{ description = "Official Hyprland Plugins"; inputs = { hyprland.url = "github:hyprwm/Hyprland"; nixpkgs.follows = "hyprland/nixpkgs"; systems.follows = "hyprland/systems"; }; outputs = { self, hyprland, nixpkgs, systems, ... }: let inherit (nixpkgs) lib; eachSystem = lib.genAttrs (import systems); pkgsFor = eachSystem (system: import nixpkgs { localSystem.system = system; overlays = [ self.overlays.hyprland-plugins self.overlays.gcc14Stdenv hyprland.overlays.hyprland-packages ]; }); in { packages = eachSystem (system: { inherit (pkgsFor.${system}.hyprlandPlugins) borders-plus-plus csgo-vulkan-fix hyprbars hyprexpo hyprtrails hyprwinwrap xtra-dispatchers ; }); overlays = { default = self.overlays.hyprland-plugins; hyprland-plugins = final: prev: let inherit (final) callPackage; in { hyprlandPlugins = (prev.hyprlandPlugins or {}) // { borders-plus-plus = callPackage ./borders-plus-plus {}; csgo-vulkan-fix = callPackage ./csgo-vulkan-fix {}; hyprbars = callPackage ./hyprbars {}; hyprexpo = callPackage ./hyprexpo {}; hyprtrails = callPackage ./hyprtrails {}; hyprwinwrap = callPackage ./hyprwinwrap {}; xtra-dispatchers = callPackage ./xtra-dispatchers {}; }; }; # TODO: remove when https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/365776 lands in master gcc14Stdenv = final: prev: { hyprlandPlugins = (prev.hyprlandPlugins or {}) // { mkHyprlandPlugin = hyprland: args @ {pluginName, ...}: hyprland.stdenv.mkDerivation ( args // { pname = pluginName; nativeBuildInputs = [prev.pkg-config] ++ args.nativeBuildInputs or []; buildInputs = [hyprland] ++ hyprland.buildInputs ++ (args.buildInputs or []); meta = args.meta // { description = args.meta.description or ""; longDescription = (args.meta.longDescription or "") + "\n\nPlugins can be installed via a plugin entry in the Hyprland NixOS or Home Manager options."; }; } ); }; }; }; checks = eachSystem (system: self.packages.${system}); devShells = eachSystem (system: with pkgsFor.${system}; { default = mkShell.override {stdenv = gcc14Stdenv;} { name = "hyprland-plugins"; buildInputs = [hyprland.packages.${system}.hyprland]; inputsFrom = [hyprland.packages.${system}.hyprland]; }; }); }; }