self: { config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let inherit (builtins) toString; inherit (lib.types) int listOf package str bool submodule; inherit (lib.modules) mkIf; inherit (lib.options) mkOption mkEnableOption; cfg = config.programs.hyprlock; in { options.programs.hyprlock = { enable = mkEnableOption "Hyprlock, Hyprland's GPU-accelerated lock screen utility"; package = mkOption { description = "The hyprlock package"; type = package; default = self.packages.${pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.system}.hyprlock; }; backgrounds = mkOption { description = "Monitor configurations"; default = [ { monitor = ""; path = ""; } ]; type = listOf (submodule { options = { monitor = mkOption { description = "The monitor to apply the given wallpaper to"; type = str; default = ""; }; path = mkOption { description = "The path to the wallpaper"; type = str; default = "echo 'timeout reached'"; }; color = mkOption { description = "Background color"; type = str; default = "rgba(25, 20, 20, 1.0)"; }; }; }); }; general.disable_loading_bar = mkEnableOption "" // { description = "Whether to disable loading bar"; }; input_field = { monitor = mkOption { description = "The monitor to place the input field on"; type = str; default = ""; }; size = { width = mkOption { description = "Width of the input field"; type = int; default = 200; }; height = mkOption { description = "Height of the input field"; type = int; default = 50; }; }; outline_thickness = mkOption { description = "The outline thickness of the input field"; type = int; default = 3; }; outer_color = mkOption { description = "The outer color of the input field"; type = str; default = "rgb(151515)"; }; inner_color = mkOption { description = "The inner color of the input field"; type = str; default = "rgb(200, 200, 200)"; }; font_color = mkOption { description = "The font color of the input field"; type = str; default = "rgb(10, 10, 10)"; }; fade_on_empty = mkOption { description = "Fade input field when empty"; type = bool; default = true; }; placeholder_text = mkOption { description = "The placeholder text of the input field"; type = str; default = "Input Password..."; }; position = { x = mkOption { description = "X position of the label"; type = int; default = 0; }; y = mkOption { description = "Y position of the label"; type = int; default = 80; }; }; halign = mkOption { description = "Horizontal alignment of the label"; type = str; default = "center"; }; valign = mkOption { description = "Vertical alignment of the label"; type = str; default = "center"; }; }; label = { monitor = mkOption { description = "The monitor to display the label on"; type = str; default = ""; }; text = mkOption { description = "Text to display in label"; type = str; default = "Hi there, $USER"; }; color = mkOption { description = "Color of the label"; type = str; default = "rgba(200, 200, 200, 1.0)"; }; font_size = mkOption { description = "Font size of the label"; type = int; default = 25; }; font_family = mkOption { description = "Font family of the label"; type = str; default = "Noto Sans"; }; position = { x = mkOption { description = "X position of the label"; type = int; default = 0; }; y = mkOption { description = "Y position of the label"; type = int; default = 80; }; }; halign = mkOption { description = "Horizontal alignment of the label"; type = str; default = "center"; }; valign = mkOption { description = "Vertical alignment of the label"; type = str; default = "center"; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { xdg.configFile."hypr/hyprlock.conf".text = '' general { disable_loading_bar = ${toString cfg.general.disable_loading_bar} } label { monitor = ${cfg.label.monitor} text = ${cfg.label.text} color = ${cfg.label.color} font_size = ${toString cfg.label.font_size} font_family = ${cfg.label.font_family} position = ${toString cfg.label.position.x} ${toString cfg.label.position.y} halign = ${cfg.label.halign} valign = ${cfg.label.valign} } input-field { monitor = ${cfg.input_field.monitor} size = ${toString cfg.input_field.size.width} ${toString cfg.input_field.size.height} outline_thickness = ${toString cfg.input_field.outline_thickness} outer_color = ${cfg.input_field.outer_color} inner_color = ${cfg.input_field.inner_color} font_color = ${cfg.input_field.font_color} fade_on_empty = ${toString cfg.input_field.fade_on_empty} placeholder-text = ${cfg.input_field.placeholder_text} position = ${toString cfg.input_field.position.x} ${toString cfg.input_field.position.y} halign = ${cfg.input_field.halign} valign = ${cfg.input_field.valign} } ${builtins.concatStringsSep "\n" (map (background: '' background { monitor = ${background.monitor} path = ${background.path} color = ${background.color} } '') cfg.backgrounds)} ''; }; }