NOTE: This page only applies to the flake package. You can safely skip this if you use the Nixpkgs package. Hyprland is not built by Hydra and cached in ``, like the rest of the Nixpkgs packages. Instead of requiring you to build Hyprland (and its dependencies, which may include `mesa`, `ffmpeg`, etc), we provide a Cachix cache that you can add to your Nix configuration. The [Hyprland Cachix]( exists to cache the `hyprland` packages and any dependencies not found in ``. {{< hint >}} In order for Nix to take advantage of the cache, it has to be enabled **before** enabling the Hyprland flake package. {{< /hint >}} ```nix # configuration.nix { nix.settings = { substituters = [""]; trusted-public-keys = [""]; }; } ``` {{< hint type=important >}} Do **not** override Hyprland's `nixpkgs` input unless you know what you are doing. Doing so will make the cache useless, since you're building from a different Nixpkgs commit. {{< /hint >}}