#include "config.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Hyprlang; extern "C" char** environ; static std::string removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(std::string str) { if (str.empty()) return str; int countBefore = 0; while (str[countBefore] == ' ' || str[countBefore] == '\t') { countBefore++; } int countAfter = 0; while ((int)str.length() - countAfter - 1 >= 0 && (str[str.length() - countAfter - 1] == ' ' || str[str.length() - 1 - countAfter] == '\t')) { countAfter++; } str = str.substr(countBefore, str.length() - countBefore - countAfter); return str; } CConfig::CConfig(const char* path) { impl = new CConfigImpl; try { impl->path = std::filesystem::canonical(path); } catch (std::exception& e) { throw "Couldn't open file. File does not exist"; } if (!std::filesystem::exists(impl->path)) throw "File does not exist"; impl->envVariables.clear(); for (char** env = environ; *env; ++env) { const std::string ENVVAR = *env; const auto VARIABLE = ENVVAR.substr(0, ENVVAR.find_first_of('=')); const auto VALUE = ENVVAR.substr(ENVVAR.find_first_of('=') + 1); impl->envVariables.push_back({VARIABLE, VALUE}); } std::sort(impl->envVariables.begin(), impl->envVariables.end(), [&](const auto& a, const auto& b) { return a.name.length() > b.name.length(); }); } CConfig::~CConfig() { delete impl; } void CConfig::addConfigValue(const char* name, const CConfigValue value) { if (m_bCommenced) throw "Cannot addConfigValue after commence()"; impl->defaultValues[std::string{name}] = value; } void CConfig::addSpecialConfigValue(const char* cat, const char* name, const CConfigValue value) { const auto IT = std::find_if(impl->specialCategoryDescriptors.begin(), impl->specialCategoryDescriptors.end(), [&](const auto& other) { return other->name == cat; }); if (IT == impl->specialCategoryDescriptors.end()) throw "No such category"; IT->get()->defaultValues[std::string{name}] = value; } void CConfig::addSpecialCategory(const char* name, SSpecialCategoryOptions options) { const auto PDESC = impl->specialCategoryDescriptors.emplace_back(std::make_unique()).get(); PDESC->name = name; PDESC->key = options.key ? options.key : ""; PDESC->dontErrorOnMissing = options.ignoreMissing; if (!options.key) { const auto PCAT = impl->specialCategories.emplace_back(std::make_unique()).get(); PCAT->descriptor = PDESC; PCAT->name = name; PCAT->key = options.key ? options.key : ""; PCAT->isStatic = true; if (!PCAT->key.empty()) addSpecialConfigValue(name, options.key, CConfigValue("0")); } } void SSpecialCategory::applyDefaults() { for (auto& [k, v] : descriptor->defaultValues) { values[k] = v; } } void CConfig::commence() { m_bCommenced = true; for (auto& [k, v] : impl->defaultValues) { impl->values[k] = v; } } static bool isNumber(const std::string& str, bool allowfloat) { std::string copy = str; if (*copy.begin() == '-') copy = copy.substr(1); if (copy.empty()) return false; bool point = !allowfloat; for (auto& c : copy) { if (c == '.') { if (point) return false; point = true; continue; } if (!std::isdigit(c)) return false; } return true; } static void replaceAll(std::string& str, const std::string& from, const std::string& to) { if (from.empty()) return; size_t pos = 0; while ((pos = str.find(from, pos)) != std::string::npos) { str.replace(pos, from.length(), to); pos += to.length(); } } static int64_t configStringToInt(const std::string& VALUE) { if (VALUE.starts_with("0x")) { // Values with 0x are hex const auto VALUEWITHOUTHEX = VALUE.substr(2); return stol(VALUEWITHOUTHEX, nullptr, 16); } else if (VALUE.starts_with("rgba(") && VALUE.ends_with(')')) { const auto VALUEWITHOUTFUNC = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(VALUE.substr(5, VALUE.length() - 6)); // try doing it the comma way first