--- weight: 5 title: hyprcursor --- hyprcursor is a new cursor theme format that has many advantages over the widely used xcursor. ## Hyprcursor themes You will need to obtain those yourself. If you are on the Discord server, see `#hyprcursor-themes`. Put your theme(s) in `~/.local/share/icons` or `~/.icons` {{< callout type=warning >}} It's not recommended to put cursor themes in system-wide `/usr/share/icons` due to potential permission issues. {{< /callout >}} You can set your theme with envvars, or with `hyprctl setcursor`. Env: - `HYPRCURSOR_THEME` controls the theme. - `HYPRCURSOR_SIZE` controls the cursor size. example snippet of `hyprland.conf`: ```ini env = HYPRCURSOR_THEME,MyCursor env = HYPRCURSOR_SIZE,24 ``` ## Creating / Porting Themes Go to the [hyprcursor repo](https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprcursor) See the `docs/` and `hyprcursor-util/` directories for instructions. ## Important notes Although many apps support server-side cursors (e.g. Qt, Chromium, Electron, Hypr Ecosystem) some apps still don't (e.g. GTK). Apps that do not support server-side cursors and hyprcursor will still fall back to XCursor. For those apps, you need to export `XCURSOR_THEME` and `XCURSOR_SIZE` to a valid XCursor theme, and run `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme 'THEME_NAME'` for gtk. If `gsettings` schemas are not available to you (e.g. on NixOS you will get `No schemas installed`), you can run instead: `dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/cursor-theme "'THEME_NAME'"`. If the app is a flatpak, run `flatpak override --filesystem=~/.themes:ro --filesystem=~/.icons:ro --user` and put your themes in both `/usr/share/themes` and `~/.themes`, and put your icons and XCursors in both `/usr/share/icons` and `~/.icons`. ## I don't want to use hyprcursor If you don't have any hyprcursor themes installed, Hyprland will fall back to XCursor, and use whatever you define with `XCURSOR_THEME` and `XCURSOR_SIZE`. ## My cursor is a hyprland icon? See [FAQ](../../FAQ)