# Switchable keyboard layouts The easiest way to accomplish this is to set this using XKB settings, for example: ``` input { kb_layout = us,pl kb_options = grp:alt_shift_toggle } ``` {{< hint type=important >}} The first layout defined in the input section will be the one used for binds. For example: `us,ua` -> config binds would be e.g. `SUPER, A`, while on `ua,us` -> `SUPER, Cyrillic_ef` {{< /hint >}} # Disabling keybinds with one master keybind If you want to disable all keybinds with another keybind (make a kaybind toggle of sorts) you can just use a submap with only a keybind to exit it. ```ini bind=MOD,KEY,submap,clean submap=clean bind=MOD,KEY,submap,reset submap=reset ``` # Window Dancing Some XWayland games like Rhythm Doctor and Friday Night Funkin' mods like to move the windows by themselves, but that often doesn't work by default. For example, if you want to configure Rhythm Doctor, you'd have to: 1. Set input rules ```ini input { # ... follow_mouse=0 float_switch_override_focus=0 } ``` 2. Set the windowrule ```ini windowrule=windowdance,title:^(Rhythm Doctor)$ # windowrule=forceinput,title:^(Rhythm Doctor)$ # May also be needed ``` 3. Have fun! Click the GIF below to see a full demo video [![Demo GIF of Rhythm Doctor](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/810799100940255260/1032843745864986644/ezgif.com-gif-maker18.gif)](https://pool.jortage.com/voringme/misskey/565b9dfb-125f-4ea0-9257-b371cb4c7195.mp4) ## Shimeji To use Shimeji programs like [this](https://codeberg.org/thatonecalculator/spamton-linux-shimeji), set the following rules: ```ini windowrule=float, com-group_finity-mascot-Main windowrule=noblur, com-group_finity-mascot-Main windowrule=nofocus, com-group_finity-mascot-Main windowrule=noshadow, com-group_finity-mascot-Main windowrule=noborder, com-group_finity-mascot-Main ``` {{< hint >}} The app indicator probably won't show, so you'll have to `killall -9 java` to kill them. {{< /hint >}} ![Demo GIF of Spamton Shimeji](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/810799100940255260/1032846469855727656/ezgif.com-gif-maker19.gif)