# Foreword Nvidia GPUs are widely known as... yeah. If you want to try Hyprland on Nvidia regardless (many people have reported successes), follow the [Nvidia page](https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/wiki/Nvidia) after installing Hyprland. ### Distros Arch and NixOS are very supported. For any other distro (not based on Arch/Nix) you might have varying amounts of success. However, since Hyprland is extremely bleeding-edge, distros like Pop!\_OS, Ubuntu, etc. might have **major** issues running Hyprland. # Installation Installing Hyprland is very easy. Either you install it from your local package provider (if they provide pkgs for Hyprland) or you install/build it yourself. {{< hint title=note >}} This project is under development and is constantly changing. If you want to keep up to date with the latest commits, please consider updating your packages with `yay -Syu --devel`, or your other preferred package manager. {{< /hint >}} ## Packages **WARNING:** I do not maintain any packages. If they are broken, try building from source first. {{< tabs "uniqueid" >}} {{< tab "Arch Linux" >}} *If you're on Arch Linux, I* ***heavily*** *recommend you use the AUR.* ```plain hyprland-git - compiles from latest source hyprland - compiles from latest release source hyprland-bin - compiled latest release ``` {{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Nix" >}}Read the [Nix page](https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/wiki/Nix).{{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Fedora" >}}{{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}} ## Manual (Releases) Download the most recent release. copy the binary (Hyprland) to `/usr/bin/`. copy hyprctl to `/usr/bin/`. copy the wlroots .so (`wlroots.so.XX032`) to `/usr/lib/`. copy the desktop entry (`examples/Hyprland.desktop`) to `/usr/share/wayland-sessions/` the example config is in `examples/Hyprland.conf`. For updating later on, you can overwrite the binaries (hyprctl, hyprland and libwlroots), you don't need to update anything else. ## Manual (Manual Build) *Arch dependencies*: ```plain yay -S gdb ninja gcc cmake libxcb xcb-proto xcb-util xcb-util-keysyms libxfixes libx11 libxcomposite xorg-xinput libxrender pixman wayland-protocols cairo pango ``` (If any are missing hmu) Please note Hyprland builds `wlroots`. Make sure you have the dependencies of wlroots installed, you can make sure you have them by installing wlroots separately (Hyprland doesn't mind) Also note that Hyprland uses the C++23 standard, so your compiler has to support that (`gcc>=12.1.0` or `clang>=15`) ### CMake (recommended) ```Plain git clone --recursive https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland cd Hyprland sudo make install ``` ### Meson ```plain meson _build ninja -C _build ninja -C _build install ``` Refer to [Debugging](../../Contributing-and-Debugging) to see how to build & debug. ## Crash on launch See the log, `cat /tmp/hypr/[INSTANCE_SIGNATURE]/hyprland.log` *If you are unsure of the signature, grab the one that's the most recently modified.* Diagnose the issue by what is in the log: - `sWLRBackend was NULL!` -> launch in the TTY and refer to the wlr logs in RED. - `Monitor X has NO PREFERRED MODE, and an INVALID one was requested` -> your monitor is borked. - Other -> see the coredump. Use `coredumpctl`, find the latest one's PID and do `coredumpctl info PID`. - failing on a driver (e.g. `radeon`) -> try compiling with `make legacyrenderer`. If that doesn't help, report an issue. - failing on `wlr-xxx` -> try compiling with `make legacyrenderer`. If that doesn't help, report an issue, and also refer to the TTY wlr logs in RED like in the first point. - failing on `Hyprland` -> report an issue. ## Custom installation (legacy renderer, etc) cd into the hyprland repo. for legacy renderer: ```plain sudo make clear && sudo make config && make legacyrenderer && sudo cp ./build/Hyprland /usr/bin && sudo cp ./example/hyprland.desktop /usr/share/wayland-sessions ``` _please note the legacy renderer may not support some graphical features._

Any other config: (replace \[PRESET\] with your preset, `release` `debug` `legacyrenderer` `legacyrendererdebug`) ```plain sudo make clear && sudo make config && make [PRESET] && sudo cp ./build/Hyprland /usr/bin && sudo cp ./example/hyprland.desktop /usr/share/wayland-sessions ``` ## Custom Build flags To apply custom build flags, you'll have to ditch make. Supported custom build flags: ```plain NO_XWAYLAND - Removes XWayland support ``` How to? Go to the root repo. Clean before everything and config the root: ```plain make clear && sudo make config ``` Then, configure CMake: ```plain mkdir -p build && cmake --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -D:STRING=true -H./ -B./build -G Ninja ``` Change `` to one of the custom build flags. You **are allowed to** use multiple at once, then add another `-D:STRING=true` You can of course also change the `BUILD_TYPE` to `Debug`. Now, build: ```plain cmake --build ./build --config Release --target all -j 10 ``` If you configured in `Debug`, change the `--config` to `Debug` as well. Now, of course, install manually. ```plain sudo cp ./build/Hyprland /usr/bin && sudo cp ./example/hyprland.desktop /usr/share/wayland-sessions ``` # Launching You can launch Hyprland by either going into a TTY and executing `Hyprland`, or with a login manager. **!IMPORTANT**: Do **not** launch Hyprland with `root` permissions (don't `sudo`) Login managers are not officially supported, but here's a short compatibility list: - SDDM → Works flawlessly - GDM → Works with the caveat of crashing Hyprland on the first launch - ly → Works with minor to major issues and/or caveats