The master layout makes one window be the "master", taking the left part of the screen, and tiles the rest on the right. # Quirks The right, "slave" windows will always be split uniformly. You cannot change their size. ![master1]( You can, however, resize the master window. ![master2]( # Config *category name `master`* `special_scale_factor=float` - (0.0 - 1.0) the scale of the special workspace windows `new_is_master=bool` - whether a newly open window should replace the master or join the slaves. `new_on_top=bool` - whether a newly open window should be on the top of the stack `no_gaps_when_only=bool` - whether to apply gaps when there is only one window on a workspace. ## Dispatchers `layoutmsg` params: `swapwithmaster` -> swaps the current window with master `cyclenext` -> focuses the next window respecting the layout `cycleprev` -> focuses the previous window respecting the layout example usage: ``` bind=MOD,KEY,layoutmsg,cyclenext ```