#include "PluginManager.hpp" #include "../helpers/Colors.hpp" #include "../helpers/StringUtils.hpp" #include "../progress/CProgressBar.hpp" #include "Manifest.hpp" #include "DataState.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Hyprutils::String; static std::string execAndGet(std::string cmd) { cmd += " 2>&1"; std::array buffer; std::string result; using PcloseType = int (*)(FILE*); const std::unique_ptr pipe(popen(cmd.c_str(), "r"), static_cast(pclose)); if (!pipe) return ""; result.reserve(buffer.size()); while (fgets(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), pipe.get()) != nullptr) { result += buffer.data(); } return result; } SHyprlandVersion CPluginManager::getHyprlandVersion() { static SHyprlandVersion ver; static bool once = false; if (once) return ver; once = true; const auto HLVERCALL = execAndGet("hyprctl version"); if (m_bVerbose) std::println("{}", verboseString("version returned: {}", HLVERCALL)); if (!HLVERCALL.contains("Tag:")) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("You don't seem to be running Hyprland.")); return SHyprlandVersion{}; } std::string hlcommit = HLVERCALL.substr(HLVERCALL.find("at commit") + 10); hlcommit = hlcommit.substr(0, hlcommit.find_first_of(' ')); std::string hlbranch = HLVERCALL.substr(HLVERCALL.find("from branch") + 12); hlbranch = hlbranch.substr(0, hlbranch.find(" at commit ")); std::string hldate = HLVERCALL.substr(HLVERCALL.find("Date: ") + 6); hldate = hldate.substr(0, hldate.find("\n")); std::string hlcommits; if (HLVERCALL.contains("commits:")) { hlcommits = HLVERCALL.substr(HLVERCALL.find("commits:") + 9); hlcommits = hlcommits.substr(0, hlcommits.find(" ")); } int commits = 0; try { commits = std::stoi(hlcommits); } catch (...) { ; } if (m_bVerbose) std::println("{}", verboseString("parsed commit {} at branch {} on {}, commits {}", hlcommit, hlbranch, hldate, commits)); ver = SHyprlandVersion{hlbranch, hlcommit, hldate, commits}; return ver; } bool CPluginManager::createSafeDirectory(const std::string& path) { if (path.empty() || !path.starts_with("/tmp")) return false; if (std::filesystem::exists(path)) std::filesystem::remove_all(path); if (std::filesystem::exists(path)) return false; if (mkdir(path.c_str(), S_IRWXU) < 0) return false; return true; } bool CPluginManager::addNewPluginRepo(const std::string& url, const std::string& rev) { const auto HLVER = getHyprlandVersion(); if (!hasDeps()) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("Could not clone the plugin repository. Dependencies not satisfied. Hyprpm requires: cmake, meson, cpio")); return false; } if (DataState::pluginRepoExists(url)) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("Could not clone the plugin repository. Repository already installed.")); return false; } auto GLOBALSTATE = DataState::getGlobalState(); if (!GLOBALSTATE.dontWarnInstall) { std::println("{}!{} Disclaimer: {}", Colors::YELLOW, Colors::RED, Colors::RESET); std::println("plugins, especially not official, have no guarantee of stability, availablity or security.\n" "Run them at your own risk.\n" "This message will not appear again."); GLOBALSTATE.dontWarnInstall = true; DataState::updateGlobalState(GLOBALSTATE); } std::cout << Colors::GREEN << "✔" << Colors::RESET << Colors::RED << " adding a new plugin repository " << Colors::RESET << "from " << url << "\n " << Colors::RED << "MAKE SURE" << Colors::RESET << " that you trust the authors. " << Colors::RED << "DO NOT" << Colors::RESET << " install random plugins without verifying the code and author.\n " << "Are you sure? [Y/n] "; std::fflush(stdout); std::string input; std::getline(std::cin, input); if (input.size() > 0 && input[0] != 'Y' && input[0] != 'y') { std::println(stderr, "Aborting."); return false; } CProgressBar progress; progress.m_iMaxSteps = 5; progress.m_iSteps = 0; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Cloning the plugin repository"; progress.print(); if (!std::filesystem::exists("/tmp/hyprpm")) { std::filesystem::create_directory("/tmp/hyprpm"); std::filesystem::permissions("/tmp/hyprpm", std::filesystem::perms::all, std::filesystem::perm_options::replace); } else if (!std::filesystem::is_directory("/tmp/hyprpm")) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("Could not prepare working dir for hyprpm")); return false; } const std::string USERNAME = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_name; m_szWorkingPluginDirectory = "/tmp/hyprpm/" + USERNAME; if (!createSafeDirectory(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory)) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("Could not prepare working dir for repo")); return false; } progress.printMessageAbove(infoString("Cloning {}", url)); std::string ret = execAndGet("cd /tmp/hyprpm && git clone --recursive " + url + " " + USERNAME); if (!std::filesystem::exists(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/.git")) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("Could not clone the plugin repository. shell returned:\n{}", ret)); return false; } if (!rev.empty()) { std::string ret = execAndGet("git -C " + m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + " reset --hard --recurse-submodules " + rev); if (ret.compare(0, 6, "fatal:") == 0) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("Could not check out revision {}. shell returned:\n{}", rev, ret)); return false; } ret = execAndGet("git -C " + m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + " submodule update --init"); if (m_bVerbose) std::println("{}", verboseString("git submodule update --init returned: {}", ret)); } progress.m_iSteps = 1; progress.printMessageAbove(successString("cloned")); progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Reading the manifest"; progress.print(); std::unique_ptr pManifest; if (std::filesystem::exists(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/hyprpm.toml")) { progress.printMessageAbove(successString("found hyprpm manifest")); pManifest = std::make_unique(MANIFEST_HYPRPM, m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/hyprpm.toml"); } else if (std::filesystem::exists(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/hyprload.toml")) { progress.printMessageAbove(successString("found hyprload manifest")); pManifest = std::make_unique(MANIFEST_HYPRLOAD, m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/hyprload.toml"); } if (!pManifest) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("The provided plugin repository does not have a valid manifest")); return false; } if (!pManifest->m_bGood) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("The provided plugin repository has a corrupted manifest")); return false; } progress.m_iSteps = 2; progress.printMessageAbove(successString("parsed manifest, found " + std::to_string(pManifest->m_vPlugins.size()) + " plugins:")); for (auto const& pl : pManifest->m_vPlugins) { std::string message = "→ " + pl.name + " by "; for (auto const& a : pl.authors) { message += a + ", "; } if (pl.authors.size() > 0) { message.pop_back(); message.pop_back(); } message += " version " + pl.version; progress.printMessageAbove(message); } if (!pManifest->m_sRepository.commitPins.empty()) { // check commit pins progress.printMessageAbove(infoString("Manifest has {} pins, checking", pManifest->m_sRepository.commitPins.size())); for (auto const& [hl, plugin] : pManifest->m_sRepository.commitPins) { if (hl != HLVER.hash) continue; progress.printMessageAbove(successString("commit pin {} matched hl, resetting", plugin)); execAndGet("cd " + m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + " && git reset --hard --recurse-submodules " + plugin); ret = execAndGet("git -C " + m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + " submodule update --init"); if (m_bVerbose) std::println("{}", verboseString("git submodule update --init returned: {}", ret)); break; } } progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Verifying headers"; progress.print(); const auto HEADERSSTATUS = headersValid(); if (HEADERSSTATUS != HEADERS_OK) { std::println("\n{}", headerError(HEADERSSTATUS)); return false; } progress.m_iSteps = 3; progress.printMessageAbove(successString("Hyprland headers OK")); progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Building plugin(s)"; progress.print(); for (auto& p : pManifest->m_vPlugins) { std::string out; if (p.since > HLVER.commits && HLVER.commits >= 1 /* for --depth 1 clones, we can't check this. */) { progress.printMessageAbove(failureString("Not building {}: your Hyprland version is too old.