#define WLR_USE_UNSTABLE #include #include #include #include #include #include "borderDeco.hpp" #include "globals.hpp" // Do NOT change this function. APICALL EXPORT std::string PLUGIN_API_VERSION() { return HYPRLAND_API_VERSION; } void onNewWindow(void* self, std::any data) { // data is guaranteed auto* const PWINDOW = std::any_cast(data); HyprlandAPI::addWindowDecoration(PHANDLE, PWINDOW, new CBordersPlusPlus(PWINDOW)); } APICALL EXPORT PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION_INFO PLUGIN_INIT(HANDLE handle) { PHANDLE = handle; const std::string HASH = __hyprland_api_get_hash(); if (HASH != GIT_COMMIT_HASH) { HyprlandAPI::addNotification(PHANDLE, "[borders-plus-plus] Failure in initialization: Version mismatch (headers ver is not equal to running hyprland ver)", CColor{1.0, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0}, 5000); throw std::runtime_error("[bpp] Version mismatch"); } HyprlandAPI::addConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:borders-plus-plus:add_borders", SConfigValue{.intValue = 1}); HyprlandAPI::addConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:borders-plus-plus:natural_rounding", SConfigValue{.intValue = 1}); for (size_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i) { HyprlandAPI::addConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:borders-plus-plus:col.border_" + std::to_string(i + 1), SConfigValue{.intValue = configStringToInt("rgba(000000ee)")}); HyprlandAPI::addConfigValue(PHANDLE, "plugin:borders-plus-plus:border_size_" + std::to_string(i + 1), SConfigValue{.intValue = -1}); } HyprlandAPI::registerCallbackDynamic(PHANDLE, "openWindow", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) { onNewWindow(self, data); }); // add deco to existing windows for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (w->isHidden() || !w->m_bIsMapped) continue; HyprlandAPI::addWindowDecoration(PHANDLE, w.get(), new CBordersPlusPlus(w.get())); } HyprlandAPI::reloadConfig(); HyprlandAPI::addNotification(PHANDLE, "[borders-plus-plus] Initialized successfully!", CColor{0.2, 1.0, 0.2, 1.0}, 5000); return {"borders-plus-plus", "A plugin to add more borders to windows.", "Vaxry", "1.0"}; } APICALL EXPORT void PLUGIN_EXIT() { ; }