Dwindle is a BSPWM-like layout, where every window on a workspace is a member of a binary tree. # Quirks Dwindle splits are NOT PERMANENT. The split is determined dynamically with the W/H ratio of the parent node. If W > H, it's side-by-side. If H > W, it's top-and-bottom. You can make them permanent by enabling `preserve_split`. # Config category name: `dwindle` | name | description | type | default | |---|---|---|---|---| | pseudotile | enable pseudotiling. Pseudotiled windows retain their floating size when tiled. | bool | false | | force_split | 0 -> split follows mouse, 1 -> always split to the left (new = left or top) 2 -> always split to the right (new = right or bottom) | int | 0 | | preserve_split | if enabled, the split (side/top) will not change regardless of what happens to the container. | bool | false | | special_scale_factor | 0 - 1 -> specifies the scale factor of windows on the special workspace | float | 0.8 | | split_width_multiplier | specifies the auto-split width multiplier | float | 1.0 | | no_gaps_when_only | whether to apply gaps when there is only one window on a workspace, aka. smart gaps. | bool | false | | use_active_for_splits | whether to prefer the active window or the mouse position for splits | bool | true | | default_split_ratio | the default split ratio on window open. 1 means even 50/50 split. 0.1 - 1.9 | float | 1.0 | # Bind Dispatchers | dispatcher | description | params | |---|---|---| | togglesplit | toggles the split (top/side) of the current window. `preserve_split` must be enabled for toggling to work. | none | | pseudo | toggles the focused window's pseudo mode | none |