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synced 2025-02-16 18:12:08 +01:00
reworked advanced config
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 88 additions and 346 deletions
@ -220,283 +220,96 @@ You can bind a mod alone like this:
## General dispatcher list:
## General dispatcher list
Please keep in mind some layout-specific dispatchers will be listed in the
Please keep in mind some layout-specific dispatchers will be listed in the
layout pages (See the sidebar)
layout pages (See the sidebar)
### exec
executes a shell command
*Some confusing params explained:*
**params**: command
| param type | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| window | a window. Any of the following: Class regex, `title:` and a title regex, `pid:` and the pid, `address:` and the address |
| workspace | see below. |
| direction | `l` `r` `u` `d` left right up down |
| monitor | One of: direction, ID, name |
| resizeparams | Pixel delta vec2 (e.g. `10 -10`) or `exact` followed by exact vec2, e.g. `exact 1280 720`) |
| floatdelta | a float value delta, e.g `-0.2` or `+0.2`. |
| workspaceopt | see below. |
### pass
passes the key (with mods) to a specified window. Can be used as a workaround to
| dispatcher | description | params |
global keybinds not working on Wayland.
| exec | executes a shell command | command |
| pass | passes the key (with mods) to a specified window. Can be used as a workaround to global keybinds not working on Wayland. | window |
| killactive | kills the active window | none |
| workspace | changes the workspace | workspace |
| movetoworkspace | moves the focused window to a workspace | workspace |
| movetoworkspacesilent | same as above, but doesnt switch to the workspace | workspace |
| togglefloating | toggles the current window's floating state | none |
| fullscreen | toggles the focused window's fullscreen state | 0 - real fullscreen (takes your entire screen), 1 - "maximize" fullscreen (keeps the gaps and bar(s)) |
| dpms | sets all monitors' DPMS status. Do not use with a keybind directly. | `on` or `off` |
| pseudo | toggles the focused window's pseudo mode | none |
| movefocus | moves the focus in a direction | direction |
| movewindow | moves the active window in a direction or to a monitor | direction or monitor |
| resizeactive | resizes the active window | resizeparams |
| moveactive | moves the active window | resizeparams |
| cyclenext | focuses the next window on a workspace | none (for next) or `prev` (for previous) |
| focuswindow | focuses the first window matching | window |
| focusmonitor | focuses a monitor | monitor |
| splitratio | changes the split ratio | floatdelta |
| toggleopaque | toggles the current window to always be opaque | none |
| movecursortocorner | moves the cursor to the corner of the active window | direction, 0 - 3, bottom left - 0, bottom right - 1, top right - 2, top left - 3 |
| workspaceopt | toggles a workspace option for the active workspace. | workspaceopt |
| exit | exits the compositor with no questions asked. | none |
| forcerendererreload | forces the renderer to reload all resources and outputs | none |
| movecurrentworkspacetomonitor | Moves the active workspace to a monitor | monitor |
| moveworkspacetomonitor | Moves a workspace to a monitor | workspace and a monitor separated by a space |
| togglespecialworkspace | toggles the special workspace on/off | none |
**params**: a window, so:
{{< hint type=warning >}}
it is NOT recommended to set DPMS with a keybind directly, as it
class regex
`title:` and a title regex
`pid:` and the pid
`address:` and an address
### killactive
kills the focused window
**params**: none
### workspace
changes the workspace
params: workspace (see below)
### movetoworkspace
moves the focused window to workspace X
**params**: workspace (see below)
### movetoworkspacesilent
moves the focused window to workspace X, without changing to that workspace
**params**: workspace (see below)
### togglefloating
toggles the focused window floating
**params**: none
### fullscreen
toggles the focused window's fullscreen state
**params**: 0 - real fullscreen (takes your entire screen), 1 - "maximize"
fullscreen (keeps the gaps and bar(s))
### dpms
sets the monitor's dpms status.
**Warning**: it is NOT recommended to set DPMS with a keybind directly, as it
might cause undefined behavior. Instead, consider something like
might cause undefined behavior. Instead, consider something like
bind = MOD,KEY,exec,sleep 1 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off
bind = MOD,KEY,exec,sleep 1 && hyprctl dispatch dpms off
{{< /hint >}}
**params**: `on` for on, `off` for off.
### pseudo
toggles the focused window to be pseudotiled
**params**: none
### movefocus
moves the focus in a specified direction
**params**: l/r/u/d (left right up down)
### movewindow
moves the active window in a specified direction OR monitor
**params**: l/r/u/d (left right up down) OR mon: and ONE OF: l/r/u/d OR name OR
id (e.g.: `mon:DP-1` or `mon:l`)
### resizeactive
resizes the active window.
