#define WLR_USE_UNSTABLE #include #include #include #include #include #define private public #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef private #include "globals.hpp" // Do NOT change this function. APICALL EXPORT std::string PLUGIN_API_VERSION() { return HYPRLAND_API_VERSION; } // hooks inline CFunctionHook* subsurfaceHook = nullptr; inline CFunctionHook* commitHook = nullptr; typedef void (*origCommitSubsurface)(CSubsurface* thisptr); typedef void (*origCommit)(void* owner, void* data); std::vector bgWindows; // void onNewWindow(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { static auto* const PCLASS = (Hyprlang::STRING const*)HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprwinwrap:class")->getDataStaticPtr(); if (pWindow->m_szInitialClass != *PCLASS) return; const auto PMONITOR = pWindow->m_pMonitor.lock(); if (!PMONITOR) return; if (!pWindow->m_bIsFloating) g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->changeWindowFloatingMode(pWindow); pWindow->m_vRealSize->setValueAndWarp(PMONITOR->vecSize); pWindow->m_vRealPosition->setValueAndWarp(PMONITOR->vecPosition); pWindow->m_vSize = PMONITOR->vecSize; pWindow->m_vPosition = PMONITOR->vecPosition; pWindow->m_bPinned = true; g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowSize(pWindow, pWindow->m_vRealSize->goal(), true); bgWindows.push_back(pWindow); pWindow->m_bHidden = true; // no renderino hyprland pls g_pInputManager->refocus(); Debug::log(LOG, "[hyprwinwrap] new window moved to bg {}", pWindow); } void onCloseWindow(PHLWINDOW pWindow) { std::erase_if(bgWindows, [pWindow](const auto& ref) { return ref.expired() || ref.lock() == pWindow; }); Debug::log(LOG, "[hyprwinwrap] closed window {}", pWindow); } void onRenderStage(eRenderStage stage) { if (stage != RENDER_PRE_WINDOWS) return; for (auto& bg : bgWindows) { const auto bgw = bg.lock(); if (bgw->m_pMonitor != g_pHyprOpenGL->m_RenderData.pMonitor) continue; timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &now); // cant use setHidden cuz that sends suspended and shit too that would be laggy bgw->m_bHidden = false; g_pHyprRenderer->renderWindow(bgw, g_pHyprOpenGL->m_RenderData.pMonitor.lock(), &now, false, RENDER_PASS_ALL, false, true); bgw->m_bHidden = true; } } void onCommitSubsurface(CSubsurface* thisptr) { const auto PWINDOW = thisptr->m_pWLSurface->getWindow(); if (!PWINDOW || std::find_if(bgWindows.begin(), bgWindows.end(), [PWINDOW](const auto& ref) { return ref.lock() == PWINDOW; }) == bgWindows.end()) { ((origCommitSubsurface)subsurfaceHook->m_pOriginal)(thisptr); return; } // cant use setHidden cuz that sends suspended and shit too that would be laggy PWINDOW->m_bHidden = false; ((origCommitSubsurface)subsurfaceHook->m_pOriginal)(thisptr); if (const auto MON = PWINDOW->m_pMonitor.lock(); MON) g_pHyprOpenGL->markBlurDirtyForMonitor(MON); PWINDOW->m_bHidden = true; } void onCommit(void* owner, void* data) { const auto PWINDOW = ((CWindow*)owner)->m_pSelf.lock(); if (std::find_if(bgWindows.begin(), bgWindows.end(), [PWINDOW](const auto& ref) { return ref.lock() == PWINDOW; }) == bgWindows.end()) { ((origCommit)commitHook->m_pOriginal)(owner, data); return; } // cant use setHidden cuz that sends suspended and shit too that would be laggy PWINDOW->m_bHidden = false; ((origCommit)commitHook->m_pOriginal)(owner, data); if (const auto MON = PWINDOW->m_pMonitor.lock(); MON) g_pHyprOpenGL->markBlurDirtyForMonitor(MON); PWINDOW->m_bHidden = true; } void onConfigReloaded() { static auto* const PCLASS = (Hyprlang::STRING const*)HyprlandAPI::getConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprwinwrap:class")->getDataStaticPtr(); g_pConfigManager->parseKeyword("windowrulev2", std::string{"float, class:^("} + *PCLASS + ")$"); g_pConfigManager->parseKeyword("windowrulev2", std::string{"size 100\% 100\%, class:^("} + *PCLASS + ")$"); } APICALL EXPORT PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION_INFO PLUGIN_INIT(HANDLE handle) { PHANDLE = handle; const std::string HASH = __hyprland_api_get_hash(); if (HASH != GIT_COMMIT_HASH) { HyprlandAPI::addNotification(PHANDLE, "[hyprwinwrap] Failure in initialization: Version mismatch (headers ver is not equal to running hyprland ver)", CHyprColor{1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0}, 5000); throw std::runtime_error("[hww] Version mismatch"); } // clang-format off static auto P = HyprlandAPI::registerCallbackDynamic(PHANDLE, "openWindow", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) { onNewWindow(std::any_cast(data)); }); static auto P2 = HyprlandAPI::registerCallbackDynamic(PHANDLE, "closeWindow", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) { onCloseWindow(std::any_cast(data)); }); static auto P3 = HyprlandAPI::registerCallbackDynamic(PHANDLE, "render", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) { onRenderStage(std::any_cast(data)); }); static auto P4 = HyprlandAPI::registerCallbackDynamic(PHANDLE, "configReloaded", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) { onConfigReloaded(); }); // clang-format on auto fns = HyprlandAPI::findFunctionsByName(PHANDLE, "onCommit"); if (fns.size() < 1) throw std::runtime_error("hyprwinwrap: onCommit not found"); for (auto& fn : fns) { if (!fn.demangled.contains("CSubsurface")) continue; subsurfaceHook = HyprlandAPI::createFunctionHook(PHANDLE, fn.address, (void*)&onCommitSubsurface); } fns = HyprlandAPI::findFunctionsByName(PHANDLE, "listener_commitWindow"); if (fns.size() < 1) throw std::runtime_error("hyprwinwrap: listener_commitWindow not found"); commitHook = HyprlandAPI::createFunctionHook(PHANDLE, fns[0].address, (void*)&onCommit); bool hkResult = subsurfaceHook->hook(); hkResult = hkResult && commitHook->hook(); if (!hkResult) throw std::runtime_error("hyprwinwrap: hooks failed"); HyprlandAPI::addConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:hyprwinwrap:class", Hyprlang::STRING{"kitty-bg"}); HyprlandAPI::addNotification(PHANDLE, "[hyprwinwrap] Initialized successfully!", CHyprColor{0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0}, 5000); return {"hyprwinwrap", "A clone of xwinwrap for Hyprland", "Vaxry", "1.0"}; } APICALL EXPORT void PLUGIN_EXIT() { ; }