if (std::count(VALUEWITHOUTFUNC.begin(), VALUEWITHOUTFUNC.end(), ',') == 3) { // cool std::string rolling = VALUEWITHOUTFUNC; uint8_t r = configStringToInt(removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(rolling.substr(0, rolling.find(',')))); rolling = rolling.substr(rolling.find(',') + 1); uint8_t g = configStringToInt(removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(rolling.substr(0, rolling.find(',')))); rolling = rolling.substr(rolling.find(',') + 1); uint8_t b = configStringToInt(removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(rolling.substr(0, rolling.find(',')))); rolling = rolling.substr(rolling.find(',') + 1); uint8_t a = std::round(std::stof(removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(rolling.substr(0, rolling.find(',')))) * 255.f); return a * 0x1000000L + r * 0x10000L + g * 0x100L + b; } else if (VALUEWITHOUTFUNC.length() == 8) { const auto RGBA = std::stol(VALUEWITHOUTFUNC, nullptr, 16); // now we need to RGBA -> ARGB. The config holds ARGB only. return (RGBA >> 8) + 0x1000000 * (RGBA & 0xFF); } throw std::invalid_argument("rgba() expects length of 8 characters (4 bytes) or 4 comma separated values"); } else if (VALUE.starts_with("rgb(") && VALUE.ends_with(')')) { const auto VALUEWITHOUTFUNC = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(VALUE.substr(4, VALUE.length() - 5)); // try doing it the comma way first if (std::count(VALUEWITHOUTFUNC.begin(), VALUEWITHOUTFUNC.end(), ',') == 2) { // cool std::string rolling = VALUEWITHOUTFUNC; uint8_t r = configStringToInt(removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(rolling.substr(0, rolling.find(',')))); rolling = rolling.substr(rolling.find(',') + 1); uint8_t g = configStringToInt(removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(rolling.substr(0, rolling.find(',')))); rolling = rolling.substr(rolling.find(',') + 1); uint8_t b = configStringToInt(removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(rolling.substr(0, rolling.find(',')))); return 0xFF000000L + r * 0x10000L + g * 0x100L + b; } else if (VALUEWITHOUTFUNC.length() == 6) { const auto RGB = std::stol(VALUEWITHOUTFUNC, nullptr, 16); return RGB + 0xFF000000; } throw std::invalid_argument("rgb() expects length of 6 characters (3 bytes) or 3 comma separated values"); } else if (VALUE.starts_with("true") || VALUE.starts_with("on") || VALUE.starts_with("yes")) { return 1; } else if (VALUE.starts_with("false") || VALUE.starts_with("off") || VALUE.starts_with("no")) { return 0; } if (VALUE.empty() || !isNumber(VALUE, false)) return 0; return std::stoll(VALUE); } CParseResult CConfig::configSetValueSafe(const std::string& command, const std::string& value) { CParseResult result; std::string valueName; for (auto& c : impl->categories) { valueName += c + ':'; } valueName += command; auto VALUEIT = impl->values.find(valueName); if (VALUEIT == impl->values.end()) { // it might be in a special category bool found = false; for (auto& sc : impl->specialCategories) { if (!valueName.starts_with(sc->name) || valueName.substr(sc->name.length() + 1).contains(":")) continue; if (!sc->isStatic && std::string{std::any_cast(sc->values[sc->key].getValue())} != impl->currentSpecialKey) continue; VALUEIT = sc->values.find(valueName.substr(sc->name.length() + 1)); if (VALUEIT != sc->values.end()) found = true; else if (sc->descriptor->dontErrorOnMissing) return result; // will return a success, cuz we want to ignore missing break; } if (!found) { // could be a dynamic category that doesnt exist yet for (auto& sc : impl->specialCategoryDescriptors) { if (sc->key.empty() || !valueName.starts_with(sc->name) || valueName.substr(sc->name.length() + 1).contains(":")) continue; // bingo const auto PCAT = impl->specialCategories.emplace_back(std::make_unique()).get(); PCAT->descriptor = sc.get(); PCAT->name = sc->name; PCAT->key = sc->key; addSpecialConfigValue(sc->name.c_str(), sc->key.c_str(), CConfigValue("0")); PCAT->applyDefaults(); VALUEIT = PCAT->values.find(valueName.substr(sc->name.length() + 1)); if (VALUEIT != PCAT->values.end()) found = true; if (VALUEIT == PCAT->values.end() || VALUEIT->first != sc->key) { result.setError(std::format("special category's first value must be the key. Key for <{}> is <{}>", PCAT->name, PCAT->key)); return result; } impl->currentSpecialKey = value; break; } } if (!found) { result.setError(std::format("config option <{}> does not exist.", valueName)); return result; } } switch (VALUEIT->second.m_eType) { case CConfigValue::eDataType::CONFIGDATATYPE_INT: { try { VALUEIT->second = {configStringToInt(value)}; } catch (std::exception& e) { result.setError(std::format("failed parsing an int: {}", e.what())); return result; } break; } case CConfigValue::eDataType::CONFIGDATATYPE_FLOAT: { try { VALUEIT->second = {std::stof(value)}; } catch (std::exception& e) { result.setError(std::format("failed parsing a float: {}", e.what())); return result; } break; } case CConfigValue::eDataType::CONFIGDATATYPE_VEC2: { try { const auto SPACEPOS = value.find(' '); if (SPACEPOS == std::string::npos) throw std::runtime_error("no space"); const auto LHS = value.substr(0, SPACEPOS); const auto RHS = value.substr(SPACEPOS + 1); if (LHS.contains(" ") || RHS.contains(" ")) throw std::runtime_error("too many args"); VALUEIT->second = {SVector2D{std::stof(LHS), std::stof(RHS)}}; } catch (std::exception& e) { result.setError(std::format("failed parsing a vec2: {}", e.what())); return result; } break; } case CConfigValue::eDataType::CONFIGDATATYPE_STR: { VALUEIT->second = {value.c_str()}; break; } default: { result.setError("internal error: invalid value found (no type?)"); return result; } } return result; } CParseResult CConfig::parseVariable(const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs, bool dynamic) { auto IT = std::find_if(impl->variables.begin(), impl->variables.end(), [&](const auto& v) { return v.name == lhs.substr(1); }); if (IT != impl->variables.end()) IT->value = rhs; else { impl->variables.push_back({lhs.substr(1), rhs}); std::sort(impl->variables.begin(), impl->variables.end(), [](const auto& lhs, const auto& rhs) { return lhs.name.length() > rhs.name.length(); }); } if (dynamic) { if (IT == impl->variables.end()) IT = std::find_if(impl->variables.begin(), impl->variables.end(), [&](const auto& v) { return v.name == lhs.substr(1); }); for (auto& l : IT->linesContainingVar) { parseLine(l, true); } } CParseResult result; return result; } CParseResult CConfig::parseLine(std::string line, bool dynamic) { CParseResult result; auto commentPos = line.find('#'); size_t lastHashPos = 0; while (commentPos != std::string::npos) { bool escaped = false; if (commentPos < line.length() - 1) { if (line[commentPos + 1] == '#') { lastHashPos = commentPos + 2; escaped = true; } } if (!escaped) { line = line.substr(0, commentPos); break; } else { commentPos = line.find('#', lastHashPos); } } line = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(line); auto equalsPos = line.find('='); if (equalsPos == std::string::npos && !line.ends_with("{") && line != "}" && !line.empty()) { // invalid line result.setError("Invalid config line"); return result; } if (equalsPos != std::string::npos) { // set value or call handler CParseResult ret; auto LHS = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(line.substr(0, equalsPos)); auto RHS = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(line.substr(equalsPos + 1)); if (LHS.empty()) { result.setError("Empty lhs."); return result; } if (*LHS.begin() == '$') return