- pixel delta to resize by, integer X and Y, separated by a space.
- "exact" followed by a space and exact pixel size
negative X -> left, negative Y -> top, positive X -> right, positive Y -> bottom
bind=MOD,KEY,resizeactive,-20 0
bind=MOD,KEY,resizeactive,exact 1280 720
### moveactive
moves the active window.
- pixel delta to move by, integer X and Y, separated by a space.
- "exact" followed by a space and exact coordinates
negative X -> left, negative Y -> top, positive X -> right, positive Y -> bottom
bind=MOD,KEY,moveactive,20 -20
bind=MOD,KEY,moveactive,exact 720 0
### cyclenext
focuses the next window on a workspace
**params**: empty for next, `prev` for previous
### focuswindow
focuses the first found window matching a specified regex
class regex
`title:` and a title regex
`pid:` and the pid
`address:` and an address
### focusmonitor
focuses a monitor
**params**: direction OR name OR id
Directions: l/r/u/d (left right up down)
Name: e.g. `DP-1`
ID: e.g. `0`
(You can get names and IDs with `hyprctl monitors`)
### splitratio
changes the split ratio
**params**: relative split change, +n/-n, e.g. +0.1 or -0.02, clamps to 0.1 -
### toggleopaque
toggles the current window to always be opaque
**params**: none
### movecursortocorner
moves the cursor to the corner of the active window
**params**: direction, 0 - 3, bottom left - 0, bottom right - 1, top right - 2,
top left - 3.
### workspaceopt
toggles a workspace option for the active workspace.
**params**: a workspace option
Workspace options:
allfloat -> makes all new windows floating (also floats/unfloats windows on toggle)
allpseudo -> makes all new windows pseudo (also pseudos/unpseudos on toggle)
### exit
exits the compositor. No questions asked.
**params**: none
### forcerendererreload
forces the renderer to reload all resources and outputs.
**params**: none
### movecurrentworkspacetomonitor
Moves the active workspace to a monitor
**params**: monitor ID, name or direction (l/r/u/d)
### moveworkspacetomonitor
Moves a workspace to a monitor
**params**: workspace and monitor ID, name or direction
bind=MOD,KEY,moveworkspacetomonitor,4 0
will move workspace 4 to monitor 0.
### togglespecialworkspace
toggles the special workspace on/off.
**params**: none
## Workspaces
## Workspaces
workspace args are unified. You have six choices:
You have six choices:
ID: e.g. `1`, `2`, or `3`
- ID: e.g. `1`, `2`, or `3`
Relative ID: e.g. `+1`, `-3` or `+100`
- Relative ID: e.g. `+1`, `-3` or `+100`
Relative workspace on monitor: e.g. `m+1`, `m-1` or `m+3`
- Relative workspace on monitor: e.g. `m+1`, `m-1` or `m+3`
Relative open workspace: e.g. `e+1` or `e-10`
- Relative open workspace: e.g. `e+1` or `e-10`
Name: e.g. `name:Web`, `name:Anime` or `name:Better anime`
- Name: e.g. `name:Web`, `name:Anime` or `name:Better anime`
Special Workspace: `special` **Warning**: `special` is supported ONLY on
- Special Workspace: `special`
{{< hint type=warning >}}
`special` is supported ONLY on
`movetoworkspace`. Any other dispatcher will result in undocumented behavior.
`movetoworkspace`. Any other dispatcher will result in undocumented behavior.
{{< /hint >}}
### Special Workspace
### Special Workspace
Special workspace is what is called a "scratchpad" in some other places. A
Special workspace is what is called a "scratchpad" in some other places. A
workspace that you can toggle on/off on any monitor.
workspace that you can toggle on/off on any monitor.
