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For basic syntax info, see
[Master Configuring](https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/wiki/Configuring-Hyprland).
This page documents all the "options" of Hyprland. For binds, monitors, execs,
curves, etc. see
[Advanced Configuring](https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/wiki/Advanced-config).
Please keep in mind some options that are layout-specific will be documented in the layout pages and
not here. (See the Sidebar)
# Variable types
Variable types are:
`int` - integer
`bool` - boolean, `true` or `false` (`yes` or `no`, `0` or `1`) - any numerical value that is not `0` or `1` will cause undefined behaviour.
`float` - floating point number
`col` - color (e.g. 0x22334455 - alpha 0x22, red 0x33, green 0x44, blue 0x55)
`vec2` - vector with 2 values (float), separated by a space (e.g. `0 0` or
`-10.9 99.1`)
`MOD` - a string modmask (e.g. SUPER or SUPERSHIFT or
Mod list:
# Sections
## General
`sensitivity=float` - mouse sensitivity (\*this is Hyprland sensitivity, added
on top of the data. To modify the data per-device, or more accurately
(sensitivities > 1 might cause mouse to jump pixels), see `input:sensitivity`)
`apply_sens_to_raw=bool` - if on, will also apply the sensitivity to raw mouse
output (e.g. sensitivity in games)
`main_mod=MOD` - the mod used to move/resize windows (hold main_mod and LMB/RMB,
try it and you'll know what I mean.)
`border_size=int` - border thickness
`no_border_on_floating=bool` - disable borders for floating windows.
`gaps_in=int` - gaps between windows
`gaps_out=int` - gaps between window-monitor edge
`col.active_border=col` - self-explanatory
`col.inactive_border=col` - self-explanatory
`cursor_inactive_timeout=int` - in seconds, after how many seconds of cursor's
inactivity to hide it. (default / never is `0`)
`damage_tracking=str` - Makes the compositor redraw only the needed bits of the
display. Saves on resources by not redrawing when not needed. Available modes:
`none, monitor, full`. You don't need to know what different modes do, just always use `full`.
`layout=str` - which layout to use. (Available: `dwindle`, `master`, default is
`no_cursor_warps=bool` - if true, will not warp the cursor in many cases (focusing, keybinds, etc)
## Decoration
`rounding=int` - rounded corners radius (in pixels)
`multisample_edges=bool` - enable antialiasing (no-jaggies) for rounded corners.
`no_blur_on_oversized=bool` - disable blur on oversized windows (deprecated,
leave at `0`)
`active_opacity=float` - self-explanatory, 0 - 1
`inactive_opacity=float` - self-explanatory, 0 - 1
`fullscreen_opacity=float` - self-explanatory, 0 - 1
`blur=bool` - enable dual kawase window background blur
`blur_size=int` - Minimum 1, blur size (intensity)
`blur_passes=int` - Minimim 1, more passes = more resource intensive.
Your blur "amount" is blur_size * blur_passes, but high blur_size (over around
5-ish) will produce artifacts.
If you want heavy blur, you need to up the blur_passes.
The more passes, the more you can up the blur_size without noticing artifacts.
`blur_ignore_opacity=bool` - make the blur layer ignore the opacity of the
`blur_new_optimizations=bool` - whether to enable further optimizations to the blur. Recommended to turn on, as it will massively improve performance, but some people have experienced graphical issues.
`drop_shadow=bool` - enable drop shadows on windows
`shadow_range=int` - Shadow range (in pixels), more = larger shadow
`shadow_render_power=int` - (1 - 4), in what power to render the falloff (more
power, the faster the falloff)
`shadow_ignore_window=bool` - if true, the shadow will not be rendered behind
the window itself, only around it.
`col.shadow=col` - shadow's color. Alpha dictates shadow's opacity.
`col.shadow_inactive=col` - inactive shadow color. (if not set, will fall back
to col.shadow)
`shadow_offset=vec2` - shadow's rendering offset.
