#include "barDeco.hpp" #include #include #include #include "globals.hpp" constexpr int BAR_PADDING = 10; constexpr int BUTTONS_PAD = 5; CHyprBar::CHyprBar(CWindow* pWindow) : IHyprWindowDecoration(pWindow) { m_pWindow = pWindow; const auto PMONITOR = g_pCompositor->getMonitorFromID(pWindow->m_iMonitorID); PMONITOR->scheduledRecalc = true; m_pMouseButtonCallback = HyprlandAPI::registerCallbackDynamic( PHANDLE, "mouseButton", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { onMouseDown(info, std::any_cast(param)); }); m_pMouseMoveCallback = HyprlandAPI::registerCallbackDynamic(PHANDLE, "mouseMove", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { onMouseMove(std::any_cast(param)); }); } CHyprBar::~CHyprBar() { damageEntire(); HyprlandAPI::unregisterCallback(PHANDLE, m_pMouseButtonCallback); HyprlandAPI::unregisterCallback(PHANDLE, m_pMouseMoveCallback); std::erase(g_pGlobalState->bars, this); } SDecorationPositioningInfo CHyprBar::getPositioningInfo() { static auto* const PHEIGHT = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:bar_height")->intValue; static auto* const PPRECEDENCE = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:bar_precedence_over_border")->intValue; SDecorationPositioningInfo info; info.policy = DECORATION_POSITION_STICKY; info.edges = DECORATION_EDGE_TOP; info.priority = *PPRECEDENCE ? 10005 : 5000; info.reserved = true; info.desiredExtents = {{0, *PHEIGHT}, {0, 0}}; return info; } void CHyprBar::onPositioningReply(const SDecorationPositioningReply& reply) { if (reply.assignedGeometry.size() != m_bAssignedBox.size()) m_bWindowSizeChanged = true; m_bAssignedBox = reply.assignedGeometry; } void CHyprBar::onMouseDown(SCallbackInfo& info, wlr_pointer_button_event* e) { if (m_pWindow != g_pCompositor->m_pLastWindow) return; const auto COORDS = cursorRelativeToBar(); static auto* const PHEIGHT = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:bar_height")->intValue; const auto BORDERSIZE = m_pWindow->getRealBorderSize(); if (!VECINRECT(COORDS, 0, 0, assignedBoxGlobal().w + BORDERSIZE * 2, *PHEIGHT)) { if (m_bDraggingThis) { g_pKeybindManager->m_mDispatchers["mouse"]("0movewindow"); Debug::log(LOG, "[hyprbars] Dragging ended on {:x}", (uintptr_t)m_pWindow); } m_bDraggingThis = false; m_bDragPending = false; return; } if (e->state != WLR_BUTTON_PRESSED) { if (m_bCancelledDown) info.cancelled = true; m_bCancelledDown = false; if (m_bDraggingThis) { g_pKeybindManager->m_mDispatchers["mouse"]("0movewindow"); m_bDraggingThis = false; Debug::log(LOG, "[hyprbars] Dragging ended on {:x}", (uintptr_t)m_pWindow); } m_bDragPending = false; return; } info.cancelled = true; m_bCancelledDown = true; // check if on a button float offset = 0; for (auto& b : g_pGlobalState->buttons) { const auto BARBUF = Vector2D{(int)assignedBoxGlobal().w, *PHEIGHT + BORDERSIZE}; Vector2D currentPos = Vector2D{BARBUF.x - 2 * BUTTONS_PAD - b.size - offset, (BARBUF.y - b.size) / 2.0}.floor(); if (VECINRECT(COORDS, currentPos.x, currentPos.y, currentPos.x + b.size + BUTTONS_PAD, currentPos.y + b.size)) { // hit on close g_pKeybindManager->m_mDispatchers["exec"](b.cmd); return; } offset += BUTTONS_PAD + b.size; } m_bDragPending = true; } void CHyprBar::onMouseMove(Vector2D coords) { if (m_bDragPending) { m_bDragPending = false; g_pKeybindManager->m_mDispatchers["mouse"]("1movewindow"); m_bDraggingThis = true; Debug::log(LOG, "[hyprbars] Dragging initiated on {:x}", (uintptr_t)m_pWindow); return; } } void CHyprBar::renderText(CTexture& out, const std::string& text, const CColor& color, const Vector2D& bufferSize, const float scale, const int fontSize) { const auto CAIROSURFACE = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, bufferSize.x, bufferSize.y); const auto CAIRO = cairo_create(CAIROSURFACE); // clear the pixmap cairo_save(CAIRO); cairo_set_operator(CAIRO, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint(CAIRO); cairo_restore(CAIRO); // draw title using Pango PangoLayout* layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(CAIRO); pango_layout_set_text(layout, text.c_str(), -1); PangoFontDescription* fontDesc = pango_font_description_from_string("sans"); pango_font_description_set_size(fontDesc, fontSize * scale * PANGO_SCALE); pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, fontDesc); pango_font_description_free(fontDesc); const int maxWidth = bufferSize.x; pango_layout_set_width(layout, maxWidth * PANGO_SCALE); pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE); cairo_set_source_rgba(CAIRO, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); int layoutWidth, layoutHeight; pango_layout_get_size(layout, &layoutWidth, &layoutHeight); const double xOffset = (bufferSize.x / 2.0 - layoutWidth / PANGO_SCALE / 2.0); const double yOffset = (bufferSize.y / 2.0 - layoutHeight / PANGO_SCALE / 2.0); cairo_move_to(CAIRO, xOffset, yOffset); pango_cairo_show_layout(CAIRO, layout); g_object_unref(layout); cairo_surface_flush(CAIROSURFACE); // copy the data to an OpenGL texture we have const auto DATA = cairo_image_surface_get_data(CAIROSURFACE); out.allocate(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, out.m_iTexID); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); #ifndef GLES2 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, GL_BLUE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, GL_RED); #endif glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, bufferSize.x, bufferSize.y, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, DATA); // delete cairo cairo_destroy(CAIRO); cairo_surface_destroy(CAIROSURFACE); } void CHyprBar::renderBarTitle(const Vector2D& bufferSize, const float scale) { static auto* const PCOLOR = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:col.text")->intValue; static auto* const PSIZE = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:bar_text_size")->intValue; static auto* const PFONT = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:bar_text_font")->strValue; static auto* const PALIGN = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:bar_text_align")->strValue; const auto BORDERSIZE = m_pWindow->getRealBorderSize(); float buttonSizes = 0; for (auto& b : g_pGlobalState->buttons) { buttonSizes += b.size; } const auto scaledSize = *PSIZE * scale; const auto scaledBorderSize = BORDERSIZE * scale; const auto scaledButtonsSize = buttonSizes * scale; const auto scaledButtonsPad = BUTTONS_PAD * scale; const auto scaledBarPadding = BAR_PADDING * scale; const CColor COLOR = *PCOLOR; const auto CAIROSURFACE = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, bufferSize.x, bufferSize.y); const auto CAIRO = cairo_create(CAIROSURFACE); // clear the pixmap cairo_save(CAIRO); cairo_set_operator(CAIRO, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint(CAIRO); cairo_restore(CAIRO); // draw title using Pango PangoLayout* layout = pango_cairo_create_layout(CAIRO); pango_layout_set_text(layout, m_szLastTitle.c_str(), -1); PangoFontDescription* fontDesc = pango_font_description_from_string(PFONT->c_str()); pango_font_description_set_size(fontDesc, scaledSize * PANGO_SCALE); pango_layout_set_font_description(layout, fontDesc); pango_font_description_free(fontDesc); const int leftPadding = scaledBorderSize + scaledBarPadding; const int rightPadding = scaledButtonsSize + (scaledButtonsPad * 3) + scaledBorderSize + scaledBarPadding; const int maxWidth = bufferSize.x - leftPadding - rightPadding; pango_layout_set_width(layout, maxWidth * PANGO_SCALE); pango_layout_set_ellipsize(layout, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END); cairo_set_source_rgba(CAIRO, COLOR.r, COLOR.g, COLOR.b, COLOR.a); int layoutWidth, layoutHeight; pango_layout_get_size(layout, &layoutWidth, &layoutHeight); const int xOffset = *PALIGN == "left" ? std::round(scaledBarPadding) : std::round(((bufferSize.x - scaledBorderSize) / 2.0 - layoutWidth / PANGO_SCALE / 2.0)); const int yOffset = std::round((bufferSize.y / 2.0 - layoutHeight / PANGO_SCALE / 2.0)); cairo_move_to(CAIRO, xOffset, yOffset); pango_cairo_show_layout(CAIRO, layout); g_object_unref(layout); cairo_surface_flush(CAIROSURFACE); // copy