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Here you may +propose, discuss and track changes to various aspects of the HyprWM organization +including, but not limited to, community structure, project features, packaging +and security of projects. + +## What is an RFC? + +RFC stands for Request for Comments. It's a formalized way to propose +significant changes, new features, or enhancements to a project. The purpose of +an RFC is to solicit feedback and build consensus around proposed changes before +they are implemented. + +## Motivation + +The purpose of the RFC process is to provide a structured and collaborative +process for proposing and discussing significant changes, new feature additions +or enhancements to HyprWM projects. By implementing and normalizing the RFC +process, we aim to: + +- Encourage participation: Provide a platform for all community members to + contribute ideas and feedback. +- Foster consensus: Facilitate discussions to build agreement and alignment + around proposed changes before they are implemented. +- Improve transparency: Document proposals, discussions, and decisions to keep + the community informed about the direction of HyprWM projects. +- Enhance quality: Ensure that proposed changes undergo proper review and + consideration alongside healthy communication before implementation, hopefully + leading to higher-quality outcomes than hastily done merges. + +RFC documents are intended as the permanent documentation of a decision and a +snapshot of a moment in time, rather than a specification-like normative +document. The goal of the RFC process is to concentrate relevant discussion in +one location that can be easily archived and viewed. + +## When this process is followed + +The RFC process is followed when one intends to propose large changes to +projects under the HyprWM umbrella. The "large changes" in question may be +redefined in time, as the community evolves, but for the time being the +following are included: + +- Broad changes to the documentation +- Semantic or syntactic changes to, e.g., Hyprlang +- Large restructures of the community mediums (Discord, Matrix, ...) +- Nix tooling and packaging +- Expansions of the scope of HyprWM (new projects, packaging, ...) +- Introduction of new interfaces to existing projects + +Certain topics of interest, regardless of how many RFCs are submitted, will not +be subject to change: + +- The project language (C++) +- The project owner ([@vaxerski](https://github.com/vaxerski)) + +Other changes, while difficult, may be subject to change if a compelling +argument is made: + +- Build system (CMake) +- Wiki software +- Code style + +## Glossary + +### RFC Steering Committee + +A group of members assigned by the +[Core HyprWM Team](https://github.com/orgs/hyprwm/teams/core) which would stay +consistent until the team composition is potentially changed through an RFC +proposal. This committee is tasked with forming an RFC Shepherd team from the +available nominations on each new RFC. The responsibilities of this team also +include naming a "leader" for the shepherd team during its life-cycle. This +**must** happen within 2 weeks after the Pull Request to the RFCs repository has +been opened. Until a leader has been assigned, the Steering Committee will also +be held responsible for guiding all discussions under the relevant pull request. + +In case of the Shepherding Team not doing its work as expected, the Steering +Committee shall encourage them [to do so] or step in to assign a new Shepherd +team that may or may not include previous teams. They will also be in charge of +marking the end of an RFC discussion period (i.e. merging or rejecting) the RFC. + +Current RFC Steering Committee consists of: + +- TBD +- TBD +- TBD +- ... + +### Shepherd Team + +A team of 2-4 community members, defined unanimously by the RFC Steering +Committee, tasked with marking the end of an RFC's life-cycle by marking it for +either merge or rejection. This team is formed during each RFC's life-cycle, and +for the relevant RFC only from community members nominated in the discussion of +that RFC. + +This team shall be people who are very familiar with the components that are the +main subjects of the RFC, and the author may not be a part of the Shepherd Team. +In addition to the previous restrictions, at least one and at most half of the +Shepherd Team shall be part of the RFC Steering Committee. + +The responsibility of the team is to guide and moderate the discussion as long +as it is constructive, brings new points to the table and while the RFC is +iterated and circled-back to from time to time. If this is no longer the case, +the Shepherd Team shall decide on whether to proceed with the FCP. + +#### Shepherd Leader + +The Shepherd Leader refers to the person in charge of the RFC process for a +specific RFC, with the responsibility of ensuring