MAX", i, (uint64_t)attrs->offsets.at(i), (uint64_t)attrs->strides.at(i), attrs->size.y, (uint64_t)attrs->offsets.at(i) + (uint64_t)attrs->strides.at(i))); return false; } } return true; } CLinuxDMABUFFeedbackResource::CLinuxDMABUFFeedbackResource(SP resource_, SP surface_) : surface(surface_), resource(resource_) { if (!good()) return; resource->setOnDestroy([this](CZwpLinuxDmabufFeedbackV1* r) { PROTO::linuxDma->destroyResource(this); }); resource->setDestroy([this](CZwpLinuxDmabufFeedbackV1* r) { PROTO::linuxDma->destroyResource(this); }); auto& formatTable = PROTO::linuxDma->formatTable; resource->sendFormatTable(formatTable->tableFD, formatTable->tableSize); sendDefaultFeedback(); } CLinuxDMABUFFeedbackResource::~CLinuxDMABUFFeedbackResource() { ; } bool CLinuxDMABUFFeedbackResource::good() { return resource->resource(); } void CLinuxDMABUFFeedbackResource::sendTranche(SDMABUFTranche& tranche) { struct wl_array deviceArr = { .size = sizeof(tranche.device), .data = (void*)&tranche.device, }; resource->sendTrancheTargetDevice(&deviceArr); resource->sendTrancheFlags((zwpLinuxDmabufFeedbackV1TrancheFlags)tranche.flags); wl_array indices = { .size = tranche.indicies.size() * sizeof(tranche.indicies.at(0)), .data = tranche.indicies.data(), }; resource->sendTrancheFormats(&indices); resource->sendTrancheDone(); } // default tranche is based on renderer (egl) void CLinuxDMABUFFeedbackResource::sendDefaultFeedback() { auto mainDevice = PROTO::linuxDma->mainDevice; auto& formatTable = PROTO::linuxDma->formatTable; struct wl_array deviceArr = { .size = sizeof(mainDevice), .data = (void*)&mainDevice, }; resource->sendMainDevice(&deviceArr); sendTranche(formatTable->rendererTranche); resource->sendDone(); lastFeedbackWasScanout = false; } CLinuxDMABUFResource::CLinuxDMABUFResource(SP resource_) : resource(resource_) { if (!good()) return; resource->setOnDestroy([this](CZwpLinuxDmabufV1* r) { PROTO::linuxDma->destroyResource(this); }); resource->setDestroy([this](CZwpLinuxDmabufV1* r) { PROTO::linuxDma->destroyResource(this); }); resource->setGetDefaultFeedback([](CZwpLinuxDmabufV1* r, uint32_t id) { const auto RESOURCE = PROTO::linuxDma->m_vFeedbacks.emplace_back(makeShared(makeShared(r->client(), r->version(), id), nullptr)); if (!RESOURCE->good()) { r->noMemory(); PROTO::linuxDma->m_vFeedbacks.pop_back(); return; } }); resource->setGetSurfaceFeedback([](CZwpLinuxDmabufV1* r, uint32_t id, wl_resource* surf) { const auto RESOURCE = PROTO::linuxDma->m_vFeedbacks.emplace_back( makeShared(makeShared(r->client(), r->version(), id), CWLSurfaceResource::fromResource(surf))); if (!RESOURCE->good()) { r->noMemory(); PROTO::linuxDma->m_vFeedbacks.pop_back(); return; } }); resource->setCreateParams([](CZwpLinuxDmabufV1* r, uint32_t id) { const auto RESOURCE = PROTO::linuxDma->m_vParams.emplace_back(makeShared(makeShared(r->client(), r->version(), id))); if (!RESOURCE->good()) { r->noMemory(); PROTO::linuxDma->m_vParams.pop_back(); return; } }); if (resource->version() < 4) sendMods(); } bool CLinuxDMABUFResource::good() { return resource->resource(); } void CLinuxDMABUFResource::sendMods() { for (auto const& fmt : PROTO::linuxDma->formatTable->rendererTranche.formats) { for (auto const& mod : fmt.modifiers) { if (resource->version() < 3) { if (mod == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID || mod == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR) resource->sendFormat(fmt.drmFormat); continue; } // TODO: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/xserver/-/issues/1166 resource->sendModifier(fmt.drmFormat, mod >> 32, mod & 0xFFFFFFFF); } } } CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol::CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol(const wl_interface* iface, const int& ver, const std::string& name) : IWaylandProtocol(iface, ver, name) { static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("ready", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any d) { int rendererFD = g_pCompositor->m_iDRMFD; auto dev = devIDFromFD(rendererFD); if (!dev.has_value()) { LOGM(ERR, "failed to get drm dev, disabling linux dmabuf"); removeGlobal(); return; } mainDevice = *dev; SDMABUFTranche eglTranche = { .device = mainDevice, .flags = 0, // renderer isnt for ds so dont set flag. .formats = g_pHyprOpenGL->getDRMFormats(), }; std::vector, SDMABUFTranche>> tches; if (g_pCompositor->m_pAqBackend->hasSession()) { // this assumes there's only 1 device used for both scanout and rendering // also that each monitor never changes its primary plane for (auto const& mon : g_pCompositor->m_vMonitors) { auto tranche = SDMABUFTranche{ .device = mainDevice, .flags = ZWP_LINUX_DMABUF_FEEDBACK_V1_TRANCHE_FLAGS_SCANOUT, .formats = mon->output->getRenderFormats(), }; tches.push_back(std::make_pair<>(mon, tranche)); } static auto monitorAdded = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("monitorAdded", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { auto pMonitor = std::any_cast(param); auto