# hyprbars Adds simple title bars to windows. ![preview](https://i.ibb.co/GkDTL4Q/20230228-23h20m36s-grim.png) ## Config All config options are in `plugin:hyprbars`: ``` plugin { hyprbars { # config buttons { # button config } } } ``` `bar_color` -> (col) bar's background color `bar_height` -> (int) bar's height (default 15) `col.text` -> (col) bar's title text color `bar_text_size` -> (int) bar's title text font size (default 10) `bar_text_font` -> (str) bar's title text font (default "Sans") ## Buttons Config `button_size` -> (int) the size of the buttons. `col.maximize` -> (col) maximize button color `col.close` -> (col) close button color