--- weight: 7 title: Window Rules --- {{< callout type=warning >}} Window rules (both V1 and V2) are **case sensitive**. (e.g. `firefox` ≠ `Firefox`) {{< /callout >}} ## Window Rules V1 You can set window rules to achieve different behaviors from the active container. ### Syntax ```ini windowrule=RULE,WINDOW ``` - `RULE` is a [rule](#rules) (and a param if applicable) - `WINDOW` is a [RegEx](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression), either: - plain RegEx (for matching a window class); - `title:` followed by a regex (for matching a window's title) ### Examples ```ini windowrule=float,^(kitty)$ windowrule=move 0 0,title:^(Firefox)(.*)$ ``` ## Window Rules V2 In order to allow more flexible rules, while retaining compatibility with the above rule system, window rules V2 were implemented. In V2, you are allowed to match multiple variables. the `RULE` field is unchanged, but in the `WINDOW` field, you can put regexes for multiple values like so: ```ini windowrulev2 = float,class:(kitty),title:(kitty) ``` {{< callout type=info >}} In the case of dynamic window titles such as browser windows keep in mind how powerful regex is. for example a window rule of: `windowrule=opacity 0.3 override 0.3 override,title:(.*)(- Youtube)$` will match _any_ window that contains a string of "- Youtube" after any other text. This could be multiple browser windows or other applications that contain the string for any reason. for the `windowrulev2 = float,class:(kitty),title:(kitty)` example, the `class:(kitty)` `WINDOW` field is what keeps the window rule specific to kitty terminals. {{< /callout >}} For now, the supported fields are: ```ini class - class regex title - title regex initialclass - initialClass regex initialtitle - initialTitle regex xwayland - 0/1 floating - 0/1 fullscreen - 0/1 pinned - 0/1 focus - 0/1 workspace - id or name: and name onworkspace - id, name: and name, or workspace selector (see Workspace Rules) ``` Keep in mind that you _have_ to declare at least one field, but not all. {{< callout type=warning >}} Please beware that `hyprctl clients` display the field as **initialClass** while the WINDOW field in the configuration uses `initialclass`. {{< /callout >}} {{< callout type=info >}} To get more information about a window's class, title, XWayland status or its size, you can use `hyprctl clients`. {{< /callout >}} ## Rules ### Static rules Static rules are evaluated once at window open and never again. | Rule | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | float | floats a window | | tile | tiles a window | | fullscreen | fullscreens a window | | fakefullscreen | fakefullscreens a window | | maximize | maximizes a window | | move \[x\] \[y\] | moves a floating window (x,y -> int or %, e.g. 20% or 100. You are also allowed to do `100%-` for the right/bottom anchor, e.g. `100%-20`). Additionally, you can also do `cursor [x] [y]` where x and y are either pixels or percent. Percent is calculated from the window's size. Specify `onscreen` before other parameters to force the window into the screen (e.g. `move onscreen cursor 50% 50%`) | | size \[x\] \[y\] | resizes a floating window (x,y -> int or %, e.g. 20% or 100) | | center (\[opt\]) | if the window is floating, will center it on the monitor. Set opt as 1 to respect monitor reserved area | | pseudo | pseudotiles a window | | monitor \[id\] | sets the monitor on which a window should open. `id` can be either id or name (either e.g. `1` or e.g. `DP-1`) | | workspace \[w\] | sets the workspace on which a window should open (for workspace syntax, see [dispatchers->workspaces](../Dispatchers#workspaces)). You can also make \[w\] to `unset`, will unset all previous workspace rules applied to this window. You can also add `silent` after the workspace to make the window open silently. | | nofocus | disables focus to the window | | noinitialfocus | disables the initial focus to the window | | forceinput | forces an XWayland window to receive input, even if it requests not to do so. (Might fix issues like e.g. Game Launchers not receiving focus for some reason) | | windowdance | forces an XWayland window to never refocus, used for games/applications like Rhythm Doctor | | pin | pins the window (i.e. show it on all workspaces) *note: floating only* | | unset | removes all previously set rules for the given parameters. Please note it has to match EXACTLY. | | nomaxsize | removes max size limitations. Especially useful with windows that report invalid max sizes (e.g. winecfg) | | stayfocused | forces focus on the window as long as it's visible | | group \[options\] | set window group properties. See the note below. | | suppressevent \[types...\] | ignores specific events from the window. Events are space separated, and can be: `fullscreen` `maximize` `activate` `activatefocus` | ### Dynamic rules Dynamic rules are re-evaluated every time a property changes. | Rule | Description | | ---- | ----------- | | opacity \[a\] | additional opacity multiplier. Options for a: `float` -> sets an opacity OR `float float` -> sets activeopacity and inactiveopacity respectively. You can also add `override` after an opacity to make it override instead of a multiplier. (e.g. `1.0 override 0.5 override`) | | opaque | forces the window to be opaque (can be toggled with the toggleopaque dispatcher) | | forcergbx | makes hyprland ignore the alpha channel of all the window's surfaces, effectively making it _actually, fully 100% opaque_ | | animation \[style\] (\[opt\]) | forces an animation onto a window, with a selected opt. Opt is optional. | | rounding \[x\] | forces the application to have X pixels of rounding, ignoring the set default (in `decoration:rounding`). Has to be an int. | | minsize \[x\] \[y\] | sets the minimum size (x,y -> int) | | maxsize \[x\] \[y\] | sets the maximum size (x,y -> int) | | noblur | disables blur for the window | | noborder | disables borders for the window | | bordersize \[size\] | sets the border size | | nodim | disables window dimming for the window | | noshadow | disables shadows for the window | | noanim | disables the animations for the window | | keepaspectratio | forces aspect ratio when resizing window with the mouse | | bordercolor \[c\] | force the bordercolor of the window. Options for c: `color`/`color ... color angle` -> sets the active border color/gradient OR `color color`/`color ... color angle color ... color [angle]` -> sets the active and inactive border color/gradient of the window. See [variables->colors](../Variables#variable-types) for color definition. | | idleinhibit \[mode\] | sets an idle inhibit rule for the window. If active, apps like `hypridle` will not fire. Modes: `none`, `always`, `focus`, `fullscreen` | | dimaround | dims everything around the window . Please note this rule is meant for floating windows and using it on tiled ones may result in strange behavior. | | xray \[on\] | sets blur xray mode for the window (0 for off, 1 for on, unset for default) | | immediate | forces the window to allow to be torn. See [the Tearing page](../Tearing). | | nearestneighbor | forces the window to use the nearest neigbor filtering. | {{< callout type=info >}} ## `group` window rule options - `set` \[`always`\] - Open window as a group. - `new` - Shorthand of `barred set`. - `lock` \[`always`\] - Lock the group that added this window. Use with `set` or `new` (i.e. `new lock`) to create a new locked group. - `barred` - Do not add the window to the focused group. By default, a window with a `group set` rule will be added to an active group if possible. - `deny` - Do not allow window to be toggled as or added to group (see `denywindowfromgroup` dispatcher). - `invade` - Force open window in the locked group. - `override` \[other options\] - Override other `group` rules, e.g. You can make all windows in a particular workspace open as a group, and use `group override barred` to make windows with specific titles open as normal windows. - `unset` - Clear all `group` rules. The `group` rule without options is a shorthand for `group set`. By default, `set` and `lock` only affect new windows once. The `always` qualifier makes them always effective. {{< /callout >}} ### Example Rules ```ini windowrule = move 100 100,^(kitty)$ # moves kitty to 100 100 windowrule = animation popin,^(kitty)$ # sets the animation style for kitty windowrule = noblur,^(firefox)$ # disables blur for firefox windowrule = move cursor -50% -50%,^(kitty)$ # moves kitty to the center of the cursor windowrulev2 = bordercolor rgb(FF0000) rgb(880808),fullscreen:1 # set bordercolor to red if window is fullscreen windowrulev2 = bordercolor rgb(FFFF00),title:^(.*Hyprland.*)$ # set bordercolor to yellow when title contains Hyprland windowrule = opacity 1.0 override 0.5 override,^(kitty)$ # set opacity to 1.0 active and 0.5 inactive for kitty windowrule = rounding 10,^(kitty)$ # set rounding to 10 for kitty windowrulev2 = stayfocused, class:^(pinentry-) # fix pinentry losing focus ``` ### Notes Rules that are marked as _Dynamic_ will be reevaluated if the matching property of the window changes. For instance, if a rule is defined that changes the bordercolor of a window when it is floating, then the bordercolor will change to the requested color when it is set to floating, and revert to the default color when it is tiled again. Rules will be processed from top to bottom, where the _last_ match will take precedence. i.e. ```ini windowrulev2 = opacity 0.8 0.8,class:^(kitty)$ windowrulev2 = opacity 0.5 0.5,floating:1 ``` -> all kitty windows will have opacity 0.8, except if they are floating. Then they will have opacity 0.5. -> all floating windows will have opacity 0.5. ```ini windowrulev2 = opacity 0.5 0.5,floating:1 windowrulev2 = opacity 0.8 0.8,class:^(kitty)$ ``` -> all kitty windows will have opacity 0.8, also if they are floating. -> all other floating windows will have opacity 0.5. {{< callout type=info >}} Opacity is _always_ a PRODUCT of all opacities. E.g. `active_opacity` to 0.5 and windowrule opacity to 0.5 will result in a total opacity 0.25. You are allowed to set opacities over 1, but any opacity product over 1 will cause graphical glitches. E.g. `0.5 * 2 = 1`, and it will be fine, `0.5 * 4` will cause graphical glitches. {{< /callout >}} ## Layer Rules Some things in wayland are not windows, but layers. That includes for example most launchers, your status bar or wallpaper. Those have specific rules separate from windows: ```ini layerrule = rule, namespace # or layerrule = rule, address ``` where `rule` is the rule and `namespace` is the namespace regex (find namespaces in `hyprctl layers`) or `address` is an address in the form of `address:0x[hex]` ### Rules | rule | description | | --- | --- | | unset | removes all layerRules previously set for a select namespace regex. Please note it has to match _exactly_ | | noanim | disables animations | | blur | enables blur for the layer | | blurpopups | enables blur for the popups | | ignorealpha \[a\] | makes blur ignore pixels with opacity of `a` or lower. `a` is float value from 0 to 1. `a = 0` if unspecified. | | ignorezero | makes blur ignore fully transparent pixels. Same as `ignorealpha 0`. | | xray \[on\] | sets the blur xray mode for a layer. 0 for off, 1 for on, unset for default. | | animation \[style\] | allows you to set a specific animation style for this layer |