mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 19:42:07 +01:00
99 lines
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99 lines
3.9 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env node
import { globby } from 'globby'
import { spawnSync } from 'node:child_process'
import { getFileNameWithoutExtension } from '../src/lib/Helper.mjs'
// This script should be run from the root of the application
const root = new URL('..', import.meta.url)
const imageDirectories = ['static/imgs/ricing_competitions', 'static/imgs/plugins/logos']
const generatedPrefix = 'generated_'
// This value seems to work well
const maxBrightness = 65535
const brightnessThreshold = maxBrightness * 0.5
/** All files which have no `generated_` version */
const filePaths = await globby(imageDirectories, {
cwd: root,
expandDirectories: {
extensions: ['svg', 'webp', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp', 'jpeg']
gitignore: false
}).then((filePaths) => {
const fileNames = filePaths.map(getFileNameWithoutExtension)
return filePaths
(file) =>
!getFileNameWithoutExtension(file).startsWith(generatedPrefix) &&
!fileNames.includes(generatedPrefix + getFileNameWithoutExtension(file))
.map((filePath) => new URL(filePath, root))
for (const filePath of filePaths) {
const extension = filePath.pathname.split('.').at(-1)
const generatedFileName = generatedPrefix + getFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath.href) + '.webp'
const outPath = new URL('.', filePath).pathname + generatedFileName
const currentBrightness = Number(
exec(`convert "${filePath.pathname}" -colorspace Gray -format "%[mean]" info: `)
// Boost the brightness if the image is very dark
const brightnessIncrease = Math.max(1 - (currentBrightness / brightnessThreshold) * 50, 0)
// Nessecary to do it like that for Zx
const svgCommands = extension === 'svg' ? '-background none -resize 2500x2500' : ''
`magick convert ${svgCommands} -brightness-contrast ${brightnessIncrease}x40 -modulate 100,1000,100 ${filePath.pathname} ${outPath}`
// Modify colors with LUT
// spawnSync(`magick "${outPath}" "./scripts/hald-clut.color.io.png" -hald-clut "${outPath}"`)
// Also make them smaller to reduce file size
`magick convert -modulate 100,250,100 -scale 10% -gaussian-blur 0x20 -resize 500% -quality 50 "${outPath}" "${outPath}" `
console.log(`Blurred ${filePath.pathname}`)
function exec(command) {
const { stdout, error } = spawnSync(command, { shell: true })
if (error) throw error
return stdout
// // parent_path=$( cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" ; pwd -P )
// // cd "$parent_path"
// find "../static/imgs/ricing_competitions/" -type f \
// \( -iname "*.jpg" -o -iname "*.png" -o -iname "*.gif" -o -iname "*.bmp" -o -iname "*.jpeg" -o -iname "*.webp" \) -not -name "generated_*" -print0 |
// while IFS= read -r -d '' filepath; do
// echo "$filepath" gets blurred
// directory=$(dirname "$filepath")
// filename=$(basename "$filepath")
// generated_filename="${directory}/generated_${filename}"
// brightness=$( convert $filepath -colorspace Gray -format "%[mean]" info: )
// max_brightness="65535" # The possible maximum brightness possible from the previous command
// brightness_threshold=$( python -c "print( $max_brightness * 0.5 )" )
// # Boost the brightness if the image is very dark
// brightness_boost=$( python -c "print( max( (1 - ($brightness / $brightness_threshold)) * 50 , 0) )" )
// # Modify colors with LUT
// magick convert -brightness-contrast ${brightness_boost}x40 -modulate 100,1000,100 "$filepath" "$generated_filename"
// magick "$generated_filename" "./hald-clut.color.io.png" -hald-clut "$generated_filename"
// # Also make them smaller to reduce file size
// magick convert -modulate 100,250,100 -scale 10% -gaussian-blur 0x20 -resize 500% -quality 50 "$generated_filename" "$generated_filename"
// # magick convert -scale 10% -brightness-contrast ${brightness_boost}x25 -modulate 100,500,100 -gaussian-blur 0x20 -resize 1000% "$filepath" "$generated_filename"
// done