diff --git a/utils/update-screen/main.qml b/utils/update-screen/main.qml
index 1b86ab2..63ffb95 100644
--- a/utils/update-screen/main.qml
+++ b/utils/update-screen/main.qml
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
Text {
color: system.windowText
- text: "Hyprland has been updated! 😁
Please check the release notes on GitHub: https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/releases
Every release may come with breaking changes, so if you get any config errors, try checking the latest release notes."
+ text: "Hyprland has been updated! 😁
Please check the release notes on GitHub: https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/releases
Every release may come with breaking changes, so if you get any config errors, try checking the latest release notes.
If you are using plugins, you will need to rebuild them."
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignHCenter
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
textFormat: TextEdit.RichText