### Workspace options
allfloat -> makes all new windows floating (also floats/unfloats windows on toggle)
allpseudo -> makes all new windows pseudo (also pseudos/unpseudos on toggle)
# Executing
# Executing
you can execute a shell script on startup of the compositor or on each time it's
you can execute a shell script on startup of the compositor or on each time it's
@ -554,109 +367,40 @@ windowrule=move 0 0,title:^(Firefox)(.*)$
## Rules
## Rules
### float
| rule | description |
| --- | --- |
floats a window
| float | floats a window |
| tile | tiles a window |
### tile
| fullscreen | fullscreens a window |
| move \[x\] \[y\] | moves a floating window (x,y -> int or %, e.g. 20% or 100) |
tiles a window
| size \[x\] \[y\] | resizes a floating window (x,y -> int or %, e.g. 20% or 100) |
| center | if the window is floating, will center it on the monitor |
### fullscreen
| pseudo | pseudotiles a window |
| monitor \[id\] | sets the monitor on which a window should open |
fullscreens a window
| workspace \[w\] | sets the workspace on which a window should open (for workspace syntax, see [binds->workspaces](../Advanced-config#workspaces)). You can also make \[w\] to `unset`, will unset all previous workspace rules applied to this window. You can also add `silent` after the workspace to make the window open silently. |
| opacity \[a\] | additional opacity multiplier. Options for a: `float` -> sets an opacity OR `float float` -> sets activeopacity and inactiveopacity respectively |
### move \[x\] \[y\]
| opaque | forces the window to be opaque (can be toggled with the toggleopaque dispatcher) |
| animation \[style\] (\[opt\]) | forces an animation onto a window, with a selected opt. Opt is optional. |
moves a floating window (x,y -> int or %, e.g. 20% or 100)
| rounding \[x\] | forces the application to have X pixels of rounding, ignoring the set default (in `decoration:rounding`). Has to be an int. |
| noblur | disables blur for the window |
### size \[x\] \[y\]
| nofocus | disables focus to the window |
resizes a floating window (x,y -> int or %, e.g. 20% or 100)
### center
if the window is floating, will center it on the monitor.
### pseudo
pseudotiles a window
### monitor \[id\]
sets the monitor on which a window should open
### workspace \[w\]
sets the workspace on which a window should open (for workspace syntax, see
you can also make \[w\] to `unset`, will unset all previous workspace rules
applied to this window.
you can also add `silent` after the workspace to make the window open silently.
windowrule=workspace unset,Dolphin
windowrule = move 100 100,^(kitty)$
windowrule=workspace name:amongus silent,kitty
windowrule = animation popin,^(kitty)$
windowrule=workspace 12,firefox
windowrule = noblur,^(firefox)$
### opacity \[a\]
{{< hint type=tip >}}
additional opacity multiplier
Opacity is always a PRODUCT of all opacities. E.g. active_opacity to
options for a:
`float` -> sets an opacity
`float float` -> sets activeopacity and inactiveopacity respectively
_Notice_: Opacity is always a PRODUCT of all opacities. E.g. active_opacity to
0.5 and windowrule opacity to 0.5 will result in a total opacity 0.25. You are
0.5 and windowrule opacity to 0.5 will result in a total opacity 0.25. You are
allowed to set opacities over 1, but any opacity product over 1 will cause
allowed to set opacities over 1, but any opacity product over 1 will cause
graphical glitches. E.g. 0.5 * 2 = 1, and it will be fine, 0.5 * 4 will cause
graphical glitches. E.g. 0.5 * 2 = 1, and it will be fine, 0.5 * 4 will cause
graphical glitches.
graphical glitches.
### opaque
{{< /hint >}}
forces the window to be opaque (can be toggled with the toggleopaque dispatcher)
### animation \[style\] \[opt\]
forces an animation onto a window, with a selected opt.
windowrule=animation slide left,kitty
windowrule=animation popin,dolphin
### rounding \[x\]
forces the application to have X pixels of rounding, ignoring the set default
(in `decoration:rounding`)
`x` has to be an int.
## More examples
windowrule=monitor 0,Firefox
windowrule=move 200 200,Discord
### noblur
forces the window not to have blur
### nofocus
forces the window to never receive focus
# Animations
# Animations
@ -772,10 +516,10 @@ bind=ALT,R,submap,resize # will switch to a submap called resize
submap=resize # will start a submap called "resize"
submap=resize # will start a submap called "resize"
bind=,right,resizeactive,10 0
binde=,right,resizeactive,10 0
bind=,left,resizeactive,-10 0
binde=,left,resizeactive,-10 0
bind=,up,resizeactive,0 -10
binde=,up,resizeactive,0 -10
bind=,down,resizeactive,0 10
binde=,down,resizeactive,0 10
bind=,escape,submap,reset # use reset to go back to the global submap
bind=,escape,submap,reset # use reset to go back to the global submap
@ -792,8 +536,6 @@ go back. If you do not have a terminal open, tough luck buddy. I warned you.
# Per-device input configs
# Per-device input configs
*Warning:* Some configs, notably touchpad ones, require a Hyprland restart.
Per-device config options will overwrite your options set in the `input`
Per-device config options will overwrite your options set in the `input`
section. It's worth noting that ONLY values explicitly changed will be
section. It's worth noting that ONLY values explicitly changed will be
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