2024-12-05 21:55:52 +01:00
pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound
import QtQuick
import QtQuick . Controls
import QtQuick . Layouts
ApplicationWindow {
id: window
FontMetrics { id: fontMetrics }
property var windowPadding: 10
minimumWidth: Math . max ( fontMetrics . height * 10 , mainLayout . Layout . minimumWidth ) + mainLayout . anchors . margins * 2 + windowPadding * 2
minimumHeight: Math . max ( fontMetrics . height * 10 , mainLayout . Layout . minimumHeight ) + mainLayout . anchors . margins * 2 + windowPadding * 2
maximumWidth: minimumWidth
maximumHeight: minimumHeight
visible: true
component Separator: Rectangle {
color: Qt . darker ( system . windowText , 1.5 )
component VSeparator: Separator {
implicitWidth: 1
Layout.fillHeight: true
Layout.topMargin: fontMetrics . height
Layout.bottomMargin: fontMetrics . height
component HSeparator: Separator {
implicitHeight: 1
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.leftMargin: fontMetrics . height * 8
Layout.rightMargin: fontMetrics . height * 8
SystemPalette {
id: system
colorGroup: SystemPalette . Active
ColumnLayout {
id: mainLayout
spacing: fontMetrics . height
anchors {
fill: parent
margins: 4
Text {
font.pointSize: fontMetrics . height
color: system . windowText
text: "Hyprland updated to " + updateScreen . newVersion + "!"
Layout.alignment: Qt . AlignHCenter
HSeparator { }
Text {
color: system . windowText
2024-12-05 22:58:06 +01:00
text: "Hyprland has been updated! <span style=\"font-family: 'Noto Color Emoji';\">😄</span><br/><br/>Please check the release notes on GitHub: <a href=\"https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/releases\">https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/releases</a><br/><br/>Every release may come with breaking changes, so if you get any config errors, try checking the latest release notes.<br/><br/>If you are using plugins, you will need to rebuild them."
2024-12-05 21:55:52 +01:00
Layout.alignment: Qt . AlignHCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text . AlignHCenter
textFormat: TextEdit . RichText
onLinkActivated: Qt . openUrlExternally ( link )
Rectangle {
color: "transparent"
Layout.minimumHeight: 10
Layout.fillHeight: true
RowLayout {
spacing: 6
Layout.leftMargin: 20
Layout.alignment: Qt . AlignRight
Button {
text: "Don't show this when I update"
onClicked: ( e ) = > {
updateScreen . onButtonPress ( "dontshow" ) ;
Button {
text: "Thanks!"
onClicked: ( e ) = > {
updateScreen . onButtonPress ( "quit" ) ;