the data to an OpenGL texture we have const auto DATA = cairo_image_surface_get_data(CAIROSURFACE); m_tTextTex.allocate(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_tTextTex.m_iTexID); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); #ifndef GLES2 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, GL_BLUE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, GL_RED); #endif glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, bufferSize.x, bufferSize.y, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, DATA); // delete cairo cairo_destroy(CAIRO); cairo_surface_destroy(CAIROSURFACE); } void CHyprBar::renderBarButtons(const Vector2D& bufferSize, const float scale) { const auto scaledButtonsPad = BUTTONS_PAD * scale; const auto CAIROSURFACE = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, bufferSize.x, bufferSize.y); const auto CAIRO = cairo_create(CAIROSURFACE); // clear the pixmap cairo_save(CAIRO); cairo_set_operator(CAIRO, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint(CAIRO); cairo_restore(CAIRO); // draw buttons int offset = scaledButtonsPad; auto drawButton = [&](SHyprButton& button) -> void { const auto scaledButtonSize = button.size * scale; Vector2D currentPos = Vector2D{bufferSize.x - offset - scaledButtonSize, (bufferSize.y - scaledButtonSize) / 2.0}.floor(); const int X = currentPos.x; const int Y = currentPos.y; const int RADIUS = static_cast(std::ceil(scaledButtonSize / 2.0)); cairo_set_source_rgba(CAIRO, button.col.r, button.col.g, button.col.b, button.col.a); cairo_arc(CAIRO, X, Y + RADIUS, RADIUS, 0, 2 * M_PI); cairo_fill(CAIRO); offset += scaledButtonsPad + scaledButtonSize; }; for (auto& b : g_pGlobalState->buttons) { drawButton(b); } // copy the data to an OpenGL texture we have const auto DATA = cairo_image_surface_get_data(CAIROSURFACE); m_tButtonsTex.allocate(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_tButtonsTex.m_iTexID); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); #ifndef GLES2 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, GL_BLUE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, GL_RED); #endif glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, bufferSize.x, bufferSize.y, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, DATA); // delete cairo cairo_destroy(CAIRO); cairo_surface_destroy(CAIROSURFACE); } void CHyprBar::renderBarButtonsText(CBox* barBox, const float scale, const float a) { const auto scaledButtonsPad = BUTTONS_PAD * scale; int offset = scaledButtonsPad; auto drawButton = [&](SHyprButton& button) -> void { const auto scaledButtonSize = button.size * scale; if (button.iconTex.m_iTexID == 0 /* icon is not rendered */ && !button.icon.empty()) { // render icon const Vector2D BUFSIZE = {scaledButtonSize, scaledButtonSize}; const bool LIGHT = button.col.r + button.col.g + button.col.b < 1; renderText(button.iconTex, button.icon, LIGHT ? CColor(0xFFFFFFFF) : CColor(0xFF000000), BUFSIZE, scale, button.size * 0.62); } if (button.iconTex.m_iTexID == 0) return; CBox pos = {barBox->x + barBox->width - offset - scaledButtonSize * 1.5, barBox->y + (barBox->height - scaledButtonSize) / 2.0, scaledButtonSize, scaledButtonSize}; g_pHyprOpenGL->renderTexture(button.iconTex, &pos, a); offset += scaledButtonsPad + scaledButtonSize; }; for (auto& b : g_pGlobalState->buttons) { drawButton(b); } } void CHyprBar::draw(CMonitor* pMonitor, float a, const Vector2D& offset) { if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(m_pWindow)) return; if (!m_pWindow->m_sSpecialRenderData.decorate) return; static auto* const PCOLOR = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:bar_color")->intValue; static auto* const PHEIGHT = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:bar_height")->intValue; static auto* const PPRECEDENCE = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:bar_precedence_over_border")->intValue; if (*PHEIGHT < 1) { m_iLastHeight = *PHEIGHT; return; } const auto PWORKSPACE = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(m_pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); const auto WORKSPACEOFFSET = PWORKSPACE && !m_pWindow->m_bPinned ? PWORKSPACE->m_vRenderOffset.vec() : Vector2D(); const auto ROUNDING = m_pWindow->rounding() + (*PPRECEDENCE ? 