
385 lines
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#pragma once
#include <any>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
class CConfigImpl;
struct SConfigDefaultValue;
struct SSpecialCategory;
namespace Hyprlang {
struct SVector2D;
class CConfigCustomValueType;
/* Variable typedefs */
Basic integer config type
typedef int64_t INT;
Basic float config type
typedef float FLOAT;
Basic string config type
typedef const char* STRING;
Basic vec2 config type
typedef SVector2D VEC2;
Custom config type
typedef CConfigCustomValueType CUSTOMTYPE;
A very simple vector type
struct SVector2D {
float x = 0, y = 0;
bool operator==(const SVector2D& rhs) const {
return x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SVector2D& rhs) {
return os << "[" << rhs.x << ", " << rhs.y << "]";
class CParseResult {
bool error = false;
Get this ParseResult's error string.
Pointer valid until the error string is changed or this
object gets destroyed.
const char* getError() const {
return errorString;
Set an error contained by this ParseResult.
Creates a copy of the string, does not take ownership.
void setError(const char* err);
void setError(const std::string& err);
std::string errorStdString = "";
const char* errorString = nullptr;
friend class CConfig;
Generic struct for options for the config parser
struct SConfigOptions {
Don't throw errors on missing values.
bool verifyOnly = false;
Return all errors instead of just the first
bool throwAllErrors = false;
\since 0.2.0
Don't throw on a missing config file. Carry on as if nothing happened.
bool allowMissingConfig = false;
Generic struct for options for handlers
struct SHandlerOptions {
bool allowFlags = false;
Generic struct for options for special categories
struct SSpecialCategoryOptions {
a key is the name of a value that will be the identifier of a special category
can be left null for no key, aka a generic one
keys are always strings. Default key value is "0"
const char* key = nullptr;
don't pop up an error if the config value is missing
bool ignoreMissing = false;
typedef CParseResult (*PCONFIGHANDLERFUNC)(const char* COMMAND, const char* VALUE);
typedef CParseResult (*PCONFIGCUSTOMVALUEHANDLERFUNC)(const char* VALUE, void** data);
typedef void (*PCONFIGCUSTOMVALUEDESTRUCTOR)(void** data);
Container for a custom config value type
When creating, pass your handler.
Handler will receive a void** that points to a void* that you can set to your own
thing. Pass a dtor to free whatever you allocated when the custom value type is being released.
data may always be pointing to a nullptr.
class CConfigCustomValueType {
\since 0.3.0
get the data pointer for the custom value type.
void* getData() {
return data;
void* data = nullptr;
std::string defaultVal = "";
std::string lastVal = "";
friend class CConfigValue;
friend class CConfig;
Container for a config value
class CConfigValue {
CConfigValue(const INT value);
CConfigValue(const FLOAT value);
CConfigValue(const STRING value);
CConfigValue(const VEC2 value);
CConfigValue(CUSTOMTYPE&& value);
CConfigValue(CConfigValue&&) = delete;
CConfigValue(const CConfigValue&&) = delete;
CConfigValue(CConfigValue&) = delete;
\since 0.3.0
CConfigValue(const CConfigValue&);
Return a pointer to the data. Prefer getDataStaticPtr()
void* dataPtr() const;
\since 0.2.0
Return a static pointer to the m_pData.
As long as this configValue is alive, this pointer is valid.
CConfigValues are alive as long as the owning CConfig is alive.
void* const* getDataStaticPtr() const;
Get the contained value as an std::any.
For strings, this is a const char*.
For custom data types, this is a CConfigCustomValueType*.
std::any getValue() const {
switch (m_eType) {
case CONFIGDATATYPE_INT: return std::any(*reinterpret_cast<INT*>(m_pData));
case CONFIGDATATYPE_FLOAT: return std::any(*reinterpret_cast<FLOAT*>(m_pData));
case CONFIGDATATYPE_STR: return std::any(reinterpret_cast<STRING>(m_pData));
case CONFIGDATATYPE_VEC2: return std::any(*reinterpret_cast<VEC2*>(m_pData));
case CONFIGDATATYPE_CUSTOM: return std::any(reinterpret_cast<CUSTOMTYPE*>(m_pData)->data);
default: throw;
return {}; // unreachable
\since 0.3.0
a flag to notify whether this value has been set explicitly by the user,
or not.
bool m_bSetByUser = false;
// remember to also edit config.hpp if editing
enum eDataType {
eDataType m_eType = eDataType::CONFIGDATATYPE_EMPTY;
void* m_pData = nullptr;
void defaultFrom(SConfigDefaultValue& ref);
void setFrom(std::any ref);
void setFrom(const CConfigValue* const ref);
friend class CConfig;
Base class for a config file
class CConfig {
CConfig(const char* configPath, const SConfigOptions& options);
Add a config value, for example myCategory:myValue.
This has to be done before commence()
Value provided becomes default.
void addConfigValue(const char* name, const CConfigValue& value);
Register a handler. Can be called anytime, though not recommended
to do this dynamically .
void registerHandler(PCONFIGHANDLERFUNC func, const char* name, SHandlerOptions options);
\since 0.3.0
Unregister a handler.
void unregisterHandler(const char* name);
Commence the config state. Config becomes immutable, as in
no new values may be added or removed. Required for parsing.
void commence();
Add a special category. Can be done dynamically.
void addSpecialCategory(const char* name, SSpecialCategoryOptions options);
\since 0.3.0
Remove a special category. Can be done dynamically.
void removeSpecialCategory(const char* name);
\since 0.3.0
Add a config value to a special category.
void addSpecialConfigValue(const char* cat, const char* name, const CConfigValue value);
Remove a config value from a special category.
void removeSpecialConfigValue(const char* cat, const char* name);
Parse the config. Refresh the values.
CParseResult parse();
Same as parse(), but parse a specific file, without any refreshing.
recommended to use for stuff like source = path.conf
CParseResult parseFile(const char* file);
Parse a single "line", dynamically.
Values set by this are temporary and will be overwritten
by default / config on the next parse()
CParseResult parseDynamic(const char* line);
CParseResult parseDynamic(const char* command, const char* value);
Get a config's value ptr. These are static.
nullptr on fail
CConfigValue* getConfigValuePtr(const char* name);
Get a special category's config value ptr. These are only static for static (key-less)
categories, unless a new variable is added via addSpecialConfigValue or removed via removeSpecialConfigValue.
key can be nullptr for static categories. Cannot be nullptr for id-based categories.
nullptr on fail.
CConfigValue* getSpecialConfigValuePtr(const char* category, const char* name, const char* key = nullptr);
Get a config value's stored value. Empty on fail
std::any getConfigValue(const char* name) {
CConfigValue* val = getConfigValuePtr(name);
if (!val)
return {};
return val->getValue();
Get a special config value's stored value. Empty on fail.
std::any getSpecialConfigValue(const char* category, const char* name, const char* key = nullptr) {
CConfigValue* val = getSpecialConfigValuePtr(category, name, key);
if (!val)
return {};
return val->getValue();
Check whether a special category with the provided key value exists
\since 0.3.0
bool specialCategoryExistsForKey(const char* category, const char* key);
bool m_bCommenced = false;
CConfigImpl* impl;
CParseResult parseLine(std::string line, bool dynamic = false);
CParseResult configSetValueSafe(const std::string& command, const std::string& value);
CParseResult parseVariable(const std::string& lhs, const std::string& rhs, bool dynamic = false);
void clearState();
void applyDefaultsToCat(SSpecialCategory& cat);