mon = pMonitor->self.lock(); auto tranche = SDMABUFTranche{ .device = mainDevice, .flags = ZWP_LINUX_DMABUF_FEEDBACK_V1_TRANCHE_FLAGS_SCANOUT, .formats = mon->output->getRenderFormats(), }; formatTable->monitorTranches.push_back(std::make_pair<>(mon, tranche)); resetFormatTable(); }); static auto monitorRemoved = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("monitorRemoved", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { auto pMonitor = std::any_cast(param); auto mon = pMonitor->self.lock(); std::erase_if(formatTable->monitorTranches, [mon](std::pair, SDMABUFTranche> pair) { return pair.first == mon; }); resetFormatTable(); }); } formatTable = std::make_unique(eglTranche, tches); drmDevice* device = nullptr; if (drmGetDeviceFromDevId(mainDevice, 0, &device) != 0) { LOGM(ERR, "failed to get drm dev, disabling linux dmabuf"); removeGlobal(); return; } if (device->available_nodes & (1 << DRM_NODE_RENDER)) { const char* name = device->nodes[DRM_NODE_RENDER]; mainDeviceFD = open(name, O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC); drmFreeDevice(&device); if (mainDeviceFD < 0) { LOGM(ERR, "failed to open drm dev, disabling linux dmabuf"); removeGlobal(); return; } } else { LOGM(ERR, "DRM device {} has no render node, disabling linux dmabuf checks", device->nodes[DRM_NODE_PRIMARY] ? device->nodes[DRM_NODE_PRIMARY] : "null"); drmFreeDevice(&device); } }); } void CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol::resetFormatTable() { if (!formatTable) return; LOGM(LOG, "Resetting format table"); // this might be a big copy auto newFormatTable = std::make_unique(formatTable->rendererTranche, formatTable->monitorTranches); for (auto const& feedback : m_vFeedbacks) { feedback->resource->sendFormatTable(newFormatTable->tableFD, newFormatTable->tableSize); if (feedback->lastFeedbackWasScanout) { SP mon; auto HLSurface = CWLSurface::fromResource(feedback->surface); if (auto w = HLSurface->getWindow(); w) if (auto m = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(w->m_iMonitorID); m) mon = m->self.lock(); if (!mon) { feedback->sendDefaultFeedback(); return; } updateScanoutTranche(feedback->surface, mon); } else { feedback->sendDefaultFeedback(); } } // delete old table after we sent new one formatTable = std::move(newFormatTable); } CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol::~CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol() { if (mainDeviceFD >= 0) close(mainDeviceFD); } void CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol::bindManager(wl_client* client, void* data, uint32_t ver, uint32_t id) { const auto RESOURCE = m_vManagers.emplace_back(makeShared(makeShared(client, ver, id))); if (!RESOURCE->good()) { wl_client_post_no_memory(client); m_vManagers.pop_back(); return; } } void CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol::destroyResource(CLinuxDMABUFResource* resource) { std::erase_if(m_vManagers, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == resource; }); } void CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol::destroyResource(CLinuxDMABUFFeedbackResource* resource) { std::erase_if(m_vFeedbacks, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == resource; }); } void CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol::destroyResource(CLinuxDMABBUFParamsResource* resource) { std::erase_if(m_vParams, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == resource; }); } void CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol::destroyResource(CLinuxDMABuffer* resource) { std::erase_if(m_vBuffers, [&](const auto& other) { return other.get() == resource; }); } void CLinuxDMABufV1Protocol::updateScanoutTranche(SP surface, SP pMonitor) { SP feedbackResource; for (auto const& f : m_vFeedbacks) { if (f->surface != surface) continue; feedbackResource = f; break; } if (!feedbackResource) { LOGM(LOG, "updateScanoutTranche: surface has no dmabuf_feedback"); return; } if (!pMonitor) { LOGM(LOG, "updateScanoutTranche: resetting feedback"); feedbackResource->sendDefaultFeedback(); return; } const auto& monitorTranchePair = std::find_if(formatTable->monitorTranches.begin(), formatTable->monitorTranches.end(), [pMonitor](std::pair, SDMABUFTranche> pair) { return pair.first == pMonitor; }); if (monitorTranchePair == formatTable->monitorTranches.end()) { LOGM(LOG, "updateScanoutTranche: monitor has no tranche"); return; } auto& monitorTranche = (*monitorTranchePair).second; LOGM(LOG, "updateScanoutTranche: sending a scanout tranche"); struct wl_array deviceArr = { .size = sizeof(mainDevice), .data = (void*)&mainDevice, }; feedbackResource->resource->sendMainDevice(&deviceArr); // prioritize scnaout tranche but have renderer fallback tranche // also yes formats can be duped here because different tranche flags (ds and no ds) feedbackResource->sendTranche(monitorTranche); feedbackResource->sendTranche(formatTable->rendererTranche); feedbackResource->resource->sendDone(); feedbackResource->lastFeedbackWasScanout = true; }