## Animations
`enabled=bool` - enable animations
_More about animations is on the Advanced Configuring page._
## Input
`kb_layout=str` `kb_variant=str` `kb_model=str` `kb_options=str` `kb_rules=str`
\- adequate keyboard settings
`follow_mouse=int` - (0/1/2/3) enable mouse following (focus on enter new window)
\- Quirk: will always focus on mouse enter if you're entering a floating window
from a tiled one, or vice versa. 0 - disabled, 1 - full, 2 - loose. Loose will
focus mouse on other windows on focus but not the keyboard.
3 - full loose, will not refocus on click, but allow mouse focus to be detached from the keyboard like in 2.
`repeat_rate=int` - in ms, the repeat rate for held keys
`repeat_delay=int` - in ms, the repeat delay (grace period) before the spam
`natural_scroll=bool` - enable natural scroll
`numlock_by_default=bool` - lock numlock by default
`force_no_accel=bool` - force no mouse acceleration, bypasses most of your
pointer settings to get as raw of a signal as possible.
`sensitivity=float` - set the libinput sensitivity. This **HAS** to be from -1
to 1, or else it will be clamped.
### Touchpad
_Subcategory input:touchpad:_
`disable_while_typing=bool` - self-explanatory
`natural_scroll=bool` - self-explanatory
`clickfinger_behavior=bool` - self-explanatory
`middle_button_emulation=bool` - self-explanatory
`tap-to-click=bool` - self-explanatory
*Note:* Touchpad config changes may require a Hyprland restart.
### Per-device input config is described [here](https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/wiki/Advanced-config#per-device-input-configs)
## Gestures
`workspace_swipe=bool` - enable workspace swipe gesture
`workspace_swipe_fingers=int` - how many fingers for the gesture
`workspace_swipe_distance=int` - in px, the distance of the gesture
`workspace_swipe_invert=bool` - invert the direction
`workspace_swipe_min_speed_to_force=int` - minimum speed in px per timepoint to
force the change ignoring `cancel_ratio` (default `30`) Setting to `0` will
disable this mechanic.
`workspace_swipe_cancel_ratio=float` - (0.0 - 1.0) how much the swipe has to
proceed in order to commence it. (0.7 -> if > 0.7 * distance, switch, if less,
## Misc
`disable_hyprland_logo=bool` - disables the hyprland logo background.
`disable_splash_rendering=bool` - disables the hyprland splash rendering.
(requires a monitor reload to take effect)
`no_vfr=bool` - disables VFR (variable frame rate) - VFR increases battery life
at the expense of possible issues on a few monitors. (VFR is off by default)
`damage_entire_on_snapshot=bool` - Damage the entire monitor when rendering snapshots. Recommended with transformed displays. Do not use without transformed displays.
`mouse_move_enables_dpms=bool` - If DPMS is set to off, wake up the monitors if the mouse moves.
`always_follow_on_dnd=bool` - By default enabled, will make mouse focus follow the mouse when drag and dropping. Recommended to leave it enabled, especially for people using focus follows mouse at 0.
`layers_hog_keyboard_focus=bool` - If true, will make keyboard interactive layers keep their focus on mouse move (e.g. wofi, bemenu)
## Binds
`pass_mouse_when_bound=bool` - if disabled, will not pass the mouse events to
apps / dragging windows around if a keybind has been triggered. (Enabled by
`scroll_event_delay=int` - in ms, how many ms to wait after a scroll event to
allow to pass another one for the binds.
## Debug
### only for developers
`overlay=bool` - print the debug performance overlay.
`damage_blink=bool` - (epilepsy warning!) flash areas updated with damage
`disable_logs=bool` - disables the logs
`disable_time=bool` - disables time logging, by default it's `true`
## More
There are more config options described in other pages, which are layout- or
circumstance-specific. See the sidebar navpanel for more pages.