\n", p.name)); p.failed = true; continue; } progress.printMessageAbove(infoString("Building {}", p.name)); for (auto const& bs : p.buildSteps) { const std::string& cmd = std::format("cd {} && PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"{}/share/pkgconfig\" {}", m_szWorkingPluginDirectory, DataState::getHeadersPath(), bs); out += " -> " + cmd + "\n" + execAndGet(cmd) + "\n"; } if (m_bVerbose) std::println("{}", verboseString("shell returned: " + out)); if (!std::filesystem::exists(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/" + p.output)) { progress.printMessageAbove(failureString("Plugin {} failed to build.\n" " This likely means that the plugin is either outdated, not yet available for your version, or broken.\n" " If you are on -git, update first\n" " Try re-running with -v to see more verbose output.\n", p.name)); p.failed = true; continue; } progress.printMessageAbove(successString("built {} into {}", p.name, p.output)); } progress.printMessageAbove(successString("all plugins built")); progress.m_iSteps = 4; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Installing repository"; progress.print(); // add repo toml to DataState SPluginRepository repo; std::string repohash = execAndGet("cd " + m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + " && git rev-parse HEAD"); if (repohash.length() > 0) repohash.pop_back(); repo.name = pManifest->m_sRepository.name.empty() ? url.substr(url.find_last_of('/') + 1) : pManifest->m_sRepository.name; repo.url = url; repo.rev = rev; repo.hash = repohash; for (auto const& p : pManifest->m_vPlugins) { repo.plugins.push_back(SPlugin{p.name, m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/" + p.output, false, p.failed}); } DataState::addNewPluginRepo(repo); progress.printMessageAbove(successString("installed repository")); progress.printMessageAbove(successString("you can now enable the plugin(s) with hyprpm enable")); progress.m_iSteps = 5; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Done!"; progress.print(); std::print("\n"); // remove build files std::filesystem::remove_all(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory); return true; } bool CPluginManager::removePluginRepo(const std::string& urlOrName) { if (!DataState::pluginRepoExists(urlOrName)) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("Could not remove the repository. Repository is not installed.")); return false; } std::cout << Colors::YELLOW << "!" << Colors::RESET << Colors::RED << " removing a plugin repository: " << Colors::RESET << urlOrName << "\n " << "Are you sure? [Y/n] "; std::fflush(stdout); std::string input; std::getline(std::cin, input); if (input.size() > 0 && input[0] != 'Y' && input[0] != 'y') { std::println("Aborting."); return false; } DataState::removePluginRepo(urlOrName); return true; } eHeadersErrors CPluginManager::headersValid() { const auto HLVER = getHyprlandVersion(); if (!std::filesystem::exists(DataState::getHeadersPath() + "/share/pkgconfig/hyprland.pc")) return HEADERS_MISSING; // find headers commit const std::string& cmd = std::format("PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"{}/share/pkgconfig\" pkgconf --cflags --keep-system-cflags hyprland", DataState::getHeadersPath()); auto headers = execAndGet(cmd.c_str()); if (!headers.contains("-I/")) return HEADERS_MISSING; headers.pop_back(); // pop newline std::string verHeader; while (!headers.empty()) { const auto PATH = headers.substr(0, headers.find(" -I/", 3)); if (headers.find(" -I/", 3) != std::string::npos) headers = headers.substr(headers.find("-I/", 3)); else headers = ""; if (PATH.ends_with("protocols")) continue; verHeader = trim(PATH.substr(2)) + "/hyprland/src/version.h"; break; } if (verHeader.empty()) return HEADERS_CORRUPTED; // read header std::ifstream ifs(verHeader); if (!ifs.good()) return HEADERS_CORRUPTED; std::string verHeaderContent((std::istreambuf_iterator(ifs)), (std::istreambuf_iterator())); ifs.close(); const auto HASHPOS = verHeaderContent.find("#define GIT_COMMIT_HASH"); if (HASHPOS == std::string::npos || HASHPOS + 23 >= verHeaderContent.length()) return HEADERS_CORRUPTED; std::string hash = verHeaderContent.substr(HASHPOS + 23); hash = hash.substr(0, hash.find_first_of('\n')); hash = hash.substr(hash.find_first_of('"') + 1); hash = hash.substr(0, hash.find_first_of('"')); if (hash != HLVER.hash) return HEADERS_MISMATCHED; return HEADERS_OK; } bool CPluginManager::updateHeaders(bool force) { DataState::ensureStateStoreExists(); const auto HLVER = getHyprlandVersion(); if (!hasDeps()) { std::println("\n{}", failureString("Could not update. Dependencies not satisfied. Hyprpm requires: cmake, meson, cpio")); return false; } if (!std::filesystem::exists("/tmp/hyprpm")) { std::filesystem::create_directory("/tmp/hyprpm"); std::filesystem::permissions("/tmp/hyprpm", std::filesystem::perms::all, std::filesystem::perm_options::replace); } if (!force && headersValid() == HEADERS_OK) { std::println("\n{}", successString("Headers up to date.")); return true; } CProgressBar progress; progress.m_iMaxSteps = 5; progress.m_iSteps = 0; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Cloning the hyprland repository"; progress.print(); const std::string USERNAME = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_name; const auto WORKINGDIR = "/tmp/hyprpm/hyprland-" + USERNAME; if (!createSafeDirectory(WORKINGDIR)) { std::println("\n{}", failureString("Could not prepare working dir for hl")); return false; } progress.printMessageAbove(statusString("!", Colors::YELLOW, "Cloning https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland, this might take a moment.")); const bool bShallow = (HLVER.branch == "main") && !m_bNoShallow; // let us give a bit of leg-room for shallowing // due to timezones, etc. const std::string SHALLOW_DATE = trim(HLVER.date).empty() ? "" : execAndGet("LC_TIME=\"en_US.UTF-8\" date --date='" + HLVER.date + " - 1 weeks' '+%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'"); if (m_bVerbose && bShallow) progress.printMessageAbove(verboseString("will shallow since: {}", SHALLOW_DATE)); std::string ret = execAndGet("cd /tmp/hyprpm && git clone --recursive https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland hyprland-" + USERNAME + (bShallow ? " --shallow-since='" + SHALLOW_DATE + "'" : "")); if (!std::filesystem::exists(WORKINGDIR)) { progress.printMessageAbove(failureString("Clone failed. Retrying without shallow.")); ret = execAndGet("cd /tmp/hyprpm && git clone --recursive https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprland hyprland-" + USERNAME); } if (!std::filesystem::exists(WORKINGDIR + "/.git")) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("Could not clone the Hyprland repository. shell returned:\n{}", ret)); return false; } progress.printMessageAbove(successString("Hyprland cloned")); progress.m_iSteps = 2; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Checking out sources"; progress.print(); if (m_bVerbose) progress.printMessageAbove(verboseString("will run: cd {} && git checkout {} 2>&1", WORKINGDIR, HLVER.hash)); ret = execAndGet("cd " + WORKINGDIR + " && git checkout " + HLVER.hash + " 2>&1"); if (ret.contains("fatal: unable to read tree")) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("Could not checkout the running Hyprland commit. If you are on -git, try updating.\n" "You can also try re-running hyprpm update with --no-shallow.")); return false; } if (m_bVerbose) progress.printMessageAbove(verboseString("git returned (co): {}", ret)); ret = execAndGet("cd " + WORKINGDIR + " ; git rm subprojects/tracy ; git submodule update --init 2>&1 ; git reset --hard --recurse-submodules " + HLVER.hash); if (m_bVerbose) progress.printMessageAbove(verboseString("git returned (rs): {}", ret)); progress.printMessageAbove(successString("checked out to running ver")); progress.m_iSteps = 3; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Building Hyprland"; progress.print(); progress.printMessageAbove(statusString("!", Colors::YELLOW, "configuring Hyprland")); if (m_bVerbose) progress.printMessageAbove(verboseString("setting PREFIX for cmake to {}", DataState::getHeadersPath())); ret = execAndGet(std::format("cd {} && cmake --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=\"{}\" -S . -B ./build -G Ninja", WORKINGDIR, DataState::getHeadersPath())); if (m_bVerbose) progress.printMessageAbove(verboseString("cmake returned: {}", ret)); if (ret.contains("CMake Error at")) { // missing deps, let the user know. std::string missing = ret.substr(ret.find("CMake Error at")); missing = ret.substr(ret.find_first_of('\n') + 1); missing = missing.substr(0, missing.find("-- Configuring incomplete")); missing = missing.substr(0, missing.find_last_of('\n')); std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("Could not configure the hyprland source, cmake complained:\n{}\n\n" "This likely means that you are missing the above