hyprland-wiki/pages/Nix/Hyprland on other distros.md

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If you use Nix on distros other than NixOS, you can still use Hyprland.

The best option would be through Home Manager.

However, if Home Manager is not for you, you can use it as a normal package.

First, enable flakes. Once you have flakes working, install Hyprland through nix profile:

{{< tabs "uniqueid" >}}

{{< tab "From Nixpkgs" >}}

The easiest method is to get Hyprland directly from Nixpkgs:

nix profile install nixpkgs#hyprland

{{< /tab >}} {{< tab "From the Flake" >}}

NOTE: Make sure to enable Cachix first.

nix profile install github:hyprwm/Hyprland

{{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}

Since you're using Hyprland outside of NixOS, it won't be able to find graphics drivers. To get around that, you can use nixGL.

First, install it:

nix profile install github:guibou/nixGL --impure

--impure is needed due to nixGL's reliance on hardware information.

From now on, you can run Hyprland by invoking it with nixGL

nixGL Hyprland

or by creating a wrapper script that runs the above command inside.


In order to upgrade all your packages, you can run

nix profile upgrade '.*'

Check the nix profile command documentation for other upgrade options.