#include "DataState.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "PluginManager.hpp" std::string DataState::getDataStatePath() { const auto HOME = getenv("HOME"); if (!HOME) { std::cerr << "DataState: no $HOME\n"; throw std::runtime_error("no $HOME"); return ""; } const auto XDG_DATA_HOME = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); if (XDG_DATA_HOME) return std::string{XDG_DATA_HOME} + "/hyprpm"; return std::string{HOME} + "/.local/share/hyprpm"; } std::string DataState::getHeadersPath() { return getDataStatePath() + "/headersRoot"; } void DataState::ensureStateStoreExists() { const auto PATH = getDataStatePath(); if (!std::filesystem::exists(PATH)) std::filesystem::create_directories(PATH); if (!std::filesystem::exists(getHeadersPath())) std::filesystem::create_directories(getHeadersPath()); } void DataState::addNewPluginRepo(const SPluginRepository& repo) { ensureStateStoreExists(); const auto PATH = getDataStatePath() + "/" + repo.name; std::filesystem::create_directories(PATH); // clang-format off auto DATA = toml::table{ {"repository", toml::table{ {"name", repo.name}, {"hash", repo.hash}, {"url", repo.url} }} }; for (auto& p : repo.plugins) { // copy .so to the good place if (std::filesystem::exists(p.filename)) std::filesystem::copy_file(p.filename, PATH + "/" + p.name + ".so"); DATA.emplace(p.name, toml::table{ {"filename", p.name + ".so"}, {"enabled", p.enabled}, {"failed", p.failed} }); } // clang-format on std::ofstream ofs(PATH + "/state.toml", std::ios::trunc); ofs << DATA; ofs.close(); } bool DataState::pluginRepoExists(const std::string& urlOrName) { ensureStateStoreExists(); const auto PATH = getDataStatePath(); for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(PATH)) { if (!entry.is_directory() || entry.path().stem() == "headersRoot") continue; if (!std::filesystem::exists(entry.path().string() + "/state.toml")) continue; auto STATE = toml::parse_file(entry.path().string() + "/state.toml"); const auto NAME = STATE["repository"]["name"].value_or(""); const auto URL = STATE["repository"]["url"].value_or(""); if (URL == urlOrName || NAME == urlOrName) return true; } return false; } void DataState::removePluginRepo(const std::string& urlOrName) { ensureStateStoreExists(); const auto PATH = getDataStatePath(); for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(PATH)) { if (!entry.is_directory() || entry.path().stem() == "headersRoot") continue; if (!std::filesystem::exists(entry.path().string() + "/state.toml")) continue; auto STATE = toml::parse_file(entry.path().string() + "/state.toml"); const auto NAME = STATE["repository"]["name"].value_or(""); const auto URL = STATE["repository"]["url"].value_or(""); if (URL == urlOrName || NAME == urlOrName) { // unload the plugins!! for (const auto& file : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(entry.path())) { if (!file.path().string().ends_with(".so")) continue; g_pPluginManager->loadUnloadPlugin(std::filesystem::absolute(file.path()), false); } std::filesystem::remove_all(entry.path()); return; } } } void DataState::updateGlobalState(const SGlobalState& state) { ensureStateStoreExists(); const auto PATH = getDataStatePath(); std::filesystem::create_directories(PATH); // clang-format off auto DATA = toml::table{ {"state", toml::table{ {"hash", state.headersHashCompiled}, {"dont_warn_install", state.dontWarnInstall} }} }; // clang-format on std::ofstream ofs(PATH + "/state.toml", std::ios::trunc); ofs << DATA; ofs.close(); } SGlobalState DataState::getGlobalState() { ensureStateStoreExists(); const auto PATH = getDataStatePath(); if (!std::filesystem::exists(PATH + "/state.toml")) return SGlobalState{}; auto DATA = toml::parse_file(PATH + "/state.toml"); SGlobalState state; state.headersHashCompiled = DATA["state"]["hash"].value_or(""); state.dontWarnInstall = DATA["state"]["dont_warn_install"].value_or(false); return state; } std::vector DataState::getAllRepositories() { ensureStateStoreExists(); const auto PATH = getDataStatePath(); std::vector repos; for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(PATH)) { if (!entry.is_directory() || entry.path().stem() == "headersRoot") continue; if (!std::filesystem::exists(entry.path().string() + "/state.toml")) continue; auto STATE = toml::parse_file(entry.path().string() + "/state.toml"); const auto NAME = STATE["repository"]["name"].value_or(""); const auto URL = STATE["repository"]["url"].value_or(""); const auto HASH = STATE["repository"]["hash"].value_or(""); SPluginRepository repo; repo.hash = HASH; repo.name = NAME; repo.url = URL; for (const auto& [key, val] : STATE) { if (key == "repository") continue; const auto ENABLED = STATE[key]["enabled"].value_or(false); const auto FAILED = STATE[key]["failed"].value_or(false); const auto FILENAME = STATE[key]["filename"].value_or(""); repo.plugins.push_back(SPlugin{std::string{key.str()}, FILENAME, ENABLED, FAILED}); } repos.push_back(repo); } return repos; } bool DataState::setPluginEnabled(const std::string& name, bool enabled) { ensureStateStoreExists(); const auto PATH = getDataStatePath(); for (const auto& entry : std::filesystem::directory_iterator(PATH)) { if (!entry.is_directory() || entry.path().stem() == "headersRoot") continue; if (!std::filesystem::exists(entry.path().string() + "/state.toml")) continue; auto STATE = toml::parse_file(entry.path().string() + "/state.toml"); for (const auto& [key, val] : STATE) { if (key == "repository") continue; if (key.str() != name) continue; const auto FAILED = STATE[key]["failed"].value_or(false); if (FAILED) return false; (*STATE[key].as_table()).insert_or_assign("enabled", enabled); std::ofstream state(entry.path().string() + "/state.toml", std::ios::trunc); state << STATE; state.close(); return true; } } return false; }