dependencies or they are out of date.", missing)); return false; } progress.printMessageAbove(successString("configured Hyprland")); progress.m_iSteps = 4; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Installing sources"; progress.print(); const std::string& cmd = std::format("sed -i -e \"s#PREFIX = /usr/local#PREFIX = {}#\" {}/Makefile && cd {} && make installheaders", DataState::getHeadersPath(), WORKINGDIR, WORKINGDIR); if (m_bVerbose) progress.printMessageAbove(verboseString("installation will run: {}", cmd)); ret = execAndGet(cmd); if (m_bVerbose) std::println("{}", verboseString("installer returned: {}", ret)); // remove build files std::filesystem::remove_all(WORKINGDIR); auto HEADERSVALID = headersValid(); if (HEADERSVALID == HEADERS_OK) { progress.printMessageAbove(successString("installed headers")); progress.m_iSteps = 5; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Done!"; progress.print(); std::print("\n"); } else { progress.printMessageAbove(failureString("failed to install headers with error code {} ({})", (int)HEADERSVALID, headerErrorShort(HEADERSVALID))); progress.m_iSteps = 5; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Failed"; progress.print(); std::print(stderr, "\n\n{}", headerError(HEADERSVALID)); return false; } return true; } bool CPluginManager::updatePlugins(bool forceUpdateAll) { if (headersValid() != HEADERS_OK) { std::println("{}", failureString("headers are not up-to-date, please run hyprpm update.")); return false; } const auto REPOS = DataState::getAllRepositories(); if (REPOS.size() < 1) { std::println("{}", failureString("No repos to update.")); return true; } const auto HLVER = getHyprlandVersion(); CProgressBar progress; progress.m_iMaxSteps = REPOS.size() * 2 + 2; progress.m_iSteps = 0; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Updating repositories"; progress.print(); const std::string USERNAME = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_name; m_szWorkingPluginDirectory = "/tmp/hyprpm/" + USERNAME; for (auto const& repo : REPOS) { bool update = forceUpdateAll; progress.m_iSteps++; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Updating " + repo.name; progress.print(); progress.printMessageAbove(infoString("checking for updates for {}", repo.name)); createSafeDirectory(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory); progress.printMessageAbove(infoString("Cloning {}", repo.url)); std::string ret = execAndGet("cd /tmp/hyprpm && git clone --recursive " + repo.url + " " + USERNAME); if (!std::filesystem::exists(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/.git")) { std::println("{}", failureString("could not clone repo: shell returned: {}", ret)); return false; } if (!repo.rev.empty()) { progress.printMessageAbove(infoString("Plugin has revision set, resetting: {}", repo.rev)); std::string ret = execAndGet("git -C " + m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + " reset --hard --recurse-submodules " + repo.rev); if (ret.compare(0, 6, "fatal:") == 0) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("could not check out revision {}: shell returned:\n{}", repo.rev, ret)); return false; } } if (!update) { // check if git has updates std::string hash = execAndGet("cd " + m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + " && git rev-parse HEAD"); if (!hash.empty()) hash.pop_back(); update = update || hash != repo.hash; } if (!update) { std::filesystem::remove_all(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory); progress.printMessageAbove(successString("repository {} is up-to-date.", repo.name)); progress.m_iSteps++; progress.print(); continue; } // we need to update progress.printMessageAbove(successString("repository {} has updates.", repo.name)); progress.printMessageAbove(infoString("Building {}", repo.name)); progress.m_iSteps++; progress.print(); std::unique_ptr pManifest; if (std::filesystem::exists(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/hyprpm.toml")) { progress.printMessageAbove(successString("found hyprpm manifest")); pManifest = std::make_unique(MANIFEST_HYPRPM, m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/hyprpm.toml"); } else if (std::filesystem::exists(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/hyprload.toml")) { progress.printMessageAbove(successString("found hyprload manifest")); pManifest = std::make_unique(MANIFEST_HYPRLOAD, m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/hyprload.toml"); } if (!pManifest) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("The provided plugin repository does not have a valid manifest")); continue; } if (!pManifest->m_bGood) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("The provided plugin repository has a corrupted manifest")); continue; } if (repo.rev.empty() && !pManifest->m_sRepository.commitPins.empty()) { // check commit pins unless a revision is specified progress.printMessageAbove(infoString("Manifest has {} pins, checking", pManifest->m_sRepository.commitPins.size())); for (auto const& [hl, plugin] : pManifest->m_sRepository.commitPins) { if (hl != HLVER.hash) continue; progress.printMessageAbove(successString("commit pin {} matched hl, resetting", plugin)); execAndGet("cd " + m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + " && git reset --hard --recurse-submodules " + plugin); } } for (auto& p : pManifest->m_vPlugins) { std::string out; if (p.since > HLVER.commits && HLVER.commits >= 1000 /* for shallow clones, we can't check this. 1000 is an arbitrary number I chose. */) { progress.printMessageAbove(failureString("Not building {}: your Hyprland version is too old.\n", p.name)); p.failed = true; continue; } progress.printMessageAbove(infoString("Building {}", p.name)); for (auto const& bs : p.buildSteps) { const std::string& cmd = std::format("cd {} && PKG_CONFIG_PATH=\"{}/share/pkgconfig\" {}", m_szWorkingPluginDirectory, DataState::getHeadersPath(), bs); out += " -> " + cmd + "\n" + execAndGet(cmd) + "\n"; } if (m_bVerbose) std::println("{}", verboseString("shell returned: {}", out)); if (!std::filesystem::exists(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/" + p.output)) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}\n" " This likely means that the plugin is either outdated, not yet available for your version, or broken.\n" "If you are on -git, update first.\n" "Try re-running with -v to see more verbose output.", failureString("Plugin {} failed to build.", p.name)); p.failed = true; continue; } progress.printMessageAbove(successString("built {} into {}", p.name, p.output)); } // add repo toml to DataState SPluginRepository newrepo = repo; newrepo.plugins.clear(); execAndGet("cd " + m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + " && git pull --recurse-submodules && git reset --hard --recurse-submodules"); // repo hash in the state.toml has to match head and not any pin std::string repohash = execAndGet("cd " + m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + " && git rev-parse HEAD"); if (repohash.length() > 0) repohash.pop_back(); newrepo.hash = repohash; for (auto const& p : pManifest->m_vPlugins) { const auto OLDPLUGINIT = std::find_if(repo.plugins.begin(), repo.plugins.end(), [&](const auto& other) { return other.name == p.name; }); newrepo.plugins.push_back(SPlugin{p.name, m_szWorkingPluginDirectory + "/" + p.output, OLDPLUGINIT != repo.plugins.end() ? OLDPLUGINIT->enabled : false}); } DataState::removePluginRepo(newrepo.name); DataState::addNewPluginRepo(newrepo); std::filesystem::remove_all(m_szWorkingPluginDirectory); progress.printMessageAbove(successString("updated {}", repo.name)); } progress.m_iSteps++; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Updating global state..."; progress.print(); auto GLOBALSTATE = DataState::getGlobalState(); GLOBALSTATE.headersHashCompiled = HLVER.hash; DataState::updateGlobalState(GLOBALSTATE); progress.m_iSteps++; progress.m_szCurrentMessage = "Done!"; progress.print(); std::print("\n"); return true; } bool CPluginManager::enablePlugin(const std::string& name) { bool ret = DataState::setPluginEnabled(name, true); if (ret) std::println("{}", successString("Enabled {}", name)); return ret; } bool CPluginManager::disablePlugin(const std::string& name) { bool ret = DataState::setPluginEnabled(name, false); if (ret) std::println("{}", successString("Disabled {}", name)); return ret; } ePluginLoadStateReturn CPluginManager::ensurePluginsLoadState() { if (headersValid() != HEADERS_OK) { std::println(stderr, "\n{}", failureString("headers are not up-to-date, please run hyprpm update.")); return LOADSTATE_HEADERS_OUTDATED; } const auto HOME = getenv("HOME"); const auto HIS = getenv("HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE"); if (!HOME || !HIS) { std::println(stderr, "PluginManager: no $HOME or HIS"); return LOADSTATE_FAIL; } const auto HYPRPMPATH = DataState::getDataStatePath() + "/"; auto pluginLines = execAndGet("hyprctl plugins list | grep Plugin"); std::vector loadedPlugins; std::println("{}", successString("Ensuring plugin load state")); // iterate line by line while (!pluginLines.empty()) { auto plLine = pluginLines.substr(0, pluginLines.find('\n')); if (pluginLines.find('\n') != std::string::npos) pluginLines = pluginLines.substr(pluginLines.find('\n') + 1); else pluginLines = ""; if (plLine.back() != ':') continue; plLine = plLine.substr(7); plLine = plLine.substr(0, plLine.find(" by ")); loadedPlugins.push_back(plLine); } // get state const auto REPOS = DataState::getAllRepositories(); auto enabled = [REPOS](const std::string& plugin) -> bool { for (auto const& r : REPOS) { for (auto const& p : r.plugins) { if (p.name == plugin && p.enabled) return true; } } return false; }; auto repoForName = [REPOS](const std::string& name) -> std::string { for (auto const& r : REPOS) { for (auto const& p : r.plugins) { if (p.name == name) return r.name; } } return ""; }; // unload disabled plugins for (auto const& p : loadedPlugins) { if (!enabled(p)) { // unload loadUnloadPlugin(HYPRPMPATH + repoForName(p) + "/" + p + ".so", false); std::println("{}", successString("Unloaded {}", p)); } } // load enabled plugins for (auto const& r : REPOS) { for (auto const& p : r.plugins) { if (!p.enabled) continue; if (std::find_if(loadedPlugins.begin(), loadedPlugins.end(), [&](const auto& other) { return other == p.name; }) != loadedPlugins.end()) continue; loadUnloadPlugin(HYPRPMPATH + repoForName(p.name) + "/" + p.filename, true); std::println("{}", successString("Loaded {}", p.name)); } } std::println("{}", successString("Plugin load state ensured")); return LOADSTATE_OK; } bool CPluginManager::loadUnloadPlugin(const std::string& path, bool load) { if (load) execAndGet("hyprctl plugin load " + path); else execAndGet("hyprctl plugin unload " + path); return true; } void CPluginManager::listAllPlugins() { const auto REPOS = DataState::getAllRepositories(); for (auto const& r : REPOS) { std::println("{}", infoString("Repository {}:", r.name)); for (auto const& p : r.plugins) { std::println(" │ Plugin {}", p.name); if (!p.failed) std::println(" └─ enabled: {}", (p.enabled ? std::string{Colors::GREEN} + "true" : std::string{Colors::RED} + "false")); else std::println(" └─ enabled: {}Plugin failed to build", Colors::RED); std::println("{}", Colors::RESET); } } } void CPluginManager::notify(const eNotifyIcons icon, uint32_t color, int durationMs, const std::string& message) { execAndGet("hyprctl notify " + std::to_string((int)icon) + " " + std::to_string(durationMs) + " " + std::to_string(color) + " " + message); } std::string CPluginManager::headerError(const eHeadersErrors err) { switch (err) { case HEADERS_CORRUPTED: return failureString("Headers corrupted. Please run hyprpm update to fix those.\n"); case HEADERS_MISMATCHED: return failureString("Headers version mismatch. Please run hyprpm update to fix those.\n"); case HEADERS_NOT_HYPRLAND: return failureString("It doesn't seem you are running on hyprland.\n"); case HEADERS_MISSING: return failureString("Headers missing. Please run hyprpm update to fix those.\n"); case HEADERS_DUPLICATED: { return failureString("Headers duplicated!!! This is a very bad sign.\n" "This could be due to e.g. installing hyprland manually while a system package of hyprland is also installed.\n" "If the above doesn't apply, check your /usr/include and /usr/local/include directories\n and remove all the hyprland headers.\n"); } default: break; } return failureString("Unknown header error. Please run hyprpm update to fix those.\n"); } std::string CPluginManager::headerErrorShort(const eHeadersErrors err) { switch (err) { case HEADERS_CORRUPTED: return "Headers corrupted"; case HEADERS_MISMATCHED: return "Headers version mismatched"; case HEADERS_NOT_HYPRLAND: return "Not running on Hyprland"; case HEADERS_MISSING: return "Headers missing"; case HEADERS_DUPLICATED: return "Headers duplicated"; default: break; } return "?"; } bool CPluginManager::hasDeps() { std::vector deps = {"meson", "cpio", "cmake", "pkg-config"}; for (auto const& d : deps) { if (!execAndGet("command -v " + d).contains("/")) return false; } return true; }