The config is located in `~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf`. I recommend you copy the `examples/hyprland.conf`, but you can also edit the autogenerated config. By removing the line `autogenerated=1` you'll remove the yellow warning. There is no "reload" keybind. The config is reloaded the moment you save it. Start a section with `name {` and end in `}` ***in separate lines!*** {{< hint type=important >}} The default config is *very* barebones. Please refer to this wiki page and the pages linked further down here for full configuration instructions. **Make sure to read the "Basic configuring" page as well**. It covers all the toggleable / numerical options. {{< /hint >}} # Line style every config line is a command followed by a value. ```plain COMMAND=VALUE ``` The command can be a variable, or a special keyword (described further in this page) You are **allowed to** input trailing spaces at the beginning and end. e.g.: ```plain COMMAND = VALUE ``` is valid. # Basic configuring To configure the "options" of Hyprland, animations, styling, etc. see [Basic Configuring](../Basic-Config). # Advanced configuring Some keywords (binds, curves, execs, monitors, etc.) arent variables but define special behaviour. See all of them in [Advanced Configuring](../Advanced-config)