parseVariable(LHS, RHS, dynamic); // limit unwrapping iterations to 100. if exceeds, raise error for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { bool anyMatch = false; for (auto& var : impl->variables) { const auto LHSIT = LHS.find("$" + var.name); const auto RHSIT = RHS.find("$" + var.name); if (LHSIT != std::string::npos) replaceAll(LHS, "$" + var.name, var.value); if (RHSIT != std::string::npos) replaceAll(RHS, "$" + var.name, var.value); if (RHSIT == std::string::npos && LHSIT == std::string::npos) continue; else var.linesContainingVar.push_back(line); anyMatch = true; } if (!anyMatch) break; if (i == 99) { result.setError("Expanding variables exceeded max iteration limit"); return result; } } bool found = false; for (auto& h : impl->handlers) { if (!h.options.allowFlags && h.name != LHS) continue; if (h.options.allowFlags && !LHS.starts_with(h.name)) continue; ret = h.func(LHS.c_str(), RHS.c_str()); found = true; } if (!found) ret = configSetValueSafe(LHS, RHS); if (ret.error) return ret; } else if (!line.empty()) { // has to be a set if (line.contains("}")) { // easiest. } or invalid. if (line != "}") { result.setError("Invalid config line"); return result; } if (impl->categories.empty()) { result.setError("Stray category close"); return result; } impl->currentSpecialKey = ""; impl->categories.pop_back(); } else { // open a category. if (!line.ends_with("{")) { result.setError("Invalid category open, garbage after {"); return result; } line.pop_back(); line = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(line); impl->categories.push_back(line); } } return result; } CParseResult CConfig::parse() { if (!m_bCommenced) throw "Cannot parse: not commenced. You have to .commence() first."; clearState(); for (auto& [k, v] : impl->defaultValues) { impl->values.at(k) = v; } for (auto& sc : impl->specialCategories) { sc->applyDefaults(); } std::ifstream iffile(impl->path); if (!iffile.good()) throw "Config file failed to open"; std::string line = ""; int linenum = 1; CParseResult fileParseResult; while (std::getline(iffile, line)) { const auto RET = parseLine(line); if (RET.error && impl->parseError.empty()) { impl->parseError = RET.getError(); fileParseResult.setError(std::format("Config error at line {}: {}", linenum, RET.errorStdString)); } ++linenum; } iffile.close(); if (!impl->categories.empty()) { fileParseResult.setError("Unclosed category at EOF"); impl->categories.clear(); return fileParseResult; } return fileParseResult; } CParseResult CConfig::parseDynamic(const char* line) { return parseLine(line, true); } CParseResult CConfig::parseDynamic(const char* command, const char* value) { return parseLine(std::string{command} + "=" + std::string{value}, true); } void CConfig::clearState() { impl->categories.clear(); impl->parseError = ""; impl->variables = impl->envVariables; std::erase_if(impl->specialCategories, [](const auto& e) { return !e->isStatic; }); } CConfigValue* CConfig::getConfigValuePtr(const char* name) { const auto IT = impl->values.find(std::string{name}); return IT == impl->values.end() ? nullptr : &IT->second; } CConfigValue* CConfig::getSpecialConfigValuePtr(const char* category, const char* name, const char* key) { const std::string CAT = category; const std::string NAME = name; const std::string KEY = key ? key : ""; for (auto& sc : impl->specialCategories) { if (sc->name != CAT || (!sc->isStatic && std::string{std::any_cast(sc->values[sc->key].getValue())} != KEY)) continue; const auto IT = sc->values.find(NAME); if (IT == sc->values.end()) return nullptr; return &IT->second; } return nullptr; } void CConfig::registerHandler(PCONFIGHANDLERFUNC func, const char* name, SHandlerOptions options) { impl->handlers.push_back(SHandler{name, options, func}); }