that the process is followed +in a neat, timely and civil fashion. This person has no special responsibility +with regard to moving an undecided Shepherd Team to a certain decision. + +### Final Comment Period (FCP) + +A period of 8 calendar days, which will be called by the Shepherd Team after the +RFC has received the proper amount of discussion appropriate to the size of the +RFC, and enough of the pros and cons of said RFC have been discussed. The +Shepherd Team will propose to either accept, or reject the RFC once the FCP +period is concluded. + +## Process from Creation to Merge + +_In short, to get a major change propagated to the HyprWM organization or to a +project under the HyprWM organization, one must first get an RFC merged into the +RFC repository as a markdown file under the `rfcs` directory, with the file name +`XXXX-.md` where the `XXXX` in the name stands for the RFC number, +starting from `0000` At that point the RFC is accepted, and may be implemented +with the goal of eventual inclusion into HyprWM or a project under the HyprWM +organization._ + +
+ RFC Process +
+ +1. Have a cool idea! +2. Fill in the RFC. Put good care into details: RFCs that do not present + convincing motivation, demonstrate understanding of the impact of proposed + change or are disingenuous about the drawbacks or alternatives may be poorly + received, or vetoed. +3. In case your RFC is a technical proposal, consider preparing a prototype that + visualizes your idea for potential shepherd and bystanders. It will also help + you catch any pitfalls your idea might have stumbled upon. +4. Submit a pull request. The RFC will receive feedback on its design and + implementation from the larger community, therefore the author must be + prepared to amend and revise if necessary. +5. For the nomination process for potential members of the RFC Shepherd Team + that is exclusive to each RFC, anyone interested can either nominate another + person who is willing or themselves to be a potential member of the RFC + Shepherd team. This can already be done when submitting the PR, with a + pre-formed Shepherd team. +6. The RFC Steering Committee assigns a subset of nominees to the RFC Shepherd + Team and assigns a designated leader to it. This has to be done unanimously, + and is considered a blocker. The RFC may be on hold until a leader is + assigned. +7. Consensus is built, and potential feedback is received by the RFC author. + RFCs that have broad support and consensus are much more likely to make + forward progress than those that do not receive any comments. Do feel free to + reach out to the RFC Shepherd Team leader in particular to get help + identifying stakeholders and obstacles. +8. The RFC Shepherd team will discuss the RFC pull request, as much as possible + in the comment thread of the pull request for the relevant RFC. Discussion + outside the pull request, either offline or in a video conference, that might + be preferable to get to a solution for complex issues, must be summarized by + the participants of said discussions in the pull request comment thread. +9. RFCs rarely go through without any changes, especially as alternatives and + drawbacks are pointed out. You may make edits, big or small, to the RFC in + order to clarify or change the proposed design. However, changes must be made + as new commits to the pull request, actively avoiding force pushes. On each + commit, leave a comment explaining your changes and your motivation for them. + Do not squash or rebase commits after they have been made visible once on the + pull request. +10. At some point, a member of the RFC Shepherd Team will propose to start the + "Final Comment Period" (FCP) on behalf of the team, along with a proposed + disposition for the RFC. This is usually one of "merge" or "close", and the + final decision is forwarded to the members of the Core Team who will either + **veto** the decision, or carry it out according to previous discussion. + + - This step is taken when enough of the trade-offs and pitfalls have been + discussed that the RFC Shepherd team is in an appropriate position to make + a final decision. That does not require consensus amongst all participants + in the RFC thread (which is usually impossible). However, the argument + supporting the resulting disposition on the RFC needs to have already been + clearly articulated, and there should not be a strong consensus against + that position outside the RFC Shepherd Team. The RFC Shepherd Team members + are to use their best judgement in taking this steep, and the FCP itself + ensures there is ample time and notification for stakeholders to push back + if it is made prematurely. + + - For RFCs with lengthy discussion, the motion to FCP is usually preceded by + a summary comment trying to lay out the current state of the discussion + and major trade-offs/points of