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The NixOS module enables critical components needed to run Hyprland properly, such as: polkit, xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland, graphics drivers, fonts, dconf, xwayland, and adding a proper Desktop Entry to your Display Manager.
Make sure to check out the options of the Nix module.
Do note that the Nixpkgs Hyprland package is not actively maintained, and may be outdated. As such, installation using the Flake is recommended.
With flakes
# flake.nix
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
hyprland.url = "github:hyprwm/Hyprland";
outputs = {nixpkgs, hyprland, ...}: {
nixosConfigurations.HOSTNAME = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
# ...
modules = [
{programs.hyprland.enable = true;}
# ...
Don't forget to replace HOSTNAME
with your hostname!
Without flakes
{{< hint >}}
If you're using Hyprland through an overlay, set
programs.hyprland.package = pkgs.hyprland;
. This also means the xwayland
and nvidiaPatches
options no longer apply.
{{< /hint >}}
# configuration.nix
{config, pkgs, ...}: let
flake-compat = builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/edolstra/flake-compat/archive/master.tar.gz";
hyprland = (import flake-compat {
src = builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/archive/master.tar.gz";
in {
imports = [
programs.hyprland = {
enable = true;
package = hyprland.packages.${pkgs.system}.default;