0 : m_pWindow->getRealBorderSize()); const auto scaledRounding = ROUNDING > 0 ? ROUNDING * pMonitor->scale - 2 /* idk why but otherwise it looks bad due to the gaps */ : 0; CColor color = *PCOLOR; color.a *= a; m_seExtents = {{0, *PHEIGHT}, {}}; const auto DECOBOX = assignedBoxGlobal(); const auto BARBUF = DECOBOX.size() * pMonitor->scale; CBox titleBarBox = {DECOBOX.x - pMonitor->vecPosition.x, DECOBOX.y - pMonitor->vecPosition.y, DECOBOX.w, DECOBOX.h + ROUNDING * 3 /* to fill the bottom cuz we can't disable rounding there */}; titleBarBox.translate(offset).scale(pMonitor->scale).round(); if (titleBarBox.w < 1 || titleBarBox.h < 0) return; g_pHyprOpenGL->scissor(&titleBarBox); if (ROUNDING) { glClearStencil(0); glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); glEnable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 1, -1); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); glColorMask(GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE, GL_FALSE); // the +1 is a shit garbage temp fix until renderRect supports an alpha matte CBox windowBox = {m_pWindow->m_vRealPosition.vec().x + offset.x - pMonitor->vecPosition.x + 1, m_pWindow->m_vRealPosition.vec().y + offset.y - pMonitor->vecPosition.y + 1, m_pWindow->m_vRealSize.vec().x - 2, m_pWindow->m_vRealSize.vec().y - 2}; windowBox.translate(WORKSPACEOFFSET).scale(pMonitor->scale).round(); g_pHyprOpenGL->renderRect(&windowBox, CColor(0, 0, 0, 0), scaledRounding); glColorMask(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE); glStencilFunc(GL_NOTEQUAL, 1, -1); glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_REPLACE); } g_pHyprOpenGL->renderRect(&titleBarBox, color, scaledRounding); // render title if (m_szLastTitle != m_pWindow->m_szTitle || m_bWindowSizeChanged || m_tTextTex.m_iTexID == 0) { m_szLastTitle = m_pWindow->m_szTitle; renderBarTitle(BARBUF, pMonitor->scale); } if (ROUNDING) { // cleanup stencil glClearStencil(0); glClear(GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST); glStencilMask(-1); glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 1, 0xFF); } CBox textBox = {titleBarBox.x, titleBarBox.y, (int)BARBUF.x, (int)BARBUF.y}; g_pHyprOpenGL->renderTexture(m_tTextTex, &textBox, a); if (m_bButtonsDirty || m_bWindowSizeChanged) { renderBarButtons(BARBUF, pMonitor->scale); m_bButtonsDirty = false; } g_pHyprOpenGL->renderTexture(m_tButtonsTex, &textBox, a); g_pHyprOpenGL->scissor((CBox*)nullptr); renderBarButtonsText(&textBox, pMonitor->scale, a); m_bWindowSizeChanged = false; // dynamic updates change the extents if (m_iLastHeight != *PHEIGHT) { g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->recalculateWindow(m_pWindow); m_iLastHeight = *PHEIGHT; } } eDecorationType CHyprBar::getDecorationType() { return DECORATION_CUSTOM; } void CHyprBar::updateWindow(CWindow* pWindow) { damageEntire(); } void CHyprBar::damageEntire() { ; // ignored } Vector2D CHyprBar::cursorRelativeToBar() { return g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal() - assignedBoxGlobal().pos(); } eDecorationLayer CHyprBar::getDecorationLayer() { return DECORATION_LAYER_UNDER; } uint64_t CHyprBar::getDecorationFlags() { static auto* const PPART = &HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprbars:bar_part_of_window")->intValue; return DECORATION_ALLOWS_MOUSE_INPUT | (*PPART ? DECORATION_PART_OF_MAIN_WINDOW : 0); } CBox CHyprBar::assignedBoxGlobal() { CBox box = m_bAssignedBox; box.translate(g_pDecorationPositioner->getEdgeDefinedPoint(DECORATION_EDGE_TOP, m_pWindow)); const auto PWORKSPACE = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(m_pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID); const auto WORKSPACEOFFSET = PWORKSPACE && !m_pWindow->m_bPinned ? PWORKSPACE->m_vRenderOffset.vec() : Vector2D(); return box.translate(WORKSPACEOFFSET); }