disagreement. + + - In order to actually enter FCP, it must be made clear that all members of + the RFC Shepherd team sign off the motion, e.g. through commits or + approvals, or a meeting protocol that has been recorded or transcribed. + +11. The FCP is advertised widely by the Shepherds, most importantly on + officially endorsed social channels (e.g. Discord or Matrix). It lasts 8 + calendar days starting with the announcement on the Pull Request (and the + subsequent Discord/Matrix announcement), so that it is open for at least 5 + business days. This way, all stakeholders and community members a have a + chance to raise any final objections before a decision is reached. +12. In case of acceptance, the RFC Steering Committee merges the PR. Otherwise, + the RFC's pull request is closed by a Core Team member. If no consensus can + be reached on the RFC, but the idea in general is accepted, it gets closed, + too. A note is added that it should be proposed again, when the + circumstances that are preventing the discussion from coming to another + decision change. +13. If the RFC has been accepted, but a veto right is exercised by a Core Team + member, the RFC is invited to revise or to be resubmitted in the future by + the Core Team member. However, if the Core Team member thinks the interests + of HyprWM and the RFC author misalign, the RFC may be closed outright as per + the veto privilege. + + +
+ RFC Life-cycle +
+ +## Unhappy Cases + +Ideally every RFC will complete review and be accepted or rejected. +Unfortunately, this can not always be the case. Below are the "Unhappy Cases" in +which your RFC will be held back, or closed. + +### On Hold + +If the author is unable or unwilling to update the RFC in a timely fashion they +may mark an RFC as "On Hold" to indicate that the RFC should not continue to be +pushed forward for the time being. + +### Can't Find Shepherds + +If an RFC that meet all prior conditions to move forward, but cannot establish a +team of members willing to Shepherd the RFC discussion (i.e. a Shepherd Team) +then the RFC will be put on hold for 30 days with the following message: + +``` +This RFC has acquired insufficient interest from the community. [A full +shepherd team is mandatory](https://github.com/hyprwm/RFCs/#shepherd-team) +for a RFC to move foward. + +If not enough shepherds are found within the next month, this RFC will be closed +until enough participantss are found. The PR can be reopened at anytime if +enough shepherd nominations are made. + +[Read more about the RFC process here](https://github.com/hyprwm/RFCs/blob/master/README.md) +``` + +If another month, starting from the sending of this message, passes and an RFC +team has not yet been formed, the pull request for the RFC will be closed with +the following message: + +``` +This RFC is being closed due to lack interest. If enough shepherds are found this +issue can be reopened. [Read more about the RFC process +here](https://github.com/hyprwm/RFCs/blob/master/README.md) +``` + +## The RFC life-cycle + +Most RFCs describe changes that eventually need to be implemented, usually but +not necessarily in the form of a series of pull requests to one of the +repositories under the HyprWM organization. Ideally, an implementation or a +demonstration accompanies the initial RFC pull request when it is made. If +neither are present, the RFC author shall include a "roadmap" that describes the +order in which proposed changes will happen. + +An RFC being marked as accepted shall not be seen as a rubber stamp, and in +particular still does not mean that the proposed changes will be made; it does +mean, however, in principle that all the major stakeholders have agreed to the +feature and are amenable to proceeding forward with it. In general though, the +"accepted" status means that the proposed changes are to be followed through +unless there are no substantial technical objections, or a veto from one of the +Core Team members. + +It should be noted that the fact a given RFC has been accepted implies nothing +about what priority shall be assigned to its implementation unless that has been +explicitly stated in the RFC, and has been accepted by consensus. Authors shall +not expect that other project developers or team members will take on the +responsibility for implementing proposed changes. + +## License + +All contributions are licensed by their respective authors under the +[CC-BY-SA 4.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode). diff --git a/assets/rfc-lifecycle.png b/assets/rfc-lifecycle.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a13f725 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/rfc-lifecycle.png differ diff --git a/assets/rfc-process.png b/assets/rfc-process.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..db11407 Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/rfc-process.png differ