## Switchable keyboard layouts An example of a switchable keyboard layout between US and RU, where you switch between them with SUPER+A (SUPER+ะค) ``` bind=SUPER,A,exec,hyprctl keyword input:kb_layout ru bind=SUPER,Cyrillic_ef,exec,hyprctl keyword input:kb_layout us ``` You can apply this to any number of languages, mix'n'match, etc. Please note that if a keyboard layout has a different alphabet, mappings for "a" "b" "c" will be replaced with mappings from that language. (meaning, e.g. `SUPER+D` will not work on a `ru` layout, because the russian layout does not have a `D`.) If you are unsure about the key names of your chosen alphabet, refer to the [xkbcommon keysym header](https://github.com/xkbcommon/libxkbcommon/blob/master/include/xkbcommon/xkbcommon-keysyms.h). The keysym name in Hyprland is the XKB define name without the `XKB_KEY_`. ## Disabling keybinds with one master keybind If you want to disable all keybinds with another keybind (make a kaybind toggle of sorts) you can just use a submap with only a keybind to exit it. ``` bind=MOD,KEY,submap,clean submap=clean bind=MOD,KEY,submap,reset submap=reset ```